
Community Investment Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Doing business to leverage it in order to invest back in our community, to take the money and put it back in our community, is what we've always done."
"The idea is that investing in criminalization and putting more money into under-resourced communities to police and incarcerate them doesn't actually address crime."
"What me being the U.S senator for our state would mean is that finally, we have a U.S senator again who will invest in our communities."
"We need to put more money into schools and libraries because the children of Megalopolis, if they get to go to good schools, if they read books, they will grow up differently from their parents."
"Reparations is an important way to start reinfusing our communities and our society with money that should be there, should have been there from the beginning."
"Investing in the black community, long-term investments. You ain't gonna get a million dollars next month."
"We must provide a world-class education in every ZIP code, to every child, because education is a critical public good."
"Trust a man who grows things you have to invest you have to water you have to put the right nutrients in the soil and our nutrients is the community and our soil is the marketplaces we choose to be in."
"You want to make America great again? Pour into things like that, pour into people like that, pour into people that are doing stuff, not just talking about it."
"We believe in this community and we're tremendously excited for its future. Thank you, Diane."
"We're going to start withholding our money and keeping it in our own communities."
"This is a genuine people-powered movement... invest in Black owned media... your dollars matter."
"It is taking the power... and reinvesting in ourselves."
"I've been actually getting traction having lawmakers realize that when they invest in Public Defense they are investing in a resource that can be massively beneficial to their community."
"I dare you to find a better investment than identifying ways to expand educational opportunities that reflect your values in your community."
"We are fed up and we're not gonna take it anymore. It's time to invest in our parks, our schools, and our communities."
"Focus on the why... allocate resources from police officers to reinvest in our communities."
"It would make sense to instill financial security for many households so that they can reinvest in their communities and innovate."
"For black people to control our dollars, for black people to invest our money."
"We can make progress but we also have to think about all of the other groups that have been toiling and working for years but never had the investment to come to scale or to sustain their efforts in between elections."
"Invest in black people and stop just giving charity."
"We need more black people hiring, expanding, and investing in our community."
"I don't want black people getting charity from my Nike or Air Jordan, I want black people doing business with Air Jordan."
"When you truly empower somebody to become a partner as opposed to someone that you must sponsor, a partner is someone where you're not giving charity anymore, you're making an investment."
"When we invest in our workers and we build an economy from the bottom up, in the middle out, together we can do something we haven't done in a long time: build a better America."
"Small businesses that form the economic backbone of our communities now face immediate and oftentimes crushing financial pressure because of the pandemic."
"We invest in affordable housing, quality schools, safer streets, growing businesses, and programs that connect people with financial opportunity."
"The world isn't fair, but the solution isn't to say 'oh well, life's not fair.' The solution is to do what we can to make it more fair."
"We need to hold the companies accountable. We also need to invest in our communities. It's not a matter of people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. It's a matter of the system being broken and we need to fix it."
"It's about actually taking the privileges... and reinvesting into the communities that made them."
"The more people hold the token the more valuable it can become."
"Getting that money out there while redirecting it through a project like this is literally a win-win."
"Every month they're making millions of dollars for technology that we put in black communities in black law enforcement."
"Don't just give charity to your people, invest in your people."
"Create a micro loan or investing program in your church. Make sure everything is crystal clear and transparent."
"Cash payments should go into Regional Development Banks from which black Americans could draw down Equity capital for business Investments."
"We need millions of black people dedicated to investing and rebuilding their communities."
"If we can create opportunities here, they will want to stay here."
"You need to know and invest in the people who are physically around you because ultimately they control or they influence the environment you're in and that is more important than the environment you build for yourself online."
"We secured record and permanent funding for historically black colleges and universities. Countless jobs and $100 billion investment have poured into 9,000 of our most distressed neighborhoods."
"I have a multi tens of billions of dollar fund to both protect your community and help make it more resilient."
"This money should be going into our communities... education, not war."
"Take that money and just put it all into the city of Chicago and build up the city and give kids opportunity and outlets to music or whatever it is creatively."
"Every time you spend in that dollar you should be saying what's the return on investment to black people."
"We need to invest in ourselves, invest in our people."
"Every year we have the opportunity to invest 1.3 trillion dollars or approximately something like that uh you know to make our community better."
"Banking is about enabling and facilitating productive investment in the local community."
"Meditation is another way to invest in yourself."
"Money cannot be the obstacle. We need to take those tens of billions of dollars the drug companies made off of us, claw it all back, and then put it right back in our communities to help people get off the drugs."
"We demand that corporate America reinvest in equitable percentage of what you take from our community back into our community."
"We need to invest in community programs and in our schools."
"Investing in black and brown communities and in the people and economic advantages, that's where we can really see a dip."
"Let's monolithically support one platform and watch the benefits of that."
"Facebook made 113 billion dollars in ad Revenue in 2021... ask them to donate five billion to the hood and see what they tell you."
"We're not gonna put money in inner city communities, we're not going to do that."
"Reparations has to be three-pronged: recommitment to strong enforcement of civil rights laws, a really large investment of resources into the black communities, and a cash payment."
"If you gave a woman a little bit of money and she started a business, the money that she made she would first invest in her children and health and education."
"Over the last few weeks, more and more people on WallStreetBets, as well as other individual investors, have been buying GameStop shares."
"My one of my missions at Greenwood is to recirculate capital in the community."
"Let's invest in community-based organizations, let's give the subsidies to get that AMI that is affordable in our communities."
"If black people are ruthlessly practicing group economics we can buy every and any street in the heart of London."
"This dude's been lying ever since he was a kid."
"We can't keep bitching about gentrification if we're not going to buy the land."
"Empower our teachers and educators to have the tools to personalize learning."
"We need to lead as quickly as possible while acknowledging that we need to invest in making our communities more resilient."
"We want to get a million black people invested in the stock market."
"Hey Ernest, did you know that the Black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power? Are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of Black excellence?"
"The more people you have out there that are fully invested and properly invested, well now you have value."
"We can invest in different ways in our communities that can help reduce crime."
"We are going to be rolling out the biggest guaranteed minimum income program in the history of the United States right here in New York City."
"It's your job to go back and buy back the block."
"We got to stop this white racist plantation Network the word network let's stop giving him black dollars let's pour the black dollars into our own communities into black hole networks."
"Travis Scott announced that he would give away 1 million dollars in scholarships to 100 HBCU college students from the graduating class of 2022." – Travis Scott
"We need to invest in community-based solutions that address the underlying root issues leading to these challenges."
"Our money built that and we gonna be damn well taken advantage of the resources of that institution."
"We believe in the power of the black dollar, the importance of investing in ourselves, and circulating our dollars among ourselves."
"We got to get out of poverty and we get out of poverty by making money and reinvesting money in our own communities."
"Every time the Wall Street guy opens his mouth, I'm fully on board with Wall Street bets to the moon."
"Your money is supposed to stay in your own community and bounce at least 8 to 12 times."
"Empower yourselves by redirecting your black dollars into your own community."
"Putting money back into our community but also putting esteem back into our own community."
"We need to invest in things like education and community resources. We can stop the hate by speaking out in our communities and rallying support."
"Invest in the community; that's what we need."
"So much of the money that goes right now towards the police can go instead towards civic programs that actually reduce the amount of crime going on."
"Asheville, North Carolina, committed $2.1 million toward funding reparations, apologizing for the city's role in slavery, discrimination, and denial of liberties for Black residents."
"I truly believe that in order to support a black owned business you need to spend your money."
"Let's educate each other on generational wealth and buy back our neighborhoods."
"It's part of Boston's legacy to invest in the common good."
"Buying from black owned businesses is a great way to vote with your dollar to support and celebrate black communities directly."
"Now is the time when we need to be investing in the ability of black communities to thrive."
"Taking some police funds and using them for education and mental health resources."
"Anybody who takes money out of your community and does not invest in your community whatsoever is the enemy."
"If you want to eradicate crime, if you want to change the dynamics that are happening, then you have to make investments inside of those communities."
"It's got to be a partnership. It's not just about throwing public money into a stadium."
"This is America at its best, investing in the people of this country."
"The IP is community, or the community's IP. So even if you get into a project and it doesn't do well financially for a while, you have people that you're creating long-time relationships with that are new friends."
"Making the investments that reduce crime and save money."
"In Rural America that's what we should be leaning into really really hard."
"We need systemic solutions and real investment in our communities."
"We deserve an apology, compensation, and real investment in our communities."
"This is not a moment of Superman flying in to save the city. This is an idea of how the city can invest and become a stakeholder in the process."
"Those investments are going to transform people's lives and spread opportunity in his area, and he deserves enormous credit for making that happen."
"If we keep spending our money with white businesses, they have no reason to invest money back into our community."
"Part of the reason we make a lot of money is so that we can give back, you know, and we can invest in our communities, we can invest in the causes that matter to us."
"For every one pound that is invested in community sport, there is a return of four pound of wider social and economic value."
"From kicking tees to cups of tea, protecting the future of the game, making the stars of tomorrow."
"You want to buy property, own stuff around here in your community, and help your family."
"Corporations used to highlight the way that they invested in their workers, the way that they invested in their communities."
"We have to invest into our local businesses."
"We got to figure out a way to take that money and reinvest it in our communities."
"As for me and my house, we shall serve and honor the Lord by demonstrating our gratitude by investing in the lives of other people."
"We're reinvesting 10% of our Google AdSense Revenue back into projects here in the Finger Lakes Community."
"Investing in communities ravaged by systemic disadvantage, funding educational initiatives, establishing healthcare programs rooted in racial equity—these are not handouts but overdue investments in rectifying a historical injustice."
"We have to actually actively reinvest in our schools, our communities, and especially our libraries."
"It's very important to me that I'm investing in this community."
"We took that money and bought devices for kids in Atlanta."
"African-American dollars invested in their own communities also produce self-pride, self-sufficiency, and self-determination."
"The project will stimulate economic investment in these communities that it serves; it's basically impossible that it won't."
"When you give women the voice around how dollars are spent, they're going to spend it in ways that benefit their families and their communities."
"There's not a lot of people looking at the children saying, 'Hey, if we invest here, if we get involved here, we can stop a whole lot of downstream challenges.'"
"As lovely as mosque chandeliers are, I would love to see some of that money invested in young people who are coming out of prison."
"Don't be scared to invest in your community, don't be scared to employ 75 people, I employed maybe 7,500, 100 people too."
"The investors need to be participating; we need to be actively looking to buy in our communities."
"Happy to say all the money Blender has made me has gone back into the community."
"We're at a pivot now where you've got companies that are willing to dabble in the community and invest."
"If we're going to have a better, stronger, safer Chicago, do what safe American cities do: invest in people."
"I'm investing in America's communities."
"That's why this money's going to go into the community so we can invest in each other, not just treat each other like a charity case."
"The best way to make sure that our school communities are strengthened and secure is by investing in them."
"The company was told to optimize for long-term economic success, and any excess profit would be invested into the working population of the city of Jena."
"Smaller banks are one of the driving forces behind economic investment and development in our communities."
"It's sizeable equity investments over the coming decade or more into communities of color that will be essential to substantially lift them out of poverty and build resilience."
"I'm working on a proposal for creating a national investments fund, pulling together capital from both the private sector and government to invest in these communities over the next decade or more."
"Investments in these communities is important, and we look forward to working with you on your specific ideas."
"Investing in the neighborhood... making a neighborhood feel like a neighborhood."
"We need to ensure that investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, workforce development, and our care economy are made at the scale we need and are made in every single community in America."
"We can set up all of our children for success by investing in our strongest asset: our people."
"Every 100 basis points of value we can add is medical research, scholarships, paying pensions."