
International Perception Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"This is a debate within the Chinese current political leadership, and adding fuel to the fire of that debate by causing internal debate within China to conclude that the rest of the world is anti-China right now does not help in producing an optimal outcome internally."
"America still symbolizes freedom around the world. It's why the folks in Hong Kong were waving the American flag."
"There's not a mass emigration into Venezuela, into China, into Russia. Where do people want to go? Switzerland, America, Sweden."
"Americans are fundamentally decent people; they don't like to see their money, their guns, and their government supporting what has now been called the plausible genocide by the highest court of the world."
"Polish generosity is clearly on display for the whole world to see."
"China's official newspaper abroad, the China Daily."
"The absolute comedy of errors that was the Russian assault on Kyiv basically ended all credibility the Russian military had as the world's second most powerful army."
"America is still viewed as the beacon of democracy for the world."
"Turkmenistan is like the Ralph Wiggum of countries."
"The rest of the world is looking at us and they're laughing, that America can't even get their [ __ ] together."
"And it allowed this new beautiful, modernized image of Japan to be seen around the world…in color."
"Vladimir Putin is really expressing what most countries around the world, most peoples around the world are feeling."
"I really despise anyone who wants to disparage Russia as some kind of dystopian capitalist and imperialist regime."
"Universal mail-in voting is going to be catastrophic. It's going to make our country a laughing stock all over the world."
"I'm upset and upset for the United States of America that many of my friends who live overseas... I can't believe that a former president of the United States has been indicted."
"NATO is not the evil vanguard of Western might."
"The Chinese Communist Party risks becoming what the United States used to be in the eyes of these different terrorist movements."
"The Ukrainian Army showed its true strength to the whole world, especially Russia."
"Beijing wants to create the image to the outside world that China is back to normal."
"China, a country that has dominated news cycles for decades, rich in culture, famous for its food, its hardworking people, and its ancient history."
"The entire world is not only laughing at our [ __ ] pig-faced dufus president but they're just laughing at us now."
"He's an oaf, he's an idiot, everybody around the world is laughing at him and laughing at us because of him."
"Do not make yourself into the laughingstock of the world."
"America under these people and certainly under Trump's presidency really was very much the laughing stock of the rest of the world..."
"If they don't clean this up it is going it is growing into a bigger bubble and India will remain as a laughing stock."
"Yeah, man, I don't know. I don't really have green fans, and Americans all over, oh, they're all gonna hate you guys!"
"For 40 years, China has been consistent in dealing with internal matters, trying to increase the lot of the ordinary person, and they've succeeded. And yet, continually vilified."
"France is now unwanted hated despised, and replaced with Nations like Russia and China."
"The United States is still the shining beacon."
"The more the pound plummets against a basket of other International currencies, the less International confidence there is overall in our economic strategies. What's called the kindness of strangers in economics."
"You're making us look bad in the eyes of the world."
"But there's no shade of grey in the way that Russia is promoted and presented in the global media by global governments because all governments are ruthless our governments manipulate but the global perception of Russia has been way way out."
"There are people in Australia who are not dying to come to United States."
"America was the beacon of hope... that image is now being damaged."
"Western propagandists are maturating in the wind it doesn't actually matter to China."
"I think there are enough people in the United States, both on the left and the right, to recognize that the precedent that's being set by the Canadian government here and how they respond to this is very dangerous."
"Russia demonstrated remarkably to the entire world its ability to rapidly recover from Total Oblivion."
"Since rising to power in Myanmar Suu Kyi’s reputation on the world stage has drastically changed."
"We've lost the trust of an entire nation and much of the world now looking at us going, 'Oh wait a second, if you ever come to help us, you probably won't see it through.'"
"The Chinese Communist Party is really, really good... at turning their terrible mistakes into propaganda wins—and convincing the rest of the world to agree."
"The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war."
"Crimea's invincibility is greatly exaggerated by International observers."
"No one has pointed out in an international organ that this thing started with a CIA operation."
"Norway's evacuation of the Russian army shown to the entire world how powerless Putin has become."
"Venezuela has a far more legitimate election system than the United States according to international observers."
"With the death toll approaching 200,000, it's not just that countries are laughing at us—they actually pity us."
"It's clear how much worse things can get from a constitutional legal basis, and Canada has just become a laughingstock of the world..."
"You can fool your own people but you cannot fool the entire world."
"Putin is a moderate in Russia; he's depicted as a maniac by the West."
"The entire world is laughing at us because of the Republican Party."
"In the Muslim world, this is Americans killing Muslims again and it looks like it's for oil."
"Putin was able to demonstrate to the rest of the world that Russian weapons are ineffective against Western counterparts."
"Lavrov is looking like probably one of the best diplomats."
"France came out yesterday and said this new woke movement in America is a danger to the free world."
"Russia is always pictured to be the boogeyman by corporate media, but I think they're doing some good things."
"Israel has exposed itself for what it is for the whole world to see."
"India will be seen as a power to contend with."
"The danger of only hearing about other countries when bad things happen like terror attacks, riots, and scandals is that you begin to think that's all that there is to these other places."
"It's very important that the propaganda—yes, communism is on a decline—there's only Cuba, China, North Korea. So, this is the showcase. We make this look very good, and then people say, 'Ah, communism is good.'"
"Otaku culture is something Japan can be proud of abroad."
"The evidence suggests that across the continent on average, China is popular."