
Social Unrest Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"The uprisings are a symptom of a pressure that's been unaddressed for too long."
"I'm worried that six months from now, our economy is still hit hard, and we have pockets of social unrest."
"Popular anger and increasingly bold resistance to government authorities is being fueled by forced land acquisitions, arbitrary land grabs... and environmental degradation."
"Whenever you see wealth inequality...there is a Tipping Point when eventually the people say enough is enough."
"The biggest indicator and the biggest correlating point you can find for revolts and riots in most countries throughout history has been income inequality."
"Riots are the language of the unheard. You need to address the underlying condition."
"Rioting, in particular, typically represents voices of the unheard."
"A riot is the language of the unheard and what is it that America has failed to hear?"
"Is Blade Runner a post-apocalypse movie? So over the last few weeks, for no particular reason, I've been thinking a lot about social unrest, specifically, I've been thinking about COVID-19 and the general reactions to it."
"Without bread, riots in Rome were inevitable."
"Forcibly unemployed desperate to feed their families and crying out for help Californians are revolting across the state."
"Rioting is bad, looting is bad, setting fires is not protesting."
"Fires are burning, president fans flames instead of fighting them."
"Trump calls them great patriots, his convention glorified vigilantes who took up arms against protesters, disgraceful anarchists and thugs."
"25 people killed 2,000 officers injured $2 billion doll and insured property damage all because of a false narration."
"Unrest is the voice of those that have not been heard."
"I think there's an expectation that there will be change in November and if there isn't, all hell could break loose over time."
"Over 70 million people are now at risk of going into extreme poverty, starvation, and that potentially could lead to civil unrest."
"If you have people who lose their job, you'll see enormous social unrest."
"Last night was bad, right? The criminality, the looting was the most egregious."
"Riots, rebellions, uprisings, whatever you want to call them, are never a community's first option; they're the last resort."
"Rioting is going to happen no matter what... and people are gonna lose."
"I'm not here to support the looting, but I understand where people are coming from, people are mad, people are hurting right now."
"If they try to let this cop off with anything less than murder, it's going to be riots."
"If violence erupts in this country, everyone's lost."
"Do you understand the anger and the fury that they have?"
"Activists believe Nahel's race was a factor in his killing, unraveling deep-rooted tensions over police discrimination against minority communities in France."
"The ensuing worldwide economic recession would lead to flare-ups and social unrest."
"Food prices tend to be an important fuel to the story of unrest."
"By the time people are starving to death, the riots tend to quiet down a bit because people don't have the energy for that activity."
"During the 2020s expect more riots... more political polarization... more chaos."
"If Tommy were killed in prison, that probably would be riots on the street."
"You know what, man, look it's chaotic. You got antifa pretending to be press and then the cops are like there's a big crowd in front of me, I have no idea who you are, everybody's getting arrested."
"Social order is beginning to break down in Italy because people don't have money they're desperate and they're hungry."
"These rioters, they don't care. They just are going out to rampage because they want to condemn all of America as systemically racist."
"I mean you did that dude this is you you did this last night they had another one of the meetings and it was chaotic a couple of people wound up getting arrested and a couple of people had to be tended to because for medical reasons as well."
"Thank goodness for the looters, man. And please show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful."
"What you're seeing behind me is one of multiple locations that have been burning in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Do not get it twisted and think that, 'Oh, this is some something that has never happened before and then this is so terrible.'"
"Violence erupted, police brutality ensued, and we're still seeing a smouldering hope for Hong Kong."
"This is lawlessness. You see the rioters and the protesters basically destroying the city."
"I'm totally unnerved by the current volatility in America, division to the 10th degree."
"Protesters heckle a Brooklyn taqueria after Chauvin verdict as white demonstrator leads chants telling white owners to get the F out of New York."
"If you don't give people a pressure release and a means of feeling like they're being heard, you get violence."
"When the people have no bread, they eat the rich."
"Throughout history, food shortages have triggered popular unrest, they served as a contributing factor to uprisings that have brought down entire societies."
"There is slouching Beast is out there and things could get very, very ugly."
"This is real-time madness in the streets, catapult!"
"They want us to all fight because I really do fear that this fall we're literally on the brink of everything."
"We were watching the Capitol building get defaced over a lie."
"The Silence of the CCP mouthpieces coupled with internet blackouts and martial law in a small County Town suggest the coming of a revolution."
"It's not about 30 pesos; it's about 30 years."
"Conflict will come to this country in some form or the other."
"Government uprisings are now a daily occurrence in our world. People in just about every nation are protesting, rioting, and demanding their governments do a better job taking care of the people."
"All the agitations you've seen today... is a cumulative effect of leadership failure over the years."
"They changed the laws because they don't tell you in the 1960s there were over a thousand riots and uprisings."
"Barricades got pushed over and folks flooded in."
"There is going to be a revolt in this country if we don't get something soon."
"There's a lot of talk about Civil War and uprisings."
"I don't think if it's riots, I think it will be coming from the right to be honest with you. I think it will be something to make it appear as if the left is doing it because I'ma be honest with you most people ain't just about their life."
"Riots spread post-George Floyd's death, but what kind of phenomenon are they?"
"A fair trial seems difficult amidst the violence and demands for conviction."
"We are going to see things we have never ever seen, and all of this unrest is to stop that."
"What do we get if this is where we end up? History being erased, street names are being changed, people are storming the Capitol."
"It wasn't just the skilled workers who lashed out here but the manual laborers as well who joined together to destroy time clocks and telegraph wires."
"It wasn't burnt down because people were mad at the police, it was burned down because the police were mad at the people."
"The objective is to balance things out and to have a shift like the West owns 80 percent of everything but and and the rest of the world 20."
"I think maybe that they're starting to show a little bit of discontent out there."
"Violence, destruction, and chaos... was unacceptable, undemocratic, and un-American."
"A new era of U.S. unrest." - The Supreme Court's coming abortion ruling may spark a new era of U.S. unrest.
"The indelible image of this week is the idea that the capital could be overrun by vandals."
"An ongoing uprising over centuries of racial neglect and oppression."
"There have been reports of high-profile acts of political violence against Republicans and conservatives since President Biden's heated speech in Philadelphia last month."
"When these burst it's going to unleash an enormous amount of anger. People will feel like they were played by the system that they had intended to upend."
"Hopefully, that doesn't mean it's going to be Lord of the Flies in the streets tomorrow, but it does mean... more class friction."
"Dr. Martin Luther King said that riot is the language of the unheard. People riot because they feel it is their only way to express the rage that they feel."
"Kenosha, Wisconsin does not deserve the arson, the burning, the looting, and the terrorism."
"You can't get mad about the rioting while ignoring why it's happening."
"The majority of the riots were in London in that three-day period... by the end of the riots, there'd been over 3,000 arrests."
"The riots and protests have killed more black people than the police department has."
"Tonight thousands of Sri Lankans reaching a breaking point, protesters storming the presidential palace, swimming in the pool, working out."
"The possibility of a situation resembling the cultural revolution becoming clearly observable in the near future highlights worries about the return of a time characterized by intense political zeal and broad social unrest."
"The underlying discontent in China is gaining momentum and the world is watching for the day it boils over."
"There will be possibly some unrest but this is a positive arrest because mercury is very emma analyzes everything very well and when people see the truth of course there will be some murmuring as they say."
"Angry mobs suddenly formed on so many different colleges all on the same night."
"If they don't find him guilty, it's a wrap on so many cities."
"One-third of Republicans say that violence may be the answer."
"Everything is unraveling because people have had their jobs stolen away, they've been locked away in their apartments, they've been isolated, their friends and relatives have died, and everybody is incredibly angry."
"You will not get peace until we get justice, and riots and uprisings keep the system in check."
"He tapped into the angst, the anger, the hurt, and the pain that millions of working-class people are feeling."
"Stop bullying and patronizing the silent majority or they will rise in terrible revolts."
"The dominoes of radicalization are just like, and then the next thing you know they're cutting off ties from their family, defending people in real life, you know, burning down a Starbucks. It just gets out of control."
"Their greatest fear is internal Uprising so what we're uh what they're facing now is their greatest fear."
"They want to stop us. They want to use force and violence against us. It's relevant to everything that's been happening in this country for some time."
"In the face of such precarious circumstances, public discontent has started to flare."
"The shock content of rioters burning down the city should be the narrative, but it's not, because clicks."
"In the name of justice, cars have been torched, property has been destroyed, businesses looted and burned, and police officers and other people have been intimidated, assaulted, and even murdered."
"Amongst that was a whole lot of irrational and a very, very loud call that [ __ ] was going down on the sixth."
"You can't sit there and expect people to not be angry when we had confederate flags marched through the United States Capitol."
"It was a mob that was there to overturn the result of a democratic election."
"We are likely in a period of civil strife right now."
"I don't agree with the riots, but I understand how they came to be."
"Our political power is pretty terrible, and we have a looming peasant strike, but this will all be resolved very quickly once we get the king."
"The reality is I don't see far-right groups starting riots for the past hundred and ten hundred and twenty days."
"My administration will always stand against violence, mayhem, and disorder. We will stand with the family of George Floyd, with the peaceful protesters, and with every law-abiding citizen who wants decency, civility, safety, and security."
"It becomes very urgent to focus the mass of people's upset about what's happening to them on something other than the economic system."
"The sudden slump caused massive social upheaval which the Nazis exploited to gain further political traction."
"The way they are gaslighting the public means that they're trying to Tamp down any sort of a populist Revolt in reaction to this."
"Everyone is just three missed meals away from a revolution."
"Rioting belies an need, the rights that are taking place right now in Minneapolis are taking place because of long pent-up racial and class oriented frustrations on the part of those who are taking to the streets."
"When you see black women in cuffs who were nearly 70 years old begging your stupid days to stop it and you don't then you know the community is in shambles."
"Protests are now escalating into violence, and we lose a lot of stability as a result."
"A riot is the language of the unheard." - Martin Luther King
"The form of the pitchforks take is not actual pitchforks it's gonna be just like rising resentment and chaos."
"What's going on in Australia right now is absolutely insane."
"That's what's gonna gonna make people be like uh basically that that that's going to create social unrest."
"People are so angry at what is taking place."
"Things are going to get very very nasty in the country."
"The violence is going to grow and grow and grow."
"When will people finally find where they've had enough? When will they rebel? The formula is as old as history, played out exactly as in the French Revolution."
"The turmoil chaos continues to spread worldwide."
"It's worse to destroy many, many, many, many, many business owners' livelihoods and buildings and property and lives."
"The ultimate target was to focus on black identity, to suppress the vote, and to rile up those who had racial tensions against black people."
"When people feel they have no recourse, that's when violence happens."
"Why do you think they're rioting they're rioting because he's causing trouble everywhere he goes"
"It is not unprecedented for protests to include very concerning acts of property damage and violence."
"This firing was for her use of inflammatory language in speeches about the handling of the People's Park rally the previous summer in which she characterized the police as pigs and the university regents as killers and murderers."
"Shortages are going to become a big problem, likely to lead to social unrest."
"Sri Lankan bastards burning stuff down simply because they're being made poor."
"This was all happening against the backdrop of the rise of gangster rap and then the LA riots."
"It's not all going to be peaceful I don't think like Gerald Celente likes to say when people have nothing left to lose, they lose it."
"I feel like it's getting out of hand, and they need to stop the protesters and everything that's going on because all they're doing is interfering with the work that's being done."
"Twelve hundred dollars was already a joke, six hundred dollars is just begging for riots."
"Give them a good reason, give them any reason really, and they'll be out in the streets protesting, then rioting."
"France riots fueled by everyday discrimination."
"Both sides used to understand that rioting and looting and burning down property that you don't own is wrong."
"That was crazy too because that was like during like the George Floyd... it was crazy."
"We have seen incitements to violence, the stoking of racial animus, we see chaos in our streets and overflowing hospitals, a wrecked economy, the disrupted educations of all of our children." - Steve
"This world we're experiencing right now, spiking food prices and unrest might just be a preview of what is to come."
"The President very clearly laid out what he meant by that tweet: that looting leads to shooting."
"Riots are the language of the unheard. You ain't saying nothing yet if you keep silencing us like this."
"What about everyone else, Alex? Are they being, anyway, madness?"
"If you're kind of extracting surpluses from the system, then usually you get unrest at some point."
"I now believe that what we saw over the last week was a highly organized, well-paid for, and well-funded attack by Antifa."
"How many of these people are now scared that their very identity as Americans is being shredded by lunatics in the street smashing windows and seizing territory?"
"Inflation leads to mass civil unrest because it destroys the poor and the middle class entirely."
"We're already seeing the opening salvos of social unrest... it's about control, they want to create chaos to establish a new set of rules."
"People aren't going to continue to lay down, people are not going to continue to allow the police to just get messed with and our Flags to get burned."
"We're being targeted, and now this article claims that a third of America would pick up a pop stick and try to overthrow the government."
"The longer you keep America locked down, the more social unrest there will be."
"Lawlessness, anarchy, and destruction threaten peace in our streets."
"We had everyone locked in their homes, we had race riots."
"Do you think that the people who attacked the capital would be less inclined to attack?"
"Nothing starts a revolution faster than hungry people and starving children."
"They're not joking. When a giant percentage of the country, tens of millions of people, are saying it might be time for violence, you should take that seriously."
"Riots after all are the language of the unheard."
"Black rioters need to get saved. White rioters need to be born again."
"When you see fiat currencies collapse it does create social unrest."
"When you have a populace that you constantly disrespect, at some point, this is bound to happen."
"I mean, everybody pretty much burnt down their, their own neighborhoods, you know? But it wasn't a black person's Korean thing, you know?"
"Things are really bad, you know, the tick-tock riots sector, and it's like, 'All right, well, let's give people something to chew on.' And also to be demoralized by."
"Civil unrest is just a part of a gigantic financial crisis, it's a normal part of the process."
"No wonder there's people in the streets attacking people."
"Paris in 1789 during the summer was effectively a tinderbox. All it required was a match."
"Civil discontent surged once again."
"The worst thing about shopping for clothes? Not finding anything that fits. That's actually why the London riots went on for three days because a lot of people ended up looting the wrong size trainers."
"The strain of maintaining extensive Urban centers alongside depleting resources could have led to social unrest and made these cities unsustainable."
"2024 is going to be rough, we're going to see if there's going to be a riot in this country."
"Most of the uprisings happen because of class division."
"The Vietnam War, which was obscene, and the assassinations and all the race riots."
"Poverty leads to unrest, and if you're in a crowded ancient environment such as a city like Rome, if the peasants get unhappy and start to revolt or riot, it can become very dangerous even for people who are protected by armed guards."
"Hunger is really one of the causes of social unrest; it's threatening our security, it's really changing the lives of young people around the world."