
Inflation Concerns Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"A lot of people will be better off if the question of high inflation is not part of their lives."
"Americans paying more and more for everything with each passing month. No, this is more than transitory inflation."
"If the world becomes more insular, it could drive up inflation and lower disposable income."
"We're likely to see the cost of goods rising significantly... inflationary."
"Inflation is wildly out of control right now. I mean, we're talking 40-year highs in inflation."
"This could be very dangerous in terms of inflation."
"Gold and silver really look good here, especially with potential inflation ahead."
"There's opportunities to be had too but inflation this is a big one Jim's call inflation is coming."
"We all agree inflation is an issue. The question is who has a plan to address it."
"The monetary system is broken. We live in this MMT environment where there's infinite money printing."
"Inflation is out of control right now, if you think this is peak inflation, think again."
"When gas prices are going up and people are struggling with inflation... I just can't even begin to wrap my head around the political failures that we are witnessing."
"All of these actions are likely to lead to higher costs and more inflation."
"All the Western assets overall are highly inflated backed by nothing."
"If you look at what's happening in the fiat world, if you look at all this money printing, you are in one of the safer places to hide from this inflation."
"The Fed is not in control of the rate narrative, it is not in control of the inflation narrative."
"Central bankers lost control and this inflation is going to linger for a long, long time."
"Inflation is much worse than we all imagined."
"Whether you believe that Michael Burry might be right and it could go out of control... I see clear evidence of inflation."
"The spending on Goods will bring back inflation."
"We're not seeing inflation yet and that's why a lot of people are like dude how are we printing so much money and not seeing inflation?"
"Inflation is really bad and it's the worst it's been since the 80s."
"They said don't worry, that inflation was just transitory. It's gonna go away. That was a lie."
"Jerome Powell mentioned that previously they were concerned that they wouldn't be able to hit their two and a half percent inflation target."
"Inflation is not slowing, it's maintaining a red hot pace."
"In every hiking cycle from the Fed there has never been a single case, Andreas, where the Fed stopped hiking before nominal fed funds rate were higher than the prevailing year-on-year inflation rate."
"People expect prices to keep climbing higher."
"Printing money like crazy is not getting better, this is short-sighted and unfortunate."
"It's not going to be pretty in the coming months."
"The risks to the elusive soft landing include over-tightening and prolonged high inflation."
"Inflation is such a problem you can't just pretend it's not there and not raise rates."
"The entitlement that we are paying, the amount of money that we are... creating and giving away, most of which will never be paid back, is destroying the value of the currency right in front of us."
"I believe that the debt and inflation to finance the tax cuts will be a bigger drag on the economy."
"If we get that inflation with negative real interest rates... I think five thousand dollar gold in the next five years, hundred thousand dollar bitcoin in the next five years, I think they're very much on the cards."
"Budgets don't balance themselves; record government spending leads to record inflation and soaring interest rates."
"The other reason that inflation is going to keep getting worse is they're not going to turn off the printing presses, they're going to keep on printing money."
"And in an age of negative interest rates and age of unlimited hyperinflationary monetary policy, I think that's a very good thing."
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you what you are going to see: inflation like you've never even imagined it could be."
"What all this chart is telling you is that consumer prices are much higher than interest rates and what is the broad belief that should happen is that interest rates should go up."
"The US debt at over $34.6 trillion and climbing and hot inflation now derailing rate cut expectations."
"It's going to be the holders of the US dollars that are going to be paying for this through dilution and inflation of their money."
"The US government can't possibly meet these obligations, and inflation is going to be horrific."
"Expect War to greatly expand. Expect the world's economy to contract much faster. Expect inflation to get a lot worse."
"I think the Fed made a mistake... they thought was if you pick up growth and lower unemployment you're going to produce inflation."
"If this becomes the standard you better be ready for rip your face off inflation folks."
"What are the richest people paying attention to the news that I just gave you? That inflation is going to continue."
"Money matters, and they're running the printing press in overdrive. The money supply's exploding and once the money supply explodes, the price level explodes, and the exchange rate collapses and money fails."
"We think we're in an environment of monetary inflation. This is an environment which is different to what we've seen in the past. Monetary inflation is coming to a High Street near you."
"People are going to realize that they haven't really defeated real inflation."
"If Japan thinks the era of low inflation is over and negative rates are over, don't expect a U-turn back fast."
"This is going to make inflation worse."
"Gold is a particular thing, a favorite of people who are worried about inflation, and I'm very bullish on gold."
"We're moving from being worried about inflation to being worried about losing our jobs."
"The fiscal spending is definitely getting out of control here in the US and that's definitely a source of inflation going forward."