
Truth Perception Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"A good ideology is capable of seeing beauty and truth in the world; a false one only sees through power."
"Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth."
"I genuinely believe though that Trump genuinely believes everything is true I just think he's wrong."
"Impressive how anyone can be so consistently proven wrong about everything and still believe it's the absolute truth."
"In science, there's lots of evidence that perception of beauty equals the truth."
"Anyone who says they know 100 the truth maybe needs to take a step back."
"Everything she thinks is a lie too, but I can't just unload on her."
"Everyone tell their story, the truth is in the middle."
"Americans have lost the capacity to judge what constitutes truth."
"The Last Broadcast becomes an indictment of truth and how it is viewed through the lens of the media."
"In today's age of social media, we're surrounded by various interests that attempt to shape our understanding of the truth, narratives are controlled for us by algorithms, reinforced by echo chambers."
"Truth often is Stranger Than Fiction but the strangeness comes from the clouds surrounding our minds not from the mystery itself."
"If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."
"From their point of view, they have the truth, sometimes capital T truth, and we are the ones who were deceived."
"The concept of objective truth is fading out of the world."
"Maybe if it's so bizarre, it has to be true."
"Truthiness claims that a truth is merely an opinion."
"Even when you tell the truth now, a lot of people won't hear it and that's a worry."
"It's their truth, their lived experience, ignoring the truth, the objective reality."
"There's more truth in this stuff than there is on the news."
"The thing that really struck me guys was just the fact that he couldn't tell any truths from any lies right because the truth had been distorted that damn much."
"The truth changes every two hours. No, it doesn't. What we think is true is changing, but what actually is true is not."
"My facts don't change the truth but my faith in the truth changes the facts."
"There's a thin line between love and hate just like it's a thin line between truth and lie and it may take you some time but you'll see in time that from where you sit you can't decipher that line."
"Now lies are truth and truth are lies and we are living it now."
"Even stupid people have a nose for the truth."
"Sometimes it's more about whether we want to believe something than whether something is true."
"The White Lotus showcases our complicated relationship with the truth."
"The truth has a certain sound to it, and this isn't it."
"Even at the other side that's prohibited is the one telling the truth."
"You always see the truth even if you don't realize that you do."
"The human ability to sense truth is utterly amazing. Truth needs no crutches. If it is true, it is true."
"Taste and art is subjective. I may say chocolate ice cream is great; you may say chocolate ice cream is nasty. Which one of us is telling the truth? Both of us is telling the truth."
"The emotional truth is first the factual truth is secondary."
"Truth has a ring to it, you know it when you hear it."
"It just confirms our assumption that we are living in a post-truth world."
"Certain accusations are completely true, certain accusations are open to interpretation, you know what I'm saying?"
"The bar for what some believe is based on what they like, not what's true."
"People feel disoriented. People don't know what's true anymore."
"The first step in creation is the awakening of man to spiritual consciousness, the dawning of light in his mind, his perception of truth."
"People are actually afraid that the truth will be ugly because sometimes the truth is ugly."
"People feel that vibration, things just feel true, you get it, right?"
"Sometimes truth intersects with what people want to hear, and that's awesome."
"They have seen the truth and the rest of the world is unable or unwilling to see the truth."
"I'll always tell the truth, but it might not be the truth you think you hear."
"The truth is the truth because it's an actual thing, it's just the language used long ago was different."
"Whether or not something makes sense to you is independent from whether or not it's true."
"Post-modernism is based on the faulty idea that truth cannot be known for sure."
"There's no such thing as Truth by consensus. It absolutely doesn't exist in any way, shape, or form."
"Everybody's version of the truth is the truth right now."
"The truth is like noise to those who love darkness more than light."
"Not knowing it doesn't mean it's not true right not knowing the truth doesn't make it untrue."
"There are no two sides to the truth, only one."
"Truth conforms to reality. It's not the opposite way around."
"Study of philosophy and science has a tendency to further perception of Truth."
"Has truth become a monument, or is truth a man in your life?"
"Let's deconstruct culture for a second, like why is the West the arbiter of truth?"
"When you see one piece of truth, you assume they must be telling the truth about everything, and that's how humans function because we don't know; we have to choose what to trust."
"...we get jaded to truth, we miss things constantly, sometimes we make assumptions, at times we don't think critically..."
"Somebody's defined art as a lie which helps us to perceive the truth."
"To perceive the truth always means that one must gain the strength to perceive it."
"People whose inner spiritual selves have opened to heaven and the Lord are in the light of heaven."