
Close Call Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"That was so freaking close. If I hadn't done that micromanagement there, we would have lost."
"We barely made it to a gas station with literally like a mile left of range. I was cutting it close."
"The crash of 56 Charlie was a hair-raising incident that could so easily have ended in tragedy."
"We just, by the skin of our teeth, saved the Republic."
"What a finish, the average destruction could not be closer."
"That's more like it, that was [__] close man."
"Luckily no one was injured in that video... that bomb missed just by enough."
"Oh my god, that was so close, Foxy almost got in!"
"Had that huge boulder been just a foot or two over, things could have been so much worse."
"Do not let the alpaca get away. Holy crap, that was close!"
"He stated he almost rolled down his window and let the white-eyed child in but his instincts kicked in."
"Brother dodged the bullet on that one. Could have been a hell of a lot worse."
"One damage away from victory, talk about a close battle."
"Had that wheel been eight inches left or right, you know, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."
"Lightning never strikes twice. This guy had no idea how close he came to getting fried by a lightning bolt. Imagine all the circumstances that could have altered that situation into a worse one."
"We were tied on beverages at the end so if I hadn't got that beer that would have been a loss by a beer"
"I thank God that I noticed the door slightly open and locked it shut. This story could have had an awful ending otherwise."
"Wow, that was nearly picked off by Wilson. I thought Odell had so much more space."
"I knew this is how I'll never be, put in jail and it almost worked."
"Nice defense there, somehow someway able to come away with the without losing our tower."
"We were so close to a constitutional crisis."
"That was so close, one block with no closed businesses."
"That hit between their heads would’ve hit Macy if she didn’t duck!"
"Canine rigs was incredibly lucky, the bullet had passed through his head missing the brain completely."
"Count your blessings, man, because that magazine was almost empty."
"It sails past your face towards a $50,000 camera."
"Yeah, you could have bought the farm there man walking around that corner."
"I thought I made that too, son of a gun."
"A knife is thrown directly at him, barely missing his face."
"Two men were engaged in conversation outside an office building when they had a close call with a falling ice block that narrowly missed them."
"A tree just cracked off and almost hit us."
"Oh no, [__] the whole barn almost goes up."
"We could have been killed almost."
"That could easily have been metal on bone, just grinding against each other."
"I thought my head tube was going to hit it."
"You about died. I cut it close there."
"We came close, and I just didn't give up."
"That was a close call. He got Sam."
"He genuinely could have died back there."
"That was close because right behind that hill right behind it is out of bounds there's no way to miss that putt I think."
"I felt one of the bullets skim past my ear."
"The day you shall always remember, the day that you almost."
"He almost got there didn't he though he almost got there."
"That was a close call, but you made it."
"Guys, I think we made it by the skin of our teeth. At least we didn't get caught like in the last video."
"Wow, that was close enough, that was nice."
"They say your life flashes before you when you have a close call, and the only thing I think I could think was, 'Geez, are we shorting a Range Rover?' But there you go, right back to the car."
"Awfully close here, don't you think? You almost got trampled Lion King style."
"Oh this get a little too close but I I did go down oh I was like just don't hit your head just don't hit your head that's all I cared about was not getting a Cony."
"I would have been fine until the cop followed me on the jump."
"Almost got caught there at the construction site, but we managed to slip away."
"That's just a little bit high, not enough to get the call."
"Oh, almost went up right there at 17."
"Yeah, I've had a couple moments where I'm like, 'That was really close.' Me and my sister almost got in a really, really bad car accident once."
"As soon as the car approached it swerved toward me nearly side swiping me."
"That bullet had been a fraction of an inch to the right, would have killed you. That's plenty close, Tonto."
"Anakin almost became a slave again."
"Holy [__] boss, that was way too close."
"It's that close, it was cutting it that close."
"That's not bad, missed it by that much. That's pretty good."
"That was down to the wire, I was literally in the last little tingle of help."
"I feel like I dodged a major bullet."
"Frame by frame, look how close this is. My goodness."
"This is what I call by the skin of our teeth. I think this is how we always do it."
"It's almost impossible to really hold the wheel very, very closely as isabe shoves it up the inside into that one."
"That's almost in the bog then, Finn! Almost in."
"This was another close call as Sandy Springs police arrived just two minutes after they left."
"He had to throw in plenty of time as he comes across the bag but rivers is right there and almost really ripped him apart."
"I can't believe that. I'm glad that uh they missed it, but I could see how they could, you know, if they hit this Timber on a sunny day or whatnot."
"Against all the odds, Ian has sailed this wedding all the way to a happy ending, almost."
"That was intense, that was close at the end there."
"So essentially one minute separating her top three."
"That sounds so much like a movie setting, and you know it's easy to make it up but I gotta admit it, it was close."
"I almost fell in the water but I managed to catch one of the mooring lines."
"That was a close one! I hope you all like your s'mores extra crispy."
"It's close, it's not quite there."
"For the gang of thieves, it was a close call."
"The world came closer to nuclear war than ever before."
"Wow close call there for the sharks."
"Even with two, it's gonna be close."
"I kind of like that every gunshot is like that, they always say, oh if it was an inch to the left, yeah, you would have died."
"Ray and Batista, well they were so damn close to victory, they were only like three seconds away."
"Warriors win oh that was close we almost coughed that one up."
"Literally almost just took my own eye out."
"It felt like we'd escaped a near-death experience."
"I definitely came close, which is good."
"The power of Joe Lapone's car almost pulled out a win oh so close at the finish."
"I know how close I was to losing you."
"I almost hit him with the guy Patrick."
"That was almost a huge moment. Not just for him. But it might have been taken Jimmie Johnson out as well. Great save."
"If you had not gotten in the car and left, you would not be alive to see a new day."
"That was too close, that was so good."
"Thank god I had closed the window that night because the bang was caused by a hand, a large hairy hand, covered in what appeared to be thick coarse dark hair."
"Pretty sure I got away with one there."
"Mate, that was so close, I nearly left the trail, going on into the toilet there was so close, dang."
"It's not the end of the world kind of story, but to this day, I still think how easily it could have been one of us with a knife to the throat."
"He very nearly came out of the ring on top of me."
"It's a 60-minute game. The Giants had the ball for 59 minutes and 18 seconds and still almost lost that game."
"it was so nearly something that paid off for the Brits"
"156 yes, 154 no, we did it by two votes."
"Remember this is the day you almost got Detective Enola Holmes."
"It's a great hit, could easily have gone in."
"That was so close, that was epic."
"We survived by the skin of our teeth."
"That was a mighty close race, looked like a photo finish to me."
"A Barry Lee victory for England, but it was oh so close."
"The proverbial dodging a bullet right there."
"Real Madrid off the post, oh my God, what a save Neuer!"
"I'm glad I did it bro because I would have lost the whole footage."
"That was close, but luckily for us, it turned out okay."
"Talk about your close calls; you contacted us just in time."
"That's the closest shave you'll ever get in your life."
"That's bike racing. Missed it by that much."
"That's the closest shave I ever did have."
"Had it been another two to three hours, he would be dead."
"The margin of victory was eight-thousandths of a second, Blaine Johnson pulled it out by the skin of his teeth."
"She got it, she got it, that was close, wow!"
"Good thing Kenny Pickett got the ball out of his hand quick, 'cause boy oh boy he was about to meet his maker."
"It literally does not get closer than that without being a straight-up tie."
"No nicks, no cuts, no nubs, boy that was close."
"I barely made it by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin."
"But when something that’s as close a call as this is caught on video, it reminds you of just how precious life is."
"Beautifully picked off the top of the turf, and just take a look at this from Lee Westwood, so so close."
"I was this close to being eliminated, and then by some miracle, I guess right on all three things."
"I won by the hair of my chinny chin chin."
"That was close, I think that was close. I hope we don't get any closer to production shutdown than that right there."
"How embarrassing, I thought to myself, woof dodged a bullet with that one."
"Taylor, your final four HOH, and it was close."
"That was close, we almost ended up together in the tomb there, but you did a fantastic job."
"Oh shucks, yeah, he asked if it went in, not quite, almost though, that was really close."
"This fail was far too close for comfort."
"Holy Universe, both calls had been far too close."
"Roy almost dropping one in from downtown."
"That was a good save because that would have been a scary crash right there."
"My family was not physically injured that day; we somehow dodged the path of the car by inches."
"No doubt about it, that was one close shave."