
Attribution Quotes

There are 303 quotes

"Credit to Luke TheNotable, who came up with the idea for 100-day videos. It's not my idea, it's all from him. Credit where credit is due."
"Attribute to stupidity virtually everything, and malice virtually nothing."
"We're solving the attribution problem. Whether your business is large or small, you can now understand if your marketing is working."
"Donald Trump is responsible for that. It is because of him."
"He would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Hatsu."
"The trend's been going down, thanks Reagan Mundas."
"I've said it before jesus never changed anyone's life it's just people are being people and we ascribe good behavior to jesus when we're christians."
"If you're using someone else's words in a video you intend to make money off, it's very important to give proper credit and attribution."
"Never ascribe to malice what you might ascribe to stupidity."
"The attributions made to the entity really mapped on to the same kinds of attributions that people described in their god encounter experiences."
"If you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for anything." - Timcast
"When gas prices come down, that's Joe Biden's credit."
"Paul said it, not Jesus, and they then make Jesus say it to confer authority on those words."
"It's not even my quote. Evil prospers while good people do nothing."
"Plagiarism is you take somebody else's work without crediting them and then you attribute it to yourself."
"Stealing is bad and you need to properly attribute your sources."
"Trump will eventually take credit for treatments as we find more effective treatments and it has nothing to do with him."
"Crediting your inspiration doesn't make you look bad. It makes you honest and transparent."
"If you attribute all these unpleasant events today in the Middle East and elsewhere to Islam, then you have to attribute all the achievements to Islam as well."
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things."
"Advertising lets you view the dedicated attribution reports."
"I'm not the reason, he is the exact reason that game got lost."
"It wasn't done by a man at all. It was done by the devil."
"We're not [__] okay, she's the one that said it."
"That goal should go to Kristen Press, it's really her goal."
"One theory points the finger at a Lynchberg newspaper editor named John Williams Sherman."
"The person who really kind of first realized that was this chap here with the Natty glasses."
"I just can't thank the good Lord Jesus Christ with anymore because I mean make it all possible."
"The artist of the portrait of Joseph Gate is currently unknown."
"But I'm fantastically relieved to hear that the name Gainsborough has now been formally reattached."
"You might have guessed that the hole was the work of Gregory Liaskos."
"The house of black gave her the power of spitting Mist."
"Lauren Faust is the creator of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic."
"If the platform won't make a change, what can creators do? Well, I think reaching out to get credit beforehand is probably a better work practice."
"Success has a thousand fathers right, and we can go back and see how so many people have pieces of the puzzle."
"Britney is a contributor to this earldom."
"You both are. That one's banana from Bandit."
"What you're saying is that if we can prove that this is the result of steel making then it's more likely to be to do with Alfred than anyone else."
"Meanwhile, the maker of the wine, Jesus, stood in the room completely content with not just sharing his glory but releasing it completely to someone who didn't deserve the credit."
"What a lot of people don't realize is that the pedestal was built by the US."
"Attribute nothing to malice that you cannot attribute to stupidity."
"There's quite a lot of debate about who designed the world's first viable submarine, but most people credit the invention to David Bushnell."
"Here you've got two Vinces to blame for this, not one."
"Craig's recipe, it's commonly known as the Harper recipe."
"This one is written by Dan Abnett."
"The text was 100% rewritten, and if the thought crosses your mind that this is just repurposing someone else's work, you're not alone."
"If he's not Satoshi, then Hal's values are even greater."
"It seems that her two kids, now living with Karen, are responsible for this whole mess."
"It was an iconic photo by Dan Stewart."
"That wasn't Callum Lock's fault, he was squeezed and was tipped into a spin."
"I often hear people claim that she named them in this version but I always interpret it more that her dad did because of the name of the project being Renaissance. I think she was just calling them that because he did."
"The more culturally prevalent something is, the more likely people are to attribute that idea to something they can't explain."
"If it goes well, God gets the credit. If it goes lousy, let's beat up the preacher."
"You aren't smart enough to do this. It's God."
"His daughter is the brilliant mind behind this remarkable portrait."
"This has been a production of Entertainment Studios."
"Their investigation pointed right at Kirby Anthony."
"...he's doing so much good one thousand people blind people see for first time by whose hands yours is this a miracle literally."
"More than anything, it's important for all of us to understand this is not because of one person or one player."
"I am giving you two choices, okay? I am interpreting this contract to mean as follows: You can never post something without giving her credit."
"Knowing who made the film does not give me any confidence of its quality."
"It may be good, it may be bad. Okay, that's JJ, that's a JJ one 110%."
"I never attributed my victories to me, I never owned it as my wins."
"...it's by Thomas and shoots. He was my grandfather's great uncle."
"I believe Deputy Harvey did that part."
"Humans are remarkably good at imbuing things with an agency. I've had cars before that had entire personalities."
"This isn't my success this is Christy's success this is Christy's time to shine."
"When it came to the music of the opening and the endings for Cyberpunk Edge Runners, that was actually chosen by CD project red, not trigger."
"I literally didn't make that. It was all them!"
"We immediately go to guns, we go to mental illness."
"My dad would say, 'It's just the grace of God,' and he really meant that."
"Success has many parents and the start menu is no exception."
"If you ever see a squirrel or rabbit that's literally lost its mind, you know exactly whose rap sheet to put it on."
"It is not my doctrine, not my creation, but God's gift."
"The mastermind behind all of this is the Korean Nas sunu."
"Vince Russo has taken credit for this one."
"Steve Jobs is often credited with being the genius who stole it."
"You don't need any attribution software or anything like that you can immediately see an impact on the business it's going to apply to like 90% of you guys"
"This is a brilliant sit with ain't no way his bird ass [__] came up with that by himself."
"Humans never suspect us. They think that if something breaks and then suddenly starts working again that it happened all by itself."
"Blamed it on the sunshine, blamed it on the moonlight, blame it on the Boogie."
"You know I think that you know the uh it's the sort of thing where, um Mark Twain had a saying it's not what the people know it's what they know that ain't so."
"Perfume is often credited to Egypt. It is commonly said to be attributed to the ancient Egyptians who used naturally scented oils and substances to enhance their prayers, ceremonies, and rituals."
"The character named Knox was a true genius."
"So thank you very much to the farm, and I'll put their details in the description below."
"What he achieved cannot be attributed either to fortune or genius."
"I think when we're told to not take the Lord's name in vain, that means we're not supposed to attribute things to God that are not God."
"If the people in higher positions in society do not attribute all their success to their personal efforts alone, they're more likely to do more for others."
"Those were Lincoln's actual words."
"What's meant for me is genuinely meant for me. Like, there's no way around it. I will forever give God his credit. Everything that I have, every opportunity that comes my way, is because of God. Straight up."
"It has long been suggested that a member of the famed Medici family commissioned this piece."
"The music is by James Horner, I heard, but he's great."
"I have never had any kind of irregular period. So to some extent, being able to possibly attribute it to COVID is oddly a relief for me."
"Thomas Jefferson is often given credit for making mac and cheese popular in the states even throwing parties for the early American leaders to try it but it was James Hemings who was the one who actually made the dish Jefferson fell in love with"
"One thing I did also forget to mention, all these patterns are by rjdesigns."
"...if I turn all my ads off right now we get over a thousand probably 1200 or so people per day who come to clickfunnels.com and create a free trial that are not attributed to any kind of paid ads."
"It was all because she was helping him." - UIA
"Rick Howard, for sure. Because you definitely said that, I'm gonna go ahead and say it as well."
"The whole song is pretty much about all of that. You got people in your circle leaving you. Oh snap, that was about Kanye? You're the one, I heard that today. Supposedly like ghost riding, but I'm the one that's catching the flag for."
"I always tie the success to the effort and input."
"Never attribute to malice what you can to incompetence."
"This is all God's work, man, this is hitler for me."
"Atlanta's happy to come up with that one."
"'I've only seen this level of sophistication a few times,' the man had told Flynn, 'and both times it turned out to be Russian state-sponsored activity.'"
"Pride can be our downfall if we assume we made it on our own."
"You can't just pinpoint it on one gang what camp that is."
"You can say it is from God, but you can't say that is God."
"Always consider the source, never attribute to malice what's attributed to a person not understanding."
"Success has many parents and failure is an orphan."
"Our research on this channel has been plagiarized by another YouTuber."
"Research and fact checking by the disciple Sean Summers...and our theme music is by the rust devil brake master cylinder."
"We appropriate emotions from others and attribute them to ourselves."
"The first mention of the 80 men quote attributed to Fetterman comes from around 1908 more than 40 years after the fight."
"Ain't no way they the Pablo's didn't build it; they weren't even around then."
"She wrote it, the Queen Aretha Franklin."
"Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan." - John F. Kennedy
"That cake was outrageous, totally Andrew."
"So enough of these screenshots, let's look at where you can learn this. One great source I found that was incredibly helpful was an article and a video by...Jerry Witlaz."
"This story was written by Reddit user Just the Girl Next Door."
"Projection: When someone projects their uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and desires onto someone else."
"A false flag so good that a country falls for it, and blames the wrong country for the attack."
"Most of those are, people notice it and come to me and I'm like, yeah, that probably didn't come from that."
"I mean, I'm going to go out on a limb here guys and say that, yes, it was Greg with pickle soup. Thank you. We did it guys."
"We can’t take that away from him."
"The success is from Allah, the failure is from me."
"Clarify where the information came from and attribute it to its source."
"Joseph Hoppin, the special vehicles manager."
"Intelligence is a gift from Allah, the most wise, the most knowing."
"If Argentina loses, no one is going to say the goalkeeper won or lost the World Cup."
"Who the [ __ ] wrote that [ __ ]? Dana Schwartz."
"Failure has no fathers; success says many fathers."
"I know one ten thousand percent that was done by Sam Pearson Sam Pearson let's get a [__] blood wizard graphic going oh oh first yeah and uh here's our logo mug of course the classic."
"Happy wife happy life I like that it's very well he just invented that saying by the way take full credit."
"Produced by Alexander J. Newall and Mike LeBeau."
"The music in that opening clip, of course, was our guest Mike Adams."
"It's probably Edie and Ray's idea."
"I never attribute to malevolence what I can attribute to stupidity."
"Some are spoken not by me, but by a man in my position."
"And remember everything that we used in this video will be listed down there in the little link below."
"Everything great in the WWE is because of, and everything you hate in WWE is Ed Kosy. Let's get that on the record right now."
"Success has many fathers, failure has only one."
"Another thing in software development, you have to leverage as much code as you can. Now you always have to give credit to the author of a piece of a code, but if you can leverage something, then you have the leverage. You don't have to reinvent the wheel."
"Not all murder, not all violence is attributable to mental illness."
"Even when I started, I wanted to give credit. That's all I ever wanted from anybody who copied."
"The Lean Back video was Erica, it wasn't me!"
"If there was any blame at all, I guess you'd have to put it on the number 31 car."
"Doug it's been all Doug, he's going to be up at the top and he's embarrassed [ __ ] he's embarrassed [ __ ]."
"Every disparity in outcome must be due to a system."
"But they perceived that this work was wrought of our God."
"Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to ignorance."
"Yo chat this dude is Carmelo M made the last one."
"I'm going to choose to not attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity."
"I think animator Hafstai uses this for their own animated projects."
"The best lines of the movie, yeah see and they didn't write it."
"...for the last 100 years and more, while it's been at The Frick Collection, this painting has always been catalogued and discussed as John Hoppner's portrait of Lucy Byng."
"It was not Charlamagne's fault at all."
"Every story begins somewhere; ours began with Doug."
"Humility is ascribing credit for all things to God."
"There's no second-guessing it. It was Hama. I know it. It's Hama."
"I absolutely adore this, this is by Michelle Palmer."
"It helps to explain our intuition about this. Generally, when people are willing to extend the attribution of consciousness, they actually do it in a way, without realizing, that tracks how much fluid intelligence do they think that organism has?"
"Make sure that any font that you have is for commercial use because again this is someone else's work someone else took the time to use their handwriting and create that font."
"Veronese...probably drew it some 30 years later."
"Contrary to all the damage that Kirei did, it wasn't him that took her down."
"You're the one who made me a hopeless romantic."
"All praise is deserved by Allah because he's the one who made it beautiful."
"He's the one with the drinks, it was her drink, Mr. Dover."
"Surely this was Piccolo's influence."
"It's simply inconceivable that without Yamamoto this attack would ever have occurred."
"That's an exact quote from Pizza Stevens."
"What we often times attribute to an individual is what a team has accomplished, what a tribe has brought into reality."
"This is the gay guy made this picture."
"It was all thanks to my friend and special effects tech Polly Pocket."
"You heard it here first. I didn't invent that trick."
"I give all the power to God, like my wins, my losses, you know, my celebrations to my mourns."
"If you are good at any level, it's Christ in you, the hope of glory."
"Only The Dead have seen the end of War." - George santayana, commonly misattributed to Plato.
"I've seen him just run off and leave dogs that I know, old Benny. And I attribute a lot of that to Dan Lay's dogs. I do because we talked about this before, to be of the ability to wind the track a long ways away is not very common."
"Our success is not found in ourselves."
"I think it was Peter that done it, okay?"
"The debate inside the situation room was, do we make attribution? I think it was pretty clear that we all recognized that we needed to."
"It's going backside to Brook canis but that's going to be a point for Texas."
"It was Fran Morgan with Fabric Cafe thanks so much."
"I actually didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to think YouTube was the issue."
"Ralphie said he put one of them [__] on the poster."
"No one knew who originally designed the clock."
"I'm the [__] who first called Little Reese the Grim Reaper."
"I believe they came from Bob Simmons."
"In defense of all Jen's out there, I'd like to set the record straight. It was Cindy that was the drunk one."
"Only God will get the glory for what He's about to do."
"Edward de Vere did publish his verses under somebody else's name."
"Let's give that trophy to Bruce Arians."
"I did a mess of things. The only book I didn't work on was Spider-Man, which Steve Ditko did. But Spider-Man was my creation." - Jack Kirby
"The idea for Spider-Man was entirely Stan Lee's own."
"Let's just take a look. Tony Drew this."
"Success has many fathers. That ego thing might happen like I'm the reason why this was successful. Absolutely, absolutely."
"When things start to go really South, he starts looking at their failures as punishment from the gods."
"It was a hundred percent because of Dan [ __ ]."
"I'm not frustrated, it's just the guy."
"This is a jumping spider logged by Cam Stewart, better known as 'Iced Freaking Tea' in the Discord."