
Gaming Rewards Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"For every class story that you finish, you can earn eighty Cartel Coins."
"Completing the old raids will give you the Obsidian World Breaker mount, a fairly fitting celebration for the 15th anniversary."
"Participating in the STV PVP event can also reward two new unique mounts, both of which can be obtained by either faction."
"Doing the hardest content in the game... should logically have a higher reward than content you can AFK."
"Make Diamond Dogs as strong as it can be and you will reap the rewards."
"It would be nice to give more visual swag for attaining legend league status."
"Apex Legends rewards you for battle whereas so many other battle royale games do not."
"One insane dub that 2K took today is that if you logged in today, you got access to a free glorious pack just by logging in this morning."
"More rewards is awesome man, there will be a diverse mix of rewards available in the objectives feature."
"If you want to unlock sleeves on Arena and also some MTG oh value, then these drops are definitely something that you want to get your hands on."
"Different parts of the game should reward you with different parts of loot."
"Double Dash gives more for every gold trophy."
"Skyrim's rewards are compounded over the course of the entire dungeon... a continuous, addicting game that satisfies the hoarder within you."
"These are still awesome ways to get a bit of free v bucks along the journey which will help you buy some awesome stuff or maybe save up for the battle pass next season."
"64 diamonds for what? A potion of 50,000 likes. Instant clout."
"The payoff if you do manage to beat this guy is awesome."
"So it's kind of going beyond you'll have full customization in game and also we can kind of work together to figure out what are some new types of builds that you can play in future seasons kind of thing right."
"Not only is Danger Room really fun, but the rewards are really good too."
"It's like a very rewarding game to play as well I think you because of the tech and then everything that comes along with it."
"Being able to roll three per week with the brawl pass feels pretty good."
"Completing side quests can be a great source of experience... completing side quests can yield red text weapons..."
"Every game played in the weekend League contributes to unlocking rewards in both the weekend league and division rivals."
"Literally just by getting to level 99 this season you earned 300 free v bucks, which is pretty much a third of the way to getting yourself that season 4 battle pass."
"Mythic raid gear is going to start at item level 278 this time around."
"Shamblers have 5 ancestral trinkets they can drop, including the much sought after Map, Candle, and Scroll."
"And my reward is the time-stopping soul, which is debatably the best soul in the game."
"The more time you take, the more money, gold, and XP you make."
"Daily challenges are still more efficient for earning gold bars over time than anything else in the game."
"Extra credits are actually really, really good because it's basically ten thousand free points."
"They did do a good job at making rewards more satisfying in general."
"Citrus has already guaranteed himself a thousand dollars."
"12 wins scroll is actually pretty insane. This scroll hasn't screwed you over by the time you get to 12, jeez, that's pretty nuts."
"Camo challenges add depth to weapon progression, rewarding skill."
"There's really something awesome about running around with a new gun you unlocked through a really difficult challenge and getting to show off your new exotic."
"If you just join, you get a free item, it's really cool."
"That's what I love about this game, the reward is a photo of a real interchange."
"First global anniversary rewards" - "The first global anniversary gave out free 5-star characters as trophies."
"It's basically an elite bonus for skilled players."
"Season 4 scoreboard: packed with exciting rewards."
"I think that the limiting factor will be time however if you don't complete the dungeon within the time allotted you will still get the loot from the dungeon I think that's a really good change too."
"The labyrinth offers many unique powerful and build defining rewards."
"Mounts are the thing, we need more ways to reward players."
"Players want to get rewarded for completing a raid. Gear alone is not enough; mounts should always be the absolute minimum."
"The number of key rewards or power progression rewards specifically locked behind a huge rep grind are significantly lower."
"Mounts can be earned by doing a host of things in this game, just about anything you can do, there's a mount there."
"I'm rewarded not just by statistical upgrades but by more interesting stuff."
"Beating the gold pass and collecting your rewards, it's nice, but there's an even better feeling."
"A tier 3 selector is very generous, this is extremely, extremely great."
"If you watch this whole video without skipping you're going to get yourself any perm fruit that you want."
"These rewards are seriously good... you are getting very, very well rewarded for your time spent."
"The game actually rewards you with some of the premium cash shop stuff for achieving various milestones in the game as well."
"This game tries to reward you and make you comfortable."
"Dailies, weeklies, and monthlies... tiered rewards."
"These tasks need to be treasured. We can get some really good drops."
"For completing this raid's meta achievement, they were rewarded with the Armored Skyscreamer."
"Give us rewards for winning a certain amount of consecutive games."
"Rewarding for first blood, farming well, and turret plates."
"It's a game that will reward you for sticking with it."
"Fighting the pesky crab is well worth it as you will be rewarded with a plethora of loot."
"The battle pass system in Destiny 2 Year 3 offers rewards for all players, with premium tracks for extra goodies."
"You get barely anything from login rewards at all."
"That was definitely worth it, look at all that loot I got."
"As soon as the challenge is over only takes ten minutes for sitting afk we receive a nice 21 K now if that wasn't good enough."
"Some of those skins are the ones that Epic gives you. I'm super grateful. They're so kind to do that."
"Keep pushing through Act 5 – the rewards are absolutely insane."
"When you're earning payouts like this over two hundred thousand dollars and nearly 30 thousand RP which is just fucking mind-blowing."
"Players who put in the most time were truly rewarded."
"He just gets a lot more buck for his place, like for example if Mario were to make a play he gets a lot more reward off of it."
"The better you do, the more games you win, the better rewards you get."
"Players could feel rewarded for playing the way that they want to and would have a more positive playing experience."
"I feel like this continuing in P2 and making those rewards more available is just a huge win overall."
"The game rewards experimentation and exploration."
"It's basically a guaranteed free money and every time you hit a corrupted essence you're going to be doing even better."
"When they're done well, they can be super rewarding and fun to get sometimes even more than just beating the level itself."
"One of the best rewards we get with this DLC is the ability to craft our own ballistic ammunition."
"Every time you sink a ship in Season Eight, you will get a bump of Allegiance towards your Faction."
"This game needs to reward players with more and better loot."
"The reward when you reap the benefits of this game, it's worth every second you put in."
"Finding a real weapon like that was rewarding."
"One of the hugest things I want to bring from the burnout series is free burn challenges."
"Rewarding players for doing what they want similar to how FAR's or does it but with the more kind of more fulfilling rewards."
"Maybe there can be a rewards program for a guy who gets the game consecutive years in a row."
"Instead of a gift of the Lotus potato today, you guys have double affinity all weekend!"
"The rewards for getting the initial completion are very, very much worth the units invested."
"The game has tons of events and free rewards... I've been able to get a ton of value in rewards simply by logging in."
"mGamer: it only took me two hours to earn six dollars and fifty cents."
"It feels good to be rewarded for your actions."
"Earn Jade weapon variants reflecting your dedication to competitive play."
"That's what I want to see, a leveled up otter."
"Every new playthrough could net new rewards, I'm a really big fan of that kind of game."
"Some of the Kirby outfit rewards are really fantastic. Thank you so much for watching, and I hope you enjoyed this video."
"85 tickets, that's a lot dude. That's like 85 new characters you're gonna be able to summon for. Hopefully some SSRs will be in there as well."
"Seeing as the game is so generous, maybe it's just to give you a bit of a boost."
"The secret's out, guys—if you collect the totem stickers, you get a gigantic prize."
"I think it's great that they're rewarding players for spending time playing the game."
"The amount of steel essence we're going to be getting from our dailies every single day: super good."
"It'd be pretty cool if they give us like a very special drop from that, maybe like a fully modded Winchester whenever like Winchester mods come into play."
"I want all of us to be excited when we get a good player."
"This will not only unlock you to achievements or trophies along the way, you'll also grab a squirrel outfit for your character as well as a ton of acorns."
"There's gonna be enough crafting metals by the time you hit level 100 to craft your very own legendary of your choosing."
"You'll get daily and weekly challenges, and they stack if you don't play for a while."
"I feel like IW did a reasonable job of this but at least you're always getting those Keys kind of ticking up at the end of the game."
"Unlockables were the true incentive for 100% in a title."
"The gallery unlocks earned by doing the speed runs and finding all the items feel like a celebration of Metroid's entire legacy."
"Our goal with the Wizard's vault is to help you find things you do in Guild Wars 2 and then reward you for doing those things."
"Our goal is to guarantee you'll get the best rewards in the game as long as you put in the time and effort."
"Not only does this give you extra units, it also counts towards the planetary survey."
"You'll be rewarded with up to 242 free draws just by logging in and playing the game."
"Collections that come with a completion reward will even show the reward."
"Unsellable player cards will also be used as rewards throughout the year."
"Light and Darkness Dragon: a very, very big payoff for playing it."
"I'm getting so many good gems and stuff throughout these missions, it's been absolutely amazing."
"All factions have three different sets of armors that you will get by progressing through the story. It feels really rewarding when you manage to get them, which makes the sense of progression great."
"Getting a green item that you could use just felt better."
"The PvP stuff is the same thing, yet you can see in many cases it's like double if not more than double the amount of rewards you get for doing the PvE stuff."
"I netted a smooth 150,000 from that one raid."
"Depending on what you decide to do, the quest ends with different rewards."
"I'm really praying that one of the spotlight rewards ends up being an invincible Dirk Nowitzki."
"Unlock new styles and conquer challenges in Fortnite's overtime rewards."
"Bungie does need to commit to rewarding their core player base above all things."
"The reward of competitive is to win the game."
"World of Warcraft used to have that, and you know what? Some of the things that people would do just because it might give them a reward later or because they're having fun just trying to kill time, it was PvP."
"Extra rewards if you use your spells correctly could really pay off."
"Blazing Row, you have won a free vault safe, my man."
"I love the fact that there's actual unique rewards offered for doing these [faction missions] as well."
"If you win kind of decisively and rapidly, you'll get rewards in the form of resources and other things."
"Even if I were to include it in a poor man road to glory recording I would want to make it very visible that it was other people's rewards."
"It gives the higher skilled players something to grind towards something to really care about and work towards and when you one it's a really good feeling."
"Each of these core activities having their own pool of amazing weapons and armor to be acquired."
"If you complete all the 18 challenges, you will be getting the shadow missiles and the ghost missiles for yourself."
"Being able to unlock outfits, suppressors, weapons, tools, and more behind collectibles encouraged me to explore."
"Getting a red 9 Gullit and a red Telles for no matter what you get done in 30 games is still a very good reward set I would say."
"The gift of the thunder gods is a starter kit. It's a set of armor, it's a Thunderlord exotic weapon. So jump in, join your friends, set sail, become the captain, and build your crew."
"The rewards will too, but we also acknowledge that part of playing Destiny is collecting all of the stuff."
"The Fire Cape is actually going to get us a lot of league points."
"Completing these missions is going to reward you with stuff like ascension mats mana prisms qp foes extra copies of gray and even summoning tickets so it is very worth your time to do them all."
"It'll take me just under 32 hours to be able to get the projeto for free."
"The blighted expedition offers the chance to earn exclusive starship trail, pirate-themed base decorations, your own personal wayward cube, and much more."
"It's exciting to know that each time a job level increases you'll get some useful reward."
"Coins are king... when you win the draft, you get two packs and 25,000 coins."
"Currently there's no reward at all for earning a v2 rocket."
"It's going to be a gift reward tank for everybody."
"This Rafa card is insane. And the crazy thing about it is, they're free."
"We hope for the best from golden chests and red chests."
"We came away with about a hundred thousand coins in rewards."
"You're gonna get gold, you're gonna get premium days, you're gonna get... What happened here?"
"If you win, it really has gotta be the best method to grind out for both money and RP at the same time."
"Make these things that everybody grinds for worth something."
"Huge dub from EA on those promo cards today, like those a lot."
"There should be some form of reward for going super, super fast."
"Leviathan... can grant you 5.8 million GP per hour..."
"Providing players with pride and accomplishment."
"Legendary items should feel legendary, rare, hard to get."
"All those little wishes turn into tangible items on your island's beach the next day."
"The Elder Mage appears and congratulates him for his fortitude, granting him a chest and a title."
"It was great to see an unlockable character in a game like this."
"Let's go, 2,000 experience plus 200 gifts to the lobby!"
"It's amazing the you guys can constantly be winning new prizes on the app just by playing the game."
"Players who deal fatal attacks on Monsters will receive rare equipment."
"My favorite thing is harvesting my crops and collecting from the animals because that's when I get the most rewards."