
Sensations Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"I love when you drive over new clean roads or paint. It's like the car feels more aerodynamic."
"People are addicted to these butterflies and the tingles and everything else."
"Honestly just my whole body is getting chills and goosebumps."
"The sensation of lurching stomach and teetering on the edge lasts a whole lot longer as well."
"Those that stay claim to have heard strange sensations, slamming doors, and abrupt waking in the middle of the night."
"It's one of the greatest sensations in the world."
"Consciousness is defined... an internal subjective experience complete with sensations and emotions."
"It felt like someone or something was intentionally just gently shaking it, pushing to sway it lightly back and forth."
"It's beautiful. It feels really, really nice."
"Sometimes you'll even feel like you're flying, dude that's sick."
"You're definitely going to be feeling that physically, emotionally, mentally."
"To this day, I get a shiver at my spine when I hear the whistling wind."
"I am driving this car. I can feel every single... Granted, it is lower, it's on bigger wheels and low-profile tires. I can feel everything."
"I felt suddenly light like I was floating on the air."
"When I returned to my body, it shook as though having a seizure. Incredible electric vibrations coursed through my limbs and out of my hands and feet."
"The now is not overwhelmed ever. The sensations are strong. Get present."
"When our attention is really close in feeling the sensations themselves, some very interesting things happen."
"It's not really all in the mind in that it's not being experienced as being false, but the mind is generating the physical sensations."
"It's cold, it's so cold, warm, okay, it's getting warmer."
"Your body is not a thing. It's a bundle of sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts."
"The euphoria you feel after physical activity, the heightened sense of joy at even the smallest and subtlest of moments, the contrast of hunger and satiation, the natural sleep cycle"
"Notice the sensations in your feet on the floor. Weight, contact, vibration, and movement."
"Notice the feeling of your hands and where they touch the chair. Be present in each sensation."
"ASMR is basically where you get tingles, get goosebumps, and you get certain sensations from hearing certain audios and sounds."
"The contrast between super hot inside and frozen ice cream, wow."
"When Victor Hovland hits a golf ball, the sound resonates in your soul."
"I could feel this nice Cool Breeze and it was warm out it was just beautiful there."
"Each sensation is temporary, fleeting."
"These Sensations can serve as a form of guidance, hinting at choices and paths that are in alignment with your higher self."
"True progress in spiritual science lies in the purifying spiritual warmth of our sensations and our feelings."
"My face definitely feels like it's open, the pores are open."
"Notice what comes to the surface, regardless of what sensations you're experiencing right now, you are breathing."
"The ejector airtime riders in the back experience is unexplainable; you are yanked so hard."
"It was really, really exciting, you know, I had sort of all chills down my back."
"You'll start to feel really good sensations moving the body that circulates dopamine and endorphins."
"I thrive in foreign environments, experiencing foreign sensations."
"You must give yourself over to the sensations you feel in the heat of battle."
"The harmonies and sound colors became blurred together, expertly producing an effect that wasn't focused on solid forms, but on the subtlety of impressions to create these sensations of exquisite beauty."
"Take a moment, tune into your body when you're thinking about your relationships with different people and notice what sensations come up."
"I got chills again, chills are good."
"Nothing matters more to us as human beings than our sensations, our feelings."
"Just the sensations, the connection to the road, the elements, it's um when you're pulling into this you see that City in the in the in the Horizon as you get closer and you're like."
"Everything that is good and perfect means all the amazing sensations of our human lives."
"Take your time and observe what sensations flood your body."
"Feeling the sensations that are created throughout the chest and back from this yoga mudra posture."
"Some women can start to feel that quickening or the baby kicking or flutters or popcorn or butterflies in their stomach."
"Let all the sensations you feel in the body call your mind into presence."
"You've already lived without regrets... the sensations, the feelings, the happiness you felt when you were alive, they were the best things you've ever felt and will ever feel."
"They had the same kind of thoughts and feelings, the same kind of sensations, even the same kind of pleasures and desires as they had had in the world."
"It just feels like fall; it feels nice and cool."
"Feel all of the good and bad vibrations all around."
"Lifts give you a funny sensation, some things are funny haha and some things are funny peculiar."
"You still can't take away that feeling of being on a roller coaster."
"The same sensations you say, 'Well, I'm feeling nervous,' that tag of nervousness applied to those sensations is a choice that you make."
"You'd interact with other players by looking at them in the eyes, and you can feel the chill at night and the warmth of the sun."
"Let yourself take it in, give yourself permission to absorb here all those sensations."
"Listening to the body, the body speaks to us in sensations."
"Notice the sensations as they're happening in the moment instead of getting caught up in that endless cycle of thought."
"I began to hear whistling and murmurs outside my car; I got chills, and the hair on my arms and neck stood up."
"As long as you feel your sensations and as long as you feel safe, that's all we need."
"Let the mind be conscious and aware, as you notice the sensations in the body."
"I've always had this sense of like being able to feel presences when I'm in certain places."
"Venice is a symphony of sensations, a city that entices with its unique beauty and captivating spirit."
"It's just that I don't know when I walk through here, I can like feel the sweat and the humidity of coming home early from finals in middle school and getting on to play."
"Invite all the sensations and use them to pull yourself more into the present moment."
"You might imagine and sense that you can let the unpleasant sensations float in a larger space of awareness."
"...we have nothing to do in this world but to obtain ourselves some agreeable Sensations and feelings."
"I love training but that's why I also run track too, it's to feel the sensations."
"Productivity alone is not enough; you must feel, tap into your Humanity, tap into your Sensations."
"I want you to feel everything that is arising during the practice, appreciating all the sensations, all the emotions."
"Be patient with yourself, stay aware of the sensations."
"Gold feels like a warm cozy day, and silver feels like a cold and blustery day."
"Feel all of the sensations that let you know that you're alive."
"Connect to your body, connect to the sensations."
"Sunny day but it's cold outside, it tingles in my heart."
"It becomes a total embrace of our humanity, of thoughts, of feelings, of sensations."
"Our experience of a body is a kind of tingling, vibrant, painful, solid, warm... these elemental things which are actually energetic."
"It was a treasure trove of sensations, styles, desires, preferences, ideas."
"Tune into the sensations that you feel in your body."
"If you're feeling something, your practice is working."
"Notice what you feel when you tune into the field of the body, whether your body feels energized, tired, warm, or cool."
"It was like goosebumps, you know, that's the kind of song you would expect goosebumps."
"Catch the breeze and the winter chills, in colors on the snowy linen land."
"Start to build awareness to all the feelings and sensations."
"Allow yourself to relax, laugh to yourself to be connecting to the sensations."
"There are just the smallest of things, the smallest of feelings, and the smallest of sensations that are worth living for."
"The ideal is to open the awareness for all aspects, both of the physical sensations, the visual fields, what you hear, the sounds, the breathing, all of that."
"Got to love the first drive, getting all kinds of different smells, everything burning off, settling in."
"Observe the sensations, observe your body waking up."
"Did you feel the vibrations? It felt like each step that you took up the stairs let off a pulse, almost like two gongs."
"I like to feel that sharp wind and soft spray on my face; when I feel that, I'm free."
"Enjoy the world, enjoy yourself, enjoy all the sensations."