
Influencer Culture Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"It's the conversion of the idea of leadership into the idea of influencer."
"The term 'influencer' is something that I've grown to both love and hate. I love it for the positive potential it gives really any of us to share pieces of our lives online... But on the other hand, I sometimes dislike the word because it has become far too easy for regular ass people to build platforms and influence masses with thoughtless, careless, manipulative content."
"People want to become influencers because it looks like easy money, and for some, it really is. But those people don't last long."
"It's not just about taking advantage of influencers; it's taking advantage of everyone who looks up to them."
"The main reason influencers get popular...is because they have a young audience of people who feel alone and feel maybe misunderstood and feel isolated, and they find friendship and solace in their favorite creators."
"I am convinced that my children are going to be studying influencer culture in like anthropology classes because it's all just so bananas to me."
"The Federal Trade Commission claims to crack down on influencers and their scams, but it seems like it's only the really big influencer scams that get caught and convicted."
"The appealing thing about social media and the influencer lifestyle is like, of course, yes, a lot of those things still apply... but it still feels a lot more accessible."
"It's so rare to find other influencers in this industry and world who you just vibe with and can be yourself with."
"True effortlessness, true coolness, true rejection of like this influencer culture would just to be not post on Instagram at all."
"Our politicians of the future... they're going to be influencers who know nothing, but man, can they get those views."
"Being a gymshark athlete is impressive, we see it's crazy to me that there are people out there that really think being a gymshark athlete is impressive."
"I think the covet pandemic is going to change flex culture as we know it entirely."
"Becoming an influencer is actually one of the only ways that young people in this country can buy a one-bedroom property."
"You can't blame streamers for taking these types of offers."
"All of these new age TikTokers, like if you look at events like Coachella primarily the influencers who got a lot of sponsorships and brand deals and were sent there by brands this year like really big name brands, they were TikTokers."
"Are you feeling mad? But what possibly makes me even more mad is when I see influencers trying to sneakily sell diet culture rebranded as Wellness."
"I don't want to promote anyone on my channel who I feel as though would be a negative reflection of me."
"I think at this point we're definitely in phase three of the influencer takeover."
"It's been the easiest money printing for influencers."
"Whoever they are though, they successfully used the greed of influencers and their following to design one of the grossest rug pulls of all time."
"The whole thing screams incredibly predatory... we don't need more Jake Pauls and Austin McBrooms running around in the world."
"I think the transparency would be really helpful because as I stated earlier the reason so much drama has started was because of a lack of transparency when it came to businesses and influencers."
"At the end of the day I think most of these influencer scams are all about power abuse."
"I think it's fair to say that Acacia is one of the most hated influencers of all time."
"Not only is Symphony in the 100 Thieves content house while he's a part of NRG, he's actually using the bedroom where all the furniture was bought by Cloakzy."
"Wouldn't it be cool if a big YouTuber made a tour?"
"But everyone has influence, that's why they call us influencers."
"Why should I be encouraging my audience to struggle for me to make a quick buck?"
"All these influencers, they have so many friends, all this money... I'm just here alone in my house."
"She didn't do anything wrong but you have such pressure as an influencer to apologize for something that you didn't actually do wrong."
"Jeffrey is too much... but I literally live for him."
"Just the way that he's talking about monetizing things and untapped opportunity oh it's just it really has me worried y'all it really really has me worried."
"Your idolized perceptions of influencers are usually not going to be accurate."
"If the content creators create pointless content, the only thing left is the personality, the influencer, the transitory fame of a human billboard."
"That's what we will be doing, and of course, we're going to be starting with the most important YouTuber in the entire world: myself."
"It's kind of like an influencer pyramid scheme with the Kardashians at the very top just laughing all the way to the bank"
"Just because someone on Instagram is popular and sounds authoritative doesn't mean their parenting advice is truly proven in the long-term."
"The shiny mom influencer and fear-based parenting culture are actually connected."
"The millennial figure of the shiny mom fluencer doesn't choose between work and motherhood she combines the two."
"Literally everyone does affiliate marketing. All the famous YouTubers, all the tech reviewers, people on Instagram, all those fitness people."
"But now I feel like with all of these brand activations and influencers who get invited to basically just like work, it's rewired what Coachella means to a lot of us."
"I give up can cancel me all you want I'm a canceled YouTuber YouTuber canceled I don't care I I cannot continue doing this 24-hour challenge lifestyle is not for me."
"Tommy's channel would shoot past 10 million subscribers overnight."
"Influencers are lying and portraying their Lifestyles to be a certain way and us as the viewers just take it at face value and we believe it."
"Is it not embarrassing to put somebody like James Charles, a predator, on your platform?"
"James Charles lost 3 million subscribers in a span of four days."
"Most of those influencers are not good people to begin with and most of those media outlets that platform those creators are designed to sell you propaganda and hide the truth."
"Influencers building a connection with the audience and attempting to release a like this fan creator like relationship..."
"It's just a matter of time before any influencer's mental health just gets absolutely railed, it's inevitable."
"If you're gonna be an influencer, influence for good."
"Drama is the lifeblood of influencer content."
"Emma Chamberlain makes videos on literally whatever she wants because she's unashamedly herself."
"Her content definitely does a great job at individually calling out the YouTubers in question."
"I just like doing quite a bit and I really do appreciate so many of you tagging me when new products are out cause you're just dying to see if I'm salty or if I'm happy."
"This is pretty damning evidence that people don't watch sniper Wolf's channel for her."
"Big shout out to you, thank you guys so much for always supporting your boy."
"Every drama channel and their pet dog covered this drama extensively and rightfully held Jaclyn Hill accountable."
"Being a fitness influencer is like the freaking twilight zone, no one knows exactly how you become one but somehow they're everywhere."
"There needs to be rap boxing matches. Like the way that the YouTuber and TikTok thing went, that was so huge."
"We're moving from a static influencer model to something much more dynamic, and Gen Z are leading this charge."
"Love you guys, it's been Absorber and I'm out, peace."
"YouTube and social media have a fake guru problem."
"Why do these fake gurus exist? And why can't we stop them?"
"It's like you kind of see how fast this could be taken away because there was a lot of guys a lot of people that got bigger and then boom amanda cerny."
"Really just to continue to be myself you know do what I've been doing continue to eat the girls up put myself out there more hang out with more creators since I've done it now." - Ace B King
"Influencers are being used, and the reality is some people are influencers and don't even realize it."
"From influencing online to influencing in real life."
"We need to stop using influencers as a way to a) validate our own virtue signaling and b) make us feel like better people than we are when they [mess] up."
"Why am I making a front-facing video? Why have I learned to speak in the rhetoric of an influencer?"
"Accept it, be proud that there was a time when your club was the best in the world, and be accepting that your club isn't that club anymore. Accept it."
"It's another case of an influencer being a [__]."
"Being an influencer is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world."
"Support the smaller influencers like the small ones we're honest and they're doing that for the passion not for the money not for the social-climbing not for the status."
"I'm not gonna start beef with xqc based off a rap you made called a lot of your xqc I'm supposed to be the great uniter okay not the great divider."
"I'm so glad that Tati made this video. I think it's really important for everyone to see how genuinely she wants James to hear this message."
"If you subscribe right now you can say that you basically made me face reveal."
"I know if that happens to me um I would probably cry and throw up but if you think about it a lot of the most successful and most famous YouTubers are the ones who have the most scandals and beef pork chicken all of it."
"Either way, for the fourth time, Ethan, my buddy from H3H3 has given me a shout-out. He's called me the moral center of YouTube, a legend."
"The second brand invests their ad dollars or gives opportunities or products to one of these fake influences, that's where it gets... well, I think it's fraud."
"Americans are starting to finally wake up to this Uber narcissist grifter."
"A lot of smaller influencers are also shady and problematic, they just don't get as much attention."
"He went from being an influencer... to being one of the most searched people on the internet."
"It's important to remember that these influencers we watch are not perfect entities and that we have to be careful who we put our trust in."
"She's just a dumb thought who isn't cute enough to have a simp army pay for her life just because she exists."
"I feel like whatever will replace the influencer isn't even on our radar yet."
"And that's like 99 of creator like influencers on like 99 sometimes influencers are like sometimes though like they're gonna get hit in the [ ] face and realize sooner or later it happens."
"The truth is one of the very biggest and earliest videos on all of YouTube was by a creator and star named iJustine."
"She is one of the new breed of influencers that viewers will listen to, relate more to, and trust first, before any advert."
"It would be so cool if Leafy ever came back."
"Most of my videos focus on up-and-coming fake gurus, the young guys on their way to the fake guru major leagues."
"Superheroes are not exactly upholders of virtue and justice, but costumed influencers, quibbling over revenue and royalties."
"I deserve the right to give my opinion... whether I had 10 subscribers or a million subscribers."
"Just because somebody has a blue check mark doesn't mean that they're an end-all be-all in life."
"Welcome to the final ceremony of AwesomenessTV's Next Influencer."
"Many of your favorite online influencers... are powered by an artificial engine of Bot traffic and fake engagement."
"Everybody's trying to take from influencers instead of give them."
"You think they're about to apologize to you and then they instead incite their four million followers to attack you. Goddamn."
"I think the major problem with the promotion was not just items not posting it on his channel is that what makes influencer boxing influencer boxing is the influencers and how much influence they have."
"It's like you go from being this princess to an influencer."
"The influencers, the people on YouTube, the entrepreneurs that are crushing it the most are not just having one or two streams of income, but they have multiple streams of income."
"It's crazy how Tati took years of consistent, well-respected, well-paying work and flushed it down the toilet over a teenage friend's 15-second vitamin promo."
"He wanted to be linked to Amaranth and Moist Critical."
"Coachella is no longer a musical event; it is now the influencer Olympics."
"Earlier today I spent all my money and not on some kind of dumb influencer flex garbage."
"Influencers are using their voice in a much bigger way."
"Don't do it for Klout, don't do it for money and don't do it for followers because if you do it for the wrong reasons you will be very disappointed when you get there."
"Spread the love! Bigger influencers should uplift smaller channels and give credit where it's due."
"Shane Dawson has changed because I believed it, and I'm genuinely embarrassed by that."
"The event kicked off a trend of influencer fighting that's both revived boxing and generated a [ __ ] ton of money."
"Influencer Fame doesn't last forever, just like how most of our non-influencer careers won't even last forever."
"Youtubers want to be CEOs and CEOs want to be Youtubers."
"Are you an influencer if you don't have a selfie stick?"
"Shroud has become the place to go for esports fans, redditors, and anyone looking to watch high level gameplay and grab a laugh."
"The sad beige mom trend can also be seen as an opportunity for influencers to exploit their pregnancy and their new babies for money."
"If you're an influencer, you can't get mad if someone asks you a question about it."
"It's almost a story of influencer entitlement and also a cautionary tale of influencer actuality."
"What YouTuber would you collab with right now? I would collab with Jeffrey Star."
"He didn't take it seriously at all, this is long-term trauma that he's inflicting and he just threw himself a pity party as he literally watched his subscriber count plummet." - Commentator
"Don't ever let this YouTube thing trick you into thinking that you're hot shit because you're not."
"Everyone is focused on the wrong thing; everybody's trying to get a million followers, sell a million [ __ ] streams. Like dog, get yourself [ __ ] 100 people that believe in you."
"The Sway House is kind of like if you had a frat house, but every frat boy was a famous TikToker, so somehow worse than a frat house."
"My goal by the end of the year was a million followers."
"I also think it's really valid just touching on the fact that now she has hit a hundred million, like how many individual creators are there in the world that have a platform with a hundred billion followers?"
"We recognize that the current influencer Creator culture is deeply rooted in consumerism and we want to challenge that narrative."
"Are you trying to be like an influencer? If you are all good just let me know."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video... I love you so much always remember the motto of do get it die great and I will see you very soon I love you [ __ ] you Johnny."
"He's a fraud bro a total fraud, fraud but yet people think that he's true no dude is a fraud exhibit B his video title Cat Williams goes in again clears the air after breaking the internet bro that title is misleading."
"But trying to emulate success is only costing us big in terms of money and in terms of health."
"When you see an influencer behind that beautiful turquoise water you might know that their skin is sloughing off."
"Every TikTok kid, every YouTuber, every Twitch streamer, like, everyone is going to have NFTs of something to buy."
"It's like clicked on myself. I clicked on these guys. See these profile, these guys, all these guys. This guy's crazy. Let's chat to him, he's a big YouTuber."
"I am an influencer. I have the youth, I have everybody that loves Tiffany Henry."
"She's a content creator, plus-size model, and body confidence activist."
"You think my match would be like influencer or you think she going to be like?"
"I think it's actually really important for influencers to discuss that type of stuff especially with each other."
"J station tried to capitalize this, I want to be a big [ __ ] youtuber bro so chill."
"We all go through bad times, even the influencers who look like their life is perfect."
"I am an influencer for YouTube and I've been an influencer for YouTube since December of 2011."
"Coachella is not a music festival it's a convention like these are all if we're taking it seriously like influencers are shaping this new creator."
"Every influencer that has come up in the last decade has won on branding."
"People felt a parasocial connection to him and even looked up to him."
"The expectations of the influencer doesn't necessarily align with truly who they are which is flawed human beings who do shitty stuff from time to time."
"Influencer culture became too potent; everybody's an influencer these days."
"The controversy set up by people like the Lebran family, the Ace family, Eight Passengers, etc., is something that they will go off of no matter what to be able to gain more following."
"She's like the original influencer."
"People are honestly sick and tired of these influencers not disclosing their sponsorship."
"Listen, girl, Team Damian all day every day. Let's try to get a hundred thousand likes on this video!"
"What I find Most Fascinating is how in 2024 the backlash that follows these trips like tripping with tart with the the caviar and the private jets and the champagne how this this backlash keeps happening but yet these brand trips continue in the same format."
"We're starting to sound like real YouTubers."
"Brands are making products for influencers more than they are the consumer."
"Influencer culture is genuinely so bad for our wallets and for our planet."
"There is a major shift going on where people are just kind of getting fed up with influencers."
"The beauty standards created through influencer culture are harmful because of the lack of inclusivity that it promotes."
"These life events are big business for influencers, so they would be almost silly not to share them and there is that invested interest which means that these events may not always necessarily be coming from a genuine place, if that makes any sense."
"You know, in this influencer age, we can get all bright-eyed for the shiny latest coolest thing, but for me, that was not the case."
"I think some people, they think that, 'Oh, well, you just do that and you pick out all the outfits and you do all this stuff just because you're on camera and you're an influencer and you take pictures and do all the stuff and you do it for the gram.'"
"I'm now an influencer now and so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy my own private jet and just fly around."
"I've never met someone who became an influencer with millions of followers and their mental health has not gone absolutely down the drain."
"It's kind of sad, but that is how a lot of influencer celebrity brands pan out."
"Do not quit your job. Don't be like, 'F**k it, I'm gonna be an influencer.'"
"Being threatened with being blacklisted is a heavy threat for influencers."
"Coachella is literally like The Hunger Games of influencers."
"This is a cautionary tale, y'all need to stop buying James Charles merch because if y'all give him too much money, this is what it's gonna be."
"Tik-Tok does not make influencers."
"There's a reason why a lot of streamers and people in this particular industry want to live in LA."
"I feel like every Japanese Beauty influencer that's obsessed with K Beauty, they always have this makeup base."
"He now has 40,000 followers on Instagram in freaking 49 minutes. Like, we made this account and then we just posted the Vlog and everything 49 minutes ago."
"There's a weird trend where a lot of influencers declutter limited edition products because they're like, 'I can't use it because if I use it on camera, people can't buy it and they get frustrated.'"
"That will be the day you lose, oh yeah, because you can't be like an e-thot anymore, right?"
"Micro influencers become more and more popular."
"I'm not one of those influencers where you need to have my lifestyle and you need to have my opinions and you need to have my morals and you need to have my principles. You need to find out who you are."
"I think it's been a long time coming in this influencer scene."
"I've had it with wannabe influencers sitting in a chair outside talking about how it's been so long since you've streamed because you're so busy with your baby does not make you interesting no one gives a [ __ ] your 100 followers can lick my manscaped balls."
"Influencers have all the power right now."
"Being an influencer is the new thing now."
"Instagram paved the way for the idea of what an influencer is."
"Weddings have gone from simple events held in a church to full-on influencer events."
"They've seen that YouTube boxing, influencer boxing does well, it gets views."
"It's official today I'm going to be talking about the YouTube TikTok Instagram star Piper Rockel."
"They say influencers are so mean, these girls are so nice, this is wild."
"I am sick of fake influences... these people's lifestyles and physiques are mostly unattainable."
"If people were able to see that these influencers are also people... then maybe we would stop defending people who don't deserve to be defended at all."
"Don't ever be embarrassed to start being an influencer; you have to start somewhere with every career."
"We're going to talk all things being an influencer, being a content creator."
"It seems like no movie has been able to properly capture the absurdism of influencer culture in a way that can toe the line of being self-aware."
"Absurdism is hard to come by in films about influencer culture."
"People want to watch your interesting life."
"That is what fight of the year is, that's influencer boxing right there."
"Influencers have worked very hard to get where they are."
"Carson didn't try to hog the spotlight, which I think is rare in influencers these days."
"It's also unfair to other influencers who play by the rules."
"This is entertainment and to me I think this influencer section it kind of makes a lot of sense whether you like it or not."
"I feel like I have a more jaded view of social media overall because of influencer culture."
"I love you guys so much, don't forget to use my code."
"Growth is inevitable, people say this influencer thing is going to die down, no way."
"The shareability of blogs, of YouTube or Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, means that someone like Zoella who starts off on a kind of much smaller scale can suddenly become a kind of millionaire within the space of a year or two."
"Some people may feel that influencers are more powerful than ever, but I think their impact is actually declining."
"Coachella is like the Olympics for influencers."
"The whole cell of an influencer, in my opinion, was always that they're trustworthy."