
Religious Study Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"We don't owe them an explanation first; we owe ourselves an explanation because we owe ourselves the obligation to understand the Book of Allah better."
"With the right and privilege of private interpretation always comes the sacred, holy, and awesome responsibility of correct interpretation, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"To get to know Jesus Christ better than ever before... there are more attributes, more descriptions of the character of Jesus Christ, of exactly what He's doing today, than anywhere else in the Bible."
"This lecture is on the Book of Revelation, a book I've been interested in since I was basically 17 years old."
"The word of God is likened to honey. Is the word of God sweet to you? Do you love to study it? Does it thrill your soul every time you open the book?"
"You begin your study with the Quran, and when you study all the data in the Quran concerning the subject and you have brought them together in a harmonious whole...only then do you turn to the hadith."
"I had to at least ponder the hermeneutical claim that this book was different from all the others because it was inspired by a holy God and inherently true and trustworthy."
"The Bible is our nourishing, sustaining daily food from God; it's what nourishes us."
"The Bible is shallow enough for the smallest of infants to play in but it's also deep enough for the largest of elephants to wade in." - Martin Luther
"Keep your Bible open and your news on, and watch what happens."
"We need to make sure that we are squared away doctrinally, that we are not easily deceived."
"Don't rely on what someone else says about Him... devote yourself to search the word of God."
"Scripture is analogous to itself, it is its own best interpreter."
"Quran is a book that demands from its reader that it be read over and over again if you want to understand it."
"Who is wise and he shall understand these things who understands these things understanding and he shall know them who's gonna know them who's gonna understand them how do you figure this stuff out by keeping the Torah."
"If anyone should meditate with devotion and perspicacity on the sermon our lord gave on the mount as we read in the gospel of Saint Matthew, he will doubtless find there the perfect way of the Christian Life." - Saint Augustine
"Intimacy with God starts with knowing Him through His word."
"The proper methodology is never to go first to the hadith, always go first to the Quran."
"You can't read the Bible too much, no matter what language it is. It's not gonna hurt you."
"Lean into your scriptures if you want a good book right now because you're gonna need it."
"The importance of studying Bible prophecy is tremendous and I think that Bible prophecy, which contains almost the Bible, is almost a third of the Bible is prophecies of future events."
"In the last days, his people will significantly increase their knowledge of scripture as they earnestly engage with the word of God in sincerity and Truth."
"What kind of being is that? Maybe there is a clue in the Tetragrammaton."
"You cannot understand the Bible without the organization."
"Read the Bible, test what I say too, don't just take my word for it."
"Revelation is the only book in the Bible where God actually makes a promise that if you study this book you'll actually be blessed by him for doing it."
"The most important thing anyone can do is to study the scriptures and understand Yahweh through them."
"The more we study the more we pray and the more we look to the word of God for answers the more dots connect."
"The fact that the Quran says that it's miraculously easy to memorize a 600-page document."
"Our only safety is in staying in God's Word."
"Always good to be a part of the family of God, study the word of God together. I'm looking forward to it, amen."
"I turn to the Bible when I feel hungry for wisdom."
"It's more than sincerity. It's the sincere desire to know truth in God's word."
"The evidence study bible will thoroughly enrich your trust in God and in His precious word."
"It's a do-it-yourself type of process with the Hadith."
"Jesus reads the laws of the Torah discovering their wisdom by reading them in connection with their hyperlinks."
"Read your Bible, read it, stop leaving the responsibility of your Bible being read to you by somebody else."
"Reading through your Bible should be approached like you're getting into a car to take a trip."
"Studying the word of God is life-changing. Reading the Bible is good, but studying it is like so much better than just reading."
"That's the beauty of studying the Bible, it's a multi-leveled book."
"You can't be closer to the Holy Spirit than being in his word."
"The book of Revelation unlocks the mystery of history."
"We want to make our mind active by actively studying and meditating upon the Word of God."
"The Bible is your history. Read Exodus and Deuteronomy to measure your lifestyle against righteous laws."
"It is important to understand the Bible is inspired but it is just as equally important to understand how to understand the Word of God and how to interpret the Word of God."
"Listen to more Quran... find a reciter you enjoy... pick one Surah to study deeply."
"Getting mad or irritated that people want a sports simulation game when it's described as such is wild."
"In short, I invite people to do exactly what has been suggested throughout the debate just to search the scripture and see what these things are."
"One of the most astonishing prophecies in the book of Isaiah."
"He consulted the Bible more than any other volume."
"Sharon and I are going through the book of Revelation right now, it's a weekly study we're doing for Sky Watch TV called 'Unraveling Revelation'."
"The god of the Bible is simply various authors' portrayal of God."
"When you really look into it, you see that the Christians who are named mushrikun, so... if you really want to get a final answer about the real meaning of mushrikun, you just have to do what I did."
"Most Christians only read the back of their Bibles and never read what's in the middle."
"Reading the Scriptures, reading the early Fathers, reading the lives of the saints."
"The Bible is a living word, it reveals truths beyond surface interpretations."
"Start with theology and then use typology to help see that theology throughout the scripture."
"From benefiting one of the great benefits that we have from just reading this works is an increase in him MA and desiring to get close to Allah."
"There would be scriptures that you would have read probably a thousand times over."
"Studying with Jehovah's Witnesses is not an intellectual exercise."
"The genuine Book of Enoch is referred to as the ethiopic Book of Enoch."
"Everything about Jesus is all over the Bible."
"The more you study this book, the less fear you'll have."
"Never in my life have I received more comments on people who are reading the Old Testament commentary."
"God's words will lead you to want to learn more of what He's instructing us in these times."
"If you seek all of God's Word... you're going to find out that you have a growing supernatural resilience against the temptations of this world."
"Matthew's the most read book of the New Testament... but most people have no clue really what Matthew's trying to emphasize."
"Let's become informed and pursue the God of the Bible."
"The best commentary on scripture is scripture itself."
"This is the missing piece that ties the Bible narrative."
"Interpretation happens by allowing the scriptures to tell you what the scriptures mean."
"Learn to love the scriptures... it is how God speaks to us."
"To everyone else, especially to Muslims, I would like to say, maybe read these Quran verses, and think about them honestly."
"If you just blow away the dust on your Bible and sincerely and earnestly learn what it says, you will soon realize that most of mankind's answers to life and their greatest questions can be found right in the Word of God."
"May your study of the King James Bible be a transformative experience leading to a closer relationship with God."
"Every verse you're gonna quote... read the context around it."
"Do your own research, keep listening, keep learning, keep reading your Bible."
"A third of the New Testament focuses on this one man."
"This book can be understood, and it should be studied and understood and it won't scare you but it will prepare you."
"Those who study the scriptures have higher scores in Harvard's human flourishing index."
"If you want to learn to recognize and hear the voice of the Lord, read the Doctrine and Covenants."
"Continue to read and study and deny yourself in that area."
"You cannot fully understand the Bible unless you know something about Israel."
"All of these are reasons for Christians to learn about Islam."
"Test the spirit, pray and see if this is confirmed to you in prayer and in the study of the word."
"Grab your Bibles let's get into this and let's study what God's word has to say as we walk through time and go into the future."
"Biblical typology is definitely one of the more meatier subjects of Christian study."
"This stuff I said was crazy well all I'm gonna say is like just get right with God bro please please because it's and if you don't know where to start I said the New Testament because uh started the Book of Matthew and you'll get to know Jesus."
"Jesus Christ in other words when we pick up and read the Bible we are to read the scriptures looking for Jesus in every page."
"If you're gonna get a proper accurate view of God, you'll have to open this book and find out what it says about God because this is God's revelation."
"Don't forget to check the context of the scriptures when people are quoting these things to you. Look at it in context, and don't forget to check the actual quotes from the Church Fathers."
"I've been memorizing the Gospel of John for two years but when I try and preach the gospel, I feel like there's no point because I don't have anything to add... I think I need to take a look at the Latter-Day Saints."
"This surah is made up of four stories and it's made up of several passages."
"You are going to know more about Bible prophecy than the average dude graduating from Theological Seminary."
"One of the best things about the ESV Study Bible are the rich and in-depth full-length essays."
"Read the Bible for yourself and pray and see if you read the Bible if it actually says what it seems."
"Proper biblical interpretation: There's only one interpretation of any passage of scripture, but endless applications."
"This is hands down my favorite subject in the entire Bible. Typology of Jesus in the Old Testament is like the most brilliant and beautiful and blessing-filled area of study."
"The Book of Mormon wasn't just something to be read or studied, but something to be lived."
"Continue to read your Bibles and continue to think critically about them."
"To study the four gospels... get to know the character of Jesus."
"The Bible is a book that has been through a lot of hands but has a consistent Universal message that everyone can pull something from everyone can learn thing from."
"We want to know God, and the best way to know God is to first know about God."
"The greatest commentary on the Bible is the Bible."
"It's so important for us to all read the scriptures for ourselves because we can have such a different view of yahuwah if we lean on our own understandings."
"The Bible talks about women so much that I almost had to call this 'The Good Book and the Worth of Women Part 1 of 75'!"
"Marking your scriptures may be one of the greatest ways that you can deepen your scripture study."
"If you want to find out what's in the Book of Enoch, you have to read The Book of Enoch."
"Saint Robert Bellarmine is of all the theologians who have written systematically on the papacy, Robert Bellarmine is number one."
"Why risk it? Why risk that if the risks are higher and the stakes are higher this year?"
"How can you say you know Jesus but you don't read his word?"
"You'll need to know as we go through this the end of Jacob's trouble."
"That's part of our consecration as we're studying in the Doctrine and Covenants."
"Start in the Bible, stay in the Bible, finish in the Bible."
"If there was one study that you can in love give to your pastor, give to your Sunday school teacher, this is the study."
"I think we have to make triple check, quadruple check our exegesis."
"What it means to follow Jesus 101: The Sermon on the Mount."
"The more you study the Word, the more you learn truth. That truth is what sets you free, and you learn how to think differently."
"This is the Tafsir of my Sheikh and somebody I love, somebody that I personally benefited from and sat with."
"Study the scriptures; it's crucial to understanding God's ideal plan for our lives."
"It's really important to look at these things I think it'll give a much fuller understanding of what the verses say how we can apply that to our lives and what God is really trying to teach us through this portion of Scripture."
"The book of Jasher can be read in the light of the scriptures for a deeper understanding of some passages."
"I've been studying the Bible since I was in my 20s."
"I love this, we don't have to worry about another service afterwards. It's just we can dig into the word and you're to be commended for coming in the middle of the week to a Bible study."
"If you know what exegesis is, you will be able to see the difference between exegesis and our Jesus allegory."
"Every page of the Bible you read is revealing something of God."
"Our pastor's been going super slow so each week we basically go through one of the verses and this week was blessed or the poor in spirit."
"Please, do not waste your time. Benefit from your time, learn the Deen of Allah, understand what can be used as a dalil."
"Through a deeper study, we can learn more about our Savior and the love he has for us. We can learn more about his condescension, atonement, and how he overcame all things for us."
"The word S actually comes from the verb that means to travel. When we study The Life and Times of the Prophet sallam, it is as if we are following in his footsteps."
"Discovering how the story of salvation unfolds."
"I've learned more about the Book of Mormon than I believe possible."
"If you go to Medina, remember the Haram, remember the education you can get. You're going to get pure 'Ilm, that is the beautiful thing when you are in Medina and you go to the Islamic University of Medina."
"I really need to study mormonism and I really need to start really researching it and so that's when I just started buying books and acquiring books about mormonism."
"The more I studied the whys behind what we do as Catholic people, the more in love with the church I fell."
"Enjoy your time in God's word. It's such a blessing."
"God's invitation to all of us to join with the School of the Prophets in seeking all truth."
"I feel the association is too strict," Father Desanctis said, turning around and buttoning up his shirt. "I feel I'm sufficiently advanced to read the revelations of the book."
"Read, study, and obey God's word."
"Join us for the next in-depth Bible study."
"Understanding Scripture's deeper meanings requires diligent study and spiritual insight."
"I love Bible prophecy because I love the Bible."
"You've got a lot to do from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:20. One has enough to keep you busy."
"We have the opportunity to dive into the Quran and really understand what the Quran is trying to say. Armed with the Quranic methodology, we can extract all sorts of knowledge and make ourselves available to receive guidance directly from Allah."
"Listen to sources you can trust. Seek for answers to your questions through prayer, searching the scriptures, and studying the words of prophets, seers, and revelators."
"It's very important for you to know the word of God."
"We study the Word primarily in order to know Him."
"It helps you interpret scripture better."
"If you were really serious about being a biblical literalist, then you should go check these guys out."
"I'd rather study religion than preach religion."
"You can read the scriptures and see a different thing every time you read them."
"When you have a good commentary, it can transform your entire Bible study."
"My focus is typically going to be on the theological use in the text itself."
"The word of God is deliberately made in that way where you're supposed to study, where you're supposed to compare scripture with scripture, look at the context to understand."
"I'm so glad to know that you are searching for answers in the word of God."
"Grab your Bibles tonight and turn to the book of Isaiah, chapter 11."
"The Bible is my final authority in faith and practice, and when I could not find King James onlyism in my even King James Bible, I had to let it go."
"I always like to look at the Bible, which is the second edition elar codex."
"Grab your Bibles tonight and turn, if you would, to the book of Isaiah."
"I am excited because today we are going to start Revelation, and I'm excited to read it."
"I haven't seen anything that feeds the mind and also feeds the soul... more than constantly looking in the book of Allah."
"I was praying daily, I was going to church every week... I've read the Bible multiple times."
"I believe in God and I'm like reading the Bible front to back."
"I love studying this deen, I love teaching it."
"Let's investigate both Muhammad and the Quran."
"If you have to take a break from the internet, go do some thinking, read the Bible, read the founders, read the Constitution, and work to develop your own convictions about what is right and what is wrong."
"I pray that it's a blessing, and I look really forward to getting back to Revelation with you next week."
"It's like a really cool devotional slash study Bible."
"Lord, as we open up Your word now, we pray You'd speak to our hearts."
"Thank you, Lord, for providing us this opportunity to go over these questions and really learn."
"You have to learn and we have to study our Deen."
"All we're trying to do is get folks interested in the book of books because once you get into it, you just can't beat it."
"It's all true, so what's our job? To try to understand the Torah."
"You've got to read the Bible voraciously."
"The idea that the sources from which he got the stories and sayings of Jesus were primarily from Peter himself is entirely plausible."
"The NLT Study Bible really shines."
"Bible study is not sitting up here and throwing scriptures back and forth; this is Bible study."
"As they studied what they believed because they were curious about them, they would begin to discover God."
"Keep studying, keep reading that Bible, keep comparing."
"Instead, I'm asking you to go back and read the Gospels simply as history."
"The Bible is not written to us, but it is written for us."
"The library at Lambach incorporated a scriptorium where the monks copied books for religious purposes to add to the community store of knowledge and also as a form of prayer or study."
"Study the Word of God, study the Old Testament as much as the New Testament."
"Everything I study deepens my conviction that that's real and deepens my appreciation for the privilege of being part of His work in our day."
"I like these extras and these resources that you get in study bibles."
"For the time that we get week by week to gather together to study the word of God, something that we believe to be inherent, every word, every concept, we believe it to be a document that is God-breathed."
"The best Bible for you is the one you're going to read. So read it till the pages fall out and keep your eyes on the Lord."
"The study notes in this Study Bible are very, very accurate."
"You owe it to yourself to at least study Islam in detail."
"It's incredible to know that people of every walk of life in countries around the world are tuning in to study the Bible."
"This study is excellent if you are looking for something to help your child get into the habit of reading the Bible on a daily basis."
"The way to know God is to read and study His word."
"I read both 'Jesus the Christ' and 'Articles of Faith' while I was preparing to go out on my mission."
"Search the scriptures... they are they which testify of me."
"The best way to learn about the Quran is to read it."
"Iman in the messenger is a topic of three-quarters of the Quran."
"I'm not sure that I agree with you, but I'll tell you one thing you've accomplished, I have promised myself that I'm going to start to study my Bible."
"Reading the biography of the pious predecessors is more beloved to me than a lot of studying of issues."
"Study the Word of God... it opens your spiritual eyes."
"The ultimate science is tafseer, to understand the Book of Allah."