
Bargaining Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"You might be able to get a few hundred dollars off. That's actually a good deal."
"If the union is obligated to bargain for somebody whether they join the union or not, get them benefits, get them health care, get them pensions, why should they be able to get that for free?"
"I believe in positive freedom that people actually need basic support to be able to bargain effectively."
"You don't want to take their initial offer because it's more likely to not be their best offer."
"Give me another cigarette, and I'll give you another body."
"Honestly, I feel like these are worth like 70 without them, for like 65, so with tax like 70."
"It's almost like when you go to like a garage sale and you're haggling, you know?"
"If you're in the Grand Bazaar, don't forget to bargain."
"The whip is not junk, it just got me a fucking discount."
"Know what you are buying if you are shopping and most markets around the world you can barter for the items."
"Someday maybe it'll come into play or you can barter with Drew who knows he's got a good head of hair."
"Low mileage, what do we say, 60,000 on the odometer?"
"When you're in the Souks and the Medinas, don't expect not to haggle—it's all about bargaining."
"If you can piss six feet in the air straight up and not get wet, you get no down payment!"
"Huge tip at pawn shops: ask them if they have any other video game stuff in the back."
"Everybody wants a deal and they want to pay less money."
"Adam, it's only one exclusive pet, just one. Give me something good."
"A man with nothing that he loves, is a man that cannot be bargained."
"I begged god to give her back, to swap our places, to give me just one more minute with her."
"Even if you get a higher price, it's still being taken from you."
"Don't be scared to ask for a discount. I typically do not ask for a discount if I'm only buying a single item from a single vendor, but if you are buying a large quantity of items, it never hurts to ask."
"So, you want to sell it? Yes. How much you want for it? Well, it was purchased for nine so I'd say 6,000."
"However, in my experience of buying used bikes, if a bike does have a few niggles, these can be great ammunition for negotiating the price down."
"How much is it then? I'm looking for about 40. 40 quid for it, yeah?"
"I am so cheap, I didn't not want to pay even what they were asking."
"Teeth sweat. Your heart races. Your mind is not your own."
"There are sometimes room for haggling, you know, trying to get a good deal."
"Selling for less, that's when you can get some real good deals."
"Respect the prices, but it's okay to ask if they can make a little price for you."
"It's easier to get the price down lower."
"How would they respond? What's the lowest you'll take?"
"You can actually haggle or bargain for a lower price in a very specific section of the store."
"If I find 50, God said 'For Sodom, you find 50, I'll let the others keep living like they're living."
"Nothing beats it, it's the most effective bargaining model out there."
"Alright, what's the best you can do for that?" "I don't know, I could do like 170." "Think 160?" "160, huh? 160, yeah."
"I refuse to pay full price because we know that things always do come on sale."
"We paid 700, they wanted 750, offer 700, he took 700."
"I got 20,000 in-house. I'll let you be twenty one thousand if you want to do it."
"After I saw that two grand, I was like, 'You know what? Y'all can keep it two and a half and you know why?' And the fingers, yeah."
"...if something has been up for a while there's no harm in reaching out and offering a lower price."
"I got these two for five at Burger King I can't lose a dollar."
"It's not being cheap, it's just fun bargaining and speaking with the vendors."
"...but like if you want to save like 85 bucks I need this simple 86. oh sheesh."
"You have only one gem with which to bargain, and that is your loyalty."
"In our grief we may begin to make promises or attempts to bargain with others or God to change our situation."
"Would you consider an offer of, say, like $5,000, $5,500 for a car like this?"
"We are in need of such connections, so I see that as a chip to be bartered in exchange for lodging."
"Especially if you're willing to make a good deal." - Especially if you're willing to make a good deal.
"The only way I can promise you your life is if you can get me out this cell."
"Everyone has a price. It may not be money, but it could be something."
"How much you want for it? About a, I'll give you 700 bucks. How about nine? How about 750? Can you go 8 and 1 half? 8 and a quarter sounds fair."
"People are conscious of price. People love a good deal."
"You should definitely try and haggle because one thing that I learned during this search is that here in the UK, there's always room to negotiate it seems."
"Always bargain with people whenever you travel."
"...and I have a coupon code you can get 10 off so it's like 70. 71 57 250 I know 71.50 what do you want more than that..."
"You make it sound like bribery, but it's merely good bargaining."
"I would say this is somewhere where you should try to get a deal."
"If you all give me a dollar right now, I'll buy each car for each hour you guys give me."
"...if this, if you can get this for 27 grand, yeah, I would like it with a bit of haggling and dealer discounts if they do exist."
"Get comfortable with bargaining. Bargaining is really expected in many of the ports of call, especially in the islands."
"You can haggle right now, right now is the time to haggle."
"Is it normal to bargain here in India? Because in Egypt where we did, we bargained a lot. So if it's okay or normal to bargain here."
"I'll tell you a profitable story if you pay me 20 rupees. Why don't you tell me the story about how you became a talking ambulatory hand?"
"A relatively small number of people can have enormous leverage if they collectively bargain."
"He says his sister is alive and if he wants to hear more about this, they have to make a deal."
"I'll make you a deal, if I can stay clean all day, then you have to take a bath."
"Human, if you wash all of my rugs for me, I might be able to grant you a single wish."
"Bargain and fairy bargain seldom favor the mortal, but the potential for power dangles before me."
"All of you have engaged in bargaining if you've gone somewhere where you've negotiated over the purchase of an automobile."
"Collective Bargaining is the performance of the mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of the employees to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith."
"It is simply the duty of collective bargaining to bargain; it is not a duty to reach or get to a concession or an agreement."
"The duty to bargain is good-faith but it's not to reach an agreement."
"Once you've got these recognized unions, the employer and the union have this duty to come together and collectively bargain."
"I reckon that's gonna cost you two chicken dinners."
"How much for the video games? Dollar piece."
"I was making deals with God about if I get out of this, I would never drink again."
"I managed to haggle myself a bargain, and yeah, I ended up with this beauty."
"You bargain for your sister but you never bargain for your freedom," the courting said with a sneer.
"Bargaining power is higher for the party able to reduce or limit the options available to the other party."
"More generally in bargaining, the people who are poorer, typically—it isn't just poor in terms of income, it's poor in terms of wealth—are going to be more impatient to get things resolved; and that's going to put them in a weaker bargaining position."
"And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get Him to swap our places."
"I'll give you money, jewels, anything, name it, what do you want?"
"Never pay sticker price, everything's negotiable almost."
"You're making a mistake. I'll give you anything: my body, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy, please, no!"
"My goal is to try to beat that price by at least a hundred dollars."
"There was one day where I had that stage of grief where you're negotiating with God."
"Rosalind accepted her fate and told the shadow that it could eat her, but in exchange, she asked it for a promise."
"Remember this when you are ready to bargain with life for whatever it is that you ask as your price for having passed this way."
"A good tip is if you are bargaining in a market, is to bargain in riel instead of US dollars because it just seems to give you a better starting point."
"You're going to give us that healing potion for three gold."
"If you can speak the language, you're not going to get ripped off as much, and it's going to do you a lot better."
"The more important the soul is to you, the more powerful the magic I can use to grant your request," the demon smiled.
"You sold your soul? Oh, more like pawned. I fully intend to give it back."
"Found lots of great stuff, lots of guys willing to make deals."
"I can spare you," said Malcolm in a silky voice. "I can give him my giant instead."
"It's like, 'Hey, I'm gonna take your souls, or you can go get souls for me.'"
"I think I can get my bargains from someone who understands capitalism."
"There have to be things like unions where people can collectively bargain for the value of their data."
"When you can strike a deal with the seller and get it for a really fair price, that's what makes it so much fun."