
San Francisco Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"San Francisco has cemented themselves as the greatest team in Overwatch."
"I'm originally from Northern California, so San Francisco is very close to my heart."
"The eccentric Emperor Norton would stroll the streets of his dominion of San Francisco in an elaborate blue uniform, attending to the needs of his subjects."
"San Francisco is widely considered the most beautiful city in the United States."
"San Francisco, it's where I live. It's a city I love."
"We're so rich in San Francisco, in California... it's probably fair to say are greater than really any other city or region in human history."
"We're going to feed every homeless person on our street with three meals a day. We're going to provide clean bathrooms and security."
"San Francisco doesn't need Harvey Dent; it needs Batman."
"San Francisco meanwhile heavily advocated the wearing of face masks, eventually making it illegal to not wear one in public on charges of disturbing the peace."
"San Francisco has been a magnet for rebels for a long time, I think you come here and you just feel like you can do anything."
"If you're a conservative, you live in San Francisco, I'm sorry."
"San Francisco's new DA says public urination will not be prosecuted. That's exciting stuff."
"We're going through a little bit of rough waters these past couple of years, but San Francisco will come back, strong."
"Human feces in the streets" – San Francisco's grim reality.
"San Francisco, fallen from one of America's most beautiful cities."
"San Francisco's homeless problem is a serious one."
"San Francisco's human feces problem is now so bad."
"Poop Patrol: tackling San Francisco's streets."
"San Francisco's public intravenous drug use."
"San Francisco's decline: a fate chosen by itself."
"San Francisco specializes in aggressive craziness in a way that is deeply unexpected to me."
"San Francisco is the strongest team of all time."
"San Francisco was built on toughness. It's a boozy town, a saloon town. Red meat, sex, and dirt. Every morning."
"Fisherman's Wharf: the most touristy part of San Francisco."
"San Francisco is obviously one of the most famous, it interests like I'd say like in terms of size to fame San Francisco does the best."
"This whole adventure, to San Francisco's Chinatown, has been enlightening for me."
"San Francisco was a magic name... everybody's favorite city."
"There's a lot of makers in San Francisco that take a lot of civic pride in the work they do."
"Each space within the project tells a different aspect of the story of the Barbary Coast, the original social district of San Francisco."
"The concept came to me when I saw this quote that said a graveyard of ships left a forest of masts crowding the San Francisco Bay... I started thinking a lot about pieces of a forest, elements of the forest."
"It's an adaptive reuse project and it'll save two important historical landmarks that are on the verge of collapse, bringing new life to the original social district of San Francisco."
"San Francisco has a long history of... supernatural, haunted, ghostly history."
"I will hype SF to no end when it comes to walkability."
"Parks are a part of the fabric of life in SF."
"SF does not get enough love as a foodie city."
"San Francisco declares a state of emergency."
"If you've got all day; take a detour to the San Francisco Basilica."
"San Francisco still hasn't survived the Birdemic. Honestly, I've seen this [ __ ] bridge destroyed in so many movies, I'd be surprised to go to San Francisco in real life and find it actually intact."
"Don't expect San Francisco to always be sunny and warm. No matter what time of year you're coming, don't forget to bring layers."
"Don't forget to bring your trainers and train yourself up for the hills when you are here because San Francisco has some Wicked Hills."
"Don't drive in San Francisco. You don't have to. Get Uber on your phone, use that."
"Don't think fortune cookies are actually from China originally. They're actually from here in San Francisco."
"Don't expect San Francisco to be an affordable vacation. It's a very expensive city."
"Don't think the locals are just Mega millionaire Tech snobs. People in San Francisco have been super friendly and super nice."
"Don't mess with the homeless people when you are here. San Francisco does have a pretty bad homeless situation."
"Don't expect San Francisco to be this falling apart apocalyptic location that sometimes you hear in the news. As a tourist, this place is fine."
"Don't forget to take care when you're going around. Just be smart, watch your step, and don't make it easy for people to break into your car."
"Don't let the news scare you off. Give San Francisco a shot, do your own exploring, and find out on your own."
"Everything about San Francisco was different, from the glitter in the sidewalks to the way the fog rolled in, to the fact that you could see other people on the street that you knew were gay."
"San Francisco city, it's got that magical feel to it."
"When I first was gonna go there I'm thinking it's gonna be hard so I Was preparing for like real hard you know because I grew up remember as a kid my parents would talk about that and do stuff and it was you know people were getting trampolined."
"But now, just in San Francisco, so yeah, that's what I'm doing. Very quick trip."
"The tendency to avoid the San Francisco marriage issue is dangerous and must be addressed head-on."
"From the very beginning, I genuinely felt like we were in this crazy, unknown world of San Francisco."
"San Francisco was...a different sorta place with some open mindedness about sexuality and gender."
"The aggressive determination of hippies to start a new society has made its mark upon San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury."
"San Francisco could be a city of Spain, serenely remembering its romantic past."
"The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 left devastation in its wake."
"It's like San Francisco, they just got a pokey brownout, just Pokémon pooping in the middle of the street because there's so many of them."
"I'm from San Francisco, so if I say anything completely incoherent, just blame the jet lag."
"San Francisco continues to have one of the most well-rounded rosters in all of football."
"The San Francisco model of care remains the gold standard for HIV care."
"The Summer of Love blossomed, highlighted by the human being gathering in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park."
"Fisherman's Wharf: San Francisco's most popular waterfront community."
"Chinatown: with more than twenty thousand permanent residents, seventy-five percent of whom were not born in the United States."
"San Francisco is an Italian Food Lover's Paradise."
"Walking was how I got to know San Francisco."
"Whatever you think of California and San Francisco, it is a really neat looking place, and I love seeing the sights."
"The Painted Ladies stand at the top of the list as one of San Francisco's most popular tourist attractions."
"San Francisco literally never gets old."
"...there's more dogs in San Francisco than there are children."
"In the annals of Hollywood's history, one of its earliest scandals unfolded not in the glitzy streets of LA, but in the heart of San Francisco."
"San Francisco was the most notorious Shanghai port in the world."
"The Palace Hotel incident typifies the promise of San Francisco and also the paradox."
"Market Street from Powell to Kearney was a popular promenade."
"It was actually just about being baller in San Francisco."
"San Francisco's got its own the same [__] San Francisco gets devoted November to legalize just in San Francisco regardless of how nationwide come on it's ridiculous absolutely."
"Everything starts out in 1929 in San Francisco with really Robert Winther and Lou Stoner."
"I'm currently in San Francisco on my honeymoon... having an amazing time."
"This is your chance to take a look at all six CBS radio station transmitter sites here in the San Francisco Bay Area."
"San Francisco prioritizes people over cars and that's something that most American cities on the west coast lack."
"Football was what San Francisco came to play, and they served up some potent offensive strikes."
"The weather in San Francisco is going to be 61 degrees and clear, just gorgeous everywhere."
"Golden Gate Bridge, that's super cool."
"We made it to San Francisco; we're going to be here for the next day or so."
"I owe a lot to the city of San Francisco personally. I came here in 2007 with nothing, $1,000 in the bank."
"Ghirardelli, of course, famous San Francisco company that has amazing quality chocolate."
"It was Christmas Eve and San Francisco was preparing for a beautiful silent night."
"San Francisco, known the world over for its luxurious buildings, its beautiful Golden Gate, its extensive harbor, its gigantic and impressive bridges."
"San Francisco was great, it was so great, fantastic, something happened all the time."
"San Francisco can essentially achieve its manifest destiny; it can begin growing from bay to shining sea."
"San Francisco is now on the road to really becoming San Francisco."
"This is where and when San Francisco became San Francisco."
"The harbor of Saint Francis is now world-famous."
"The tallest building in San Francisco is Salesforce Tower."
"San Francisco is one of the most expensive cities to live in in the United States, but that doesn't mean it's one of the most expensive to visit."
"You can walk the Golden Gate Bridge for free."
"San Francisco is a city that due to its geography can only grow vertically."
"Clarendon Heights is a beautiful neighborhood that actually sits on top of a hill, has massive views of the bay, downtown."
"It is a spectacular summer Saturday in San Francisco."
"The best things about San Francisco is like your little bookstore and cafe that's close to your house and park, and you know everybody."
"If anyone ever plays in San Francisco, it's a place you would never ever forget."
"Hayes Valley, I really enjoy. I would call it quaint."
"The story follows four main characters who are trying to stop the infamous Zodiac killings of San Francisco, 1970."
"The city by the Golden Gate, incomparable San Francisco, a journey's end beneath a limitless blue dome of sky from the Great Lakes to the Golden Gate."
"I love San Francisco for its beauty."
"North Beach... I feel that it captures the true essence of San Francisco and it's super close to the financial district in downtown."
"Did you know that someone living in San Francisco can earn up to a hundred and four thousand dollars a year and still be considered low income?"
"That is just absolutely incredible, guys, 1938 San Francisco."
"Guess who sees the Golden Gate Bridge and San Fran."
"Good morning officially from San Francisco."
"We're not trying to see all of San Francisco today, we just want to see some of San Francisco today."
"We just got back from lovely San Francisco where we had an amazing sold-out show."
"San Francisco has one of the most exciting and dynamic cities in the country."
"San Francisco rules, it's a cool city."
"Chinese New Year in San Francisco--it's one of the only night parades left in the United States."
"We are officially at the YouTube headquarters here in San Francisco, California."
"It's really exciting to enter into the San Francisco Market."
"You hop a clipper in San Francisco and in less than 24 hours you're in paradise."
"The worst of times in San Francisco was still better than the best of times anywhere else."
"With its gingerbread buildings and its hills and its cable cars and everything that Tony Bennett has described in his classic song, the atmosphere is exciting."
"Good morning, San Francisco. Look at this [__] view."
"You know you've arrived in San Francisco when you see the Transamerica Pyramid."
"I fell in love with a woman in San Francisco."
"Well, you're in luck because this video is all about how to take public transportation here in San Francisco."
"The bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait, which is the entrance to the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean."
"When you come to San Francisco, come and see me."
"San Francisco is arguably one of the most famous cities in the entire world."
"What's San Francisco without sourdough?"
"The view of the city from Twin Peaks is one of the most sought after in the region; on a clear day, visitors can see the entire eastern half of San Francisco and much of the East Bay."
"Market Street has served as San Francisco's main thoroughfare since the city's original Street grid was laid out during the California Gold Rush."
"We have a beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay, the San Francisco city behind us."
"The Mission District, named after Mission San Francisco de Asis, is rooted in Chicano and Latino culture dating back to Spanish settlers in the 1700s, making the mission one of the oldest neighborhoods in San Francisco."
"The Castro theater, opened in 1922, is the most iconic destination in the neighborhood."
"San Francisco City Hall's dome and Beaux-Arts style make it the most recognizable building in the neighborhood."
"San Francisco is home to the oldest Chinatown in North America."
"Should you come again to San Francisco, I hope you'll come with me to the opera."
"Wonderful views of the Oregon and Northern California coast and ended in San Francisco. Hope you have a great day."
"For a young man from New England, the land of pilgrims and Puritan values, San Francisco and its infamous Barbary Coast must have been quite a culture shock."
"We're in the beautiful city of San Francisco."
"Hello mangos, welcome to our beautiful San Francisco night."
"Welcome to San Francisco, the cultural, commercial, and financial center in the U.S. state of California."
"San Francisco is famous for its parks, beaches, and secret gardens."
"Salesforce Park appears to float in the sky between buildings of San Francisco's skyline."
"It comes together so nicely, it displays very well, and it shows all the key parts of San Francisco."
"Take me with you, I've got lots of contacts in San Francisco."
"It's another marvelous game and a tremendous day for baseball in San Francisco."
"It's actually great to be here on such a beautiful day in San Francisco."
"Goodenbauer, the winningest coach in San Francisco history through 50 games."
"I could write a book about the characters at the Mechanics Institute Chess Club in San Francisco."
"This is the cable car turnaround at Fisherman's Wharf, and in this video, I'm going to show you around San Francisco's most famous, most touristy neighborhood."
"It's sunny blue skies, fairly unrepresentative for San Francisco because this city is known for its fog and not its sunshine."
"This is my first time being back in the city of San Francisco since the pandemic hit; it's been over two years."
"To the city of St. Francis by the western sea, give a hope and a faith that know not failure."
"San Francisco was a magnet, a kind of promised land at the end of the rainbow."
"The quake hit San Francisco on Wednesday, April 18, at precisely 12 minutes past 5 o'clock in the morning."
"There is no better place for a holiday than San Francisco."
"San Francisco, what a great one of the best cities."
"The fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco."
"The city with the Golden Gate Bridge is called San Francisco in California."
"I have a demonstrated track record of success in the issue housing, which is the biggest issue in San Francisco."
"San Francisco, jewel of the West, the city of unbelievable bridges."
"For first-time visitors, I highly recommend staying in the corridor between Union Square and Fisherman's Wharf where the public transportation is good."
"We're in San Francisco baby, look at the palm trees, the sun."
"We have extraordinary care in San Francisco, particularly at UCSF an intensive care unit."
"I love San Francisco because it's such like an intellectual city but it has a little bit of a hipster vibe to it."
"Live from San Francisco, it's Mike and Grey."
"As we each threw in suggestions on where to hang out, one of my friends mentioned Stow Lake, which is a small lake in San Francisco."
"San Franciscans pride themselves in being very unorthodox and doing unusual things."
"Playland will probably go down in San Francisco history as one of the most successful attempts at bringing an amusement park to a city that by all means deserves one."
"The original Playland carousel is actually still in use today and is actually one of four carousels in San Francisco."
"San Francisco is a city for the youthful side that exists somewhere in all of us."
"What it's really about is reeling back in that San Francisco that sought to impress, that sought to thrill, and sought to delight."
"So are you choosing this Tokyo skyline, or you're choosing that San Francisco skyline?"
"Woodward's Gardens was the brainchild of a Gold Rush era collector named Robert B. Woodward, and this was nothing like the city had ever seen before."
"I'm interested to see what he does in San Francisco."
"It was a great feeling to go out there in San Fran, a city that I've always had a lot of love for, a lot of respect for."
"Only a city like San Francisco with a generous heart and sense of humor could claim a personage like Emperor Norton."
"Within a few years, he had become one of San Francisco's most prosperous and respected businessmen."
"It's definitely a place to come if you're coming to San Francisco."
"If you're going to San Francisco, put some flowers in your hair."
"I love the light here in San Francisco, the way it flattens out across everything and lights it up from different angles."
"It's a bright sun on a beautiful day in San Francisco."
"Everyone knows that San Francisco is a beautiful city, the night lights, the cold wind, the late night cafes."
"San Francisco Chinatown actually attracts more tourists than the Golden Gate Bridge."
"The Painted Ladies are the classic San Francisco row homes that were made famous in many TV shows like Full House."
"It's been fun, cool day in San Francisco, nice beautiful day, couldn't ask for better weather."
"San Francisco must be a wonderful place."
"I'm in the most amazing part of the world in San Francisco, California."
"Everything about this place is classic, and you forget -- You know, you're always trying the latest spot, and then you go there, and you have that heartwarming experience of old San Francisco."
"Everyone's a queen in San Francisco."
"I love San Francisco, I love it so much."
"So beautiful here, if you guys have never been to San Francisco, definitely come check this area out."
"A day in San Francisco with Kurt is unforgettable and inspirational."
"To get there from San Francisco, you cross the Golden Gate Bridge."
"We had a great day of elevator filming in San Francisco."
"We're driving across the Golden Gate Bridge, going out of San Francisco."
"San Francisco is known as a progressive city."
"It's a melting pot, right? You can find any kind of delicacy here in San Francisco."
"You know what, it's my last day in San Fran, I'm eating today. I'm eating."