
Common Experiences Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"When your nose is stuffed and you lay there thinking about the time it wasn't stuffed and how you took breathing for granted."
"Handwriting on a digital screen was not a common thing 10 years ago, but now it has become a common experience."
"Resurrection dysfunction: It's nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to everyone."
"If there's one common thing that we can all relate to, it's not making the most of our past."
"This happens to everyone at some point: you lose something in the space between the seats when you're driving."
"Maybe you're going through similar things, maybe you will bond over that."
"The one thing that unifies a lot of young people is living with mass shooter drills."
"Any woman who's ever stepped foot in an office probably has encountered some men like this."
"Sometimes when you're talking to someone you might run out of things to talk about, don't worry it happens to everyone."
"We all bleed the same. Fact, we all gotta tie our shoes the same, unless you wear Velcro, then you just step over."
"It's comforting to know that no matter what your walk of life is, poop is always funny."
"You can ask any couple who's been together 20 plus years, they all hit rough patches after having kids. It's normal."
"Oh no they're all declining. We've all been there. Declined, declined, declined. Jesus Christ."
"If you're feeling stuck, remember we've all been there."
"The amount of people I think have felt that is very high."
"I don't want this to happen to other people because I'm sure it happens to a lot of people."
"That happens to the best of us, let me tell you. No one is immune to dropping a 10 millimeter socket or a 10 millimeter nut."
"Follow your gut, know that happens a lot too, right?"
"There should be no shame because if you're experiencing something, someone else also experiencing it."
"We're all used to that feeling, you know, the feeling of us cringing at ourselves."
"Everyone makes mistakes, everybody has those days."
"Your story is not remotely unique... there are people going through the same thing that you're going through."
"I always think I'm gonna [] it up but it's like, you know what am I gonna [] up, it's the same thing."
"I think there's a range where everybody experiences this to an extent."
"Know that you are going through what every successful person has gone through."
"Anyone who's ever got stuck in a cobweb knows that these things are an absolute pain to go through."
"Each of these people are walking their own path but sometimes the steps look really similar."
"Everyone is playing this game and everyone can relate the same frustration. That's amazing. Wow, very noble of you."
"I feel like I'm expressing the same feelings that many other people have."
"It's always the case, isn't it? There's always something that's going to pop up out of nowhere."
"Misery loves company, and a lot of different people's households that's made out of misery look different."
"I think everyone who watches this show has had this happen to them or seen it happen to a friend."
"Can't we all just get along and unite over our shared back pain?"
"I think we've all had like high school crushes before on our teachers. I think it's sort of a natural thing that everybody kind of goes through. It's kind of common and harmless and eventually it grows away as you get older."
"It's a very human reaction that I'm sure a lot of people have experienced before."
"It's more common than you think, and I just want you to know that you are not alone."
"We've all been there, done that especially of late, but it's during these times where we find ourselves maybe tempted to complain."
"Black people are not a monolith, we don't think they feel the same but our experiences are usually very similar."
"Yeah, I feel like this is probably relatable to many people who have been in relationships they regretted."
"Maybe that's something very common for anyone who leaves their home-country."
"Loud neighbors blasting music and being completely disrespectful - we've all been there."
"Everybody's got some degree of imposter syndrome."
"Ghosts and hauntings seem to be a relatively common part of the human experience."
"For most people...they're just trying to work out."
"We all have like these embarrassing moments where maybe we feel a little bit silly we feel a little bit stupid and they are absolutely nothing to be ashamed of."
"None of us can argue that we haven't had Peter experiences."
"The feeling of being alone is something we can all relate to."
"It's okay not to be sure. People do this all the time."
"Is that why the remote control is always further away than I thought?"
"The struggle is real and so is zoom fatigue. The experience of that feeling one has when they know others are experiencing the same thing they are is something that can be easily induced."
"I thought I was this dark twisted human being but it turns out a lot of new moms go through it."
"Honestly, being a gamer, I feel like we all go through this pretty often."
"We all make mistakes no doubt about it that's the way it goes."
"Is this just me, or does this happen to any of you when you travel via an airplane?"
"A woman could mess around and easily get a UTI, yeast infection... almost every single woman then went through those things."
"Everyone really wants to have these similar experiences and feelings in their life: feeling healthy in their body and mind, maybe feeling a bit sense of happiness."
"You're not weird for being attached to your therapist. It's incredibly common, especially when we have trauma and disorganized attachment."
"Not wanting to be in our bodies or not feeling safe in our bodies... is incredibly common."
"Self-loathing is otherwise known as self-hatred, but it's a pretty common and very painful experience."
"Sometimes, honestly, I just accept it and I'm like, who cares, everyone has acne every once in a while, right? Everyone has a bad breakup, right, a breakup?"
"...that's a pretty relatable thing."
"When you hear other people talking about it and you go, 'Well, that's not real because everyone goes through that,' that is probably a sign that maybe not everyone goes through it."
"Everybody's been embarrassed. Even the coolest people on earth, I promise you, at some point in their life, something has happened that has embarrassed them."
"It's a rite of passage to have braces, glasses, and across bangs when you're in middle school."
"Whether you're a casual cooker or a celebrity master chef, one common kitchen conundrum that we all know about is how cutting onions makes you cry."
"We might not all weld, but we all eat and we all bathe—there is a kind of empathy."
"We all have those relatable moments."
"If you feel like you're the only person on earth that experiences this, you are not."
"Everyone knows these climbs; everyone's been out on these climbs."