
Matriarchy Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"A lot of Polynesian culture is very matriarchal, so we hold women in very high regard."
"I come from a long line of matriarchs and I am a truth-teller."
"Mama Imelda is the matriarch of the family and basically, quite frankly, this is what the movie really is all about."
"The black woman is the mother of all living things."
"The matriarch society is there and they basically are the teachers."
"The concept of a great mother was prevalent."
"What was once solely a safe haven for women has now become a globally known example of a successful matriarchy."
"There was no kingship on Earth because we were ruled by matriarchs."
"And by the blood and the right we got a right to restore the matriarchy to protect the children for the next seven generations."
"All of these cultures are matriarchal."
"It's only one thing that ever gave us Paradise on Earth and I was the Grand matriarchy when the women had control of the world from a love perspective as the."
"As soon as enough of us understand what's going on in our culture, we can raise the matriarchy once again, and that is the restoration of ultimate balance on earth, indeed."
"True matriarchy operates underneath the umbrella of a patriarchy. A woman can be the matriarch of her family and operate underneath the patriarchy of her husband."
"I just really love the idea of matriarchy. Powerful women in the family."
"I really do believe that there is a patriarchal order and there's a matriarchal order, and that they both serve."
"I come from a matriarchal family. The women run the show. I mean, that's... that's how it is."
"As we are going towards a matriarchal setup because patriarchy has done a lot of damaging things to the planet, there's a possibility that there will be a woman president."
"Name one society that has existed since the dawn of time that survived with a woman on top in the leadership position as a matriarchy."
"The movie wasn't necessarily trying to say, 'Oh, it would be better if women were in charge of everything.' Barbie land, they made that clear, but then in Barbie land they did, but Barbie land is a very easy utopian matriarchy."
"Their organization structure is matriarchal, meaning that each herd of vesserabs is led by a single female."
"I think it's high time that we shift to a matriarchal energy."
"All through its existence it has passed from female family member to female family member."
"Women hold the authority in the family, and inheritance is passed down through the female line."
"The queen wasn't any of the wives of the king; the queen was the mother of the king."
"The backbone of every home, nothing compares to all she do."
"In the Native American culture, we are a matriarchal society where everything is done according to what the women elders say."
"As we all know, in most families, mom is the queen bee."
"She's always going to be the queen of our family."
"Her continued rule has surprised scientists and given them the opportunity to observe how monkey society functions under a matriarchy."
"This conception of things being matriarchal."
"In the hyena kingdom, it's a matriarchal society where the females are very much the bosses."
"We have tiny baby elephant here, look at how beautiful our herd that is, the matriarch leading them."
"It sounds like you have incredible strong women who have raised you."
"When mom's happy, everyone's happy."
"Societies in Ancient India were ruled by women."
"The African elephant lives in groups strictly led by matriarchs."
"They live in matriarchal hierarchies where the females are larger than the males and they provide for their young without the help of the father."
"The two principal characters are not the sons, the Kings' potential Kings; it's the two mothers who are fighting it out."
"Their harvests fed large communities of long houses where the female clan leaders elected male chiefs."
"Strong Native American women are the backbone of their families."
"We're high up in the mountains in the southwest of China near the Burmese border, and we're on our way to meet the Mosuo people who live in a remote place which is also known as the land where women rule."
"The women who have worked really hard in the fields and carrying heavy loads and cooking and taking care of a family are then rewarded when they're older by becoming the most important figure in the household, the grandma."
"The girls always stay together for life, like the mamas and the granddaughters."
"Humans tend to favor patriarchal societies; trolls have fallen into matriarchal societies."
"The most important thing I learned is who really runs Sweet Apple Acres: Granny Smith."
"Her whole heart is her kids and her grandkids."
"African women are outspoken; even though we have a patriarchy, it is the matriarchs of the home who establish culture."
"I am honored to present my grandmother, the Lady Olenna, Widow to the late Luthor Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, whose memory is a comfort to us all."
"The great mother has become the great other, and only through the powers of coercion and domination can order survive."
"Leadership came from the female line."
"I grew up in a world run by women."
"The line of succession travels on the woman."
"A hundred years after 99% of the world’s male population was wiped out, the peaceful and flourishing earth is now dominated by women who’ve created secure utopian communities."
"It's a matriarchy, which is kind of cool actually."
"She's the queen of our world; she runs the roost, she's the boss of us."
"Life is all about the matriarchal society; females are very very important and so are the males, of course, but they deeply deeply care for one another."
"Women have always been the spine of the family, imparting gentle but firm wisdom."
"The descent of people and power is determined by the female line."
"She had become not only the embodiment of his power but mother to the whole kingdom."
"The elephants, each herd of them, which is consisted of the daughters and the little ones, is led by the oldest matriarch."
"They form strict matriarchal societies which is female dominated."
"The elephants, each herd of them, is led by the oldest matriarch."
"The bees that fly around gathering honey are female, headed by a queen bee."
"It's a global movement, there in most of the cultures around the planet was all matriarchal and they were all usurped by patriarchs."
"Civilization itself is matriarchal, not patriarchal."
"It's a matriarchal society, the oldest female rules the roost."
"In Hyenas, it's a matriarchal society where the female is the leader."
"The matriarchal society is singing today, we've got perfect weather all weekend."
"You are the real MVP of that household, you are the queen of that castle, you are the matriarch forever."
"They've got a very strong hierarchy led by the females, more specifically the matriarch."
"Hyenas are just like elephants where they are led by females."
"If this cub is female, it would be next in line for the matriarchy."
"A hyena is the only species that is female-dominated."
"Ribbon has gone against the grain, challenged the status quo, and made herself matriarch."
"The matriarchy isn't in of itself a problem because not all African societies are patriarchal."
"Elephants are so social, they're basically the breeding herds are all just females."
"I will stay by her till the Yi family rises to become the strongest family in the city with her as the patriarch."
"All of the wealth in our family comes from her, not from my dad. And my dad actually took my mother's name, not the other way around."
"Bonobos are the only ape species to live in a matriarchal society; females are highly respected by the males."
"We did not come from a patriarchal society; we came from a matriarchal society in Africa."
"Mothers are the secret men of the house."
"It's all about the ladies, it's led by the females."
"She's the queen of the house; she runs everything, really."
"How do elephants determine the matriarch? It's usually the oldest, most capable female."
"In every group or a herd like this, there'll be one leader or one boss, and for the elephants, the leader is a female."
"Bonobos live in a peaceful matriarchal society."
"Women are in charge, you don't mess with the women."
"Mother of our earth, nurture us and give us breath. Keeper of the life, great loving matriarch of our lives."
"That's Waffles, she's come from nothing, made herself into the matriarch of the North clan."
"She's a true matriarch in the First Nations way of living, which is our women take care of our homes."
"We are coming from matriarchal societies, and that is reflected in all aspects of life."