
GitHub Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"All of this source code is going to be on GitHub just for free for you guys to take a look at and learn from."
"There's this thing GitHub co-pilot so Microsoft GitHub license..."
"GitHub is an incredible place for uncaptured value that we can turn into businesses."
"I'm gonna be pushing the code for this project up to a github repository so that if you want to fork it you can do that and you can create your own version of this project."
"GitHub is a website where you host all of your Git repositories."
"Now, if we didn't own the repository, or we didn't have access rights, or we needed other people to review our code, before we merged it in with all the rest of the code, then we would also have to take the extra step of making a pull request."
"Just showing that you did something at GitHub is incredibly powerful."
"Once I've hit 'Publish,' what this will do is trigger an action using GitHub actions, which is part of my CI/CD pipeline."
"Git is for managing your codebase, and GitHub is basically a place to host your git repository."
"We will be putting that code on GitHub and looking forward to other people's contributions to it."
"I love GitHub Actions; it is my preferred solution of choice."
"You don't need github to use git."
"The GitHub flow is the simplest workflow of the three."
"GitHub Copilot can help generate a description of the changes in the pull request and give deep links to the lines of code that has changed."
"GitHub co-pilot: an AI pair programmer."
"Having a bunch of green checkboxes on your GitHub will help you go a long way in showing your potential."
"You can be sure that this user is authenticated because once GitHub authenticates this user, it means that the user's account is real."
"That moment when you get your first star and your open source GitHub project it's oh."
"Zustan is actually an open source library, it's hosted on GitHub and it's actually created by that guy which I'm not sure how to spell the name."
"GitHub co-pilot is almost like having someone sitting there right next to you that you can ask questions of, you can bounce ideas off of, you can prompt for some help, and they can give you an answer."
"If you're working on an open-source code and you want to make your code public, then GitHub would be your best option."
"GitHub Actions is exploding with its use... a lot of companies are making use of GitHub Actions."
"All the Terraform files that I will be using in today's video are already uploaded to this GitHub repository."
"Hopefully, this gave you a good introduction to using GitHub actions and showed you some of the core functionality."
"If you want to learn more, then make sure you check out the webinar that I'm doing with Microsoft on May 9th where we'll be talking about automatic deployments and going through some more advanced topics related to GitHub actions."
"If you're doing a fairly common task like testing or deploying, there's probably already a workflow out there written for you that you can copy modify slightly and then use in your own environment."
"Before we get started, I just want to say that I'll leave a GitHub link of the source code in the description if you want to follow along with me."
"GitHub co-pilot is silently infiltrating all software development."
"The first step in order to be able to make changes to this repository is to make a copy of it. So, for example, if you're trying here to open a web IDE in this project, I will get this option to fork the project."
"And toward the end, you'll push your project files up to GitHub and learn how to automate your project deployments with a feature called Cloudflare Pages."
"GitHub is such an important piece of the entire web and open source ecosystem."
"for this series I'll call it Goat tutorials though all the code for this and upcoming videos is going to be available on my GitHub."
"Finally, the last thing we want to do is to push this project to our GitHub portfolio."
"Check out those samples, they're out on GitHub. Run them, play with them, and get a feel for the different behaviors that you can achieve."
"The compiler can't always do it for you. As usual, I'll provide this code on the GitHub so you can explore it with all of the comments at your leisure."
"If you have any questions, you can post them on GitHub. Most of those get resolved pretty quickly."
"GitHub actions is completely free for open source and public projects."
"If you're saying, 'Leon, I don't know how to push my Code Wars to GitHub,' go and watch our GitHub review class."
"All this information is on GitHub."
"If you want to have an overview of everything you can achieve with GitHub Actions, I highly encourage you to check the other video I made on the subject after you're done with this one."
"Will you be providing a GitHub where to get your unit test methods?"
"...GitHub, which is one of the most popular Git servers that is around in the market."
"Now we are going to do a demo using Git on our local machine and GitHub as the remote repository."
"This is a great new capability in Visual Studio to directly push to a GitHub repository here."
"All of this, of course, is on GitHub available to you for free."
"The code of which is available to you for free in GitHub."
"We have more than 60 external contributors on GitHub, and yeah, please, you are welcome to contribute in quality as well."
"You can start with source code in a GitHub repository or bring pre-built container images."
"All right, so the first thing we want to do when we're creating our project files is to create our GitHub repo or repository."
"All of this code is completely open source, you can find it on GitHub."
"I actually finally got Source control set up on GitHub."
"We want to collect all of this important configuration and put it somewhere so that we can push it to GitHub and manage it within the cloud."
"GitHub Pages makes spinning up a website super simple."
"It's open source so it's all available on GitHub."
"The collaborative effort of GitHub is how I learn a lot."
"That gives you a good start to what GitHub actions is; it's not very hard to use or learn."
"We have the marketplace where you can find and share reusable actions with your community."
"The source code of today's project is in my GitHub repository."
"We now have more than one thousand GitHub stars."
"So instead of using discord, I'm going to use GitHub as our nextauth authorization provider."
"It's pretty cool that we can run one command to check in to the GitHub repository for Ansible and then run that Ansible configuration locally."
"Put your work on GitHub, you just never know."
"This combines GitHub and CMake to basically allow you to use libraries from GitHub repositories pretty seamlessly."
"Halide is open source; it's on GitHub and it's MIT licensed."
"I believe in open source, so all the code is online on my GitHub."
"Developer activity can be quantified through GitHub contributors, pull requests, code quality, and the number of issues."
"GitHub is a place where we can store our files and create public shareable projects."
"Git is actually the software that used to manage different versions of source code whereas GitHub is used to have a copy of the local repository stored on the service on the website itself."
"Our Git is successfully linked with GitHub."
"That's just a taste of what you can do with GitHub actions and with continuous integration pipelines."
"I love doing open source, so all my work that I do in my free time will be available on my GitHub."
"So with previews on the side here, the GitHub style extension, the markdown all-in-one extension, and markdown lint, VS Code turns out to be a great markdown editor."
"One of the most common flavors of Markdown is the GitHub flavored Markdown."
"The git push in the future will directly push the code to the GitHub, that's the whole idea."
"Git is a software that we want to learn and one of the services is GitHub."
"GitHub is a place where you can host your code."
"The code is functional; it's up on my GitHub if you want it."
"The minute you push something to GitHub, it's available for people to use it with their Node projects."
"This is how easy it is for you to get something from GitHub."
"A quick way to support the project is to just give it a star on GitHub."
"Now thanks to the amazing contributors, we have already passed 14,000 stars and the project has been featured on trending GitHub repos a couple of times."
"The coolest part is that we can deploy it directly from our GitHub repositories."
"Host your website for free with GitHub pages."
"GitHub is a website dedicated to social computing. Isn't everything social these days?"
"Now we've pulled in Clipper down from GitHub."
"It's great, you can make open-source software and if you do it well and if you document it, then make it available like on GitHub, people will use it."
"There are over 3,000 stars on GitHub."
"GitHub facilitates a lot of kind of common software engineering processes as far as teamwork and collaboration goes."
"This project will be available on GitHub."
"We're expanding the GitHub platform to invite all of you to integrate and develop and to create an AI-based economy with us."
"Make sure that evidence of your code is easy to find on GitHub."
"As soon as you commit your code and push it to GitHub, the pipeline starts to run."
"We're going to create a block to use GitHub as storage so that our flows will run using the GitHub values."
"Publishing is as simple as leaving a comment inside of GitHub."
"We're going to be using GitHub actions to automate the CI/CD pipeline."
"GitHub is a service hosted on the web where all the projects are stored."
"Hopefully this makes a lot of sense, maybe if you go and download the files... they'll be on GitHub."
"This got a seven and a half K bounty off GitHub, which was pretty cool."
"So we need a linter of linters, and so GitHub is providing the linter of linters that is Super Linter."
"I'm going to let Github do that for me."
"These are very similar to like commits in a GitHub repo."
"All my instructions are here in this GitHub repo."
"All we need to do is commit this project to GitHub."
"Markdown is an amazing file format; it's very useful and it's used all over the tech industry, especially on places like GitHub."
"GitHub has become a major credential independent of all the rest for hiring software developers."
"There's also a supporting GitHub repository where I've added all of the different code that we're going to write in this video."
"Don't post your API keys and your secrets into your GitHub account, at least don't do it publicly because that will be dangerous."
"ACT by Nectos... allows you to run your GitHub actions locally."
"GitHub actions offers virtual environments."
"Workflow dispatch... being able to trigger your GitHub actions and your workflows directly from the GitHub portal."
"That's interesting because the GitHub token is just available for you if you're using GitHub actions."
"We can just use our GitHub accounts to log in and use this."
"If you want this code, you can check on my GitHub."
"We'll be using the GitHub REST API and we'll learn how to create, read, update, and delete repositories using this API from PHP."
"I would highly recommend for any team which is working on both of these tools and have been challenged for how to integrate the two to use the GitHub integration."
"Potential employers will go look at your GitHub account; they can see what kind of stuff you've worked on."
"You should be familiar with it, know how to use GitHub."
"Really awesome isn't it and we are going to use a GitHub repository so let's just jump right into it."
"Everything you do in GitHub opens or sends a request, and instead of returning JSON, it's HTML."
"All I have to do to integrate my playbooks or any projects with GitHub Actions is create a workflows directory and create a workflow in that directory."
"I highly recommend you go and give a star on GitHub."
"Putting a Jupyter notebook up on GitHub is a great way to share science."
"Last year we got more than 4,000 pull requests to the GitHub repos that we maintain."
"The solution for automation in GitHub is GitHub Actions."
"Chat GPT can be a huge help with Git and GitHub."
"There are two primary methods to get code from GitHub down to your computer: one is to clone and the other is to fork."
"What fork does is it kind of creates a clone of that repo, someone else's repo, and puts it onto your repo."
"The first step is to create a project on GitHub."
"Whenever you push something to GitHub, it will redeploy your website with the latest features you added."
"This entire project is open source, and you can find all the CAD and code on GitHub."
"GitHub actions have recently become generally available to everyone with a repository on GitHub."
"You've just successfully defined your first GitHub action within your Go project."
"GitHub is the place you want to be for open source software."
"And as always, I'm going to be adding all this code to GitHub, so you can follow along if you'd like."
"We're going to have an application where we can search for GitHub users and get all their profile information along with all of their repositories."
"I find it really satisfying if I close an issue or merge an issue on GitHub on my phone, and I see it happen on the screen as well."
"Git clone and then put the GitHub, and it will download it for you. Very easy, very simple."
"I was so amazed by our GitHub community and how amazing you all are."
"All the code that we have gone over is available on GitHub."
"You can also sync your code to GitHub, so you will have version control capabilities."
"So if you want to get started with what you saw here... you can actually find that on GitHub."
"If you like what you are seeing, please go to GitHub, click on that star button and make us feel better."
"GitHub is really built upon this idea of open-source software, of software where the code isn't hidden from people."
"We have a new offering Visual Studio with GitHub Enterprise, which is an easy and economical way for Visual Studio users to acquire GitHub Enterprise."
"Conda Forge... it's a GitHub powered kind of community packages, community managed packages."
"Thanks especially to everybody who's supporting me on GitHub and Patreon."
"We ran it over 2,000 open source GitHub repos in order to train this AI model."
"It's super simple to get started, and it's open source so we can find this on GitHub."
"This is of course still freely available and open source on GitHub."
"If you do find the template valuable, please give it a star on GitHub."
"The entire thing is now open source and it's on GitHub."
"I highly recommend you give it a star on GitHub; it is an amazing library."
"One of the most powerful things about GitHub is this is a huge open source community where you can download code to use for your next project."
"In under 10 minutes, we're going to go from zero to this form right here that has a public URL using GitHub."
"Check out everything on GitHub and there's a really good resource called the Embedded Analytics Playbook."
"GitHub is a web-based platform that provides cloud hosting for Git repositories."
"It is an open-source project that you can find on GitHub."
"Daniel How, who maintains this project, has a lot of great information about how to use it here on GitHub."
"All of the code is available for free on GitHub."
"As soon as you do a git push... then everything, all of your changes, are going to be pushed to GitHub."
"GitHub has been allowing both HTTPS and SSH as possible ways of downloading code and authenticating."
"We also provide example codes, GitHub repositories with example codes, so that it helps you get started; you don't have to start from scratch."
"Now it's time to actually show off this project by uploading it to GitHub."
"With GitHub Actions, your code lives in GitHub, and setting up these custom developer workflows is a breeze."
"For this project, all of the source code and assets will be made available to download through GitHub."
"This is really how you set up CI/CD into your Laravel applications using GitHub actions."
"No matter how small or simple you think your project is, go ahead and put it on your GitHub repository."
"Actions and action is a custom application for the GitHub actions platform that performs a complex but frequently repeated task."
"We have to change how not only the platform team works but how the entire engineering organization works at GitHub."
"Your GitHub can be used as a resume, especially for developers."
"This code available on GitHub, open source, available for everyone."
"Everything we're doing is being done out in the open on GitHub."
"Everything we do in the industrial IoT space is open source, it's all on GitHub."
"We just use what's up on GitHub and we have incentive to make it really good, so we're always improving it and stabilizing it."
"All the code will be available on GitHub, so don't worry if you kind of got lost in this explanation; you could look through the code on there."
"Redux form has over 7500 stars on GitHub."
"If you don't have a lot of internships... having a GitHub with some cool project that you're proud of... might be the difference between getting an interview and not getting an interview."
"Creating readme files for GitHub repositories just tell you a little bit about the project."
"GitHub Pages lets you turn GitHub repositories into elegant websites to showcase your portfolio, your projects, their documentation, or anything else you want to share with the world."
"GitHub Pages lets you treat your website's content with the same level of care as the source code in all of your projects."
"It's completely open source and available on GitHub."
"The whole project can also be found on GitHub."
"We just hit 322 contributors on GitHub, I think this would be the final number before 1.0 release, and that's again very humbling and very amazing."
"I'm going to be checking this into GitHub so you guys can download it."
"The key thing to take away from the GitHub documentation is the way that they subdivided the information."
"By the time you're seeing this, the code will be up on GitHub."
"Great to do so, I prepared something on my site and it's available in a GitHub repository as well."
"Grab that GitHub repo and what we'll be talking about today is using D3 right within the Jupyter notebook."