
Day Trading Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"What I've encouraged day traders to do is to take ten percent of every time they get a winning position and invest it in core holdings."
"With day trading, it's extremely important that you don't form bad habits in the beginning and instead work on your form or, in this case, a strategy and a plan that you do each and every time, no matter what."
"Welcome to the ultimate day trading strategies crash course. This one-hour long crash course video will be very insightful for you if you're a beginner or intermediate trader."
"Finding the right supports and resistance levels is crucial and should be a part of the foundation for technical analysis, whether you are day trading stocks, crypto, futures, or even Forex."
"Trading on the daily chart will keep you from making some of the detrimental mistakes that could be making in a day trading account that would cause you to bleed your account dry."
"I made over half a million dollars day trading this month."
"With that, you now have a full plan to turn day trading into a source of income."
"You can spend eight hours a day day trading in front of the computer but you're not guaranteed the paycheck."
"Risk management is the foundation in day trading. If you don't manage your risk, you will never become profitable."
"We're making money today, we made like 500 700 bucks in one day."
"Risk management is a foundation in day trading... if you don't manage your losses you'll never become profitable."
"Learn how to adjust and adapt. If you day trade, then you should know that the market doesn't look the same every day."
"Every trader needs to have their edge, and for day traders, reading level two is part of having that extra edge."
"Day trading and meteorology are the only jobs where you can be wrong 30 percent of the time and still get paid pretty well."
"If you enjoyed this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button if you want to learn more and go deeper with this day trading career."
"I made more in one day than working a nine-to-five job in New York City."
"How else can you really make six figures in one day in any other occupation?"
"Capital gains taxes can eat away at your profits, especially with day trading."
"As a day trader, we're looking for stocks that on an intraday basis could move anywhere 10% you know to 20 30 or 40%."
"Day trading is not easy. It's a grind, but the rewards are worth it."
"Balance is a must in day trading... it can be very addictive and it's very, very fun to do."
"This is kind of what I need to do every time I day trade."
"Focus on one or two trades a day, that's it."
"Day trading is like casino roulette, where the proportion of successful players decreases with the number of rounds played."
"You don't want to mess around with gold, especially on Monday."
"In five years, I just want to buy the house that we're renting right now. And by doing that, I want to get started and possibly day trading, that's something that I really enjoy."
"That's how you make money day trading, find key levels, play the momentum."
"As a day trading floor... We gotta be flat by the time these markets close."
"Just because you're day trading... we're looking for specific setups that allow us to try to capitalize on the majority of the daily range."
"Generally ideal day trading is seen on Wednesday."
"In day trading, it's not about being stubborn, it's about being smart and quickly adapting as new information comes in."
"It's great if you're inspired by my challenge so that you can learn more about day trading because that's why I did it."
"What I love about day trading is how luck may always play a part but there's nothing stopping you from working hard to increase your skills."
"Day trading is not about becoming an expert at the companies you will buy and sell. Day trading is about becoming an expert at human nature."
"For day trading margin is pretty much essential."
"For every single one of these traders that turns a once in a lifetime profit, there are hundreds if not thousands of other day traders who lose it all."
"Day trading this Market is the way to be. I do it every day. My partners and I do it every day. My subscribers are off the charts happy because of the plan we put in place."
"Day traders can make thousands to tens of thousands of dollars in a matter of minutes or hours."
"One advice guys, do not give up. I know this is a very confusing, very complex journey but trust me 100% everyone that is day trading that is very successful been through the same scenario, the same hardship but the only thing is they never give up."
"If you think that you're going to get rich quick, day trading is not for you."
"If you're not good with the computer and you're not able to make quick decisions, day trading probably isn't for you."
"Trading without level 2 as a day trader would be like riding your bike down the mountain with one eye closed."
"Tik Tok live to me right now is one of the best arbitrages one of the best ways to day trade attention."
"This is what day trading allows you to do - you can open and close the operation within a single day."
"Risk to reward ratio is amazing because when you're a day trader, you're not catching a one to one, you're catching a minimum of a one to two risk reward."
"Once you get good at day trading, I want you to start paying yourself."
"Anyone could be a consistently profitable day trader. They just have to love it enough and really put the work and time in."
"The first and most important thing to understand about day trading is what the data say about its effectiveness as a strategy."
"The fact that a tiny fraction of day traders exhibit skill in some samples should not be enough to entice rational investors to gamble but the behavior of day trader suggest that gambling may be exactly what they want."
"Since there is no evidence of learning among day traders, paying someone to teach you how to day trade is only making your prospects worse after costs."
"You can make money as a day trader, you can make money as a momentum player, you can make money as a deep value player, you just got to stay with your strengths."
"Market structure and trend are very basic; they are the fundamental resource of day trading, especially in the futures market."
"Day traders know that the high or low of the day forms early in the day."
"The best thing you can do when you first start day trading is just to focus on not losing money."
"I've come to be known for as being somewhat of an expert in day trading."
"I managed to make $1,000 day trading just one pair, pound dollar, and I did it from my mobile phone."
"The ability to filter for what you want is a game changer for day traders."
"The goal as a short-term day trader is to get in, take your surgical strikes, and get out."
"Day trading is buying and selling assets within the same trading day and session."
"If you're looking to day trade off a mobile app, you're crazy."
"The research found that 1% of day traders were able to profit consistently."
"As a day trader, my job is to hunt for volatility, but I also have to manage risk."
"It's going to be a really, really super fun day, I mean, I know the market's down, but this is like a day trader's dream."