
Remoteness Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"All right guys, so our adventure begins literally right here in the middle of absolutely nowhere."
"There's a value that Americans had never been in because it was so remote."
"Be careful, it's easy to disappear out here."
"Honestly, I would prefer to be even more remote than it is, that's just me."
"All of what counts as civilization in this place is a cluster of tiny towns collectively known as ten towns—they are the flickering candle lights of civilization."
"I mean there's not a soul around for miles this is about as long as you can get."
"We're in the middle of the Simpson Desert. That's as remote as remote travel in Australia gets."
"We are definitely remote out here and I think this is an amazing place to come out and do some more exploring."
"It's about as far away from Earth as you can get and still be on Earth."
"Truly one of the most remote places on earth."
"Getting to Tristan de Kunha is no small feat. A 15-hour flight to Cape Town, followed by a six-day boat ride."
"Perfect exploration vehicle because it can take you to the wildest, remotest places with no need for any equipment on the ground."
"You could drive back here for three or four hours and hardly see a soul."
"It is truly in the middle of the woods."
"The extreme remoteness of the place was apparent from the veritable sea of tenantless mountains which formed the background and stretched away toward a misty horizon."
"My personal definition of middle of nowhere is somewhere where you don't have a phone signal, somewhere where you won't hear a train in the distance at all, somewhere where there's no services whatsoever."
"Some places you visit just give off a feeling of isolation as if you are traveling to the ends of the Earth."
"At the end of a 61-mile long gravel road lies the historical town of McCarthy, Alaska."
"We're far away from everything right now."
"This is a really special part of the route because it gets really, really remote."
"It's probably the most remote cabin I've ever stayed in."
"This is literally in the middle of nowhere. Miles from anything, anyone."
"If you're looking for a place to get away, away from all the major cities, I definitely recommend coming out to the Red Center, because this is as far away as you can get."
"The most remote kingdom is Nilfgaard, and no one wishes to go there."
"Marfa is about a day's trip from, well, everywhere."
"We're at the back of the beyond, Emily," said Albert. "There's not a soul for miles."
"You are far removed from this, but somebody is still holding on."
"Point Nemo refers to the area of the South Pacific Ocean around 34 times larger than France."
"This place is isolated, it's remote, there's no access. It was protected from the rest of the world."
"Tiny, tiny town, with no cellphone service there, middle of nowhere."
"Alaska is amazing, no matter where you go. The remoteness of it is what makes it even better."
"I loved the area because of how remote it was."
"It was truly out in the middle of nowhere."
"The Gibb would seem like a million miles away for you guys."
"So just it being out in the middle of nowhere."
"The bus stop is out just in the middle of nowhere like here you go, here's the town. It's at the crossroads."
"Quiet, it's remote. It's like trying to be hidden."
"...this place is so remote that you have to get to it take a two-lane highway to get there..."
"We're a little isolated in this corner of the world."
"Next on the route is Whittier, one of the most remote towns possibly in the world."
"It's much more rugged, it's much more remote, and it's also further."
"Iceland is where Europe ends and the Arctic begins. It's more than 700 miles northwest of Scotland, remote, far-flung, isolated."
"The Arctic is so remote and it's so expensive to get things up there."
"This is remote but it's absolutely absolutely beautiful."
"Noida is regarded as one of the most remote places in Scotland."
"As you move deeper into the Kimberley, the sense of isolation grows."
"I knew when I was going to take on this trail that it would be a big challenge and I wouldn't see loads of people. And yeah, it is remote, but it's so stunning."
"Guys, if I can explain to you guys how remote we are right now, it's probably over two hours to the closest person."
"It's a really pretty place, man. It is way out there."
"I had no idea that it was so remote and Barren and Bleak and beautiful up here."
"This is so remote, isn't it? My goodness, beautiful!"
"We love the fact that it's a little bit more remote and a little bit more quiet."
"Mount Fang Jing Shan in China's Guizhou province is one of the most remote places in the entire world."
"...And was miles from the nearest house or paved road."
"The Kodiak Island felt rugged and raw, like the ends of the earth."
"We're at the center the very center of this ridiculously huge remote country."
"It's so remote that it's really just for people in trouble who might find water here."
"We scoured the area of the cemetery furthest away from the guardian angel statue."
"It's one of the most remote, rarely traveled major roads in North America."
"Guys, we're out here in absolute timbuktu."
"...when you're in the most remote place in the world you can see weather coming three days away."
"Their mission is filled with challenges as they delve into regions so remote."
"To reach its base would require crossing what's widely regarded to be one of the most remote and difficult pieces of land in the UK."
"The most remote island in the world is Bouvet Island."
"The view from the top is spectacular, with sweeping panoramas of the remote mountains on every side."
"I'm so far in the country I can't order Dominoes to my house."
"We are on Jenny Lake in Grand Tetons, Wyoming, and it's so remote and beautiful."
"It is truly one of the world's most remote and primitive areas that remain untouched by development or disturbance by mankind."
"You definitely feel like you're at the edge of the world."
"It's nice to have some basics of tools with you when you're so far remote."
"It's a great place to sit because again it feels extremely remote, you're way way back now."
"The chance of rescue was slim; this was such a remote and desolate place, it was hard to fathom that someone would find them."
"It's for only being 25 miles from Vegas, it's pretty remote, but golly, it sure is beautiful."
"We're at the end of the road up here, literally."
"We chose the most remote areas, areas where there was literally nothing."
"They can be challenging, extremely remote, but they always provide a memorable adventure."
"It is a good development as a person who's at a remote location would be able to communicate easily."
"The Kimberley is huge, it's isolated, it's the last frontier."
"This is the Chilcotin region and it actually took us 10 hours to get to this place, this is where we're camping and truly in the middle of nowhere."
"I love this place, probably because it's so remote."
"It doesn't get further from civilization than the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands."
"The most remote city in the world, this is the largest city that you cannot drive to."
"Come with me to visit the 7th continent, the most remote region on the face of the Earth."
"It is so rewarding to know that you're in like the most remote place in the entire world."
"It's so remote but we felt so safe there."
"This area is so high up and remote that there is virtually no light pollution."
"Sandy Cape's got to be one of the wildest and most remote beaches in Australia."
"The marble caves in Chile are one of the most far-off natural wonders of the world."
"The Southern Ocean near Antarctica has the cleanest air in the world."
"If our town was in the middle of nowhere, this park was practically on the moon."
"The relationship between the rest of the FBI and the field office in Butte, Montana is similar to the relationship between Moscow and Siberia."
"It was one of those remote little towns where just about everyone knew each other."
"I'm a writer by profession, and I often set out to remote locations to work in peace and serenity."
"The remoteness... it makes it truly special."
"Easter Island is one of the most remote islands in the world."
"Bhutan has earned the title of being the most remote country on Earth."
"For many years, no one knew about the existence of the cave because it is situated in a remote area."
"Tristan da Cunha is one of the most remote places on our planet."
"These islands are among the wildest, most remote places in all of Australia."
"Tristan da Cunha is easily the most remote inhabited place on Earth."
"The show has taken us to some of the most remote places in the U.S, giving us a deep insight into what it really means to live off the grid."
"Welcome to one of Scotland's most remote buffies."
"The more remote your place is, generally the darker your skies are."
"It was like the land that time forgot, I just couldn't believe how remote it was here."
"It's remote Alaska, it's beautiful."
"We are about to embark on a journey to one of the most remote islands in the entire world. Wish us luck."
"It's been very slow going. It is really rugged, remote country out here."
"We truly are at the end of the Earth, we're truly at the end of the world."
"We are in one of the most remote places on earth."
"We're going to be alone in a very remote area which means we're going to have to be self-sufficient and know what to do if things go wrong."
"Every year, I bring Christmas to one of the most remote parts of the world."
"Just being on the edge and being in a really remote place is incredible."
"Point Nemo... the place on Earth that is furthest from any land."
"The Buffalo River State Park is fairly remote, located near the Ozark Mountains."
"It's just beautiful, it's so remote now, the path is sort of getting less and less pathy, signal is long gone."
"When you live on a boat in remote areas, getting things like groceries... can sometimes be a bit of a challenge."
"It's been incredible this week, just through some of the most remote places in the whole of Scotland."
"I love being able to get to really remote places... it's a really special feeling."
"The more remote your job is, the more your employer tends to provide."
"There's no Wi-Fi or even reception in the area, further making them isolated from civilization."
"This island is so remote... it just feels like this other world that you essentially just show up on."
"It was so remote and crazy, like I could never have imagined a place like that existed."
"Situated on the Kirara State, sixty-five thousand acres of stunning land, the station is well known for being one of Britain's remoter stations with no public roads serving it, just the railway."
"When you come from the land as remote as ours, you learn that reliability is not an option."
"Bouvet Island is considered one of the most remote locations on our globe."
"That's what really strikes me about this place more than anything is how friggin remote we are, I mean it's just unbelievable."
"The northernmost university in the world has approximately 300 students who are also dedicated to studying scientific research."
"It is located the northernmost city in the world, such a remote region in the world where there are more polar bears than humans."
"The lost city of Karon, an ancient place in such a remote region of the world it's hard to imagine people ever lived here."
"It really is like a whole another destination; it is like being on Mars."
"Well, it's a long way from just about everywhere, but it's not far from absolutely perfect."
"The Canning Stock Route is one of the world's longest and most remote public tracks."
"The discovery gave him a vivid sense of his remoteness from the heart of the galaxy."
"It's so nice that we can be in such a remote spot that's still only like a 15-minute walk from Loughborough city center, it's great."
"For those of us who live in some very far parts of the world, this may feel impossible, but I'm here to tell you that it is possible."
"When you picture remote, you picture wilderness, you picture our countryside, you picture postcards; it's what Mongolia is all about."
"It's pretty remarkably remote out here, isn't it? Absolutely gorgeous."
"It's a casual waterfall on the side of the road. This place is so remote, so desolate."
"It is out in the middle of nowhere, just the way I like it."
"This is by far the most remote place that we've been to in Egypt so far."
"Go out into the wilderness or some remote place, as long as you got internet."
"This cabin is so remote... it's even more remote, if that's even a word."
"This place just looks so wild and remote, it's beautiful."
"Even in the 21st century, there are places on the planet where few people tread."
"It's got to be far enough away from the roads that no same-day hunter can access it without a backpack, camping gear, and a multiple day's supply worth of food."
"That being said, we are on a very remote, yes, like island in Ireland right now."
"If there's a bright center to the universe, it's the farthest from it."
"So good getting to a really remote river mouth, far north Queensland in Gulf Country."
"It's beautiful, it's remote, I've always wanted to visit Maine and visit the coast."
"It's nice also waking up alone and just in the remoteness of where you are."
"It's one of those areas where you know your cell phone doesn't work, GPS doesn't work."
"There are no roads into Churchill."
"My name is Meridius, and here at the furthest end of all that is, I welcome you to my garden."
"It's a great ride, but you want to be well prepared because it's very remote."
"...it's a small world in the bush, funny enough even though we're so remote we tend to be quite closely connected amongst all of us."
"I love thinking about how remote we are on this island right now and how peaceful it is just being immersed in pure nature."
"We're up here in God's country. Trouble is, God made it hell to get here."
"Amazing to think that such a remote team in such a remote location has been able to sustain itself for so long."