
Moral Lessons Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Hell, who knows? Maybe playing Undertale would actually teach you a thing or two about being kind."
"The purpose of studying the Seerah is not just to narrate stories but to derive morals, benefits, and wisdoms, especially in light of modern times."
"Even if all this is a lie, it teaches you to be a better human."
"The Bible and the Quran talk about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as a lesson on the consequences of straying from moral paths."
"We can all learn moral lessons from looking evil in the face."
"The villain's downfall and karmic punishment for their evil is baked into the premise of the Faustian Bargain."
"The Bluths represent everything bad about a society fueled by greed."
"Do you want villains to get punished but do you want the villains to learn before they have to pay the ultimate price?"
"What goes on in the darkness will come to the light."
"From my grandfather Verus: I learned decency and a mild temper."
"Genesis 6 1-4 is a story about both human and divine Rebellion against the boundaries that God has established and the destruction that results from not staying where you belong."
"These stories are each a lesson and a cautionary tale."
"Null thinks his great sin was turning his back on his connections to the people in places of the universe."
"The story of the Seven Deadly Sins really speaks to me, and why I think that it is a lot deeper than it first appears."
"The story is abused power is bad the ability to control others is bad you know that was always and always and always that was always the message that came out time and time again."
"Every time you have the chance to do it right every time, and that's really the moral of the story here."
"God knew those apples I have a poison in them that's going to begin to corrupt your mind and I don't want that for you."
"Why behold the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
"That's kind of the whole moral lesson of Peter."
"Money's not the root of all evil... the love of money is the root of all evil."
"Black Panther had a great comment at the end of the Civil War where he said revenge is eating everyone alive."
"There's a lovely moral lesson here about growing and accepting every part of yourself to become the best you can be."
"It's always the best part when they learn a valuable lesson."
"The righteous falls seven times but rise yet again."
"No one else in the bible rose as high as Solomon and few fell as hard and as low."
"Jurassic Park and Jurassic world are both morality tales about hubris. Jurassic Park is more about 20th-century mankind thinking it can conquer nature through science."
"The best part I like about Pixar films though, is that they all have a life lesson hidden in the story."
"The core DNA of Star Wars is George Lucas with the adventure serials telling 12-year olds on the cusp of adulthood, here's the moral lessons you're gonna face in life."
"In fairy tales, you find happy endings, lessons, morals, comfort and triumph, and magic."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that."
"Be careful how you treat people; you may be entertaining an angel."
"The moral lesson of this anime is, it's a blessing for us to have friends we can trust, who know the best and worst of us, and who love us despite all our faults."
"A lesson drawn from this: Whenever you do a good deed, don't let it make you arrogant."
"The allegory of the long spoon shows the difference between heaven and hell."
"TV dramas were for entertaining the public and helping people discern good from evil."
"One of the lessons I took away from that... if you don't want Hell to manifest itself in the world then you better understand your role in producing it."
"Reggie eventually learns that just because someone is a conduit doesn't mean that they're a monster."
"Always, always, always, bad will be turned for good."
"The point of the story... was always to view them as like a little moral lesson."
"The value of [Santa's] character has always come from his actions."
"It's still hard to believe an adult would steal from a defenseless little kid."
"Jesus walked around with guys who made mistakes. He dealt with issues at the right moment, in the right way."
"Greed is not measured in possession but an infection."
"Lust has brought down potentates, politicians, princes, paupers, and presidents to public shame."
"It's a nice little story because it shows that even if you contribute to some evil stuff one seemingly smaller Good Deed can still spiral into much greater positive outcomes."
"With great freedom comes great responsibility."
"There is no honor among thieves; take it from me."
"Art is a source of moral examples, but the work of art does not merely present the example... it puts us in a position of judgment."
"There was always a good moral at the end of his show."
"The moral that can be learned from this film is never to be greedy."
"If there is a moral that you take away with that there's certain games in which the only winning move is not to play."
"The legacy of the Sith had been finalized in their inability to see what true power gets them, a run-in with the devil."
"He felt like Superman taught kids that they can save the day by being stronger than your enemy and beating them up."
"Nick Jr created a place for young kids a network that raised us and taught us all kinds of lessons and morals."
"Fable: Enchanted tale-telling with a moral edge."
"The morals in them are fantastic, you know. To all the boys with not being afraid to love."
"There's only one cure for deception, that's truth. Only one cure for a lie."
"Unlike a lot of YouTuber books that I've read, there's at least a good moral to some of the stories being told."
"Teach your kids not to steal, how about that?"
"If you treat people badly that does come out, that cannot be hidden forever."
"Jesus loved a prostitute enough to defend her in public, but not to kill her."
"The lesson today is don't steal, yeah it's bad."
"Revenge isn't worth it, it's about forgiveness or learning to forgive your enemies."
"There is no worse way to pay for your sins than to have your children included in your punishment."
"A myth is a story. Shaped by culture over time. It has a moral, a point it tries to communicate."
"An animated show doing that is a wonderful thing, it's a wonderful lesson to teach us all."
"I will not allow my sister's death to be without purpose. It will serve as a reminder of where good intentions can lead."
"A meaningful story explains how things came to be and contains moral lessons."
"Jack Napier was not the Joker and while he wasn't perfect he did show us how to be better."
"Children deserve monsters in stories. They need Heroes and they need villains which can't exist without each other."
"Alphabet lore taught us to stick up for your friends. Don't be a meanie."
"The stronger the lessons or moral teachings that myths portray, the stronger those lessons become in us as a collective."
"To obey is better than sacrifice... need more than Sundays and Wednesday nights."
"If you want respect, you have to give respect. It's real simple, people."
"Violent games can teach when it's appropriate to oppose evil."
"The square of Venus with Jupiter on the 25th is a moral lesson about love."
"Darman makes videos whose main purpose is to teach some kind of lesson."
"These movies wanted you to learn about power, responsibility, and forgiveness."
"There's a lot to like about Klaus, and a lot of lessons viewers can learn from him."
"False pride is one of the biggest sins you can ever have in this on this world."
"The Quran has stories and is mostly a guidance to humanity on how to behave."
"Despite his anger, Rey is a doting father and tries his best to push good moral lessons onto his daughter Brittany."
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is to never underestimate someone."
"Steven Universe was always a show about being better and helping others be better too."
"Talent without character is a tragedy waiting to happen."
"Dragon sickness is an extremely clear plot device that allows for an exploration of themes of greed, obsession, and self-destruction."
"The purpose of a story is to keep the heart steadfast on this Deen."
"Stories inspire you, spark your interest, but also teach you moral lessons for how you can live your life."
"The Good Samaritan is not a story in the Bible for us to go oh that's a beautiful story We ought to be in a position financially to do with the Good Samaritan did."
"They played the story at times for laughs but yet they would still try to wax serious when they thought they had something the audience needed to learn."
"The tale of Noah's Ark holds significant importance due to its religious, historical, and moral teachings"
"This story offers so many life lessons, so many morals while being funny as hell."
"The only thing anyone knows about history is the Nazis and they know that Hitler was bad and therefore don't be Hitler but unfortunately even that is not a strong enough historical it's not a strong enough moral lesson."
"The moral to that story: there's always somebody who's saying something negative."
"And they have to, you know, be big enough to take responsibility for their actions, you know, but also to be big enough to forgive others for the things that they've done, yeah, so and these are all big, big things that George encodes in the movies."
"The moral of the story is how dangerous gambling is."
"...they see it as a narrative meant to convey deeper truths, moral lessons, or theological concepts rather than a historical account."
"90's television was chock-full of episodic animated shows that told stories about family and friendship and learning the difference between right and wrong."
"Fairy tales are essential stories for childhood."
"These creatures and tales they're featured in used to teach morality, tribal culture, taboos, creation, and history."
"Who was Noah? And what lessons can we learn from the man that was chosen by God to save the population of this world from total annihilation?"
"The ultimate story and moral of Star Wars."
"It's a great story, a lot of people here may know the story, but it's worth telling because of the lesson in it."
"I kind of just want them to be entertaining and maybe have like a nice really broad moral lesson."
"This Batman was about teaching morals and respect and good citizenship, yeah with a wink and a nudge, but still."
"Past myths are not grounded in the past only; they teach morals and cultural identity to children for the future."
"Indeed in their stories, there have been lessons for those of understanding."
"Stories of magic always give you education."
"It's a story from everyday experience that we can use to liken or compare to a truth or reality."
"We learned that it's best to tell the truth."
"You brought a lot of good feelings that people feel with that because of the lessons that were taught."