
Non-existence Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"I made Infinite Back rooms for infinite people that don't exist yet."
"It's a feeling of romantic longing towards something that doesn't exist... feelings towards things that don't exist happen all the time."
"There's like not a Carolyn Vienna, so couldn't."
"Even though the movie never existed, the memories of the search are unforgettable."
"It's like a 7.5 by a 53.5 cartridge, it doesn't exist."
"If something is non-existent, it can't pop into existence because it's non-existent."
"It is not what she would have wanted for you, but she's dead, she's gone, so her dreams, her goals, her homes, for me, it doesn't exist."
"Take Gabby off of Vine, take Gabby off of the internet, and this book doesn't exist."
"It's like Harvey the bunny, the giant bunny, it's just imaginary, it exists only in your imagination."
"My book is the biography of a person who wasn't there."
"Hell is simply the process of ceasing to exist."
"Death represents the void of nothingness after life ends, she is the opposite of Eternity and also embodies non-existence."
"There isn't anyone. There's nothing to remember because there's no past and no future. All there is is nothing apparently happening, which is utterly timeless."
"You essentially striking yourself out of existence."
"There's no opponent because the word I does not exist."
"Arbitrage bets don't actually exist."
"It should not exist. Nobody thinks it should exist, nobody. No one would believe you if you told them."
"Death could be bad for somebody, that is to say, nonexistence could be bad for somebody, who never exists."
"This function doesn't exist anymore."
"There's often a desire for non-existence as a way out of the suffering."
"There is no such letter. There never was such a letter."
"The perfect moment does not exist."
"Ghost students were attending ghost classes. The classes didn't exist."
"Over, I mean, oh, it doesn't exist."
"Skateboarding like this doesn't really exist."
"The subjectivist universe, a universe without identity where A is non-A, can neither exist nor be conceived."
"Your name will vanish from the face of the earth as though you had never existed."
"There really is nothing to be frightened of in death because there's nothing at all; there's no pain, there's no suffering, there's no anything."
"The experience very simply is to recognize that this 'me' is non-existent."
"Scientifically speaking, race doesn't exist."
"If something is nonexistent, it doesn't exist at all. Can this absolute nothingness then do something or become something?"
"The traditional picture of hell is simply not there."
"...strange feelings of nostalgia for something that never really existed."
"Annihilation suggests that your consciousness just ceases to exist at the moment that you pass."
"At the point of what we call normal death, there is a recognition that there never was anybody."
"Those were three conspiracy theories on places that apparently do not exist."
"Officially you're dead, you don't exist, there is no Major Sharp."
"My friend of the past five years never existed."
"It is a tour in this city, in this little town called Mompox, a beautiful that does not exist, sometimes we dream of it, but that it does not exist."
"Unicorns do not exist just means no things are unicorns."
"Before you were born, you remember that? That's what it'll be like."
"Evil as such does not have positive existence; it is a lack of being, a lack of what ought to be."
"Wherever Cos theta is 0, tan theta doesn't exist because tan is just sine over cosine."
"Magic is gone. It does not exist anymore."
"I'm the urban spaceman, baby; here comes the twist — I don't exist."
"Looking for the perfect girl, the perfect man, the perfect meditation, the perfect insight, the perfect Buddha Society, the perfect position on the committee... it doesn't exist."
"I've been fishing in waterless rivers for fish that do not exist."
"The natural world is filled with death and destruction, things I find morally problematic, and I advocate for its non-existence."
"The individual I and mine never existed, and that ignorance has never existed."
"What happens if I investigate the cause 'me' and see that it has no existence, no substance?"
"The prospect of our non-existence is the thing that really has the capacity to generate interest in what this existence is all about."
"The problem with death is that once I die, I'm not coming back."
"Nothing is a concept that doesn't even exist in reality."
"Only a Yanni knows that everything is not, everything will not be, and everything has never been."
"It is an experience which affords us unique opportunity to begin to know the inscrutable essence of absolute non-existence."
"It's seen it was never real, none of that was ever there, strangely seemed to cause a lot of trouble apparently, but it wasn't ever happening."
"When you arrive in emptiness, it is the destination, and in this emptiness, nothing ever existed."
"The greatest trick Bumbo ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
"When one really understands, one knows that one was never born."
"Null basically means something doesn't exist."
"This book does not exist. Look at this book, it's great, it's about paradoxes."
"That 404 is actually the error code that you would get back if you tried to access something that didn't exist on a web server."
"Nothing doesn't even exist; nothing is a concept."
"A good man is hard to find, but a man like him is never existent on this planet."
"Non-existence is absence of everything."
"Utopia means no place; it doesn't exist."