
Historical Remembrance Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I think an example of it succeeding would be like Germany... it was also about like monuments and memorials and museums and they built those like those Stepping Stones... but as far as I know, that was quite successful."
"There should be a day that speaks to slavery in America."
"The lesson is never again; that is the task for all opponents of barbarism."
"Why do we celebrate Memorial Day? Oh, isn't it for the soldiers in the army who fought for our country?"
"The main thing today is it's February the 6th and we remember the Busby Babes and all those who perished on February 6, 1958."
"Every single one of these figurines is filled with the names of those people who died and suffered."
"Let us take a moment to remember Duke Olaf the Third, a man who stepped up at the end of the voting age to try and stop it from ending."
"A chilling reminder of humanity's darkest moments."
"The story of Rhys Jones is a tragic one and it's a tale that'll be told in the years to come, his memory will live on forever."
"Yesterday the country paused to remember how Rosa Parks refused to move."
"Saint Nicholas, beloved in his life, after he died on the 6th of December 343 CE, people would honor his memory."
"The only thing left to do is pay tribute to Jonesy's victims and hope that they managed to find some peace in the end..."
"People of Berlin and people of the world... let us remember this history and answer our destiny and remake the world once again."
"Part of that repair also has to be remembrance, right? So as I'm reading... what people don't know, we talk Black Wall Street Tulsa, Oklahoma, but there were a lot of Black thriving communities why? Because Black people built the country."
"A hero almost forgotten and wrongly forgotten except Zulu War Buffs and now to you too."
"You'll always be reminded by the fact that the Island's victims make up half of the soil beneath your feet."
"If there's anyone that deserves that [a statue], it's David. Sergio will leave as a legend, he will be appreciated, I think, for the next 100 years."
"We can never forget what happened on 9/11, what caused it, how we were asleep at the switch, and then what came from that, that led us to this point today."
"Cannibal Island should be a place that the world tries its hardest not to forget - a monument to a very human kind inhumanity."
"Remember the past loving kindnesses of the Lord, and as a result, we may endure."
"Every year, thousands upon thousands of people come from all over the country, all over the world, to look for the names of loved ones, ancestors on these huge bronze plaques."
"It's hard to believe that it's 19 years, and for any of you guys that were alive and of age when you can make memories, I have no doubt that you remember the day, just as I do, whether you were in New York City like I was or wherever you were..."
"Remember that Independence Day, why we have this great nation."
"We remember not just our own fallen, but all those who've ever served."
"It's a celebration, it's a family, it's remembrance of a history full of people that were willing to put everything on the line for freedom to be who they truly are."
"One for each night, they shed a sweet light to remind us of days long ago."
"The forgotten holiday of Evacuation Day is history that deserves to be remembered."
"We talk about people like this now so we don't forget what they've done for us." - Narrator
"Justin Welby told attendees that those who serve will be loved and remember while those who cling to power and privileges are long forgotten"
"I care about these dead people, these are human beings."
"Now Lord Saladin, the last Iron Lord, honors the memories of his lost brothers and sisters. And he waits … because he knows that someday the thing that destroyed the Iron Lords will return."
"We definitely wanted to remember in 1969 we did."
"His reign is one of the more compelling reigns remembered for these very reasons."
"I'm content to die for my beliefs, so cut off my head and make me a martyr. The people will always remember it."
"Their glory shall not be blotted out."
"Taking a stand for humanity by remembering the past and committing to the future."
"Let us remember those champions of years past who fought for the freedoms we as Americans so often take for granted."
"In memory of staff at Liberty who gave their lives for their country during the war, 1914-1948. How lovely is that?"
"That's okay, as long as Spokanites do remember that once there was a generation that cared enough about this city's future to give its people a legacy they can be proud of."
"It's really important that we don't forget the people who fought in the First World War."
"It's the parts of history that people wish had never happened that are often the parts that need to be the most keenly remembered."
"Always remember what happened. Never be complacent to say that it cannot happen here."
"A new bell was installed in its place and on it inscribed were the names of the 29 men who lost their lives."
"This day is special for us; we're remembering that day in our history."
"You shall dwell in Sukkot seven days, so that generations will know that I caused the B'nai Israel to dwell in Sukkot when I brought them out of the land of Egypt."
"We want to honor those men that took part in that operation and we also want to, as the Tank Museum, thank the Royal Netherlands army."
"It is history that deserves to be remembered, good or bad."
"Lest we forget, we must not forget; consider the legacy of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, acknowledge the tragedy, consider the legacy, lest we forget."
"Only those who died in war or died in childbirth were allowed to have their name written on their tombstone."
"Remember the dead, remember the ruin of the dropsite massacre, remember."
"That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."
"It's very important for us to never forget."
"Empress Xiaoxian passed away many years ago. Though we've kept Changchun Palace the same as before."
"Immortality superseded war because even the mortal legends who would die, their names will be remembered."