
Plastic Waste Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Every bit of plastic ever made will eventually end up as waste."
"An estimated 4 to 12 million tons of plastic washes into the oceans every year."
"The best solution is to just stop all that plastic from getting into the water in the first place."
"Green plastic should be illegal because there's no reason that it should exist."
"Over 300 million tons of plastic waste is generated globally every year."
"Extended Producer Responsibility laws that force plastic producers to bear the cost for the environmental impacts of their products."
"Plastic pollution costs humanity up to 19 billion dollars a year."
"No more bottles, bags, and baby diapers. Collectively those three items make up 80 percent of the single-use plastic garbage."
"Plastic pollution affects our entire planet."
"We're living in kind of scary times. Plastic production is out of control and is causing serious issues for our planet."
"By the year 2050, it's estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than there are fish by weight."
"One thing that would be really great if we just stop using plastic altogether."
"So what do you do with those dirty plastic bags?"
"Not enough is being done about it. 100 billion plastic bags are used and then thrown away every year."
"That plastic bag you see in the gutter or floating in a stream or washed up on the beach, multiply that by 100 billion. Yikes, am I right?"
"An innovative method of breaking styrofoam down into shorter carbon chains could make recycling plastic a whole lot greener and easier."
"Blue land is set out to do something about it, eliminate the need for single-use plastic in the products we reach for the most."
"A mushroom that eats plastic. Even better, the fungi are capable of surviving on plastic alone."
"It's no secret that the world is producing more plastic waste than ever before."
"An obvious solution of this is to just ban single-use plastics."
"The Arctic Ocean once regarded as pristine and untouched is now under siege from an insidious and pervasive threat: plastic pollution."
"Plastic waste can become a valuable resource though if we recycle it."
"It eliminates my use of single-use plastic so a lot of those seed trays you can maybe use a couple seasons and then once you kind of pop the seedlings out if the plastic breaks down you have to buy new ones all the time it's a lot of plastic waste."
"Plastic contamination is a significant threat to our world's oceans."
"Recycling is not a complete solution; home and industrial compostable plastics are key to solving the plastic waste crisis."
"I don't want to go to the trash, oh yeah, plastic can be recycled."
"Only nine percent of all plastics ever created have actually been recycled."
"I'm very aware of the amount of plastic I use - in fact, I get really angry when I receive or buy something that uses unnecessary plastic packaging."
"When you see those poor little birds nibbling away at plastic bags and making nests out of plastic, you just can't help be kind of touched and motivated really to just discard of plastic in such a lot more of a responsible way."
"All that plastic will leave the earth covered with a thick layer of trash; to avoid that catastrophe, we all can help put plastic into specially marked containers and then, instead of harming the planet, it can be turned into something useful."
"When plastic gets thrown into the ocean, it sometimes drifts together in big floating patches of rubbish."
"Every Almond Cow prevents at least 500 plastic containers from entering landfills and oceans."
"Using plastic waste can be tough to recycle... using plastic waste in that format is excellent."
"It's a great application of how printing can help with plastic waste."
"Our presentation is about the big, big problem of plastic pollution in our oceans."
"Pollution of water bodies with plastic and other debris is a serious problem today."
"The idea that we could train certain fungal bodies to eat plastic, now that's exciting."
"A plastic bottle, 450 years in the ocean, these things hang out a long time."
"40% of the plastic prevalent in our society is single-use."
"Liz Bonnin says that the problem of plastic waste can be solved with the government's action."
"Instead of placing garbage cans around this beach, the city made a giant see-through wired fish with the words 'Gobby loves plastic, please feed him.'"
"We’re dumping about a metric ton of plastic into the ocean every four seconds, which is horrifying."
"Eliminate as much single-use plastic as possible."
"Government should stop allowing supermarkets to use plastic bags."
"Did you know that an estimated 5 billion plastic hand soap and cleaning bottles are thrown away each year?"
"This product represents just one of our solutions to help end plastic waste."
"Stop buying all this plastic; it's not necessary."
"By committing to your Tronco bottle for one year, you divert 1,400 plastic bottles from ending up in landfills."
"By the year 2050, the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish."
"We try to be good about not buying like throw away plastic, so we just reuse these over and over again."
"91% of plastic ends up in a landfill."
"Plastic waste is particularly problematic as pollution because it is long-lasting."
"No more heavy, wasteful plastic jugs."