
Lifelong Commitment Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"I've been a civil libertarian all my life. I've never deviated from my principles."
"If racism comes up, we're going to put all of our energy into making sure you see us as free of racism, and rarely any into what we need to be doing for the rest of our lives."
"If you make the decision to have a child, you're making the decision to also be a teacher for life."
"The queen is head of the Church of England; she's supreme governor of the Church of England. She believes in her role and believes in her role as being one for life."
"If you have kids, you have to be a parent for the rest of your life. We have to eat for the rest of our life, breathe the rest of our life, exercise for the rest of our life."
"You need to figure out what you can do on a daily basis that is going to lower your caloric intake and then you need to maintain that for literally ever."
"I plan to be an anti-bullying ambassador for the rest of my life."
"Protect your home, defend your home, and love your home today and for all time."
"I just want to love you for the rest of my life. I can't see myself with nobody else."
"We love flight, we want to continue doing it and giving back."
"I'm scared if that ever stops, I want to be 80 years old and still have beliefs."
"I always want you in my life for the rest of my life."
"Be patient with yourself and just keep pushing. It's you and your body for the rest of your life. That's all you got."
"How to stay on fire for God for the rest of your life. That's not an exaggeration. I'm serious. I'm going to show you how to stay on fire for God for the rest of your life."
"Hopefully you don't ever fall out of love with it... I know that I am stuck with it for life."
"Derek and Meredith: 'I love you, Meredith, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.'"
"I think it's something that I never really want to lose ever really."
"They were feeling love developing pretty early on they saw you as someone that they could for sure love one day for a lifetime."
"I will devote my life to atoning for my incompetence."
"There's no way I want Hime scared to know right everything I do for the rest of my life."
"It has been the honor of my life to serve you. I won't stop. In fact, I will be right there with you for all my remaining days."
"You are the one, my soulmate, where I belong forever in all ways."
"You're truly gonna be together for the rest of your days."
"Plains has just been the focal point of our life, a journey with Rosalind shared since their childhoods and during 76 years of marriage."
"This is for life whether no man knows a day or hour so I'm not saying you know but this is for life when he decide to deny yourself and pick up your cross."
"Marriage vows can only be kept by friends. Better or worse, friends do that. Rich or poor, friends do that. Sickness, health, friends do that."
"I am and I always will be her ultimate Daddy and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life being the best daddy that I can for her."
"What's wrong with wanting to take care of someone else for your life?"
"I love you for life, and I'll do whatever whenever."
"Finally, I was like, 'Oh my god, like holy [ __ ], it's real.' You know? And I remember the thought popping into my head, like, 'I could do this forever.'"
"Are you ready to grow old with someone one person for the rest of your life?"
"Repentance isn't just when you get saved; it's a lifetime thing."
"I want to be with you for the rest of my life, no matter what."
"You should never stop dating. If you get married, I feel like you should date until the day that you die."
"He was staunchly anti-Nazi until the day he died."
"I could spend the rest of my life with him and still not be done listening to his stories."
"Our struggle is not a struggle for one day, one week, or a life. Ours is a struggle for a lifetime."
"He is saved by Tokiko, the same girl who killed the previous monster."
"My answer is yes, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"The songs that we write, you have to play and live with for the rest of your life."
"I was just like, why wouldn't I want to do this? My first thought was like, I'm doing that for the rest of my life." - Bill Burr
"I'll hold out hope until they close the door on my casket. I will never give up hope."
"Lead me on from this road all the days of my life as I follow you."
"Not getting divorced only having sex with the person you choose to marry majorly increases your chances of staying married for life and not getting divorced in the future."
"A baby is a cutie carried inside him for one week in his arms for three weeks and in his heart until the day he dies."
"You're always once a wrestler, you're always a wrestler."
"I love my people and I'm gonna fight for them to the day I die."
"The riff that made me want to play guitar for the rest of my life and do it for a living was 'Through The Never' by Metallica."
"When you find out that you wanna spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
"This person truly dreams of finding a soulmate and building a life with them forever and always."
"He confesses his love and asks her to stay by his side forever."
"No matter what happens, you are mine. You can cling to this promise and count on it, and you can live in it for a lifetime now, and for an eternity."
"I stand before you, Go'el, son of Durotan. And if you would have me, I would be your lifemate for so long as I live."
"I promised Katie if it took me the rest of my life I'd end abortion."
"Monogamous lifelong marriages make people happiest."
"You're always there to support me. I want you to be there forever, Eugene."
"You never go off self-improvement when you've dedicated as much as you have to it."
"You know what, my [__] hit me, they need anything, I'm there. Shout out to Mark Burnbaum and Eugene Rimcat, that's a fact."
"Any nice normal tattoo artist wants you to have the tattoo that you're going to be happy with because this is on you for life."
"You inspire me, may you be a great vessel all the days of your life."
"I know we'll be together for the rest of our lives."
"This is my home, this is where I'm from, this is where I want to stay and where I want to die."
"Marriage is the union of one man with one woman for life, to the exclusion of all others."
"Love is it. That's what it is for me, and I won't stop."
"It did last two years, yeah I mean they did only know each other for a month before they moved in together but you know they had a good run."
"I envision myself with this person till the day I die."
"I literally devoted, you know, pretty much a third of my life to doing this so I, I don't think I'll ever stop YouTube I'll always do it in some capacity."
"We will trust in you all the days of our life."
"Even if you change your name to Heather, with you my days are better."
"He's indelibly marked my soul so that my engagement with animals will be lifelong."
"I'm gonna be an entrepreneur for the rest of my life, man. Even when it's my time to go, I'm gonna be my own boss."
"Once you find the thing that you'll do for free, then that's the thing that you're gonna end up doing for a lifetime."
"If you're not willing to do it for the rest of your life, don't do it."
"My daughter, she, your daughter's gonna need you for life and so you gotta like make conscious decisions to be a better parent."
"Decide right now that for the rest of your life you're gonna give the best of your life to God and his kingdom."
"I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to be there for every important moment, every smile, every hardship."
"Success is knowing who God called you to be and fighting to your death to live that out."
"We're going to be together for the rest of our lives after all."
"My real love and passion was in the Air Force for 27 years."
"We're the only wife I've got I ever will have you are my whole existence I will love you until my last breath."
"Resistance is a lifelong effort that spans across many generations. It'll never look like a happily ever after."
"God is my lord and savior for the rest of my life."
"I vow to cherish and make her happy for a lifetime."
"They really value you a lot and want this for life."
"I truly don't think he'll be able to stop surfing every day because after he's gotten that far, I'm pretty sure he'll just feel, 'Okay, well, I can surf for 30 years in a row, or I can surf longer.'"
"Marriage is not a piece of paper, it is a lifelong bond and promise."
"They see themselves being with you for the rest of their life."
"I will never be as great as I want to be, but I'm willing to spend the rest of my life trying to be as great as I can be."
"If you do it for love, you can do it for life."
"Marriage is not supposed to just be a chapter. It's supposed to be a marriage for life."
"Bernie's entire life he has spoken about people's material concerns."
"Living truthfully is not a single confession that leads to happiness, it's a long-term commitment to ourselves and to the people around us."
"My goal for the rest of my life is to bring fundamental change to the military that I love so much because I think the junior service member deserves it."
"I will be there for Kelly until the day that I die."
"Marriage is the commitment to meet another person's needs for life."
"You will marry this person and it is for life."
"I promise to make you happy for the rest of our lives."
"Adoption should be forever, and it is a very selfless thing to do."
"All right, it's time for bed. Sleepover every night right babe? Every night. For forever."
"Make sure you always fight for what you believe in to the end just as I did for the world."
"I came here to fall in love and not just any kind of love but the forever kind."
"For me, it's forever. Like, otherwise, I wouldn't do it."
"Being a mother never ends. No, you're always your kid's mom even till they grow."
"We'll be together forever, even when we get old."
"The future is this, we will be together, we will still love each other till the day we die."
"They were a fantastic couple, always having fun together, doing things together. They would, you know, be together forever."
"Parenting is the most important job in the world, and it's probably the job we'll have for the longest number of years."
"Dance was my starting point and will forever be my life."
"Rather than expecting ancestral healing to be something that you do and then it's done, consider it to be like a lifelong relationship that you're building with your ancestry."
"I've never been more certain about anything that that will continue for the rest of my life."
"I just knew at that moment that I love her and I wanna be with her for the rest of my life."
"You never stop being a parent. It never stops."
"We operate on the thing that makes you you gives you the ability to walk and talk so once we meet a patient you know we say we're married to them for life because you know this is such a bond between patient and doctor."
"I'm gonna be with someone for the rest of my life."
"Marriage is something you have to work on... It's like, you don't get married and then just happily ever after by doing nothing, like every day you're working on it."
"I will spend the rest of my life fighting for her." - Athena's mother's determination to seek justice and prevent similar tragedies.
"I was born to teach and I use this energy now forever."
"Pray for me... that I may faithfully serve Him and you all the days of my life."
"She's stuck with me for life now, I love her."
"I will spend the rest of my life earning that privilege."
"I'm a lifer right, like I'm gonna arm wrestle forever. I don't think I'm gonna stop."
"It's the best gift that anybody could possibly ask for, so make sure guys, you always forever love your parents every single step of the day, not just this day in particular."
"Let's just get married and grow old together."
"Investing in my health will never not be worth it."
"Zero waste is a lifelong journey, and therefore, so is low-impact. There's no way you can ever fully achieve that goal."
"They feel you deeply in their heart, they want this to last for a lifetime."
"I will never stop for the rest of my life to help you and to raise awareness for our cause."
"Linda Ives remained steadfast throughout her entire life to see some justice for her son."
"Jiu-Jitsu isn't something that you only do for the next 3 to 5 years but something that you can do for the rest of your life."
"Their love and respect for one another would last for the rest of their lives."
"Marry your best friend, that's your life partner for the rest of your life."
"This is the perfume I'm going to have all my life it's a 10 out of 10 it's no doubt about it."
"Adopting intuitive eating behaviors is something that everyone can stick with for the rest of their lives."
"I feel like I've been Muslim my entire life."
"Being a mom means massive responsibility. Being responsible for, you know, from day one."
"The most fun if you plan on doing something for the rest of your life, you better find a way to make it enjoyable."
"She's the only one. That's the only person I love. I finally met the woman I love at 50-some years."
"Never stop dating your spouse simply because you've exchanged rings. The race only ends when you take your last breath, not when you say 'I do'."
"We're just gonna do this for life."
"We knew each other since second grade we dated all through high school and we both knew we were meant to be together for the rest of our lives."
"...if you're defining bodybuilding as just lifting weights I'm gonna do that for the rest of my life and uh it's all it's always fun."
"Once this music gets in your blood, it's in it for life."
"If you had to only play one video/board game for the rest of your life, which would it be? Stardew Valley."
"Saving faith is not the act of a moment, it's the acquisition of a life that's in Christ, for Christ, and Christ is now our life."
"If you have that mindset, you are a true martial artist; you will be doing this for life."
"The wife of your youth is not just the woman you marry when you are young, it is the woman that labored with you from when you were small."
"...there is no finish line there is no end date to all of this this fitness thing is a forever game."
"I think relationships, healthy relationships, had to do with finding somebody else who my stuff, my desires, my preference is matched up with perfectly, yeah? And that from there, we could have a lifelong, like, perfect relationship."
"I used to think that relationships, healthy relationships, had to do with finding somebody else who my stuff, my desires, my preference is matched up with perfectly, yeah? And that from there, we could have a lifelong, like, perfect relationship."
"Married life is so good. It's been so fun and forever to go."
"Mormonism once it gets its hooks into you, it will keep you forever running on the same hamster wheel."
"Once a rangerette, always a rangerette."
"Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul, I will praise the Lord as long as I live."
"You better get in love with work quick because you'll be doing it forever. Heaven's not going to be without work."
"I think if you wait till you're married, most people that keep their virtue till they're married, they stay in the marriage for a lifetime."
"Your job as a parent is never really done until you leave this realm."
"It's not about the money now, it's because it's in my blood and I can't stop doing it."
"Snake Discovery is going to be part of the rest of our lives."
"That's unconditional love if you love me it's forever, regardless."
"Thank you so much for making today so unbelievably special, and I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
"An adopted son is not just for Christmas, but for life."
"Thank you, Pippa, for loving me always, Miles."
"I love you, Rita, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"They've been my kids for 19 years and they will be my kids until I stop breathing."
"Christianity is a lifelong process."
"Gay men tend to marry older... they sow their oats, they get a lot of sexual diversity, and then when they start not looking so great... if they happen to bump into someone and just fall completely in love with them, they stay together, and they often do for a lifetime."
"I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you."
"I apologize for all the lies, but it comes from the heart when I say I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I love my wife with all my heart, she loves me, we'll be together until one of us dies of old age."
"I'm in love, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with that person."
"I have the fruit of peace inside me right now, and I will live in this peace for the rest of my life."
"Do you agree to be bound together in love, now and forever? Yes."
"Take a special care of your family from this time henceforth and forever. Amen."
"You guys were meant to be together, the king and queen for life."
"I pretty much knew after our first date that this was somebody that I could spend the rest of my life with."
"For me, it's not about living up to expectations because it's something that I've been doing ever since I was a little kid."
"He did a great job, he was dedicated his whole life to this."
"Finding new ways you enjoy moving your body and finding new healthy foods you love to make and you love to eat that make you feel good after you eat them is a lifetime's worth of work, and that's okay."
"I plan on spending the rest of my life with you."
"You're a parent until you die; that kid is going to be your kid forever because that's your baby."
"Life is all I ever want to do with you, my whole life through."
"It's always very good when you are nice to the person you promised to be with for life."
"We are to serve God now without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life."
"Paying forward is the thing that you folks with your great education from here can do for the rest of your life."
"If you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever."
"You're going to take care of me forever 'cause you're my daddy, and that's what daddies do."
"When they say a pet is for life, not just for Christmas, what they're talking about is an animal's right to dignity and security."
"I'm in my butterfly activist era a hundred percent, and I think it's gonna be an era that lasts forever."
"Divorce was never God's plan; His intention was marriage, one man, one woman, one lifetime."
"Without question, I knew football was going to be a part of my life forever."
"I want you for the rest of my life, there's no life without you."
"I intend to express joy and perform for the rest of my life."
"I'm here to take care of my mom, I will always do that till the day I die."
"One of the main things about being a mom is being worried, and you're worried until you die. It's part of love and it's part of wanting to protect them."
"Having a dog is like having a baby but forever."
"I will forever be a chef and pursue the culinary excellence for the rest of my life."
"I will sleep on a silk pillowcase for the rest of my life."
"I love our industry and what I do just so much in many different ways, that this is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life."
"In sickness and in health, we are always going to be here."
"I'm so in love with my sons and all of my family and you guys are so precious and we'll love you forever and we'll always be here for you and with you."