
National Strategy Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Our national strategy is comprehensive, it's based on science not politics, it's based on truth not denial."
"If we don't grasp the opportunity now, we're almost saying we're never going to grasp that opportunity, and that would be a massive omission for the US."
"Making ourselves less dependent is a very good thing in terms of foreign policy."
"America and the Biden Administration, like the Trump Administration before it, and the Obama Administration before that, and the Bush Administration before that, all executed it in different ways...they all want to make America strong, they all want to make America wealthy."
"We can't out-China China. Let's face it. We don't want to. We want to double down on the advantages of our own system."
"What's the vision of our country? Where are we going to be in 30 years? Nobody can articulate that at this point in time."
"A national approach to tackling violence against women is needed."
"Now North Korea cannot change like China. It must happen progressively, slowly."
"A future for the United States based on cooperation, collaboration, and the pursuit of a better future for everybody."
"We're all in this together. It's not just going to be a whole-of-government approach, it's a whole of America approach."
"If this is what we're dealing with, it's going to be the preeminent nation on this planet for the foreseeable future."
"We'll do what we should have done from the very beginning."
"China didn't go to sea for fun. China went to sea to make money like all great maritime powers."
"China believes big data is its most important national resource."
"China builds Bridges while America builds bases."
"My promises to build on these gains to America into the premier medical manufacturer, pharmacy, and drugstore the world."
"India can make foray into the world and gain more influence across the world just like China is doing."
"We now have a national strategy to beat COVID-19. It's comprehensive, it's based on science, not politics."
"The Green New Deal aims to scale these interventions so that every single building in the country literally is energy efficient by twenty thirty."
"Scarcity and decentralization is key in the success of a nation or a collapse of a nation if we're not able to adapt to those things."
"We can be the largest exporter of energy, the renewable energy superpower."
"What you would do if you are smart and the leader of the United States is you would strengthen America's economy."
"China wants peace; it's trying to rise. Wars and conflicts and colonization are never the way we do things."
"India marks our entry into the top three, so powerful it would take an alliance of Nations to challenge them."
"The US should look at all of the above while making sure its resources are well developed."
"Joe's going to want to be Union Joe against all these elitists like Trump and stuff. This is about the national message about them supposedly being a working party."
"The US is either going to embrace crypto and win or ban crypto and disintegrate."
"We will not fully be able to return to anything like normal until we have a national strategy, a real one for testing, and actual leadership from Washington."
"We need a national strategy to get this economy working again and to save lives. It is really that simple."
"We will not be drawn into Putin's war of choice."
"It is incredibly important for Russia to not just maintain sovereignty, but to chart a new world order away from the so-called rules-based international order."
"It's a pity extreme precautions weren't taken to prevent the outbreak in the first place."
"Sweden may be the smartest of all... Sweden may have beat this thing."
"What was so inspiring about Finland is the way in which they are doing this kind of high level of education for every single student in the country."
"Russia has proved astonishingly resilient in the face of U.S. sanctions pressure."
"That's how we've got to do things in the United States of America."
"Putin aimed for self-sufficiency, not dependence on foreign powers."
"The first America first healthcare plan will be a core part of our national renewal."
"The idea of reshoring things or trying to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the U.S..."
"Churchill's vision of where Britain goes... crucially important... Britain still has many cards still to play."
"One of the primary objectives of the United States has been to secure America’s commercial interests in the world."
"America has suffered an embarrassing exit from Afghanistan, and at this juncture, they cannot probably afford a war."
"The work I did is a model of what our nation needs to do."
"The work that I did is a model of what our nation needs to do and we will be able to do under a Joe Biden presidency."
"Sorry, Howard, we're done arming America. Now we're gonna save it."
"In his immigration policy, he wanted to import people into America that will help the country rather than drain from it."
"France will find Itself by 1801 able to be at peace able even to bring the British to the peace table for the first time in this whole period."
"Americans, we can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin."
"Russia are not making decisions on an economic basis, they're making calls based on political ideas."
"We need a domestic Marshall Plan... this is outrageous."
"Australia to end travel ban in pivot to living with COVID-19."
"Over the next four years we will build America into the manufacturing superpower of the world and we will end our reliance on China and all other faraway lands."
"China is aiming to finally develop its western half with the aid of modern technology."
"We are sitting on two Saudi Arabia's worth of natural gas, we can power the nation and we can power our allies around the world with Pennsylvania resources."
"Ukraine unveiling a roadmap to integrate cryptos by 2024."
"We're going to take their money, we're going to take their factories, we're going to rebuild the industrial Bedrock of this country like it used to be."
"USD coins should be the best thing ever that from a national security you know foreign policy type thing in the United States."
"You secure your borders, you bring manufacturing back, you bolster the US economy, and then you win through trade means."
"We need to move essential manufacturing back to the United States."
"Iceland has regained its geopolitical importance."
"Canada's best recourse for a troubled future is to simply act as the best support available."
"Ukraine now believes that it's time to really build its homemade industrial capacity to create drones."
"By upping Britain's preparedness for a No Deal Brexit, Britain is trying to split the EU27."
"If el salvador was to do this... you could have you know hundreds of billions of dollars."
"China has a clear ambition and a strategy for achieving it."
"I think Bitcoin is very important to the future of the United States."
"The United States could front-run this demographic shift."
"There's an incentive for the US to fully back bitcoin."
"South Korea winning the war against the coronavirus."
"Russia is slowly starting to reclaim its own."
"America needs an innovation strategy to continue to be focused... and we can win."
"Tariffs are not good innately for the United States of America."
"Poland, which is on its way to becoming Eastern Europe's Colossus, has signaled that it will begin the largest rearmament move in the past 50 years."
"Brexit isn't a moment. This is about how we take the next step in Britain's future."
"America recognizes that they're not the leader in the fourth industrial revolution but they're gonna be that's what the executive order is basically saying."
"We are going to westernize but with the goal to become completely independent of all these Western nations and really chart our own course through history."
"Just keep a focus on on what the end point is and the end point is actually getting good deal through for the UK and and delivering on what people voted for."
"I mean, it's pretty clear that in the in the year prior to the war, we were acting as a nation that knew that was going to war."
"We're going to get power over these nations. This is the promise."
"A focus of our campaign to bring America's critical supply chains and medical manufacturing back to the USA."
"Iran can make its own sphere of influence like in the past."
"We're gonna win the competition of the 21st century."
"The pace at which he is bringing the entire country into a state of war is accelerating."
"Russia is very much responding to evolving conditions."
"China got there by participating in globalization while respecting sovereignty."
"This plan would move us into the 21st century... and will create millions of good jobs all across the United States."
"The government of Ireland has published its first ever national electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy."
"We have a choice: we can continue to just pump dollars in, or we can reframe our country."
"Focus on what united us and set aside the differences... that's what China does."
"El Salvador just bought the dip: 500 coins at an average USD price of $30,744."
"India sees itself as a great power. India doesn't want to be a pawn for another empire. India will always play for its own national interest."
"But until we have a cohesive national approach to what is, after all, every person on the planet, we’re not going to get out of this."
"All we're saying is can't we at least get Manufacturing in the United States of America... that's the difference."
"Brazil had a plan for everything that Brazil had to offer."
"The Japanese government made Web3 as a national strategy two years ago."
"The abolition of slavery evolved from a means of winning the war to a war aim, that is, from national strategy to national policy and resolve."
"Spain is a country where small enemies are defeated and large enemies starve."
"The fundamental foreign policy of the Republic of China is based on belief that in statescraft the nation should rely not on others but itself."
"A Britain reconnected for our security and prosperity at home."
"A strong country is one which has a high level on all power indicators and does not over-militarize."
"Azerbaijan has managed to change the paradigm; we made Azerbaijan a marketplace of great powers rather than making Azerbaijan a battleground of the powers."
"The single best thing the United States could do is start down the path towards energy independence again."
"The tech model they follow is like the one we talk about a lot when it comes to those kind of great countries."
"Isolationism has never served this country well."
"The reason India is poor is because we as a country have certain competitive advantages, and what we have to do as a country to be a rich country is fully harness those advantages."
"...every nation has three leverages which they can use to build strategy: its natural resources, its geographic location, and its human resource."
"We're going to be the smart country again, not the stupid country that was taken advantage of by everybody."