
Gaming Skills Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"Grandmasters do a little bit more damage, aim a bit faster, charge ult a little bit faster."
"If you have good aim but bad movement, then you're still gonna suck."
"Play harder games to get good at aiming, like Apex or Valorant. Also, osu is cool too."
"People always underestimate the autistic power of speedrunners."
"The outplay potential you have with Irelia due to her ability to acquire multiple Q resets makes her extremely rewarding to master."
"Crosshair placement becomes just as valuable as raw accuracy when it comes to getting headshots."
"Recoil control in Valorant is what takes you from being a good aimer to being a good player."
"Hurricane is fantastic on this build, I love this skill."
"Being flexible and proficient in multiple Legends makes you a better teammate."
"She actually has one of the best neutrals in the entire game."
"He is one of the best support Slayers in the game."
"I started my channel to flex how good I was at Splinter Cell right like I wanted to show how I'm good you know I want a team I want to be able to play this."
"Being able to get last hits while harassing your opponents is really good."
"Being good at League of Legends is no longer just a matter of mechanics or understanding of high-level play; it's about how you work in a team."
"Is there anything this man can't do in the game? Five HP, I don't know."
"Maybe I got overconfident, maybe I can't platform like I used to, maybe I'm getting old."
"It lifts you up, so if someone's trying to approach you, you can actually dodge their approach and then interrupt them with this."
"Zeta is a fearless fighter that requires perfect timing and positioning."
"Always strive to improve in this game. Make sure you know what you can do better, whether it be defending, whether it be attacking."
"The game of League of Legends is what are the decisions you can take to make you stronger."
"There's truly nothing more rewarding than reflecting a laser beam right back into a Guardians face when you parry right at the perfect moment get dunked."
"It ended up being my most impressive run that perfectly represented my abilities as a gamer."
"He's so good with that gun, he should not be running a main AR in this game."
"Half-Life is about the player's craftiness, the player's skills."
"He's just totally managing this fight with no issues, probably one of the hardest fights in the game, and he is just an absolute master of dealing with this Wolverine Weapon X."
"Playing smart and patient can lead to victory even against tough matchups."
"Wow, Ludwig just showing that party, that Ludwig showing that platform brawler experience. So beautiful to watch."
"Bayonetta's combat: easy to get into but gives a lot of places to go if you want to learn more."
"Flight is probably the single most useful skill we unlock in the entire game."
"I know I'm pretty freakin' good at zombies, you don't have to remind me."
"Landing headshots consistently is often the difference between Victory and defeat."
"This technique I can almost guarantee you that most people 99.9% of ML players do not know."
"Patience, understanding, and adaptation are key to mastering Dark Souls."
"More just more tools in your kit and that means more room for the skilled players to shine."
"Some gamers are gamers... put them in any PC game... and they're good."
"If you can learn to count charges and you know when your opponent is at a certain charge move you can Master catching."
"The boss fight here feels truly skill based because my regular mistakes were always my fault."
"Can we stop to appreciate how quick he's playing?"
"If you can anticipate the exact shape and placement of a pattern 10 seconds before it appears, reflexes no longer matter at all."
"I have never seen someone play Pathfinder like this. By far the best Pathfinder I've ever seen."
"You have an asset, you have a gift, perhaps you have a keen mind for rules and the system."
"Keep in mind not every ability has a cast bar so if it's an instant ability you may just need to pay attention to the attacks that you're actually taking."
"The skill in this game really comes down to knowing what you're using, map knowledge, and then you kind of get down into actual FPS skill."
"It's crazy how the muscle memory of all the old Irelia combos just kicked in."
"Learn to slide cancel... learning to slide cancel will really help you become a better player."
"A real speedrunner doesn't need to do such a thing."
"This is the most important trick in the game."
"Camp clearing efficiency is one of the most important things."
"Salvador possesses a number of very useful skills... his guns irking action skill... easily the most powerful of all the action skills."
"A skilled stormcaller can pretty much outplay anything and the S & eights here."
"Skill can only get you so far. You need good weapons and equipment alongside technique."
"The more plus skills we have, the more we murder."
"Gamers finally put their theory crafting min max skills to good use in the fight against the ultimate raid boss."
"We're gamers, it's what five months of apex teaches you."
"Learning all of Genichiro's moves and how to counteract each and every one of them is tremendously satisfying."
"He's not only improved his own game but conquered his specific demons, Astralis."
"This is a hard challenge, but she's actually making it."
"It's a reason why a lot of players aren't ranking up and even the most mechanically skilled players aren't getting kills."
"You could be the most talented mechanical player... if you don't understand positioning in IQ you're not going to get farther than plat3."
"I officially mastered it. I don't think we lost any HP there."
"Scarlet's one of the best characters in the entire game. She's super good."
"Skills living up to his name and sealing the victory."
"It literally makes you also a better player, ironically."
"Communicating and strategizing in video games can translate to real-life teamwork and coordination."
"Being a good laner in top is like one of the most important skills I believe."
"The Five Star skills of Mbappe just make him a little bit more versatile up front."
"Weakness exploit is one of the best skills in Monster Hunter World."
"Eldritch adept feat: a must-have for warlocks, particularly involving devil's sight and darkness combinations."
"Boss battles are basically a test of your knowledge and Mastery of the game"
"Just find one quick simple combo to start with and only use that combo when you're absolutely sure you're gonna land."
"Sharking with that up tilt, very impressive read."
"Raid seals should require skill not rng bring back flawless."
"He's got the most insane reaction time I've ever seen in my entire life."
"This game makes you a parry god a little bit, although you can kill things without parrying them."
"Watch and learn, I'm about to do a crazy clutch."
"Timing bar swapping and skill required to get ultra good at it is really fun and makes it interesting to play because there's such a high skill cap on it."
"This build is going to be able to dribble at the highest level, pass like no other, and hit shots like your Stephen Curry."
"How does Vice actually get the kill before the rocket comes off? That's game sense right there."
"Puff is a good character, has one of the best edge guards in the entire game."
"But look at this, I freaking did it! I used every single level 65 weapon that I own in Pixel Gun 3D, and I got a kill with every single one."
"He could memorize every secret, zoom through rooms with no problem, get an S Plus perfect rank, get a world record, and perform better than cheaters all on a 10 FPS potato laptop."
"Learn to slide hop correctly for maximum speed."
"I think movement is so important because I've played players that have really, really good aim but their movement is just absolutely terrible."
"I'm really bad at the two-handed stuff, go away dude."
"He just shreds with the pistol when the gunfight I'm like oh yeah."
"MOBA players are in peak physical form with heightened reflexes and clicking and typing speeds."
"Learn the fundamentals. Iron and bronze players should focus on building habits and mechanics that will persist throughout their time with the game."
"She's one of those characters that if you are the best player in the lobby you can carry on Reyna, you could dominate on Reyna."
"Certainly if I am very good at Gwen, I am playing Gwen."
"I still know what you need to do in order to become an elite player in this game."
"I've been able to get good at a wide variety of games across a lot of different genres."
"Sometimes just starting your day off right is one of the best ways to make sure your shots are on point."
"This is the kind of thing that gets you made fun of in ranked matches because it's just that good."
"Charging your arrow, hopping around a corner to shoot, and then instantly lunging the other way with Hanzo, it lets you instantly shoot an arrow without the enemy having time to react."
"Oh, you can dodge that, you can perfect dodge that, wow, I didn't even know, yay, there we go, 70 fishing, hell yeah!"
"Increasing your overall game awareness is gonna help you in every aspect regardless."
"Learning to CS effectively is so important, it's so much money. If you want to put in perspective, 15 CS is about the same amount of gold as getting a kill."
"Watching replays from the opponent's point of view is one of the best ways to improve."
"Practice hitting the ball with loads of power; people just don't hit the ball hard enough."
"But so far, you know, just using my normal awareness and focus macros, I've been able to do fairly well in PvP."
"Learn how to ledge hop in the training room for maximum damage."
"It's seriously the amount of work that it takes to speed around this game is incredible."
"Yeah, that's nice. Oh, we're so good at video games, the win streak."
"When players get better with Kiriko, you'd expect her damage to go up as well."
"It feels like Exet just have such a great sense of what's going on at all times"
"Microing mutalisks with the magic box is really gratifying in Starcraft 1, so the victory feels earned."
"So much of me is made from what I've learned from you, you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart."
"At level 6 you gain 'Share the Burden,' letting you learn 'bestow curse' for free, you can cast it as normal or cast it using sorcery points."
"Feral rage: 104% lifesteal, basically life tap."
"Dumped 20 points into fury, an amazing skill."
"It's really important to get that practice in if you really want to be at the top of the game."
"Lots of skill expression, so much outplay potential, core items just buffed and in a really great spot right now is Riven."
"Definitely get a lot of power out of that flip reset."
"Understanding spacing and combo strings will help you to understand what is going on."
"Snipe has aimbot hacks on and Lady Nagant is a pro with no scoping abilities."
"I'm really great at Code Veronica... I just never be because of my massive mistake."
"Faker's champion pool is the biggest ever in the history of any role of any player."
"Maintaining consistent landing, good rotations, and in-game presence three times? Yikes."
"There are so many skills...sitting in the game waiting to be discovered...and so we are careful..."
"And the thing is, that's the real skill that separates good players from great ones; reading and reacting to the metagame."
"Man, PoohManDu's Aqua Prison has hit like minimum two people nearly every time here."
"I've given y'all the build that can do it all including contact dunks, green from deep, 99 steal, 90 ball handling."
"The reads that you have to make on people is incredible."
"Arrows that come at you and throwing them back, uh yeah, there's... I mean, your maneuverability gets upscaled here."
"I did it for a split second there, once you get a hang of it, it is [__] insane."
"Pathfinder has one of the higher ceilings of play... you have the opportunity to really, really shine based on your skill."
"It's a definite skill in the game to know when to spend extra actions."
"You guys ever seen gamers like these before? We haven't died yet!"
"Being good at games doesn't mean you don't have blind spots."
"Learn to zero your weapon and lead your shots, and you'll be incredibly effective."
"Using the AWP is as simple as reacting a bit before the other guy."
"Building efficiently with walls, ramps, floors to outmaneuver three guys and win a situation that was otherwise unwinnable takes more skill than that."
"The concepts that apply to 1k players are the exact same concepts that apply to like five 6k players, it's just...they obviously can learn a more advanced version of those concepts."
"You're the best fort player, Dante with the 20, way to end the stream dude."
"Practice your edits often and you'll be pulling off crazy plays in no time."
"Players are better at the game now than they used to be."
"That was actually the best clutch I've ever seen."
"Great flank as well, sketch, that was beautiful from you, seriously, thank you, brother."
"Inkling's edgeguarding is so important and strong."
"Simple with another one, is he really going to get them all?"
"Guys, if you ever want to impress a girlfriend or get a girlfriend, slay out on Fortnite, right babe?"
"You know, you can become really good at your own video game and then nobody else can play it because you've practiced in practice in practice for months."
"I like playing games in different ways I don't you guys to test me test my awesome gaming skill that I don't have and everyone knows it."
"His physical abilities can do more damage than others and are sneakily one of the better CCs in the game."
"It was nice to kind of see that like I've clearly improved a lot as a nuzlocker."
"Etho's nine-year-old survival world has displayed time and time again that he's a highly skilled all-round builder who was able to construct and build whatever his heart desires not only that though he is a skilled technical minecraft player."
"The act of playing doom at this low level can be committed to procedural memory."
"Whiskers likely shouldn't have been able to get that kill but hey, I mean you pull down the Monti shield you hit a headshot like that you take those."
"All platinum players are actually just ceiling shot masters."
"Octane's abilities might be some of the most simple in the game but yet can be some of the biggest playmakers."
"What a master class in map number five by Hook."
"Master the Parry or deflect mechanic. You can Parry literally anything."
"He's the type of guy that can take over a map."
"We use a vile cold snap, the actual vile cold snap skill itself is also fantastic fun."
"I'm a legend. Oh, don't mess that up. I'm a God. Checkpoint!"
"There is no weak side, there's only Shox heads; all sides are strong."
"I'm literal dog [__] at this game because I never played it off stream."
"Mordhau is a game with a pretty steep learning curve and a lot to get used to when coming into combat. It's not just a mindless medieval slasher that many seem to take it for as using some intelligence and tactics definitely pays off."
"Tanking just requires so much more brain power than healing."
"Bunny hopping combines the air strafe with another jump whenever you hit the ground."
"Learning to animation cancel with your satchel is huge."
"His uppercut is one of the best in the game... even in revision 5.0 his uppercut can be useful for escaping jab pressure."
"The difference between a gold player and a GM player is not constant highlight reels, it's rarely making mistakes."
"A player may have mastery over one section of the game and be completely clueless in another."
"Could be a GM, but I felt that the understanding in this game was decent."
"TowerFall Ascension: Easy to learn, hard to master. It's an archery-based combat game that's insane."
"Clean, that was perfect crosshair placement."
"Your choices, the skills that you select matter."
"So it's right, it's back in and Rainer's definitely a very good player to showcase that style."
"Sheik is such a high skill cap character because the micro spacing of sheik is so ridiculous."
"The young brain is just so plastic right you know the highest speed the constant mental flexibility and rain or you know he lives and breathes this game he trains hard and he's showing what that dedication can bring."
"Even players with several hundred hours will have something to learn here."
"Reload canceling is something that will become useful to you on higher difficulties."
"It's really important to get the feel of the controls."
"A class that emphasizes subterfuge and Agility."
"I might actually be the best chain of Hades player going."
"If people won't play with you because you're too good, it's not your fault."
"Even though there's a lot of chaos going on, you still have those moments where high-skilled players like Numbers and Go can go ahead and juggle and use combos."
"He has everything to make him shine. Absolutely does. Has the armor from his E, which is going to be insane against G2's team composition."
"Let's make things clear: Faker has more than just mechanics."
"The hero of the Wilds known for his adventures and sick climbing skills in breath of the wild."
"That's the level you want to be at as a DPS player."
"Epic abilities, great movement, first-class FPS mechanics, hero diversity, and teamwork."
"Travis is already pulling superhuman action schmoves."
"Someone get me out of this game, dude, I'm too good. It's literally unfair how good I am."
"Make you a movement master and we'll have you wiping teams and players before they can even see you."
"Combining all the different types of movement into one can result in a nasty team wipe."
"Crosshair placement is key, keeping it at headshot level gives you faster reaction time."
"Some people are just naturally good at games."
"Being fast is good, I think that's the main thing that I like about the gunslinger."
"He repositions himself, good job, oh my gosh, he's got a shot, he's just trying to make sure he hits it, definitely has a shot lined up though." - Timing and positioning can make all the difference in a showdown.
"McCree is the hero which teaches you how to aim in Overwatch."
"Skins do not equal skill after all." - Totalbiscuit
"Mario 64 is one of the most satisfying games on the planet to get good at."
"You're going to see the top players actually give comms ping stuff they actually play very coordinated very smart and they play strategically."
"That was the best shot I've ever done in my entire life!"
"Good players win 1V ones, but great players win 2v ones."
"Dolphin dive switch we're able to challenge that guy because I know people are rotating in."
"Pre-firing is a great skill to learn, in some situations it has a huge impact."
"The Misfits is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on her legacy and a good reminder that it's not as flat and one-dimensional as pop culture often presents."