
Showmanship Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"So much of the Trump legal defense is pure showmanship; it's pure theater."
"I believe that he was quite simply the greatest showman of all time."
"I studied the greats... Showmanship is missing in rap right now, so I'm just trying to up the level."
"Michael Venom Page is all about putting on a show, wants to entertain."
"He can out wrestle you with his hands in his pockets and that's what he's showing."
"It's when we're at our worst that our show is at its best."
"Now that we've clearly become king of the ocean, I want to show you something really ridiculous."
"You got to show up every time you step on the field. Every time those lights come on, it's prime time, it's time to show up and show out."
"We'll do it live! Hello and welcome to the show, it is a great show, it is a terrific show, it is a tremendous show."
"We could show off as much as we like, create some noise. All the guys here are top-end."
"They're not afraid to be showmen and they both have some style too."
"You need the showmanship, you gotta be the peacock."
"Harry's a good songwriter he's a great performer he's a great singer he always knows how to put on a show he was born to do it and he does it very very well."
"If you had your fucking big-time stars in your opening interview segment then you in a second segment you've gone to a match at a decent match catch people's attention with some good action."
"I decided to flex on all of you by using emerald blocks for my one beacon. Activated it, gave myself some speed, made me super speedy. Absolutely loved it."
"Why do you know Elon Musk? Because he's a showman, he's an entertainer."
"We got a great show for you today so make sure y'all stick around tweet a friend tell a friend let them know what's going on over here folks because this is the g4 beach house." - Encouraging engagement and excitement for the show.
"P.T. Barnum, his first real move into showmanship, came when he paid for the right to rent an aging black woman and parade her around cities, claiming she wasn't."
"It's a show-stopping performance from start to end."
"Every moment reminds us why he's truly the greatest showman."
"It's all about flamboyance, it's all about precision, it's all about putting on the best tyre smoke."
"The first melody is also the show's last melody."
"It is a great show, a terrific show, a tremendous show, frankly the best. You can ask anyone about that."
"The Funeral Parlor came to an end much like that of The Barbershop, in a storm of chaos and destruction at the hands of one Jake 'The Snake' Roberts."
"The most infamous televangelists are known for taking their preachings to the next level and they're kind of known for their showmanship."
"Welcome back to the greatest show on planet Earth, people! This is the hour hundred-pound show, round of applause everyone, forget me every time I say that, I'm um, but for legal reasons we have to believe what I just said, you get me?"
"Have you ever seen anything like Tyson Fury? Unbelievable, the ultimate showman."
"But at the end of the day I think we want the show to be supremely entertaining."
"We truly have been doing this show a long time where you don't even need anyone else around like you can just have a conversation, a deep discussion, and an argument all by yourself."
"I think I'm better with every show because I start already in shape."
"I was flexing a little bit you know I was showing off the beat saber skills."
"Anytime I do a live stream, we must start the show off with gratitude and appreciation."
"That's peak showmanship. This is absolute classic."
"Thank you so much for starting the show right and supporting us. It's incredibly important your support."
"Moment of silence for the haters, that's enough. Now run the lights up."
"That's why it's a flex for Travis Scott. It's like look at this unbelievable thing that you could have never imagined happening."
"We need it in a way, we need to spice up the show, I think our mid-season finale will open with a boxing match between me and Mary."
"He became the most entertaining one-man show in sports."
"Oh, Corey here, the fireman, he's just stole the whole show!"
"It's showmanship pure and simple. You want people to stop and look."
"This guy is so eccentric, so energized, and just a show-off."
"If you wanted to see a show, you'd be in bed by now."
"It felt important to never treat the violence in the show as if it were entertainment."
"I miss having a lot more of that human element and a lot more of that showmanship."
"Show us those guns, get those guns out, those 12 inch pythons there brother."
"You can earn money while you make while you're playing games or you can show off that you have an awesome tape in a game."
"You're the reason we do this show... thanks to guys like Dustin for keeping it entertaining all the time."
"I couldn't be the biggest guy in the show but I could be the biggest personality and the biggest character."
"The dousing was just a nice bit... very WWE style."
"Each show one after the other was a theatrical spectacular that perfected his idea of using showpieces to get attention."
"Her name is Sadie, she's beautiful, it's a Washburn hollow body. Look at this thing, that's right, I'm using the beginning of my show to show off my wonderful electric guitar."
"You have to make the show appealing beyond the actual content."
"Everybody is gonna find out what Shawn Michaels has known all along, that he is without a doubt the hottest thing the World Wrestling Federation has ever ever laid eyes on."
"Stop that, y'all, we got a great show for you today."
"I'll go out there and give you a show like you've never seen. Why? Because I can."
"Gold on a steak does absolutely nothing; it's just for show."
"We just like to put on a show, man. Alright, we get a little over-dramatic."
"Let me show you what this looks like cuz it quite literally is Magic."
"Kobe understands at a very young age how to entertain."
"I could go 15, 20 minutes all out. Give me 10 minutes, and I'll steal any show."
"Just the fire, just the showmanship of their matches."
"Trump succeeds where others fail because of his showmanship and unambiguous attack on the establishment"
"It's all about the show, it's all about the UK baddies."
"Chandler putting on a show for the fans."
"He was a superb showman and knew how to work the crowd."
"Are you like a fugitive or something?"
"What do you say we put on a good show and show how Racing's done? Does that sound good?"
"The best showman of all time, I'll probably have to say Pistol Pete."
"I think a showman is the person who enjoys the game and you can see it through their play."
"Bob Cousy, a ball handling magician with a flair for the dramatic."
"Pete Maravich was Showtime before there was Showtime."
"He was something different, he was a showman. He would do back burnouts backwards at like 100 miles an hour is what I've read. I don't even know if that's possible."
"It's called Show Business not show friends."
"This game's all about Showmanship, you know. Um, I could have easily got the job done pretty simple, but taking that risk gets the fans out the chair, makes them want to pay, and at the end of the day, they're paying their hard-earned money, so that's what it's about."
"he's stunting i mean the number of challenge coins that he's racked up on this show"
"A consummate showman and entertainer, critically and commercially lauded singer and songwriter."
"It's important to recognize how good a crowd can save a show."
"Barnum specialized in displaying odd and intriguing attractions to audiences eager to see something out of the ordinary."
"Finally, The Rock has come back to see all you little jabronis show appreciation to The Great One."
"MJF is pandering to the crowd. Obviously he's chewing up the scenery. I mean he's Betty Davis in [__] Dark Victory."
"Be an idiot and show off, especially at SEMA."
"Dominique is one of the few people that I feel like they understand that this is a show."
"I want to show you guys something really cool inside, so stick around."
"...and if I was going to do this number for the last time in a year, I wanted to do it on John's show. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Bojangles."
"Buffalo Bill Cody: a real legend of the American West, his Wild West show turned him into one of the first worldwide celebrities."
"He's often likened to the automotive version of PT Barnum."
"Alia Malanin has truly become a showman."
"I think it makes for a much more entertaining show."
"It's really a showstopper and it's this easy to make."
"I would love to have been able to show that off."
"These are my findings, this sort of thing, and go back to doing autopsy, not in this case. This is a floor show, you know?"
"I don't give concerts, I put on a show." - Liberace
"Don't let the showmanship fool you. Prince is arguably the baddest man that ever walked the planet, just saying."
"And thank you for coming. I guarantee this show will be unlike anything you've ever seen before."
"At the end of the day, this is what it's about: being able to take this out, show your mates. It looks super impressive."
"Jesse makes a show out of how he plays this."
"We got a show but no power because instead of casting the devil out, we got people in counseling."
"The way he presents that he's such a Showmanship he throws in the air is it amazing he doesn't lose any of it."
"Water World: the greatest stunt show of all time."
"Liberace, the super fabulous, fancy piano player."
"He lived for the show, he lived for the moment."
"He brought a showmanship and flare to his fight that made him memorable."
"Okay, he might not be a great president, but you have to admit, this man knows how to put on a show."
"It's American professional wrestling; it's about personality."
"They wanted to go out there and steal the show, in fact when this match was over Omega called the cameraman over and he's looking into the camera and he says to the locker room 'follow that'."
"John was really the ultimate showman."
"Show off, create those fireworks, because that's what's going to make your restaurant win this competition."
"Both Fighters definitely showing their creativity showing their flourishes showing their Showmanship."
"Mystifying, death-defying: the master showman Harry Houdini."
"He introduced fans to basketball's first great showman."
"A degree of wit and showmanship to boot."
"He is such a showman. He's ready for the Bronx. He can handle New York."
"Ali as a showman is doing a nice job."
"Dude, he knows how to put on a show."
"I'm the biggest show-off in the world, only trying to disguise it."
"He's definitely a massive showoff, but he's also pretty good at what he does."
"...it's a show it is an absolute spectacle."
"The match itself, though, deep wrestled circles around energy and did more like pro wrestling Showboat and stuff compared to knowledge."
"You're gonna show up all full of yourself like you normally do and put on a hell of a show."
"I mean, these guys, they had the character, the showboating, entertaining all around."
"He was the classic carny promoter he could take a Jewish guy from Long Island and make him a Russian menace or a fat guy from fucking Georgia and make him a goddamn attraction."
"He's feeling a little show-offy actually right now, you know."
"They'll literally pull you for baby wheelies, my guy."
"He was that really exciting guy who would fight Beyond his limits and put on a show."
"We don't want to over consume, and we have consumed a lot already. And we are putting on a show. If we have to waste a little bit of Woodford Double Oak to make sure we keep the show moving, we shall do that. That's what we're going to do."
"Well, I'm a natural born show off, me. My mum said I should have been a star."
"the guy deserves everything he's gotten and he is just a a true [ __ ] showman so getting to to break it and get the ball rolling on that was was awesome and uh a night I'll never forget"
"Do you want to see a really cool trick? Watch this!"
"Just go out there and give them a show."
"She just puts on a show, making eye contact and looks like she's having a good time out there."
"...we're here to play ball, we're here to put on a show, we're going to do some trick plays, we're going to hit some bombs, and that's just how it's going to go." - Eric Jones Jr
"I think it's all part of the showmanship, but some people don't like it."
"Whatever else he wasn't, he was a showman."
"I'm always about big and grandiose and more is more, and you know, when people see a show with me, they remember me."
"So which one will be the best stay tuned to find out let's go ahead and start the show."
"This show was a spectacle from start to finish."
"...talking [ __ ] to the crowd afterwards with the belt was my chef's kiss."
"Just pure shock and awe filled with boastful showmanship."
"His concert that he's putting on is this crazy almost Festival-like event. He's a real showman, dude."
"Effortless powerful gait here with that Top Line and tail flowing beautifully."
"He's a showman. He's not an athlete, not a professional wrestler. He's a showman."
"This show was a tremendous show, really great. And like it is how you leave them folks."
"Randy is the type of guy to put sunglasses on just to catch this grape in his mouth, then immediately take them off."
"I brought my dad on stage last night with my son, three generations of Delia's."
"I love fashion. I like to dress up. I like to put on a show."
"It's a need to perform, it's put on a show, you know."
"The live show is even more insane."
"How you doing? Welcome to the show."
"...it's the weirdest wildest strangest most fun on Larger than Life show I've ever put on"
"Rory was a complete showman, he could do it all."
"Led Zeppelin were showman without being showy, principled but not precious, and money-making without being commercial."
"He was more than a showman; he was that personal touch that made you feel closer to these super-powered people."
"Stan Lee was more than a showman; he was that personal touch that made you feel closer to these super-powered people."
"It's not that dangerous, but it looks it. It has the element of danger, that kind of showmanship of danger, which is really cool."
"I am now a showman." - P.T. Barnum
"He's such a showman, you know what I mean?"
"Stan Lee's always been Stan Lee, the ultimate showman."
"I love Showmanship and I wanted all the first people that saw this movie to see it at its best."
"Nothing like confidence; you take the intercept and run 50 m and then you do a moonwalk, that is confidence."
"The show must go on. There's no business like show business, right?"
"Everybody loves a showman like this and nobody is better than Tom at doing this."
"We're here for a show, we're gonna give 'em a show."
"They're flexing the lighting, bro."
"The key to the show is just be a person."
"We're there to put on a show for all of you and that's my job and I love my job."
"Freddie's performance style is preening and prancing and... it's primal in a way."
"I always recommend adding a clock to your show file"
"We've got a great show for you today."
"You're such a showman, that is what guest posing should be like."
"We both know the importance of putting on a show."
"The projection was good, the pyrotechnics were amazing."
"The God we serve, the Lord Jesus Christ, He, my friends, is a show-off."
"If you're looking for an antique truck that will definitely attract a crowd at any car show, plus for great use in a parade, then this is the truck for you."
"It's a fully functional show, which will keep you hopefully entertained."
"This is Ace boys worldwide, the greatest show on Earth."
"It's great that it comes back every year, the presentation... it's a proper show."
"After all said and done, Bischoff is going to understand what it means to be a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling and dealing son of a gun."
"George ends up pulling out his idol, being this massive moment here again, really great showmanship."
"They did a fantastic job playing their instruments, had a great song, great showmanship."
"He's a Fearless fighter, he doesn't go out looking for The Knockout Punch because he likes to put on a show for his fans."
"What a fantastic outfit, we're really bringing it for the people here."
"Thank you very much. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another edition of 'I've Got a Secret'."
"You just can't get better than that big barrel in a 1959 Cadillac chassis rolling down the street with that siren blazing."
"I am really excited to include both the puck track and the lights in this year's light show."
"It's one of the greatest examples of showmanship I've ever seen in professional wrestling."
"His entrance is far more entertaining than his fights."
"The spirit of this show is there no matter what; its soul is there, it will continue to be there, and that's what matters."
"These guys are the biggest and the greatest showmen of all of our time."
"From here, you got to do your own tinkering, use your own creativity, and design the show that you think looks good."
"Your bike display is a crazy light show that'll be sure to turn some heads at that next bike night."
"Entrances five star, absolutely five star entrances in person."
"It's cool for it to be a hot rod that was in all these shows, like everything was chrome, it was like a jewel."
"He's out there showing off in front of the best rider in Supercross history, having it his way."
"It's not about all show and no go; you get the show and you're also getting the go."
"They're putting on a heck of a show."
"It's not all about the race; there is a show that goes along with this."
"He's always been able to make an entrance."
"Just as Mr. Showmanship had his elaborate capes and rhinestone everything, KISS had their iconic makeup, superheroes personas, and spectacular concert effects."
"It'll be a quick, fun, interesting show like we always do."
"For those who don't know, HBK is the man who runs the show."