
Fear-mongering Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"What that does is it makes minimum wage sort of like proportional to what people need to afford, right? But it also provides a density incentive."
"There's just a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of people saying that we're fear-mongering."
"You've got to be active. If you're not, you're going to lose your guns. And I'm not fear-mongering."
"Americans and only Americans determine the outcome of our elections, not fear-mongering."
"It's very, very common to see individuals, especially on YouTube, fearmonger and post charts and say, 'Oh, look, housing prices are high.'"
"Fear is a good grift, and it's the same reason these hyperbolic stories about microwave lasers, dangerous street drugs, and dwindling white populations circulate every single year."
"They want to take away everything everything you love and value and replace it with emptiness."
"The good old politics of fear says support me and I'll protect you from those scary things. The New Politics of authoritarian fear says support me or else."
"Immigration has historically been one of those big fear-mongering talking points."
"The hearing today is not about white nationalism or hate crimes; it's about fear-mongering, power, and control."
"I think they're doing everything they can to instill fear in people, and I think it's ridiculous and I think they're very disreputable."
"The real bamboonga says the media fearmongers when there isn't anything to fear."
"Republicans have dedicated an entire political campaign to fear-mongering over sexually explicit material being shown to children."
"The weapon that is being used right now is fear and paranoia being produced by the media."
"Donald Trump is determined to instill fear in America because Donald Trump adds fuel to every fire. This is not who we are."
"No I'm not having it. This kind of fear-mongering is causing violent attacks on Asian-Americans."
"There's fear-mongering that has its own thing that's like someone taking your fear of being alone and amplifying it."
"The reason these guys are shining a light on their balls is because it feels good which is totally fine."
"Republicans play on fears of great replacement in bid for base voters."
"It's not about fear-mongering, it's about having discernment."
"Fear drives ratings more than anything else... media's goal is to scare you to death."
"Media's goal is to scare you to death... fear drives ratings more than anything else."
"The right wing media's business model is this: they create fear, then they monetize fear."
"We need more dialogue instead of fear-mongering."
"Why are people buying this BS? This constant fear-mongering, constant business environment."
"They've convinced you that unless everything is done at the border, your family will be raped and murdered by migrants."
"We've been told that they're out to kill us all."
"There's a third scary option they're starting to seed through the news media."
"Don't be misled with additional fear-mongering tactics."
"The glass ceiling is still present; women are still only making eighty percent of what men are."
"It's important to understand that in Donald Trump's mind, an atmosphere of fear, chaos, and violence actually works for him."
"There's nothing wrong with this. Right now, you are seeing a lot of these crypto-related media companies pushing out a message that's fear-mongering."
"A steady diet of fear is the most accurate description of cable news I have ever heard."
"There's a reason why they want your guns... addicted to drugs and pornography." - Alex Jones
"Biden and the Democrats will off your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve your borders, confiscate your guns."
"From the moment that Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he stoked fear and resentment and hatred, basically creating scapegoats in order to gain supporters."
"I don't need fear mongering in my life. If you're going to tell the truth, tell the truth."
"The purpose in this, this is because we have an election coming up and the government wants to run up the flag the old subject of immigration and to put people in fear of what that might mean."
"Trump has weaponized fear of rampant illegal immigration."
"It almost seems intentional to promote and promote as much fear suffering hospitalization and death and clearly intentional to sway doctors away from ever advocating any treatment."
"This is fear-mongering and I hate to be so blunt but that's essentially what it is."
"We also have to keep a balanced view and realize not to fall into this alarmism and fear-mongering."
"Media Matters straight up on January 28 said they were fear-mongering about China."
"Mainstream media is always pumping out his daily dose of fear."
"Is this a big red pill or are they trying to instill fear into the hearts and minds of people?"
"There's a lot of fearmongering that goes on... you just have to look at the numbers."
"He is trying to use these scare tactics to preserve white power."
"AI is one of the biggest technology that have ever been invented in the history of mankind. It's not taking your job and AI robots are not killing your children yet and so we're good but people are demonizing AI because we always demonize new technology."
"It's really easy to make a boogeyman."
"Spreading information that just scares everybody is such terrible information"
"I think it's quite clear from that that it's a classic device to scare people to vote conservative."
"...for the moment the aid of the federal government was near Harper's fairy and was in hands faithful to the Constitution but another year may place that in the hands of our asants and urge on and strengthen the hands that murder our families and pillage our property"
"The fact is there is always the risk of a rapist in a park... the news media telling you that there's a new thing to be afraid of every week."
"Don't fall for this nonsense that they're programming you with. Muslims are the boogeyman come to get you, far from that."
"There's always going to be a portion of people who make it seem like it's going to be horrible and scary and ruin everything. Even with the internet, there were people saying, 'Oh, they're going to get hacked and kill you.'"
"You can't just scare people and it's so easy to forget that's the majority of how America, at least, is living right now."
"True, the Western media has been fear-mongering and banging the war drums."
"Colored immigration threatens your children's health."
"Fearmongering, scaring the [stuff] out of everybody and their brother, is not really valuable."
"They've lost the faith. They have been told that no, the sun's not going to blow up 8 billion years from now, meaning, 'Oh that means everything's going to go away and death is final.' No, no, it's going to blow up in, uh, three weeks."
"The fear of Son of Sam was fueled by a battling press hungry for the latest scoop."
"The purpose of practical politics is to keep the public alarmed by a series of mostly imaginary threats so that they can be clamoring to be led to safety."
"You know, fear-mongering is an industry. It's an industry. I don't think there's any other way to put it."
"But when you start saying things like 'biggest bubble in the history of the stock market' and implying that it's the beginning of the end, it's almost as if this guy has an incentive to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt to make money on his short position."
"The media plays a central role in the development of unreasonable fear."
"These talks and videos are designed to keep its members afraid, subservient, and isolated."
"We live in a world of fear-mongering where politicians try and tell us what the best thing to do is, and you know what? I'm not standing for it anymore."