
Racial Unity Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"In the military, people legitimately bond across races because they're forced into proximity where they have a common goal."
"Before we ask of other ethnicities to do us right, we should do us right as black people."
"The stronger the black community becomes, the stronger the greater community becomes."
"There is no black-brown coalition. I really want y'all to understand that."
"We are different species though I totally understand what you mean by the human race because you know sometimes we might say it's not a black or white thing it's a great thing if you if you know you know."
"Study that movie 1804. Why did Haiti become the only nation in the world where the slave class rose up and took over? Black men and women got on code."
"The whitest American cannot be free until he gives his hand to the blackest American to make him free."
"I love black people that are building because that's what's gonna make our community strong."
"You are so brainwashed that you think being Pro black means being anti other people."
"Why does there have to be a white thing? Why can't we come together as Americans?"
"Racial division must be addressed through a proper understanding of our biblical identity in Christ."
"Black men stepping up to defend our honor, which we do need, but at the same time, we should find ways to not take down other people who look like us."
"The left sells you these things as if it's black people against white. What about all the white people who fought and died for black people's rights?"
"Black men, black women are not your enemy. Each one of us gonna have to fix it on our own."
"Racism is a terrible thing. But when you start with the Bible, we all go back to Adam and Eve. So how many races are there? Just one."
"In 1959, Barry Gordy founded Motown Records... touching all people regardless of skin color."
"We are not powerless, black family. We are in our finest hour."
"I think we'd be better off if we all work together you know I think that this Negro competition thing is like it's a little played out and I think people are tired of it."
"We now see ourselves as black under one banner, which we didn't before."
"We've done more to motivate, unify the black people in this country."
"Black people and white people coming out of slavery - you starving? I got you."
"Black people got to stick together." - "Black people got to stick together."
"You will never see black... really move as masses as long as they continue to try to get the white man's dollar."
"The reality is you have a hell of a lot more in common with those black and brown people you despise then you think you do."
"We black humans going through the same struggle, man. Especially if you could do it, it don't hurt you."
"They cannot win if the black community, the Asian community, the Hispanic community, and other community women begin to stick together."
"We are reconciled in Christ. We don't need to achieve racial reconciliation, we just need to walk in the racial reconciliation that Christ achieved at the cross."
"If more people could do this [], we wouldn't have all this racial [] divide because you look different and your skin color is different than mine [__]."
"If black Americans and white Americans come together these people have zero power zero it's over for them immediately."
"Black unity has always been something that the federal government has worked against because they saw it as a threat to national security."
"I am such a better person because I have been loved by black people."
"I would just say, um, to the black community and just our, just black people in general, man, we got to show each other a lot more love and support."
"The Bible got it right all along because the Bible has always taught that there's only one race."
"There is no such thing as interracial marriage because according to God's word, there's only one race."
"Islam is the only religion that I've found that fixes the race problem since going to the mosque."
"Racial progress and unity are impossible without white accountability."
"Britney had black people proudly riding around singing I'm a slave."
"Unity across the color line... the very thing that the leftists and liberals want to prevent."
"If we don't stick together as a black people, they will kill us, and they've been killing us for over 400 years."
"There is only one race, and that is the human race."
"This is eastern North Carolina. This is the black belt of North Carolina, but it is also where my father and my mother organized black, white, and native people."
"Unity is power, that's why black unity was always such a threat to national security."
"Real men, real adults can have these conversations without acting like [] children and getting on to their [] feelings because that's the way we move forward as brown and black men."
"Music is a feeling that stands alone, music is something that don't have no race, that brings people together."
"White people have shown more ubuntu towards themselves than blacks show ubuntu to each other."
"These are stories where regardless of your race you should admire these people."
"Morgan Freeman essentially says, 'This is how we're going to get past race: I'm going to stop calling you a white man and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.'"
"It starts with white people, black people having conversations and coming together for the betterment of the world around us."
"Black people, brown people, people of all colors want to get to the same place."
"At Cornell, the black community is really close."
"Harriet Tubman didn't flee to the north by herself, white people assisted."
"I'm not black, I'm not white, I'm just a human."
"Your best chance at community, your best chance at unity, your best chance at family, your best chance at building—unfortunately for you men who don't believe it—it's with a black woman."
"I think we could have made a great team and I think that one of the things that we lose is as black people when we're fighting we can't be fucking teammates man."
"The only time black folks have an issue with you is when they see you siding with the white supremacists."
"It's about the content of your character, not the color of your skin. We all bleed red; that's what we have in common. We're all in the human race." - MLK
"We're all in this together, black men and black women."
"Their enduring commitment and unwavering support for each other have been a testament to the notion that racial differences hold no sway over the bonds that unite people in love."
"We are all members of the same race... whether you like it or not." - Jane Elliott
"We judge people not by the color of their skin but by their here we are we see people united across races across incomes that's what it takes we just have to build on it."
"White people have decided to rise with black people or fall with black people."
"I love how these two black men have this Brotherhood, this friendship."
"Anybody that was white over here if they hung with us they fought with her we were color blind all the races that I ran out of here doing the riots."
"The world of humanity is facing in the future a most pretentious danger and supreme Calamity... Endeavor by day and by night so that these inflammable materials may not come to touch with the burning fires of racial antipathy and hatred."
"You're white or whatever you are, I'm black or whatever I am, we're standing here talking now, that's how we get things done."
"It's an amazing thing to see two black men come to the table and just lay it down."
"Never forget your God, remember that we live, work, and pray for a binding racial hierarchy whose only natural, spiritual, and political limits shall be God and Africa at home and abroad."
"Every other race is together, why we can't come together?"
"Earth Angel was the first song to bring white and black people together during that time, especially the teenagers."
"No matter where you come from, as long as you're a black man, you're African."
"Working within the church for racial unity is one of the most significant things that I was put on this Earth to do."
"Our goal is to bring practical tools to pastors and lay people to walk out the ideals of racial unity and justice according to a historically Christian worldview."
"We're coming together interracially more than ever."
"We're all black, even though we seem to be racially very different."
"We as black people have to stop... this light-skinned, dark-skinned thing has got to stop."
"My struggle to unite the races, get rid of racism in this country."