
American Life Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"America is awesome. Life is so comfortable here."
"Most Americans wake up every day with that sense of impending doom...they're driving around empty, they don't know what's going to happen, and they're desperate."
"America is the best country in the world to live in if you have money."
"Thankfully, the vaccine has brought normalcy back to the lives of many Americans in record time."
"The identifiers of success in American life—married, kids, high income, education—are now correlating extremely highly with religious practice."
"Household income was forty-one thousand dollars a year. That's what normal America, that's how normal Americans live now."
"There are three things that are breaking Americans' backs right now: housing, healthcare, education."
"We can afford to tell the full truth about America and the amplitude of American life in all of its facets."
"Nearly half of all Americans are currently going under because of debt."
"Access to credit has really become a necessary key for participating in American life."
"More than 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Life has gotten much harder for virtually every American across the country."
"To be born in America, to live in America, you've already kind of won the lottery."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"That's the program. That's how most of us now live here in the United States."
"Living in America is hard for most people and they realize it's getting worse."
"The average American's life gets meaningfully better under Democrats reliably."
"The average American pays half a million dollars in lifetime taxes."
"We're here to make that difference in people's lives, and when you have a functioning democracy, it helps solve the problems that everyday Americans face in just living their lives."
"More and more Americans are living paycheck to paycheck..."
"it's not easy to survive in America it's a good place to live compared to other countries but it's still difficult to live well"
"All across the country, Americans are getting completely squeezed."
"The majority of Americans live with constant economic anxiety in the richest country in the world."
"Isn't that crazy though, like I think that's the how insane everybody's life experiences can be so different in this country."
"We know that faith and family not government and bureaucracy are the true center of American life."
"He was talking about a real issue that affects Americans."
"There are no second acts in American life," Fitzgerald said, but Layman disagrees, stating, "The rich have an abundance of second acts."
"Let's talk about the reality of black life in America."
"Over its long existence the United States Postal Service has existed only to improve the lives of all Americans, and it succeeded."
"contest yes division yes polarization and a lot of name-calling but when has that ever been different in American Life"
"It's a wonderful place for friends and family, great American Life."
"As a person who was not ashamed of American life and who tried to live it and look at it as clearly as he could and also tried to make something beautiful out of the descriptions of it."
"Anything is better than everyday American life which is spiritually dead..."
"Being an American actually is... we have things a lot better than we probably realized."
"...its originality, its revelation of an American life that felt real but completely untouched, untapped by literary representation."
"I was stunned by its originality, its revelation of an American life that felt real but completely untouched, untapped by literary representation."
"Life in America is actually fantastic."
"Often times things that look very internal or processing can have enormous consequences on the lives of everyday Americans when it comes to participating in democracy."
"Three out of every four Americans can't imagine life without it."
"The American way of life has certainly been aided by invention, technology, and hard work, but we often forget that most of the physical work has been done by armies of fossil workers."
"The Simpsons is a show that only exists to tell stories of American life through distinctly American characters and settings and themes."
"Over the years, fast food has been a major part of American life, holding a special spot in the hearts of many."
"Middle-class Americans can't afford America anymore."
"Life in the United States was beginning to settle down and prosper."
"It was typical American family life."
"He is coming to us as someone new but someone whose particular take on American Life, America's relationship with the Caribbean and with Europe, and his continued fascination with conflict and its resolution and how art can participate in that are very important indeed."
"An absolute crazy week, yeah, especially for Americans, yeah, those living in the states."
"I am the average American citizen who worries about how I will send my kids to college and if I'll ever have enough money to retire just like most people watching this today."
"If American life is a big open space, it is not a space filled with individuals. It is a space filled with structures of social life, with institutions."
"Winter Counts is a tour de force of crime fiction, a bracingly honest look at a long ignored part of American life."
"That's a positive thing about living in America."