
Lifestyle Choice Quotes

There are 534 quotes

"No other lifestyle choice has a farther-reaching and more profoundly positive impact on the planet than choosing to stop consuming animals and live a vegan lifestyle."
"You're already living an uncomfortable life; you have to choose which uncomfortable is going to yield you the best end result."
"I'm rejecting the billionaire lifestyle you provided for me. I want to have real friendships and experiences."
"Cities, especially a city like Manhattan, is 100% still worth it."
"I believe Islam is a fantastic way of life for everybody. I chose this way of life for myself."
"Sometimes it's nice...to make things simpler."
"Ocean Falls is an oasis, a community that offers them the freedom to live exactly the way they want."
"Why would you want to spend your precious time surrounded by stinky humans at the grocery store when you could be at home looking at anime girls while hellofresh does all the heavy lifting?"
"Remember, gratitude is a choice, a precious gift that we offer to God and a testament to the world of his goodness and faithfulness."
"It's the drawing people into the beauty of a form of life."
"Most workers in Norway don't want to give that up just to earn some more money."
"Lazy as a morally neutral, restful state, it's in for me baby, I love lazy."
"Break free from the normal nine to five and live life on your terms."
"Lucy saves out thousands of lives, really? Yeah, dude, it's the best, most responsible way to consume nicotine."
"When you're trying to do the right thing, you're trying to elevate and you're saying, 'You know what? This is bullshit, gangbanging is not a lifestyle, it's a death style.'" - T
"There is no magic formula to live beneath your means. It takes determination and it takes you deciding, 'I'm going to do it.'"
"House hacking: a lifestyle, not just a strategy."
"I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years."
"We're out there because it's easier for us to live separate from the world."
"I just want to be a stay-at-home housewife so badly and I'm tired of pretending like I don't."
"Living in a minimalism lifestyle is not about just throwing away what you have but it's about living a more simplified life."
"It really comes down to what you want and what type of car person you are."
"Life is life, and if I can't afford to spend my time doing this, then I'm gonna still do it."
"That's for sure still a reason why we live in Mexico, and not the US."
"Eating veggie lasagna and running lots harder, lots easier than bypass surgery and death. I mean that's just me, they call me crazy but those are my thoughts."
"I do not want to have a career... I want to sit on the porch."
"It's completely insane, but I enjoy it a lot of the time."
"Farming should be an option, not a requirement."
"Living car free is not for everyone...but I strongly suspect more people can do this than the three or four percent that currently do it."
"Living that kind of mediocre life that you're living right now, that is what's really sad."
"It's not easy to live off the grid. I'm not saying you should live off the grid, I'm just saying you should curb your digital footprint."
"It's all about Freedom, it's all about the choice of doing what you want when you want."
"A vegan is someone who does not in so much as they can eat or use animal products."
"Less is more. There's something beautiful about having a minimalist life."
"Continue down this path of preparedness and self-sufficiency."
"When they eat that way they feel amazing, they can live their life. Yeah, they feel normal and happy."
"Hey, let's get it straight. I want to cruise trend balloon forever. Why? Due to its mental effects, trend makes me incredibly confident."
"I've been following my heart, doing whatever the fuck I want to do."
"When you choose to rise above it all, choose chill, choose Kors Light."
"I'll be happy in a van down by the river just fishing."
"Florida is open for anyone that wants to live freely."
"You can be a millionaire and be a minimalist."
"The alternative to aimless, purposeless, directionless life seems to be going back to restrictive norms for most people."
"Being vegan is more than just about reducing, it's an imperative for the environment."
"I've never met a person who said 'too outdoorsy.'"
"Shoes suck, they do. You know what, when I lived in Australia, I would never wear shoes."
"If you don't drive this car on Sunday, somebody else will."
"I'm going to go pour out the rest of this coffee we're done with the coffee I'm going to go pour a glass of Rosé and then we're going to chitchat mckam manner stuff"
"I used to downplay myself talking about why you live in hotels. You make all this money. Are you living in hotels? Why are you going from state to state? Are you running from somebody? Are you getting [__] in these hotel rooms?"
"It becomes so easy, people become so used to you being vegan."
"I have no idea to own a house and love living in high-rise apartments."
"Pick the diet you can follow. If you want to be vegan, you have every excuse in the world to be vegan."
"I created a lifestyle where I can wake up when I want to wake up."
"I'm probably gonna spend getting my van together to be an off-roading vehicle that I'm going to live in."
"I want to coach but I don't want to coach at college or NFL because I just... I don't want to travel. I want to be home with the fam."
"I don't want to settle down. I just want to live life."
"You shouldn't be drinking six beers a day either but if you're gonna drink like one beverage for fun a day I'm just saying why not have a beer."
"I'd rather be poor in a van than poor in a house."
"We don't have to walk by the flesh; we get to be led by the Spirit."
"I'd rather be totally basic and feel like yes I am comfortable with how I am presenting to the world."
"Renting is not wasted money. Renting is freedom."
"It's better to take preventative measures than to try to reverse."
"Choose health and choose peace in your life."
"If you wish to continue living in the blind spots of the city, stealing from the rich, then go ahead. But don't call that freedom."
"Choose comfort over fashion. Slow living. Doing things intentionally."
"I've been the best one hundred and fifty nine dollars that I have spent on anything van life."
"I'm happier now living in the spare room driving that piece-of-shit car than I ever was driving a hundred thousand dollar sports car."
"I actually do want to do this as a regular thing."
"We just cracked 10 gold per month which is a big milestone for me."
"I've become a 'can't use the big light' girly, and I'm never going back."
"Retiring sucks. No one should retire. It's just about spending your life doing whatever the hell you want to do."
"It's better to be rich and Anonymous than famous and broken."
"I choose this lifestyle because of the freedom."
"Stay on it. It's like when you make a lifestyle choice. You choose it."
"My body is my temple, and the way I want to live in the world is how I want to live."
"The free agent lifestyle is the cheat code to me."
"Always good to have a little bit of whiskey."
"Let's get hello Fresh guys, let's get hellofresh."
"I don't give a [ __ ] about making money, I never did. If I lose a bunch of money a month because I did something that made me happier, that's what I'm gonna do."
"I would rather eat like a fucking jackass and then perish at fucking 84."
"People should just be able to do whatever the hell they want."
"No more excuses for yourself, this is the lifestyle for you."
"Singleness is actually better for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"Living below their means and avoiding unnecessary expenses is important."
"At the end of the day, the hit-and-run lifestyle ran contrary to their warrior ethos."
"Everyone's happy to see you everywhere in the world... but I don't want to live there."
"We should all be striving to work as little as possible. That's the whole point of the movement."
"Could you live without apps? I could but I got an ID."
"I had a drawstring bag, it was a lot of Axe Kilo, like an unhealthy amount."
"Tristan de Cunha is very much self-sufficient. So if you wanted to live somewhere off the beaten track and away from outsiders, this would be the very island to choose."
"Straight edge because it's a you know everyone's going to be offering you drugs and alcohol throughout your life."
"Just live in a van, there's a lot more dignity."
"I'm all about freedom, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. If you want to eat cookies all day, do it with my blessing."
"You can have a perfectly happy, fulfilled, wonderful life without children."
"This is the freedom this allows you to go anywhere you want."
"I'm one of those scumbags who chose mornings. Evening, that's... I can't."
"Europe produces $16 trillion of stuff a year with 400 million people, but they choose to work less and live more."
"If you don't want to be involved in these things for god's sake get out of the city and get into the country."
"Lead and live a simple life. Not too many gadgets and gizmos, not too many fancy things, not getting caught up in the hype of the latest thing."
"She just fell in love with the lifestyle and wanted to take journeys. She was a free spirit, everybody was jealous, everyone was like we want to do that too."
"You can still have a stationary nine-to-five job and live in a van... where you go after your day's work doesn't really matter to anybody."
"Van life allows us to live coast to coast. It's just freedom to decide moment by moment how we're gonna spend our time."
"Living in a van just seemed like a cool option."
"I'm just gonna chill, you know I got enough bread stacked up."
"Life is short, there are more cultural examples of people that have been speaking out about not drinking."
"Isolation is fun, I like having no responsibilities and knowing I have nowhere to be."
"I have no other plans... I intend to play chess and be a streamer."
"Being a landlord is not my ministry, y'all. Actually, I don't want to be on top of anything. I just want to travel, I want to live my life, and have it as low maintenance as possible."
"That's why you go trucking, sunrises and sunsets."
"Living and loving myself with results." - Tim
"Living off-grid resonates with so many people; it's about simplicity, peace, and satisfaction."
"Living off the grid is a lifestyle without reliance on one or more public utilities."
"Flexing is so weird to me, like I'm the person who just chucks a bag anywhere."
"Why am I not supposed to [ __ ] with Satan if he lets me do all the cool [ __ ]? Like, why would I want to spend eternity in a gated community in the clouds for the rest of my life when I could just go to Florida and rot there like, dude?"
"I've always looked at off-grid living as a shortcut, as long as you're willing to sweat and learn."
"So I think if you look at, go where you're treated best and you get rid of the sacred cows."
"I just don't like wearing a bra, I just don't."
"Charger RT but I do just feel like Frankie's got to own a Mustang."
"Make MGTOW a nice place to go and visit but you don't want to live there."
"It's amazing, I love it. I've experienced City life but I just so much prefer the countryside."
"Everyone can really benefit by finding some sort of exercise that you truly enjoy."
"Guess what? That's the life I like. That's the life I want for me."
"Roughing it suits me just fine. I find it appeals to my bold nature."
"We decided to go all in with our 40 year old boat and get a new engine."
"That's just a Margaritaville lifestyle, baby."
"I'm opting out of the game. Opt out. I always want to go back to Sol for Freedom."
"I still believe in head covering as a part of my modesty and as a part of my life."
"Being single has a bigger incentive. I have my money, I don't have kids, and I want to be left the hell alone."
"And if it's in a 15 minute city, I'm moving in."
"I left Islam because I found it boring. I wanted to have more fun in my life."
"I don't do negativity, positive vibes, positive."
"My personal view on minimalism is that it's not all about having as few items as possible but rather having items that are useful and not having excessive items."
"I wasn't made for comfort... I was made for risk."
"I'd rather have the Antiques which last than spend all on heat and have nothing."
"Christianity is not a religion, rather it is a lifestyle."
"I value peace above family, above everything. That might sound weird, but it's true."
"Peace, Love, and Pickles, that's the life motto I need to live."
"Living life to the fullest is much better than trying to be fit all the time."
"You hate your life but you love your work, so you make your work your life and then you make it work and you love everything."
"If we doing something positive, we down for it. If it's negative, we ain't into it at all."
"I'm gonna drive the car, I'm gonna go have lunch, I'm gonna take the long way to where I gotta go because I love driving this car every day."
"This fits everything that I want to have for a day."
"Embrace your own path, live life on your own terms, make your own rules..."
"Literally the dream piece where I feel like I'm in my pajamas but it's acceptable to be outside."
"I've basically just decided that I want to be single, I want to have a hot girl summer."
"Bitcoin gives us choice so that people who want to have a different afterlife... can opt out from this... version of afterlife."
"I don't want to be a megachurch, I don't want to be a maggot"
"My gospel is more so built on saying let's just have some balance."
"I don't want that type of life for me. I want to be something more spiritual, more loving, more calm."
"He says all the time mommy is already here and they can live this way now."
"I think I feel safer on the road than I ever did living in a big city."
"Just do what we can to enjoy it and not worry about all the pressures."
"We all suffer under capitalism. We might as well do the fun stuff in the mix, okay?"
"Your girl is focusing on finding daily joy and that doesn't always include stretching myself super thin."
"I thought that I would do my brows first because it's been absolutely ages since I did my makeup this way."
"The most rewarding part about tiny living is that I can afford to live on my own...despite living in a place that has a pretty high cost of living."
"I just don't like having cars that sit and do nothing."
"I'm just a quality over quantity type of person."
"If you have the money to blow, do it. Why not? You only live once."
"It's not about space, sometimes it's about the aesthetic, it's about cute."
"If you had to live in one boot for the rest of your life, this would be it."
"We are child-free and very happy about it. I think we should normalize not wanting to have kids."
"It's a balance... Freedom over fame for sure."
"You can be as disconnected as you want to out here."
"I don't want something that's too refined, I want to go mental."
"I understand why some people are like I just don't read bro I just don't read."
"I just get more done, I'm just a better person when I'm wearing track pants."
"Freedom is created by living free every single day."
"If I lived up in the mountains, I would definitely have an XJ. I would definitely buy one of those."
"It's sustainable for me, I feel great doing it."
"The assumption that people are choosing not to change their lifestyle is not sensitive to the fact that said choice is a luxury that some do not have."
"More and more men out there are choosing to be single and they're happier."
"I'm someone who is still admittedly a bit of an introvert so I kind of enjoy my chill time you know I enjoyed just chilling out and relaxing."
"I just don't want to do it all the time but that's one reason I think because we don't hear that side of Toronto."
"Life is too short to completely eliminate foods that you actually love."
"I just want to relax, I just wanna travel, raise my kids, have a good time, laugh, or do no drama."
"I think it is very romantic, and I like the Slowdown attitude."
"I'm loving it so if that sounds like just your cup of cozy get comfortable."
"I'm good on that. I like being free, brother, like going and doing what he wanna do. I don't wanna be told what to do."
"Everything was pretty fine; I enjoyed my own time and did what I wanted."
"Craft plays a really important role in the life that you all have chosen to lead."
"I own this, this is mine, it's my vehicle it's my home it's my freakin rolling paradise."
"Living on a boat: it's not just a lifestyle, it's an adventure waiting to happen."
"Living on a boat is about more than just the cost. It's an experience worth dreaming about."
"Success is different for everybody. Successful somebody can be living off $100,000, that's success to them, that's fine."
"I couldn't imagine not living the life that I'm living right now, like it would just feel weird to not be constantly traveling with you and like always having fun and filming and ghost hunting together."
"Some of us were born to hunt. I'm gonna keep doing it until I'm dead."
"I'm going to love people, that's what I'm going to do."
"We're doing this. The lifestyle, it's a great lifestyle."
"I really try my very best not to sacrifice my health... I always ate well, I didn't go into the takeouts like I always made sure I cooked."
"I see it being like a homesteading type situation where I grow some food and yeah just like nice peaceful place away from everyone."
"The most freedom anybody can ever have is doing what you want and not worried about how somebody feel."
"Low-carb or low-carbon fasting is my kinda keto."
"You really don't need them. You really don't. Less is more."
"Drugs and alcohol affect the brain. Get high on life and do the good work of God."
"Time to cozy up and save money by cooking at home."
"Y'all can join me on this journey let's live a soft life babes."
"I didn't know the van life was an option... once I realized that, I immediately jumped in."
"Just do things you enjoy and invite some people along."
"It's not a treatment for illness. It's a way to stay healthy."