
Celebration Of Life Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"We celebrate death more than life. That's why we don't give people flowers while they're living."
"What we owe each other is a celebration of life and to replace fear and hopelessness with fearlessness and joy."
"The Quran is very much a celebration of life."
"It's a moral duty to celebrate and worship life itself."
"The films are a radical celebration of diversity, love, and the chaotic messiness of real life overthrowing pretension, rigidity, and prejudice."
"Can we really truly celebrate our radical uniqueness and aliveness and connect to the god that is real?"
"If you choose only the sadness side of it you're failing to celebrate the goodness of your human..."
"After all the death, the living celebrate life, with food drink and sex, in that order."
"Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated."
"She seemed to her like the marble statue in her little garden."
"We are alive, ladies! We are freakin' alive, we are out here, we are thriving."
"There's really great stuff that could be had here, and yes, it's uncomfortable, and it might feel different, but it's worth celebrating if you allow it."
"It's the greatest time to be alive in human history, amen amen it really is, it's so exciting."
"He enjoyed a good party and he died as he lived, with wit, charm, and panache. A real working-class hero, Jack Shepherd was a legend in his own lifetime and long after."
"A child to me now is always a reason to celebrate life."
"I thought funerals should be a celebration of life rather than a room full of upset people."
"This is the Glorious time, this is a great time to be alive."
"Life-formula! It's literally the event that celebrates the spark of life."
"I want a celebration, I don't want the let's all look at an old picture of me in a casket and cry, I'm cool."
"There's only one real purpose: to exalt life."
"When I die, I want everyone else to not only be happy, but... Enjoy, you live for me."
"Life is one long party: wine, women, and song."
"We vow to celebrate and support every heroic mother who chooses life, and we resolve to defend the lives of every innocent and unborn child, each of whom can bring unbelievable love, joy, beauty, and grace into our nation and our entire world."
"The funeral scene has seen more of a celebration of life rather than the grief of losing someone."
"We had to celebrate this happy day, for your brother was dead and has come back to life; he was lost but now he is found."
"It wasn't sad, it was happy. Everybody was there to celebrate Eve's life."
"I had this great idea of my mom's celebration of life being dressed in white."
"...you will always choose life, won't you? You will always celebrate life."
"Ulysses is a comedy. It ends, so to speak, happily with a celebration of life, life in the here and now."
"You're talking about somebody who lived a life worth celebrating, a life at the center of that family."
"I enjoy life and I don't want to leave the party."
"Instead, smile that he was here. The last four and a half years of Tito were memorable."
"Do not frown; he would not want you to. Celebrate his life."
"It finds beauty in the everyday and celebrates it despite the horrific and cruel circumstances in which our hero finds himself."
"Let's celebrate because my wife is where we all need to be, and I'm envious of that."
"When I die, I don't want people to be sad... I want people to be happy."
"Oh good life, full of fun, hey you guys!"
"We have to live life, have to celebrate."
"They don't want to see you upset; they want you to celebrate and to enjoy life."
"She packed a lot of fun into those 18 years and she had a tremendous zest for life."
"Julia loved life, she packed a lot of fun into her 18 years."
"Everything is temporary, must die, must end, and we must reach a state where the end of everything is something we can approach with celebration and love."
"We're celebrating the fact that we are alive, that we made it."
"Parabola is the celebration of life, the holy experience of birth, and the unlikely opportunity that we all share to be temporarily conscious of each other and the world around us."
"I love all the people that I know, ain't no R.I.P.s, it's stay in sauce and paradise or fly high, fly guy."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to charge your glasses and be upstanding to drink to the memory of the most wonderful, kind-hearted, fondly remembered old lady in the world, I give you Auntie Pearl."
"Tonight we celebrate his life and his legacy."
"I love you, I value you, I honor you, and I'm so very glad that you were born."
"It's just still hard to believe, but I'm going to be talking at their celebration of life."