
Literary Style Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"It's written fully in just dialogue of interviews from every character's point of view and this had the most quotable lines from a romance book that I've ever read."
"It's like poetry, so if they rhyme every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one."
"Someone once called irony the song of a bird that has come to love its cage."
"This is not in the beginning, this is not a long time ago in a western New York hamlet far, far away."
"The Picture of Dorian Gray has elegant yet dark undertones, with a poetic writing style."
"Anne of Green Gables can be classified as cottage core."
"The Wind in the Willows is absolutely cottage core."
"The language in here is just like gold... loved it so much."
"The level of detail is extraordinary, and I don't mean in the Jordan sense of just like describing rooms and rooms and rooms."
"K.J. Sutton's writing is the kind that is so perfectly married to the genre."
"The writing dazzled me... it shimmered in front of the reader... it glowed... I just had such a ball reading it."
"There's something specifically about this type of writing that is pissing people off."
"I love his writing, he's more mysterious though definitely more deep."
"The writing in this one is very simple, almost poetic, it's very emotional, and it's very angsty."
"I'm loving the pacing of Sunlin Ascends—it's whimsical but dark."
"Rime being no necessary Adjunct or true Ornament of Poem or good Verse, in longer Works especially."
"Catherine M. Valente's writing is a journey in itself."
"Morrison's words came as no surprise to fans of the group many of whom grew accustomed to his mix of poetic and literary ideas."
"The way he links together images... it's definitely some of the best I've ever seen."
"Magical realism reminds us that there is magic inside of us always."
"I felt proud of myself, I had stolen the honey of a spasm without impairing the models of a minor."
"It sounds like the opening of a Tom Clancy novel."
"The consequences for Jon will not be avoided at the last second, which seems to be a very George thing to do."
"Apocalyptic literary style, which you find a lot of in the book of Revelation, was used by Old Testament prophets when they were prophesying concerning world events."
"It's different and it appeals to a lot of people."
"It's passionate it's profound it's a nonlinear narrative that kind of goes back and forth thinking about the melancholies the hopes the fears of domestic and City Life."
"Her writing reminds me of my favorite mystery author, you don't want to stop reading."
"The whole book is like that, I promise you, the whole book is like that, he just takes such care in every single sentence for beauty and it is just gorgeous."
"Mark Twain has a similar effect, and we connect him with a smarmy, witty, affectionately curmudgeonly type of writing."
"But, unlike 'The Deerslayer,' the language of Huckleberry Finn is deliberately down to earth."
"The writing style is absolutely gorgeous and this is one of those books where it describes people reading books and it makes you jealous that they're reading a book that doesn't exist because it makes it sound so good."
"I love Sylvia Morano Garcia's writing so much."
"Each thrust of his spear claimed a criminal's life and then he would disappear in an instant just like the Grim Reaper."
"I absolutely am crazy about Le Guin's writing style. This is the first pick on the list that is unabashedly unashamedly fantasy at the forefront."
"There's a lot of humor in the Bible. It was written for our humor."
"A classic style in which language is a window on the world."
"Tolstoy's prose maybe earthy and hardy, but imminently tolstoyic."
"If life could write, it would write like Tolstoy."
"Kahlil Gibran's writing is like magic, like a magic trick every single time."
"Variety in what we write makes it more interesting."
"A love story, a murder mystery, and a horror novel bound up together in ghoulish stitches."
"His use of language and storytelling abilities are something to be admired."
"It's like the Game of Thrones books with the food. It's like it's just like they'll be like, like it's six chapters just explaining how moist the [ __ ] cannoli is."
"Samantha Shannon has such a great writing style."
"Randall's constant contemplation of suicide and... his incomparable talent for survival... radiates off of Randall's short, simple, and succinct sentences."
"His writing style is very easy to follow and his advice is also practical."
"The book is a unique blend of fantasy, horror, and humor."
"Ruth Stout's books feel like you're having tea with your grandmother."
"This glorious glitter ball dream of a book is Valente at her best. Beguiling, bewitching, and inexplicably demanding. Are you ready to rock?" - Seanan McGuire
"Funny enough, the opening is...funny enough."
"Endings are no longer periods but commas, impermanent pauses until the next entry comes along to pick up where the previous left off."
"Surely he was supposed to fly to her again and sue for pity to renew his hopes distress said in sooth this could take a while."
"I love her writing. There's some spice, some drama. What more can you ask for?"
"No one writes warrior poets like you do uh just amazing if I I'm just all the elements are there they're living for higher purpose they're philosophers they're extremely dangerous they're ready to sacrifice in the defense of others."
"It's a literary technique called chiasm, what is chiasm? Well, it's a writing style that uses a unique repetition pattern for clarification and emphasis."
"Bow character Kay, it's like poetry, it rhymes."
"It's just so beautifully written, very whimsical, very atmospheric, but very dark."
"Poetry doesn't necessarily have to be understood to be felt."
"You just knew from the moment you read it, it reads like the show plays. It's so fast paced and it's so in depth and nothing in it was a cliche."
"Mariana Zapata is the queen of the Slow Burn."
"Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence, structured and paced for a visceral ride, epitome of first-person grimdark narrative."
"It was difficult to read... extremely flowery prose."
"Keats's poetry is not about settling on resolutions; often it's about probing and continuing and not settling."
"Haruki Murakami's writing style is literally like candy to me I just absolutely eat it up he could literally be writing about nothing he could be writing like a thousand pages on absolutely nothing and I think I'd read it just because he knows how to use words and it's amazing."
"There's a lot of quiet humor to D.E. Stevenson's writing."
"Fossa writes about quiet contemplation and silence better than any other writer I've read."
"Her writing, I mean no sentence, no word is wasted in her prose."
"James Joyce's overwhelming macrocosm could not have been fired to life in any sorcerer furnace less black, less heavy, less smoky."
"I also felt like the writing could have been more stylized like I would anticipate from Holly Black."
"Love's Labour's Lost is Shakespeare's best poetry... it is peak Shakespeare rhythm and rhyme."
"It's not really any author's fault; this is just the way they wrote back then."
"The tall American in the dark blue raincoat glanced up at the cavernous dome of the Geneva railway station."
"It's a very kind of a Roald Dahl-ism, isn't it?"
"This is Murakami at his purest form, his tamest in his combination of realistic fiction and magical realism."
"Paradise Lost is full of extravagant language, similes, and metaphors."
"It's sort of like poetry, it kind of rhymes."
"It's the prose, the skill with detail, the flair, the wit that counts."
"It felt very literary, it also was a little bit angsty and swoony, and there were some hot ass sex scenes, in my humble opinion."
"It just has this indie feel to it that you don't find very often in comics these days."
"The way the words are constructed here is just magical."
"You're searching for a certain grace and a certain rhythm and melody that's underneath the prose that carries the story."
"This writer's definitely got that Game of Thrones vibe, wants to absolutely just destroy us inside."
"It's written in a highly poetic way which at first is slightly off-putting... but how she writes this book is so beautiful."
"We're talking about a whole different paradigm here where because of the highly inflected nature of ancient languages you could put words wherever you want."
"Hello," she says, almost whispering, the voice is soft yet it echoes throughout the hall."
"It's a brilliant example of her style of writing; she really did write a lot about middle class, often solitary, single women and men."
"I really like the style of the world of ice and fire and fire and blood as they are written."
"It's very literary; it's one for the 'no plot, just vibes' readers."
"I love how Riley Sager can blend horror with thriller so well."
"This was the golden period which inaugurated a very different style of writing and a very different cultural and religious identity for Britain."
"I'm really loving the story; the writing is gorgeous and flowery."
"The writing was the best highlight of it all for me, very slow moving, quite haunting actually."
"I just really loved this author's writing style."
"The tone of this book is definitely very dark, but it's so far beautifully done and beautifully written."
"It felt like I was reading a modern novel that was so vibrant and fictive, yet also felt like it was written in antiquity."
"It's very obvious that this book has been written with a lot of kindness."
"We've mined the humor more than most people do because they are funny stories."