
Societal Priorities Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"If you care about education, if you care about health, if you care about science, if you care about space, if you care about equality, when there's no more money, when every dime of resources goes so we survive, what then?"
"The United States as a country cares infinitely more about the lives of companies than the lives of its people."
"Americans tend to think that civil rights are paramount."
"It's not that cars are bad, it's that we have planned around cars not around people."
"I feel that there is a kind of an obligation to promote values like compassion and kindness to the forefront of our lives, prized above economic growth and GDP."
"America is so obsessed with bad breath and with underarm deodorant. These are the biggest problems in the world if you watch television at prime times."
"Mental health in this country... y'all are really asleep on some of the more important matters."
"During peacetime most citizens, most taxpayers, will accept the idea of funding some sort of military. But they also like things like improving living standards, jobs, schools, hospitals, food, Netflix subscriptions, you name it."
"If you prioritize a video getting on Worldstar Hip Hop, over helping a fellow human being, you have a problem."
"We got to invest in education rather than in more jails and incarceration."
"The interests of children were apparently disregarded in favor of restrictions."
"Honesty should, I feel like, be the thing that we want the most."
"Women's physical safety should matter more than what a man says he wants."
"If you even mention opening schools, it's 'cause you don't care about the children. Well, but kids aren't dying from this, what the hell are you talking about?"
"The church has been seduced into abandoning the greater kingdom for the lesser kingdom."
"We need to know why. Why this was allowed. And don't confuse this for cancel culture. This is children that we're talking about."
"If parents cannot feed their children, nothing else matters."
"And bickering about which propagandist network is the worst is not gonna save a single American life nor improve the life of a single American child."
"I have referred to this as life versus life, not life versus the economy, not life versus liberty, but life versus life."
"Unity can't come at the expense of goodness, beauty, or truth."
"Press freedom is what matters more than anything else."
"If there's one thing I do as your next president, when it's ugly, we'll give you the truth. We the people deserve the truth."
"Money for motorists but not for nurses, doctors, and teachers."
"I think we need to focus on our carbon emissions, I think we need to focus on leisure time, and I think we need to work on self-reported happiness. I think that's probably a better way of looking at it."
"It is a mistake to suggest that in that diversity we don’t have incredible common priorities and values."
"We've become a country that no longer talks about whether choices are the right choices to make."
"Imagine if we worshipped anything like we worship guns any random thing like pokemon cards imagine if we worship them to the extent that we worship guns."
"The truth is it's just a matter of what we're willing to pay for."
"In our society, we place a high value on a human life."
"It is really quite devastating to see people have a conversation about what it looks like to prioritize anything other than preserving the lives and the livelihoods of the people."
"I have a dream that one day black people will be as upset over the death of three hundred per day from heart disease as we are the one death per day by the police."
"It's really sad we have more security in airports than we do for our children's school."
"People think that economy is the best, but culture and values are the most important."
"Sometimes we have to prioritize women to achieve societal equality."
"This isn't about just dollars, it's about values."
"Security always comes before prosperity because you can't have prosperity without security."
"Many discoveries have been made while the news of the day report the things of more urgent necessities."
"Because beyond a certain point not everyone but a lot of people will stop caring at least as much about money."
"I'm amplifying it and illustrating the problem by communicating that humans are capable of so much when it comes to entertainment and it is atrocious that we haven't applied this to education."
"We are guaranteed a free press. We're not guaranteed free health care, free cars, free land."
"There's a meme going around that says I wish we cared about children as much as we cared about guns."
"You're slapping the faces of people who put their lives on the line, every day, because you want a haircut."
"Cultural issues are the only issues that matter."
"It doesn't fill one with hope that we've now got our priorities correct."
"I just pray that it doesn't disrupt the thing that I worry the most about is schools."
"Ultimately, it's the people that count, not the jobs."
"God promises to bless the nation who prioritizes God's relationship to it."
"The collective good is more important than individual success and endeavor."
"It'll be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber."
"A society must put the health and safety of our children first."
"I can think of a few better uses of time for the police officers than guarding dumpsters of food that's not yet bad."
"Cars is something a lot of people have and the way people prioritize their car payments tells us a lot about what the economy is doing."
"Is there really so little going on in the world that this makes the headlines of the national newspapers?"
"The dichotomy between prioritizing human beings versus pocketbook interests is stark. We must fight against Fascism and authoritarianism."
"Women was snapping, they like, how the hell is the liquor store open but the hair salon closed?"
"If you hear Michelle Obama said that this is her trauma, some of you will forget all about tangibles."
"Is it amazing that you get more training to drive a car than you do for a person who wants to have access to an assault rifle?"
"The gender is less relevant. The point is when we try to have diversity for the sake of diversity, we sacrifice capability."
"We can show our fellow Americans that we still live in a democracy, that people matter more than money."
"Any nation that spends more on military than social upliftment is headed towards moral and spiritual bankruptcy."
"Moments like that really reveal where the true priorities lie and what this country is actually set up to do and who it serves."
"We can't possibly entertain policymaking which deliberately exposes children to disadvantage on the basis that it makes their parents happy because we should surely put our children first."
"To change the priority from unyielding growth to long-term homeostasis and well-being."
"We should be setting our young people up to win, not cutting them off at their knees."
"The basic unit of society is the family, not the individual."
"The world would be a better place if people valued home more than gold."
"I will put cops over criminals. I will put parents over politics. I will put students over systems."
"Somewhere in there we have got to rethink our priorities."
"Revolution requires that the determination to create and preserve these things for our people takes precedent over individual drives for power."
"Food, water, energy - those are the three things that matter. The rest of it is noise."
"You cannot crash civilization over issues of comfort, no matter how real they may be."
"We care about sexuality more than we care about nationality."
"Jobs are everything. Economics is everything."
"The world is clearly telling us we need to focus on mental health, much more than what we have been doing."
"For everyone in our society today, it's looks first and then personality."
"Vote for representatives who will lead us in the right direction, not offer candy for dinner."
"We shouldn't be trapped by the propaganda system which tells us all that matters is one day in November."
"The failure rate of communication is not the height of concern for most of the American people."
"Whenever I see a homeless veteran...I think to myself, 'How much is a B2 Spirit again?'"
"It's more important to keep law and order in this society than to be worried about weak-kneed people."
"Identity politics trumped Public Health and not for the first time."
"We are black first, be one. The black community matters more than any other community."
"If you want to ensure freedom, justice, and equity for you, it's to make sure that we get it first."
"People are more interested now in their jobs and inflation and being able to pay the bills, pay the rent, pay the mortgage, whatever it is that's ultimately on their plate."
"You're gonna let capitalism be the hill that your children die on... that's the hill that your children die on."
"Who cares? Why is it so important to everybody? I've never understood it."
"Humans might wipe themselves out because we're more interested in the quick, easy feel-good than we are the long-term."
"Let all the big companies just go under. Yes, let them drop out. Who cares? Save Main Street, forget Wall Street."
"Canadians simply don't think much about their military."
"The main lesson that Le Guin is trying to tell us is how easily we are able to put forward our own desires and luxury over those who sacrifice themselves for it."
"Would we not as a society rather spend the money before spending the lives? That's how I look at it."
"It's about the money in America. It comes down to the money." - Roland Martin
"Above all, we need to ensure that the well-being of children is never again sacrificed on the altar of ideology."
"It feels like they're trying to make us upset about these things that we don't really care about that much."
"Our children's protection, education, and healthcare are top priorities."
"The response in this country has been pretty revealing, telling us a lot about the priorities of our leaders and the level of insanity that normal level-headed people are up against."
"Why do we have mega churches but we don't have mega banks, mega businesses, mega schools, mega media outlets?"
"There are a lot of other things more important than us just getting a college education and a job that does not guarantee the success of a nation."
"Freedom versus risk, not economics versus health."
"Free expression is getting it in the neck at every turn, sacrificed on the bonfire of higher priorities."
"We need to update our priorities now and move with the times because we have a crisis right before our eyes."
"Because this is the conversation that we have when we're rich."
"We have so much going on here to fix, imagine if all the millions of dollars that went towards looking for aliens went towards solving Earth's problems."
"He thinks the only thing this country cares about is the economy."
"Why do they care so much? Why do they invest so much time and money in the pronouns and the holidays and the educational theories?"
"Surveillance is more important than taxes and safety."
"We live in a crazy world where my shoes are the least of anybody's problems."
"We worry more about what names somebody called someone else than where the AI will destroy humanity."
"Oppression will kill far more people than malaria or polio would."
"Democracy is more important than our own personal trifles."
"We should be focusing on solving traffic, conquering the stars. These are the problems we should be facing."
"My conversations with anyone is not 'are you documented?' That's not it. But yet, this law now makes it a priority for all of us to put that barrier, that prejudice."
"We live in a system that prioritizes profit over feeding children."
"Would you focus on advancing medical technology or focus on improving Healthcare access improving Health Care access because like what's the point of having good technology when people don't even have access to it logic."
"Why are we going to war over Pepsi versus Coke when Pepsi and Coke don't give two craps about us?"
"Football is bigger than Jesus now none of these Christians want to tell you that but if Jesus came down and told them like hey y'all got to drop football off a little bit you know come to church people like Jesus they crucify him again they sure would."
"One of the minor signs of the last hour is that this world of entertainment, this illusion that we want to live in, has become a priority in a lot of people's lives. Really, am I wrong?"
"We're more concerned with the Kardashians than we are with the firefighters and the rescue workers who were passing away every single day"
"We need to prize life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as much as some prize guns."
"The difference has to do with what does the culture value and where does it spend its time and attention."
"Climate transition is a key priority for our societies."
"So what this will do is actually put people before politics."
"More people in the United States go shopping in the days after Thanksgiving than who vote in presidential elections."
"With just a slight change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all."
"Our society privileges sports a lot."
"Love and peace is more important than whether or not you think we should have cars on the street."
"Why do regular people find superheroes interesting and fascinating when they could spend their money on important stuff?"