
Historical Judgment Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"What our message is, is that it's important to think about what place where you want to stand on the side of history and that is how you'll be judged moving forward."
"Sanders has successfully escaped prosecution by his contemporaries as well as the condemnation of history."
"Now more than at any time in our history, we will be judged by our capacity for compassion."
"History will show what will work or won't; it's on us to push people to action and not just petty, stupid infighting."
"History would judge us on our commitment to the principles of equality in response to this tragedy, history."
"History will judge us on our commitment to our principles of humanity."
"History won't judge us just based on the eloquence of our words but by the power of our actions."
"We judge the people of the past, and the people in the future will judge us."
"While I may disapprove of Caesar's actions in his early career, I abhor his assassins."
"I think we'll look back on veganism the same way we look back on like slavery and stuff that people wonder like how the fuck could we ever condone like harvesting and murdering so many."
"I suppose what we should be doing is looking into the future and imagining what will our descendants look back at our time and shudder with horror at what we did."
"Hamilton is a very strange example in history of someone of extraordinary brilliance, but who was also capable, at times, of the most atrocious judgment."
"The Confederacy was on the wrong side of history and humanity."
"Can you honestly say you would not have been among his detractors?"
"History's not gonna be kind to Donald Trump."
"We will be judged by history... if we don't do the same."
"A confession of a witch in my judgment is enough to hang a witch."
"I do think that in time history will judge this the way it should be judged."
"History is going to look back on us and ask did we do the right thing in this moment."
"Communism, the worst form of systematized evil in human history."
"I'm hoping that in 20 years time they're looking back on these two years and going those governments were absolutely mental."
"What's so horrifying is how executing someone for an impossible crime like witchcraft should seem so sane and rational."
"If we in the West don't do more to help the poor of the world, we may one day find that history will judge us as harshly as it does the British government at the time of the great Irish Famine."
"Maybe we should only applaud those people who were better than their time."
"One generation finds ridiculous, the next accepts, and the third shudders when looks back with the first dead."
"Stalingrad is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"Be on the right side of history. Do not give these people excuses to continue scamming."
"Benedict Donald is America's number one traitor."
"Historically it will be judged as a good season."
"He was a fool for attempting to treat such inherently warlike people with anything but the language of force."
"History will still judge you when you're gone."
"History will judge this with great hardship."
"Jesus didn't Commission us to scold people for the sins of their ancestors or to demean whole people groups for the idiosyncrasies and sins of whatever culture they happened to be born into."
"History will be on Amber's side? I'm blown away."
"History will judge it... I think it will be judged increasingly more poorly. It will not age well."
"If Putin crosses that threshold, he'll face the everlasting judgment of history."
"You've been screwed Let me tell you And history will record that."
"Unfortunately, JK Rowling has cemented herself as somebody who will go down in history... being one of the most bigoted and hated famous people in history."
"Do you agree that the epithet 'Bloody Mary' is deserved or did she just act according to the circumstances of her time?"
"It is the height of snobbery for us to come along and treat all of this like it's so perfectly obvious."
"I'm gonna be so right about that. I'm gonna be so historically right about that."
"You're gonna be judged for what you said ten years ago today, and that's kind of dangerous if you ask me."
"History will remember you as the tyrant brought down by the very race you sought to extinguish."
"Anyone who's arguing against it now will not be viewed kindly by history."
"Mao was a mass murderer and people respect him and that's it, that's wrong."
"The Obama administration was probably the most corrupt administration in our history."
"History will not be kind to what transpires today."
"These people will be remembered as terrible people who only did a disservice to humankind."
"In the modern day, you'd think it'd be more widely accepted just how horrible this practice was."
"History doesn't look very kindly on those who remain neutral during times of great moral questions."
"Never forget that when history looks back your vision and your piercing energy... will all be part of your greatness."
"I don't think history will be kind to this moment in time."
"History will look back on you as the bad guy, no differently than they do the Confederates during the slavery days."
"Only therein lies our shame." - Christopher Hitchens
"God allowed Islam as a judgment against an apostate Church."
"History will not be kind when future generations look back on this particular clip."
"I don't think that history will look kindly upon those that are completely anti-crypto."
"Worst president in the history of our country."
"The decision to count on American intervention in the war was in the end correct though not for the reasons of kinship or brotherly love."
"That leaves the Supreme Court untainted, but don’t worry, the Dred Scott decision is worth at least, like, eighty years of tainting."
"You can either be on the right side of history or the wrong side of History."
"Supporting the Nazis... wrong side of History."
"His reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable."
"It is a crying shame that both of those women are still slut-shamed for things that were beyond their control."
"History is not particularly forgiving of those who passed up remarkable opportunities."
"History has often looked on Henry VI as mad, empty-headed, or an imbecile."
"History will probably judge him as one of the old Patriots all time here."
"History judges us for what we do."
"We can't continue to judge the past with the present."
"Trust the fact that history will judge events honestly, and that you will never have to be embarrassed for what your father did."
"The day of reckoning has come, the reckoning of German youth with the most abominable tyrant our people have ever been forced to endure."
"It was unacceptable at the time and it remains amazingly difficult now for people to say, right, we defeated one genocidal dictator with the help of another genocidal dictator."
"President Ford's pardon, hugely unpopular probably why he lost in '76, now looked upon as one of the better decisions in presidential history."
"History would not be kind to those that disrespect the core values of Hip Hop."
"The legacy is not going to be determined by me, it's going to be determined by history."