
Missed Opportunity Quotes

There are 562 quotes

"Thank you for completely missing the opportunity to raise awareness for mental health instead of taking a blind swing at something you clearly don't understand. Etika was never canceled; people were confused, but he never did anything that people attacked him for."
"Trump was in the driver's seat in a way that, I mean, he's a sitting president of the United States, he could have won this thing clean."
"What if Mr. House received the platinum chip on time?"
"They have a golden opportunity here, and they're gonna blow it with more of this goddamn silly horseshit."
"Their loss... missing out on a few extra inches on their penis."
"I can't believe that we threw away that opportunity."
"After watching the anime and playing the game, a part of me really wants this series to succeed."
"The conviction of Steven Lawrence's killers was a missed opportunity to have a public conversation of racism and it's lingering existence institutionally and structurally."
"Oh yeah, let's go! Oh what a chance Aaron Ramsey. Ramsey, Ramsey doing, he's got a score. Massive chance for Ramsey. Lovely ball by Bale."
"The old boys line it up and I just wonder if he, no he couldn't have squared it to keep him more because Kevin Moore would have been offside. But he's got a chat, he's got to score that. Huge chance for Andy."
"How has he not scored? How have they not scored? Oh my God, how did that not go in? Why didn't, was it Bale on the back post? Why didn't he head in? It was harder not to score."
"If Arsenal had got a forward in January... they would have walked forth."
"A Miss Pac-Man alt would have just been perfect for him or maybe even different colors based on the four main ghosts from the series. Just something better than his gloves and shoes slightly changing between costumes."
"Mikawa did not know it at the time, but he had just squandered the IJN's best chance of delivering a knockout blow to the first American offensive in the Pacific."
"It would have been so funny if they had crossed paths."
"There's a moment where Luke could have totally fucking delve into midi-chlorians but they separated old-school-style."
"This person feels like they saved their love for you but they waited too long."
"If they had taken those flashbacks with Ellie and Joel and put them leading up to his [death], that would have had so much more of an emotional impact."
"If I had the opportunity, yes I would [get it back]."
"What the flag did was robbed us of an opportunity to see the Eagles answer."
"You have an opportunity to stop, and you didn't."
"I enjoy it just as much watching Nicolas Cage. It's just a shame you can't actually see John Travolta as Nicolas Cage go up against Nicolas Cage."
"That was the very last time I ever sent a text to my dad... I still wish I would have said 'I love you.'"
"It's a missed opportunity, much will be said in history as to how we could have handled this better."
"That's why I said your wife Uriah Hall was jabbing him but Uriah Hall didn't really follow up properly."
"I definitely got a kick out that I should have beaten him, the truth is I should have beaten him and I didn't."
"We could have completely prevented this virus."
"That should have been Obama's chance to make it three nil."
"She's heartbroken she wasn't there to see her first biological grandchild be born."
"He really wasted it, I'll never forget his [__] back heel in that friendly."
"Missed opportunity but still a good net positive."
"You had this game in your hand and let it slip through."
"Oh my goodness, that's Jingles, you should have let her ride the train."
"This would have been a great N'Zoth game too, right?"
"That would have been a great response if Marquis hadn't left the party."
"I regret giving up this valuable opportunity all because of fear."
"As long as we won, that's all good. I lost my game winner opportunity, but thank you Damian Lillard."
"Cavani was through, oh Bruno! He just looked at Cavani, he would've been in!"
"She got away, that will... you might as well overload the gun."
"This person is recognizing they've missed out here on something that was very very special."
"After all of that, they were literally one day too late to claim part of the prize."
"We didn't capture G O'Connor unfortunately but it's all good."
"Think if the FBI had acted on Maria Farmer's information, think of all those girls that could have been saved."
"I should have gone with you while I had the chance. It was a difficult choice, my lady."
"I'm so glad that we decided to include side sets in this. The memes just keep coming."
"I think that opportunity has passed. It's going to have to be some kind of catastrophic disclosure."
"It's true Tahiti and I actually didn't get the chance to go down here when we went."
"In retrospect I should have just called him a dumbass, could have done more with that."
"The FED pretty much had an opportunity to go get a filling... now you gotta go to the dentist and get a freaking root canal."
"They feel like they really messed up leaving you out in the cold, it's been one of their biggest regrets."
"So they fumbled the bag, they did, execution, could have had her, they didn't. Now she's walking about with O.J. Simpson's glove on her end."
"It was a Lifeline that your husband had gotten you, and you threw it away."
"This is more than a missed opportunity. This is self-harm."
"Bray should have won WrestleMania... if you're gonna stick to it because of all the people that Undertaker could have put over."
"Love how he didn't even get the relic, like come on guys."
"Double hit would have won me the game. Really unfortunate."
"Daniel's missing out right now, he could have ice in his Rooney right there."
"By the time you've heard of them, they've already pumped and you've already missed your chance."
"It was a golden opportunity to win back the fans they'd driven away for so long, and it was squandered like the invasion 10 years before it."
"I feel like they missed a trick making one in the mid-'90s to make it feel like the old ones. Let me ask you this about this movie particularly, having just rewatched it presumably recently, what do you think about it now?"
"The Reese’s Pieces in E.T. Were Supposed to be M&M’s, but the Mars Company Declined."
"It's a missed opportunity where I think you had it right there and they just kind of let it slip through their fingers."
"I can't believe it, I thought he would spark, maybe he didn't want to, I don't know, maybe he saw we did level two spark."
"I think if I could have squeezed through, it would've went a hell of a lot better."
"DIY in a ladder match? Missed opportunity, but Creep Brothers crushing would be epic."
"Honestly, I think this would have made a great movie so it's really too bad that this one was abandoned."
"If you had been here earlier, you would have heard my good news." - Implying the potential consequence of a different timing.
"Pascal very well could have won the game if fire-making had happened but instead he's got to settle for number five."
"I might be losing out on a permanent Kitsune, but worse could have happened."
"Missing an opportunity and now it's dang it, there's nothing you can do about it."
"France had 25 minutes to equalize, and they've not done it."
"If you miss a tesla there, like, you just can't do anything but just look at yourself and be like, what are you thinking?"
"I couldn't do anything about Cescó but he's certainly a player that many people were talking about."
"I missed it by two points again, Jen. Oh man, GG guys, that was a really close match."
"Rashford, Rashford, Rashford! Wow, I thought he'd scored. What a goal!"
"LeBron signed for a minimum contract, we could have got LeBron dude why wasn't I looking out man."
"I never felt like man, everyone did you know mushrooms the other night and I didn't and it seemed fun I should have done that."
"Look at what your hubris has wrought. I could have saved her. You could have been so much more."
"Stopping time to protect them from falling debris would have been a little cooler than a few stray bullets."
"That's quite a list but what you really missed, you missed my heart."
"You're a good person, a good woman. Peace. I miss my opportunity. I could have been running a real scam."
"I honestly would have loved to have seen that Neil Blomkamp Halo film."
"It's wide on his left foot from 12 yards out."
"This is a movie about aerial military equipment being harnessed to fight a 30-foot wolf and it is not called Wolf Blitzer, that is a huge missed opportunity."
"I'ma just let that sink in imma let it sink in for a second oh you almost had it you gotta be quicker than that."
"If you haven't played this game yet I would say that you're missing out a lot."
"You ruined the opportunity, you destroyed the opportunity, you had the opportunity to blow up overnight, but you dropped the ball."
"A real let off, a swing and a miss at the finish from Marquez there when he was through."
"This is a lost opportunity if you do not believe. If you do not have faith, you could lose it."
"More so than any of the weapons any of the armor the skipping of such a crucial event is infuriating."
"Wilson got this power due to the red skull playing with the cosmic cube. If the new Disney plush show doesn't have Wilson calling on an army of birds that engulf John Walker, well, that's just a big missed opportunity."
"Every time I think of Troy, I think he should have hired us to do the Sternwell thing instead of us doing this. He would have negotiated more money." - Unknown character
"This just feels like a wasted opportunity that's squandering the goodwill that Vicarious Visions has built up."
"We were gonna have that, we were gonna have that right there."
"I should have 100 just I should have just unzipped the juice right there I should just just."
"I think you're missing out on a pretty adventurous girl that would have you on the edge of your seat."
"He hadn't gone back, he just walked away. He'd been warned by decades-old dreams, he'd been led to the place and time of a tremendous disaster with knowledge of what has to come and instead of becoming a hero, he'd screwed it all up."
"I was given a golden opportunity and I'm squandering it."
"The Sims should be furious at themselves. They missed a huge opportunity."
"Vivi was considered for Dissidia NT but didn't make it as a playable character."
"You know what, it ended up working out because it turned into a three but if he finishes that dunk it would have gone insane."
"Remember all that, what I sold at the beginning of the video? Well, that would have been great for making a scarecrow."
"The ending of N'Zoth will go down as a missed opportunity for sure."
"I'm not one for 'I told you so,' but you could have been blocks away by now."
"That's poor man, he just misjudged the jump. That should have been a definite goal."
"Marcus Rashford strikes again! Oh my God, he's spunked it wide! Unbelievable!"
"Why would I not? I could have dunked, I could have. No, money's there."
"I caught a fly, I wish I had recorded it." - Zac Scott
"I wish I could say I was long Tesla but I was not."
"Someone missed a huge opportunity with you. Someone took your power for granted."
"It's absolutely insane to think that the WWF wouldn't put on this rematch from Mania 3."
"Not getting Pochettino was the best thing we ever did."
"You guys missed out on some riveting action here at coffee break with Danny."
"What a massive missed opportunities go for points clear with 13 games to go but we are still top."
"Barbie should have been a satire on materialism."
"One thing that I was slightly surprised at was that he didn't get the supreme commander keyword he did seem like a really obvious pick for it."
"That kid could have been your salvation against Frieza with maybe just some proper training. Instead, I had to step in."
"Why didn't you do it? Did you have your ultimate, Nautilus buddy?"
"I guess it was my fault for not taking the opportunity right away."
"Harry could have been the most perfect wingman... that is a real shame."
"Mark Jindrak was supposed to be in Evolution."
"We almost got a Flash movie in the late 2000s that embodied everything that made the character great."
"People were ready to give Charade money, people were ready to just walk and be like, 'Hey girl, I got a She by Charade just for a conversation.'"
"Judas Iscariot could have been the greatest of the twelve Apostles."
"Of all the sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'"
"I wish I said hello when I knew I needed to, before it was too late and you left us."
"You're the right person at the wrong time."
"You will be the one who got away."
"And George was telling me to play hide and seek with him tomorrow and now I can't anymore."
"And so I left, I left, I left that room knowing that I'd blown my one chance to pitch for the Yankees, right?"
"Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunn, Merry Christmas, that would have been brilliant"
"They were inches away from signing with Charisma records when at the last second they pivoted to DGC."
"The DM then informed us how it was such a shame that none of us got the last hit on it, because we would have gotten a really cool ability."
"Somebody missed out. They wish they would've put in that hard work."
"Somebody really regrets missing an opportunity with you, letting someone else get in the way of this connection."
"...at the end of the day, someone here actually felt like you're a true love, and they fumbled it big time."
"What bothered me about that was all the commercials for the movie had American Badass and I know Kid Rock is like a whack job now but that would have been way better."
"Wario was already in Super Mario 64 DS, so what's stopping him from being in this game is the textbook definition of a missed opportunity."
"What kind of sick twisted timeline do we live in where WB had the perfect opportunity to utilize Michael Keaton coming back as an old Bruce Wayne in a Batman Beyond movie, a project that has been requested by the fandom for years at this point?"
"Imagine giving the opportunity to a major corporation like WB the chance to bank off of the success of their biggest IP while also taking part in the animation trends seen in Spider-Verse, and then Wonder Brothers said no."
"Why didn't he help earlier? He could've singlehandedly destroyed this entire army."
"Despite an intriguing premise, so much could have been done with the movie."
"Your relationship never really got its fair chance of becoming something that it was wanting to be."
"That's how you miss out on good men."
"You're the one that they could have grown old with, but I feel like they didn't realize that when they had the chance."
"We didn't build the house, we could have, and that's what I think we should have done."
"Those people that didn't climb the mountain, they missed something."
"Sometimes you just miss your chance to tell her how you really feel."
"That's the Frank doesn't go on to win this tournament, he's gonna look back at this hand right here and realize, 'Wow, I had my chance, I should have gone for it right there.'"
"Great promo by the pope, this guy is so charismatic and should have done more in wrestling."
"The biggest, I think, one of the saddest things to come out of the series is that we'll never get the Ben Affleck Batman with JK Simmons as Commissioner Gordon."
"That hurts right there that being busted cuz that was so close to being a beautiful bottle."
"I wish I would have stopped right then and gone over and shook his hand and met him but I didn't I I got on back to work uh."
"Damn, I wish I would have subscribed and checked out his community posts. I'm such an idiot."
"I'm not talking about 2001. I'm talking about 2000. The roach incident. I blew my shot at getting this girl 10 years ago."
"Whoa, I don't like this. I just got exposed to one of the greatest women I've ever met, one of the most incredible human beings I've ever met, and she doesn't feel safe enough to continue being that with me."
"Now see, I done let my lady get away from me one too many times, shawty."
"It's no surprise that many people feel James has missed the opportunity to launch his own beauty brand."
"I was very close to getting part of Sean Connery in 'Hunt for Red October' or November who cares I didn't get part by plug picture."
"This ain't dude in the middle, Cunningham, you didn't even give him a chance, you didn't even give him a chance."
"It's like a magic guys, like a click in the mind. I think regretted not going over and talking to her."
"There goes the only chance of survival."
"They could have had so much fun with this."
"It's crazy to the point, you know, somebody even asked me earlier today like I was mad at myself like damn why didn't I create this platform like I literally could have did it myself and had and got all that ad share and revenue right."
"What a waste of a Royal Rumble match that we only get once a year."
"It was the right person wrong time situation."
"If someone doesn't break the ice, maybe it'll be a 'next lifetime' situation. Emotionally withdrawn."
"This person was waiting for an opportunity to come in, but there wasn't one. Maybe someone's responsibilities or someone had to go or someone had to be somewhere else, and the time was cut short or something happened."
"You could have gone dancing with this person."
"I only wish I could have filmed it."
"'We could have taken him too,' said Rob Anybody reproachfully. 'You should have let us.'"
"Someone feels like they missed out on an opportunity here with you."
"...there was one thing that I would like to have learned that didn't include."
"This is Tupac's stepdad this is a key black panther member this is someone who did 30 years in prison like he's got a lot to say and unfortunately he passed away without a camera allowing him to say all this so I'm upset about that."
"There's this feeling rushing towards them, like if they don't make a move now, what if they never see you again?"
"He was the one who got away but he was also never there to begin with."
"They could have had both world champions from both major companies in the US."
"The ship finally took off. It did float by the Parliament building, but you can see we're in broad daylight, so we didn't get to see it at night."
"Don't let their missed opportunity of the past become your missed opportunity of the future."
"They're going to feel like they missed out on an opportunity with you."
"What a missed opportunity there, man, what a waste."
"the sharks certainly missed a sweet opportunity."
"Ah, if only she had posted that letter, I could have saved her."
"We missed your birthday party and I'm so sorry."
"This person could have regrets for missing out on an opportunity with you."
"When you have the perfect joke but the topic changes before you say it."
"It hurts to be without you. They feel like they've missed their chance."
"You wonder like last time I ever saw her, really? Well, I probably saw her in the hallway, but I was the last conversation I never had to go back in there."
"I do believe this person feels like they missed an opportunity with you. The final card is the empress, and I was getting empress energy with this card as well as the lovers energy."
"You came to be entertained and now you're leaving afflicted because you didn't allow yourself access to something that was meant to take you into another dimension."
"I might cry if we lose this opportunity all over again."
"If we didn't lose to the Raiders we could be going for 20-0 a perfect season."
"That's one where they could have posted a seven on the scoreboard."
"One part of me I wish I could have met Hayden Christensen, but my wallet was so thankful that he wasn't doing photographs and autographs."
"He did he really did and I think that Ahmed if his head was on right would have been a Megastar much bigger than he ever was."
"We just missed the biggest story of the season!"
"The clue says, because of the James. My brother, I would have been all in with Jay-Z."
"Turns out our boat cruise that we've been looking forward to for weeks has been cancelled last minute. What a shame!"
"We do see a grin down why would you set up that Rainer and Reese using this information that we used last week remember rer very much you know remembers the fact that Reese loves the 23rd Century Connie and you don't get a scene between them not even a nod not even a grin."
"If you went into a store and he was there, you bet that guy looks like he could be a wrestler. There could have been more to be done with him."