
Remake Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"David Cronenberg is a master at manipulating his audience and delivering moments that will stay with you long after a film is finished."
"When will we ever get a Sonic Dreams remake? That's all I want in life."
"Square Enix is called Crisis Core Reunion a remaster, but it's really more in line with what you would expect from a remake."
"Imagine if Generation 3 was remade on the Gen 5 engine, Pokemon Black and White would be the top game of all time."
"I fucking love this movie shoot me I don't care Friday the 13th of remake is a badass Friday the 13th movie."
"I think this is one of the most underrated remakes and slasher movies that have ever been made."
"I think if you remake it properly, its reputation will carry it."
"Edgar Wright is going to be directing a remake of The Running Man starring Glenn pal."
"AM2R is not only one of my favorite Metroid games but one of my favorite remakes. It improves and adds to the original so much while not eliminating what made that title special to begin with."
"This remake of the classic Wolfman utilizing technology of today is simply a must-see."
"Every single part of it has been improved in the remake."
"This is a remake of an older title and it's bringing a lot of us back to our childhood."
"Pokémon Colosseum and XD remake? Artistic Smeargle approves!"
"I'm actually excited to see the Dune remake."
"We're getting a Horizon Zero Dawn remake or remaster."
"This is one of the very best remakes I have played."
"Bluepoint Games PS5 game is a Demon's Souls remake and the developer joins worldwide studios."
"Sephiroth is the reason I need to remake this goddamn video."
"America must pay its bills on time and in full."
"It's the video game remake when I say the word it's the first thing that comes to mind."
"Resident Evil 4 remake... a worthwhile reimagining of that 2005 classic for a whole new audience."
"The worst of the classic bunch no doubt in my mind. I can't recommend it even at a budgeted price. Remake is all you're gonna need."
"Mechanically, visually, and even narrative-ly, Final Fantasy 7 and its remake are two almost entirely different games."
"Mortal Kombat: This reimagining not only brought with it the classic characters we all know and love but surrounded them with an immense amount of bloody and brilliant content."
"In conclusion, the Resident Evil 4 remake is much like the Dead Space remake—both are an awesome reimagining upon a timeless style of gameplay."
"Remaking things has been a thing ever since the inception of things."
"Overall mafia definitive edition is an absolutely fantastic remake of the original 2002 fan favorite."
"You can't remake, rewrite, or reboot perfection by hitting all the same plot beats as the original. You're only inviting comparison to a legendary film that you can't possibly live up to, so why even try?"
"Sonic Colors deserved more than this; it deserved a proper remake."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake has more than enough substance for it to stand apart from the original."
"One of the greatest crime movies ever made is actually somewhat of a remake: Michael Mann's 'Heat.'"
"They remade the whole damn game in a completely different graphics engine."
"We need a face-off remake of Jackman and Reynolds."
"The Final Fantasy 7 remake...this is a game that has been given some serious treatment."
"Resident Evil 2 feels less like a remake and more like a greatest hits of the series."
"This is how you do a remaster the right way."
"That Resident Evil 2 remake that's come out has me just like in tears."
"Eventually it'll get remade maybe in 10-15 years."
"If there was ever a time that could make a freaking breakout, oh my god, this is the hugest thing in the world: an anime Yu Yu Hakusho remake."
"Imagine if someone remade the original Star Wars trilogy... they did it so well."
"So the crux of this Birdemic remake is going to be Whitney's fight with the boss bird."
"Thankfully, with the Dead Space remake, things are kind of coming back."
"It'd be funny if they remade the whole movie again with the same cast, now like 20 years older."
"Samus returns is a love letter to the original version of the game."
"Metroid Samus Returns is a fully reworked game taking influence from all corners of the Metroid universe."
"Resident Evil 3 remake sets out to do what last year's remake did for Resident Evil 2. So, does it succeed? In my eyes, yes, with flying colors."
"Can you imagine Bluepoint getting rights to making a Metal Gear Solid remake on the PlayStation 5? That would look incredible."
"When they remake a famous adaptation it tends to be much more accurate to the book the second time around."
"I love that idea... just everything redone. That's a way to re-energize it."
"CD Projekt Red is going back to the drawing board and remaking it because people can't get enough of The Witcher."
"In the context of any other medium, the improvements that The Last of Us Part 1 brings to its source material would be celebrated as an unmitigated triumph."
"The Last of Us Part 1 no longer looks like an old game. It looks like a truly contemporary one, and with the impact that this has on the way this story is told, I think it makes a very compelling argument for the value of this remake."
"The exploration factor of RE4 Remake was enhanced."
"Rayman Redemption is just here a remake of the original rayman that is so good and filled to the brim with quality of life improvements and changes that basically makes the original release obsolete."
"The Witcher remake is being worked on... The game that started it all is being rebuilt from the ground up in Unreal Engine 5."
"The nostalgia of seeing an iconic old game done over in terms of visuals, story and gameplay just works on me."
"West Side Story: remaking a film considered to be the Cornerstone of its genre can be a tricky Gambit..."
"Spielberg's remake is a cinematic achievement and one of the best in the genre the last few years..."
"John Carpenter's remake expands those Cold War allegories even further..."
"Follow the money that's how you become free and make the world a better place..."
"This community of amazing people is a blessing..."
"Resident Evil remake was a meteor crashing into the gaming scene."
"Capcom set the damn bar for what it means to remake a beloved property."
"This thing set the damn bar for what it means to remake a beloved property."
"The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening remade and it looked different, very different and very, very charming."
"Kanto remakes... honestly a really, really good idea."
"Resident Evil 3 remake offers a nice example of how to handle remakes."
"Resident Evil 4 remake was nothing beating it... I loved lies of PE, I absolutely loved it."
"I think whatever the next Fire Emblem we get game we get...is going to be a new like Fire Emblem Echoes-esque remake."
"The Dead Space remake is launching on January 27th."
"Man, I just wish they'd remake this game already."
"The Remake being a masterpiece is one hundred thousand percent Justified."
"In the end, Gears of War Ultimate is a worthy remake of the original game."
"Better late than never, right? Another interesting fact is that according to IMDB Dino De Laurentiis was an uncredited producer on the film and largely made it as a lower budgeted pseudo remake of his own film Leviathan."
"Are you excited at the process aspect of a remake?" - anticipation for Metal Gear Solid 3 remake
"I think Sonic Adventure 1 is a great candidate for a remake."
"A horizon zero Dawn remake is in the works for PS5."
"We're not only remaking Dead Space, we're making it with the eyes of us as fans. That's also something true for other people outside of the team that are also fans of the original game."
"Not only is Demon Souls coming to the PlayStation five but it is a full-on remake instead of a remaster."
"For those of you that just want more great Crash Bandicoot, the remake is a really great experience."
"In some pretty awesome news for some people out there, we're getting a 'Final Fantasy: Crisis Core' remake."
"If the remake has something to say and a story to tell, I'm reserving my right to like it."
"It's a sort of remaster of the original sonic games."
"Capcom is looking around at some other games that they could remake and Dino Crisis might be one of them."
"Assassin's Creed 1 was simply just the starting point, and it's definitely in need of a remake."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake Integrate... it's good, it's incredibly good."
"The Remake actually feels like a new original."
"All of that has led a lot of fans to wish for a Promised Neverland Brotherhood."
"At the end of the day, if you're going to negate every Halloween sequel, why don't you just take that extra step and remake the whole film?"
"It's John Carpenter's Halloween redone for a popcorn audience."
"It's a redo of Halloween one with a twist ending."
"Why would you try to make it look like a documentary when you're doing a shot-for-shot remake of a film that was never trying to look that way?"
"It's always exciting to see a retake or a reimagination of a specific film especially when it's come out in such a long time since the original."
"Honestly, I could see this I could actually see this being remade into you know kind of like a b movie exploitation film now and you know if it was done right it could be kind of entertaining and funny."
"In this video, we're looking at how the Resident Evil 4 remake improved over the original while still keeping the soul."
"...one of the most successful remakes of all time."
"Remake it has nothing to do with it."
"...a shot for shot remake of the original Disney movie with the major change of cutting Abu from the cast."
"Despite the project being cancelled pretty early on in development, it was redeveloped into Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts as the planned remake game had already made quite a few creative departures from the original game."
"America needs a remake in terms of our laws."
"...so to see that finally coming to fruition is a huge win for not just the people coming in but the people that have been around all this time to finally see that come alive as far as a remake goes."
"The reason I was salivating for a live-action remake is because this time around it was actually warranted."
"It's a shot for shot remake to me that is the most pointless thing you can possibly do it's literally filmmaking plagiarism."
"The fact that there's a remake or enhanced version of the original Zelda out there that isn't completely available is pretty interesting to me."
"The Dead Space remake might be a faithful adaptation with better graphics."
"American Pie, that's one of them. That was an excellent movie, by the way. The remake."
"Cinderella remains to be the only Disney Live Action remake that has worked and has continued to work to this day."
"This movie really did accomplish what no other remake did after changing the story to be better rather than removing what Rd worked it added more substance to the film."
"Not only did they revisit and redesign were gone for the scene but also the m113 creature also known as the salt vampire."
"They succeed at what a video game remake should strive to do: reimagine the original game with modern technology while not altering its spirit and adding on where necessary and appropriate."
"This could have easily gone wrong especially now when we're in like remake hell but she breathed new life into it you know it was some great hat tips."
"I'm almost positive we didn't, I don't remember ever a remake, remake, but there might be a remastered remake kind of thing."
"Never thought I'd love to see the day where we'd get an HD remake of 'Urusei Yatsura,' but here we are."
"Evil Dead 2013 is one of the only horror films that was able to successfully reimagine and remake a horror film, flipping the meaning and atmosphere on its head to create something completely new and pull it off."
"Sharkboy and Lava Girl but dark and gritty this time."
"In fact getting this run out the way I'd say this is better than the original masterpiece in practically every way."
"A big thing is glad to see when jumping into this remake was that the focus wasn't shifted more to action this very much has a survival horror feel and it is extremely unsettling at times due to the atmosphere it sets up."
"In some ways Raccoon City feels much smaller in the remake which is odd."
"Mine would absolutely be the original, man. I would get Christopher Nelson if I could and I would just have him redo that flashback sequence and that flashback mask."
"If Return of the Jedi was redone with Ewoks as bloodthirsty CGI monsters instead of cute googly-eyed puppets, it would be a different movie."
"I would honestly like off the top of my head uh, can't be kind of 80s movies that would follow in the vein of stuff that they have remade like they've remade child's play and put a different spin on it I would like to see a remake of critters."
"When you were going to remake a movie... do something wildly different."
"It's like someone made an AI remake of the original using the same script so you just get these weird little changes that stick out so much more."
"So what do you guys think of the psycho remake do you actually prefer the Remake."
"The Remake focuses too much on this soap opera love triangle with these characters that are miserable to be with you don't have a main character to get behind the ending is predictable and underwhelming once you find out who the Killer is."
"The 2023 live-action remake of The Little Mermaid is one of the more competent Disney live-action remakes."
"...it's really time for me to remake those Arduino lessons."
For a remake to be good, it needs to bring something to the table other than "Hey, remember thing? We made it again."
"I'm really glad they're remaking the anime with wit Studio good luck to all those guys by the way hopefully this isn't Dro like Attack on Titan or Vinland Saga."
"You can only ever remake something if it was flawed to begin with, and you feel like you can improve on it."
"An element that sets a remake up for failure is if there isn't anything wrong with the original to justify redoing it."
"They remade it and they made it just as great as the original. You can fight me on that if you want, but this is so perfect right now."
"I think the film could be made again. I mean, I really feel that it's actually the time to make it again."
"Shrek retold is a crowdfunded shot for shot remake of the 2001 film Shrek released on the 29th of November 2018."
"2024 is the year of just a complete remake over."
"Resident Evil 4 remake trailer is out."
"Is it going to be just another retro Pastiche that's not really going to capture the spirit of the original or is the new Buzz light years ahead?"
"I love this remake of this movie."
"What do you guys think of the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street? A lot of people are probably gonna say it sucked. I liked it."
"We're also remaking The Brady Bunch with me as Mrs. Brady and Seth as Mr. Brady. Just makes sense."
"Remakes just don't capture the power of the original."
"...the remake just had a more thematically rich story which made a more engaging plot."
"This set is a much needed and much deserved remake."
"It's everything a remake should be."
"...when it comes to nostalgic shows, they chose Zoey 101 because they probably thought, 'Oh well, this is one show that people loved back in the day and the cast is still available. Let's try to do it again and let's see if we can recapture that same magic.'"
"There needs to be a remake of The Fifth Element."
"I can't believe they [ __ ] remade 'White Man Can't Jump 2'. It actually pisses me off."
"You're right. I can't believe they [ __ ] remade 'White Man Can't Jump 2'."
"Resident Evil 4 remake is better than the original, I believe it."
"I feel like someone they could redo that movie and and they'll [ __ ] it up yeah they [ __ ] it up absolutely [ __ ] it up but it's I don't disagree with remaking movies like that that like a whole generation of kids"
"This Roadhouse is a great example of a remake that is clearly based on the original but making their own movie at the same time. It's exactly what this movie should be."
"I can't see an actual American remake of Little Britain potentially working since it is mostly just caricatures and obvious reversal gags."
"I actually think of some of the modern remakes that have happened this one actually tried to do some things that are interesting and different with the mythology."
"The remake trilogy, so much better than it had any right to be. It was just an amazing set of films."
"Still in 2005 we have Snowboarding, which is a mobile game that is a remake of the popular snowboarding minigame near the Icicle Inn."
"The film was remade in 2005, and the remake with the same name of Assault on Precinct 13 starred Ethan Hawke and Lawrence Fishburne."
"Why are they making this live-action remake seem as though it's doing something revolutionary when the original Little Mermaid movie itself was already empowering and revolutionary."
"I knew one day there would be a remake but I didn't expect it to be this early in my lifetime."
"Nobody at Disney was like hey, yeah messing with the original Snow White, I mean the movie that started it all, is not a good idea."
"This is a great remake. This is like how you do a remake right."
"Evil Dead, my favorite horror remake of all time."
"Evil Dead remake 2013, absolute favorite, one of my favorite movies of all time."
"This remake, it's for you, people who can't stand that amount of gore from the original."
"Degrassi Next Generation sort of tries to recreate the old Degrassi but with more money, better wardrobe."
"If any [__] Jason movie should be remade, how badass would it be to remake Jason Takes Manhattan today?"
"I'd love to see Code Veronica... I think it would work really well with a remake."
"Something I want remade is Parasite Eve... I think that'd be a really good game for them to revisit."
"The 2009 remake lacks the folk legend approach that made the original so evocative."
"This film franchise is a rare occasion where the remake is actually better than the original film."
"In the remake, Mrs. Snavely just tells the guest to sit down at the table."
"If Anderson's career had to come to an end, it was only fitting that it do so with a remake of one of his most popular shows."
"I couldn't be happier with what we have now it's probably one of the best remakes that I've ever done."
"Arguably the greatest remake ever."
"They should remake Congo with Planet of the Apes type CGI because that is good."
"If you're gonna go back and remake something, it better be awesome."
"It's the original but without any soul. Typical Disney remake."
"No matter how bad these movies are, Disney is gonna keep making them until they've remade every movie they made."
"Resident Evil 2 remake is as close to a perfect Resident Evil experience as you can get."
"It's almost the quintessential remake because it's just a really good update of an already awesome movie."
"Would you rather have Ryan Johnson remake The Lord of the Rings or Zack Snyder remake the original Star Wars trilogy?"
"Thank you to both of them for lending me the chance to do my favorite remake of my favorite film."
"It's a game like double the size of the remake, double the areas."
"This is a perfect example of what a remake should be."
"We had the opportunity to remake XCOM, arguably one of the best strategy games ever made."
"Satan Slaves is one of the few remakes that manages to outdo the original in almost every aspect."
"I really love the game, so when I saw that a re-release came out, they like rebuilt it on a new updated engine."
"That is why you should do a remake, to revisit what you loved about it but also do something that was either done poorly before that you think you can do better or do something wildly different that still holds on to the spirit of what we love."
"There's literally absolutely zero reason to root against this remake."
"Evil Dead is one of the few remakes that I actually really enjoy."
"So FF7 Remake may appear to be just the old game but in better graphics at a distance, but in reality, it's a new version of Final Fantasy VII's story altogether."
"Remakes mostly suck and to remake one of the greatest zombie films ever takes some guts."
"If they ever try to remake Caddyshack, something bad's gonna happen to the world."
"How to Train Your Dragon is looking to be remade in live action form."
"There's a lot of love put into this remake."
"This one is often praised as the best remake."
"It would be my dream to redo Ben 10 or see it done again with today's technology."
"They're remaking Black Christmas, which is considered probably the first slasher film."
"This is the final remake that we're doing, and I think it's our favorite."
"This right here is one of those rare instances where a remake is as good as the original film."
"This is perhaps the best remake, sequel, reinterpretation in film."