
Discrepancy Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"The professional economists were apparently unmoved by the lack of correspondence between the results of their theory and the facts of observation, a discrepancy which the ordinary man has not failed to observe."
"It never fails to boggle my mind how far the distance is between what we are taught about how the criminal justice system, how the Constitution is supposed to work in this country, and how it literally does."
"The excess death toll is much bigger than the official death toll."
"I'm disgusted. I'm absolutely disgusted with how we've got two very different stories tonight."
"She had a high school diploma, and that was it. When she was elected to City Council, she had been Treasury for twenty years."
"There's a narrative that's trying to be promoted by the conservative government, that just doesn't seem to match up with reality."
"How can something simultaneously be worth over 50 million dollars according to Trump and only 1.4 million dollars also according to Trump?"
"The reality doesn't match up with what's in our minds."
"Law and practice are not congruent in Indian context."
"Hold on, that's not what the legendary chalice looked like during the base game."
"Reportedly, no less than 13 people saw Tara that morning, but there's only 10 witness statements on file."
"What they say and what they do are two different things."
"Common sense is not always common practice."
"They knew it was a hell of a lot more, but they could only prove it was 85 kilos."
"Always pay attention to what people do, not what they say."
"We got remarkably the same count three counts all remarkably close which showed that President Trump did come up short."
"It is likely that there was some type of skirmish at the Tower of joy just not like the one depicted in Ned's fevered dream."
"Our hands have met, but not our hearts."
"It was 40 degrees outside. They looked like they were dressed for summer."
"What we consider important and what shows up don't agree perfectly well."
"The sound of the baby crying, baby's huge, that is not a newborn."
"Astrology's zodiac signs are not aligned with the astronomical constellations."
"Because it's not consistent, as you've said, with cases in which someone was perhaps wrongfully convicted, or where perhaps the facts of what actually occurred are radically different from what's in the court record."
"He's so much shorter than he's supposed to be in the comic books."
"It looks fantastic, but it has a one-star rating on the App Store."
"There were 15 bagel dogs in my package containing approximately 12 to 14 mini bagel dogs."
"It is totally appropriate to recognize the mismatch between what is objectively true of your life and the general mediocrity of your way of being."
"I'm saying one thing and doing the other."
"the eyes just looked too clean and fresh for such a horrible pained monstrous model"
"There was a little discrepancy. Dude, it was... thank God Manny was there by the way."
"Most folks' likes don't never even match their watches, facts."
"He feels like the character that the show runners think is amazing, but isn't."
"The way that he was speaking to other people was definitely not the person I knew."
"The math ain't math in here and that's the problem."
"You're much taller than your voice."
"The detailed accounts suggest a deep disconnect between public personas and private conduct."
"My face tan doesn't match my body tan."
"How on Earth is this possible? How can every Embassy website heavily advise against traveling here yet the reality on the ground is very much unlike what it seems?"
"It's very sad because of the discrepancy of the economy there."
"The crazy thing is there's a lot in the movies that didn't happen at all."
"So it sounds like he initially told you he was operating at a loss, but you found out he was making $30,000 a year according to Health and Welfare's interface."
"This mannequin doesn't have is throwing me off."
"But what they claim attacked them doesn't match up to the injuries on their body."
"I seriously didn't realize how different my diet is to how I say it is."
"So you sell them in business class but not business class."
"Okay, when the players voted me top three and I finished top five, I'm kind of like, 'Alright, that's not adding up.'"
"You record it, it sounds one way, and then playback and you're like, what?"
"...that hole is measuring about half a MM undersized which for even a Twist R is quite a big discrepancy."
"Yesterday we were looking at the weather for today and actually said the wind was like 4 to 9 mph with gusts up to 24."
"People are simply not what we thought they were going to be, and that plays a huge role."
"What we're taught in class, what's actually in the test."
"Online rules say filming allowed, but flight attendants say otherwise."
"He questioned why it always turned out like this. His body just couldn't keep up with his brain."
"This is an artifact of the very recent past that is nonetheless stunningly out of whack with present-day reality."
"But alas, what we see in public isn't always the case behind closed doors."
"It's not what we'd be doing here."
"Her reaction is not matching the situation."
"Has this ever happened to you where what you've experienced on location is not what came through in the final photograph?"
"A discrepancy is a difference in the cash totals."
"The lives of the Patriarchs do not match with history."
"The atom's score is hilariously imbalanced."
"In terms of, of well first of all we need to bring this before I make this quote we need to talk about why is there a discrepancy with this."
"...on the screen I see that very same small lady with a description saying she's in her 50s I recognized her immediately."
"The Jeep did not have a wheel affixed to the back of the Jeep Wrangler; there was no wheel on it."
"From the outside this car looks exactly like a BMW 1m but you can tell something's off because it has a sunroof."
"That 440 or 383 or 394, huge engine but if you advertise the thing in a thousand pounds, well that motor doesn't weigh that much."
"The gap in knowledge between what we know and what is taught is odd."
"...there's a huge disparity between the public presentation of the theory and its status in textbooks."
"Real life and the idea in your head don't always compute together."
"I said six could come, but I count nine."
"The balance sheet does not balance. Three's 3750 is not equal to 3185."
"I have no idea what's going on all of our kids in our Brazilian high schools are getting great grades in science but then none of them are getting jobs in science none of them is working in laboratory."
"There are so many questions in this story, not only just the mysterious nature of her disappearance, but also the amount of discrepancies."
"The money started to not appear the way it was supposed to."
"The FBI had a different version of the three bullets. They said all three bullets hit the car inside of the car, the automobile."
"Delivery definitely isn't right, does not look like the product that was offered."
"He was bringing up all the stats being like the Agronomy is all better now yet the stats are worse from every different amount of feet from 5 feet to 10 feet to 20 feet."
"looks like a standard business truck up front but go to the back whole different state of affairs"
"For me personally, I've done much more than what was shown."
"This all seems very reasonable except for the fact that this animated monkey character does not look like a monkey at all and instead looks absolutely horrifying."
"...this was much much larger than we were seeing on the news..."
"Public perception and reality are two different things."
"And then he notices that there is no ice cream."
"This man who's this warrior proven in combat multiple times, a Marine top gun instructor, substandard performance?"
"Where's the other money going? Software is a big expense, it's six and a half grand a month, no, that's about thirteen hundred dollars a month, where's the rest of it going, something's not adding up."
"So, our total should have been 1,220 grams, but we got 580 grams."
"I saw a stark difference of what was being told and what was reality."
"It's a turquoise color but they just call it turquoise"
"This windscreen is just way off to the character model."
"According to the National Crime Information Centers count by 2016, there were 5,712 reports of missing AI women and girls, but NamUs, the U.S Department of Justice's federal missing persons database, only logged 116. A huge discrepancy."
"The government's interests are not necessarily the same as ours. In fact, rarely the same as ours."
"Ideas come from when your understanding of the world doesn't match what's going on."
"The fundamentals are different than the stock price."
"I think of the UFO phenomenon as central to one of the great discrepancies of our era."
"The fusion made him so perfect and divine, but he sees that his actions aren't."
"Real world evidence has a role; it can show you things like egregious things that don't add up."
"The fundamental idea of value investing is that sometimes there are differences between price and value."
"Sometimes the vibe on set simply doesn't match the magic weaved in the edit suite."
"Houston, we have a problem. Yes, we do. Something doesn't match."
"We have two main ways of measuring the current expansion rate of the universe, and they now no longer give us the same answer."
"The internet and real life don't always align."
"Whilst he collected data on potentially 87 million people, Cambridge Analytica only received data on about 26 or 27 million individuals in the USA."
"A mate value discrepancy is going to trigger jealousy."
"There's often the big disconnect between what people say and what they actually think or do or feel."
"By squaring, it's getting a bigger and bigger gap every time."
"Navigating this landscape of discrepancy and reciprocation requires a resilience of spirit and a clarity of purpose."
"I knew I could achieve so much, that I could really become an incredible person, make an impact on this world, and live life to the fullest, but my actions were completely different to that."
"Morality and legality whilst they should be the same, often aren't."
"That's enough of my speculations for now, but I just thought that it was a fascinating discrepancy."
"Over 80% of respondents said that what they're seeing reported in the house price indices doesn't reflect what they're seeing in their local area."
"13 million followers, hundreds and thousands of likes on all pictures, but albums sold less than 2,000 copies. That's crazy, the math ain't adding up."
"What people say and what they do, I feel like are often two different things."
"Our objectives were one thing; the achieving of them, another."
"This is not a discrepancy you can just sweep under the rug; this is a really big deal."
"Remember, there are currently two copies of your project in existence: there's the one online, and there's your local copy, and they're not the same."
"If it flies well in simulation but doesn't do well in real life, then it means something's wrong with the simulator."
"A lot of people know what to do but actually doing it or being aware of what to do and actually doing it are two different things."
"What people say and what people do are two different things."
"We all say how much we value our teachers, but we don't prove it in our actions."
"What we're taught and what we learn aren't always one and the same."
"She's eating dinner, but something is very wrong, something's missing."
"The cost function computes the discrepancy between the desired output \( y \) and the output produced by the system \( \bar{y} \)."
"When we ask someone whether it's the right experience, they may say one thing, but if you actually observe how they use it... you'll see that there might actually be a discrepancy between those two things."
"There's a big gap between the light contributed by galaxies and what we actually measure. That's huge."
"What people intend and what they do aren't always the same."
"The Oscars get it so wrong sometimes."
"Sometimes common sense is seldom common practice."
"Nothing quite matches up to the police's explanation of what happened here."
"The number one problem we face is that the words we use most often don’t reflect the reality around us."
"For example, apples were advertised in the flyer for 99 cents per pound, but I was charged 1.99 per pound instead."
"There's a big discrepancy between what the experts say and what is happening on the land."
"So if there is any discrepancy or we have a question, we can always go back to our record and see what came in and what left."
"What people say and what they do are two different things."
"Resolve any conflicting evidence. Why might something be different? Why might something be wrong?"
"People say and do are two different things."
"The best way to identify the discrepancy is to look at the difference between what they should have paid us and what they did pay us."
"It's rated about 10% by reviewers and 85% by audiences. That's quite a discrepancy."
"What we intend to do and what we actually end up doing don't always match."
"Theory and practice are the same in theory, but not in practice."
"What we intend to do and what we actually follow through with don't always match up."
"What do you do when they're different? You need to have some authoritative source of truth."