
Memory Retention Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Reviewing concepts at regular intervals helps it stick better in your long-term memory."
"If you want your audience to remember something, you need to make them feel. Emotion is the glue that causes a memory to stick."
"Sleep will actually future-proof that information within your brain."
"School teaches you how to recite information, not keep it in your head for life."
"It's all about having fun; if some of the rules that we cover you remember, great, if others you don't remember, don't worry about it."
"Emotion itself turns out to be the way in which we can enhance memories."
"Motor memories get stored differently than lots of other memories, making them harder to lose."
"We learn far better by retrieving stuff from our brains... the very act of retrieving stuff from your brain actually strengthens the connections."
"Direct experiences, it's really hard to let go of these things."
"The Zeigarnik Effect: Incomplete tasks will stick around in our memory longer than completed tasks."
"Regular review helps to keep vocabulary fresh in your mind."
"Read a book and you're able to remember what you just read and you're able to, you know, give out the information that you just read so that book becomes the best book for you."
"Spaced repetition... the repetition spaced over time is extraordinarily helpful to help drill these ideas into our consciousness."
"It's not about the amount, it's about the stakes and small personal confrontations against enemies we know stick in our mind way longer than battles for concepts we don't really care about."
"Humor is one of the greatest teachers of information in some ways interestingly enough you can see good boy at all 2015 for an overview but the overall findings illustrate that humor assists in the long term storage and retrieval of information."
"Images still linger in the mind far longer than words."
"Thank God I wrote down the signs, but I think I remember like everything that I was doing for this place."
"But if you don't constantly hammer it home you just forget everything."
"Spacing your study over time is highly effective for long-term memory retention."
"When she was reborn, she basically ended up remembering everything from her past life."
"LS TM cells: Remembering long-term dependencies."
"The animation of the professor and the way they sometimes joke about certain things on the video... that really helped me remember and retain information."
"Start doing spaced repetition... Space out your studying into intervals to help take it from short-term to long-term memory."
"The more connections we make to a piece of information the more likely we are to retain that information over time."
"Use spaced repetition to make active recall stick."
"Learning has to be fun... If you have fun while you're studying something, the percentage of you actually remembering those things will be exponentially higher."
"Research has shown that short bursts of studying over time... is the absolute best technique for long-term recall."
"Wonderful so you're able to retain that information a long-term short-term memory."
"It's a proven fact that when you take the time to write the words, they will sink in a lot faster."
"Forgiveness is key, but not forgetting; that's just setting yourself up for it to happen again."
"My goal, of course, is not only for you to learn new vocabulary, but to remember it, to be able to use it."
"Too much light brings darkness, remember that."
"Keep this little riddle at the back of your mind."
"Teaching something in your own words is the best way to commit information to your brain long term."
"Notes aren't useful unless you use some sort of method to commit them to memory."
"That's the most important thing for people to take away, that just because you get old doesn't mean you lose your memory."
"Learning based on context will help it stick in your mind; the key is learning phrasal verbs in context."
"Songs were great because the melody helps the words stick in your head."
"I've never forgotten it, whether it happened in 2012 or 2020."
"As time goes on, even the worst of memories may start to fade. Dad, after writing this to share with the Internet, holds once again fresh in my mind."
"Spaced repetition, interleaving, and active recall - three ways to get something into your long-term memory."
"Every time you learn one, you remember it going forward, and things get easier and easier as you go."
"Every time you go back the curve gets shallower and shallower of what you're forgetting y um it's pretty interesting."
"Music has a tendency to stick with us more; it has more of an emotional impact."
"I'm hoping that they fade with time but if not, I can always quiz myself while shaving."
"Last moment, the final sting, is what sticks with you."
"What Subaru is going through is immortality. He may be dying, but he effectively is able to keep his memories, all of his knowledge, and go to a different loop."
"If you think about the other cases that I've talked about, this should be humbly recorded into your mind."
"These column bodies retain the memories of the person that they were duplicates of."
"You do better remembering information if you're tested in the same situation in which you learned it."
"I experimented with it, and I was quite surprised to find that anything that I revised after having done the long-winded procedures seemed to sink in much faster and stayed in my memory."
"Active recall is far more efficient than taking handwritten or typed notes and then never reading them back again."
"Retention without repetition means I did enjoy that, but the problem is now I've forgotten about you."
"If we fail to come back to the information in our short-term memory, it'll be forgotten forever."
"Successful waiters and waitresses tend to be really friendly and have good memories."
"...copying things out by hand really cements them in my brain better..."
"The more you spend time with the vocabulary you're learning, the better you'll remember it."
"The idea with long-term memory is the information has to be transferred from short-term to long-term to stick around permanently."
"Hermione is incredibly intelligent and analytical with a remarkable ability to retain and recall information."
"The only way it goes to long-term memory is if you specifically try and remember if you rehearse and practice that information."
"...I just have like life DVR basically."
"One of the best ways to remember the material is to use spaced repetition during your free time to keep those concepts fresh."
"Spacing it out... the theory is that if you retrieve it right before you forget it, then you remember it again and the next time it's going to decay at a slower rate."
"Space repetition is that when you study, you leave a length of time, for example, one or two hours in between your study period, and then you go back to the topic."
"As kids touch, feel, and manipulate the shape of the letters, they're going to be more able to quickly store that information in their long-term memory."
"The law of exercise is important because the more you use information, the more it will be retained."
"Only after revising something a lot of times, your connections are strong and you'll be able to recall it during the exam."
"If we take notes as we listen and watch, we tend to retain stuff a little bit better."
"When you understand something and apply the knowledge, and you connect it, it's much harder to forget."
"A memristor stays where you put it."
"It really helps with long-term retention because it does this thing called spaced repetition."
"The more you participate, the more you're going to remember the information that you're learning about today."
"You end up retaining more of the information longer past the exam and a better understanding for the exam if you space out your study sessions."
"They remembered a lot more words during the music encoding than during the silence encoding."
"When you're reviewing, what's key is to relate it to your life, something you can relate to, something that actually happens in your life."
"The more meaning you give to something, the more it's going to be stored in your long-term memory."
"Repetition is good because it cements learning."
"GRUs make it easier to retain information long-term."
"With attention applied, RN sequence to sequence model does not forget the source input."
"Reading and jotting down information on paper helps you retain it in your brain longer."
"LSTM cells are able to keep memory within the cell state unchanged for many time steps."
"If you actually study your notes within one day of taking them, you are 60% more likely to retain the information."