
Political Implications Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"If Bitcoin succeeds... it is the ultimate Enemy of the State."
"Bitcoin is not neutral. You cannot remove the political component that Satoshi implanted in Bitcoin from Bitcoin."
"Once religion declines, that religious passion does not decline. It comes from the human heart. You get rid of metaphysics, you have politics."
"I thought the answer on whether a president can order the killing of a political rival left a little bit to be desired on behalf of Trump's attorneys."
"If he is seen as a hero and he makes it into if say Trump does get another term and he gets a big job at the doj he would be very problematic again."
"I think it would be more suited for the end of the interview, but is this just political prosecution? Because if it is, this sets a precedent and tone that's very scary for everyone."
"If Boris Johnson said we are legalizing cannabis, he could be picking the curtains for number 10."
"The bigger problem, leaving aside the politics of it, is are we doing what we need to do to make this economy grow?"
"There is totally a scenario where Trump ends up getting off and NADA ends up serving hard time."
"There's a dangerous precedent being set here." - JB
"Did the FBI confront Flynn with the intent to get him to lie so that we can prosecute him and fire him? Did the FBI manufacture a crime against Lieutenant General Michael Flynn?"
"This is a wild turn of events. The first court to find that the 14th Amendment even applies to a president."
"Does this stop Trump from winning the presidency? It's just Colorado, but it could be permission for other states to follow suit."
"The network platforms like Google and YouTube, Facebook were far more powerful than was healthy for our democracy."
"If you have a pre-existing condition, they're coming for you."
"Backing the conservative movement generally as opposed to losing two Senate seats in Georgia at a personal peak, that matters too."
"The absolute worst case scenario for the health of this country is that Donald Trump gets indicted, charged, and convicted of something that's not really that big of a deal."
"The assassination you were born into, it's proof."
"When you see this trend keep going the way it is, it's only going to lead to more troubles politically, socially, violence, and uh, yeah exactly right now."
"Does inciting violence assault and riot reflect credibly on the House of Representatives of course not."
"The political connotations aren't unfounded and they highlight tensions playing out in the American church at large."
"Mr. Cohen's testimony is the beginning of the process, not the end."
"Failing to challenge a presidential self-pardon is as good as an endorsement of Donald Trump."
"This is a big deal. Kamala Harris, this is a historic decision that will have huge implications in the future."
"The collapse of families is a social problem, a political problem, and an economic problem."
"This is about as local an election issue as you can get, but the reality is, if you're the Biden administration you have to say, is this a bellwether change now?"
"It's going to affect everyone every republicans are going to push for a federal abortion ban exactly they're already talking about it and it doesn't really matter then where you live..."
"The crisis within the economic relations of capitalism was bound to precipitate a crisis in the democratic political system."
"It's big news not only because this could have an impact on the Biden administration's ability to replace a liberal justice with another liberal justice, it also communicates something. It implies something."
"But as we look at symbols and organizations that are of strategic global importance, I'm watching Uber because it has huge political risk now embedded in it."
"These are hard facts backed up by bank records of actual financial records and transactions."
"What’s the point of the internet [for Putin]?"
"It's a very real possibility that the Democrats win both Senate seats."
"If Trump wins in November, and the January 6 case is still going, I think at that point, the legal world changes."
"We keep everything on offshore servers in Iceland. If the data is safe, then Iceland could you just WikiLeaks that stuff. But else can you do there except reveal politically embarrassing emails?"
"You have to absolutely look into people who can compromise senior government officials because, like I said, that could be an issue of national security."
"Every little twist and turn here feels like it might have serious implications for the immediate future of our country."
"Our political problems are a manifestation of deeper moral problems."
"Once Donald Trump is charged based on the evidence, it will have the fringe benefit and the collateral consequences of beginning to shut down the big lie and helping the country move on."
"The strategic importance of this program cannot be understated; it is going to be a big deal."
"Prosecutor will just do everything leave no stone unturned and follow the evidence wherever it will lead and if it leads to the indictment of Donald Trump, so be it."
"For the next one and a half years, this will have more political impact rather than economic impact."
"The 2020 election may well be about the survival of our planet."
"This is way more political than people realize."
"The prosecutor's job is to get to the truth, not carry out political vendettas."
"It's not a trial of the presidents, it's a trial of a president, a former president."
"The FBI had the laptop for nearly a year, they did nothing."
"Red flag laws aren't designed to punish the politically loyal."
"Nancy Pelosi's daughter gets on Twitter: 'Oh it looks like this is going to take out some of our faves.'"
"This peace treaty in itself was something short of a final choice if this did not work then there would be no other options for Aaron to try and talk to people their politics and negotiations wouldn't be a possibility."
"The political aspects of this cannot be ignored right there there is you're going after the former president of the United States you know."
"The 11th Circuit's ruling reads like a complete repudiation, both the legal reasoning behind Judge Cannon's order and some of Trump's more specious factual claims."
"This investigation we should read as a signal from Merrick Garland... that he is willing to pursue criminal cases that may involve the former president of the United States."
"Jack Smith removes Trump case from court calendar... it's a massive Trump win..."
"It would send the message that a sitting United States President is not above the law."
"Maybe this is all the FBI’s fault, not Flynn’s. Maybe the man who pled guilty to a felony isn’t guilty of a felony."
"Politically, if driverless cars kill a few people but save tens of thousands of people, that's a problem for the politicians."
"If you're forwarding a text message from the chief of staff of a congressional representative and you're the wife of Supreme Court Justice, that should be very interesting to the American people."
"Allowing the Chinese Communist Party to host the Olympics only emboldens."
"One thing to understand is if Ukraine is a member of NATO there will be no war."
"If he wasn't the president of the United States, would you have charged him with a crime? The answer is yes."
"This bill is not about Tik Tock at all... it's about our freedom and freedom of speech."
"The FBI, the Department of Justice, they have really, in a very practical way, staked their reputation on the credibility of this particular raid and the investigation against President Trump."
"Impeachment is not nearly so much about the past as it is about the future."
"It is dangerous because hey what does it mean to be a Russian agent apparently if you are against the war in Syria you could be Russian agent."
"The case has implications for higher ranking figures but the indictment is mostly immediately devastating to the reputation of the many famous news personalities who hyped the Steele story."
"If justice Cavanaugh does make it to the Supreme Court... we will now have a very right-wing and religiously motivated court."
"Impeaching Trump makes Mike Pence president. It solves nothing."
"Unity against these hedge funds has even built a bit of a bridge across the political divide in the USA."
"You have to imagine that this report is very damaging if the president is willing to let this unfortunate scenario drag on for this long knowing it will continue to damage him."
"Demographic patterns... will fundamentally shape... economic and political conditions... aging... youthful societies... migration... growing urbanization."
"A massive ordeal especially with what's going on in Washington."
"A deal between the Biden family and a now defunct Chinese energy company."
"Now that is obviously insanely sketchy during an election year in the US and also terrifying for a bunch of other internet-related reasons."
"Sweden has confirmed that it sent a diving vessel down to the site of the Nordstream leaks to investigate the source of the problem."
"This was a shot across the bow saying we have the goods and this is I think the beginning, not the end."
"Central Bank digital currency would track every single transaction individuals make... targeting criminals, Persons of Interest, political opposition, dissenters, conspiracy theorists Etc..."
"This isn't just some very political discourse...real on the ground consequences."
"There are people that benefit from these hoax theories so they don't mind them because the hoax theories are pushing back against gun control."
"If you commit crimes, you're not going to be given a pass just because you were the former president."
"The revelation triggers nationwide frenzy as people grapple with the implications of time travel and the role it played in shaping political events."
"If things are a certain way and you continue to act that way, that's just as political."
"They know that Judge Kavanaugh is incredibly qualified to be on the bench but it's not just about Roe vs. Wade, it's about protecting strict constitutionalists."
"The indictment represents a kind of a red line that's been crossed."
"The ruling serves as a reminder that no one, not even a former president, is above the law."
"Technology doesn't go away, and you know when you develop a technology, a good exercise is to think about the politician you most fear in the world." - Yuval Noah Harari
"I think that Merrick Garland was right in both situations to appoint a special counsel."
"People everywhere just want to be free it stands for governments as well."
"If the FBI was in possession of this evidence and failed to alert the White House, that would have given even more weight to the president's legal defense."
"This is all brand new, shows they were leaving without testifying to the key details that were desired about Giuliani and Ukraine, an investigation that is actually larger than a criminal probe."
"The end result of censorship: the rules will be used against you."
"Appointing her to investigate Biden increases not decreases the chances of Jack Smith recommending criminal charges against Donald Trump."
"People understand that. That's visceral. You feel that. This is the worst thing in the world for Joe Biden right now."
"It's a bombshell because it confirms that at the time, people telling you it was Russia disinformation were lying to you."
"The ruling came in response to a lawsuit brought by republican-led States alleging that the White House went too far in its efforts to curb content."
"The case of Hunter Biden is an incredibly vivid example of corruption by the federal government."
"If hiding it helps the President, that also suggests that what’s in there is worse than what he and the President have said."
"Perhaps recession is the remedy that we need to curb this inflation... this is becoming a massive problem politically speaking."
"This virus is a perfect weapon because it has no respect for borders, it doesn't care for languages, so they can use it without even a political agenda being shown behind it." - Ola Damagard
"I now believe that what we saw over the last week was a highly organized, well-paid for, and well-funded attack by Antifa."
"If Giuliani's allegations prove true... it'll also set a Trump sympathetic precedent for cases filed in other battleground states."
"Politicians who are chasing renewable energy will have to soon wake up to the fact that renewable energy sometimes is unreliable energy."
"Trump's 1.1 billion dollars in debt makes him particularly vulnerable to coercion and manipulation."
"Think Huber, think DOJ FBI reorganization, think sex/child arrests/news, think resignations, loss of control."
"Unfortunately all of this in summary is showing that Putin's understanding of the West and the Reliance of it on the Washington and thereby the possibilities of a trump nomination are paying off and it's extremely concerning."
"Are you saying there's a political problem for her if she runs for president?"
"If our elections go from being referenda to who we want to lead the country to who we want to imprison, we won't have a republic."
"It's very hard to quantify trust in the system. I just know when it's evaporating. You're dead to me now. There's a turning point politically."
"With the leader of the Free World dropping hints like this, we're in for a wild ride."
"I think what it clearly does show... is that if even half of this is true, we don't know who won the 2020 election."
"When you choose to create a Clone Army you're essentially making your Manpower out of thin air you use clones either because you have a Manpower shortage or because you like the idea of having soldiers that aren't actually a part of your voting population."
"We now have more information, we know what Brexit means, there's more that we know the implications of it."
"The book and film both feel so realistic, exploring the political and moral issues posed by modern science technology and scientific breakthroughs."