
Practical Solutions Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"To bring about real change, we both have to highlight a problem and make people in power uncomfortable, but we also have to translate that into practical solutions and laws that can be implemented."
"We both have to highlight a problem and make people in power uncomfortable, but we also have to translate that into practical solutions and laws that can be implemented."
"We're fighting for real solutions instead of the continuation of the show."
"If you really want voter ID then just send everybody an ID."
"I think out of all the solutions I've seen, this is the obvious one."
"Cookie can write his friend's request in a notebook just like Mommy, then he won't forget him anymore."
"For me, that's why the startup failure rate is high because they don't know how to market and sell themselves. And if they don't sell, we don't have a business."
"It's all copied directly from the manufacturer, and it worked great."
"We decided to make some French drains so all the water could drain away in winter when we get the majority of our rain."
"All right, y'all. Our temporary fencing is all up here. You can see it running all the way around."
"Seemingly this person comes out and is like 'hey I found a fix and it seems to work.'"
"Seek solutions to actual problems not just empty rhetoric and narrative but real solutions to actual problems for people that are suffering in our country like the veterans that are living under bridges."
"Lowering prescription drug prices, that's one of those tangible things we can do."
"Gas is definitely part of the solution for your base load requirement."
"Follow your passion didn't work, so we got to just sort of re-engineer work to be what we need out of it."
"This generator is strictly used for running that well pump and for some reason it always seems like we're running out of water in the house at night so we've got a nice light that I can plug into the generator while it's running."
"I probably wouldn't choose this one honestly but if I add some like hot dogs or something to add to it I think it could be pretty good."
"I like the hockey tape on everything because it's real, it works. I've done that to a lot of different pistol grips, shotgun is devastating."
"If you make energy cheap, you can not only afford to keep your air conditioner running in the summer and avoid heat death but you can also keep your heat on in the winter."
"You're the baby's father. If that requires you to hit a few buttons on Amazon, that's what you do."
"Worst comes to worst, we could just cut down a tree."
"If you do your design piece right you may find that the best thing to send is not an armor company from the US Army but a sewage contractor."
"There's no refrigeration... so hence lots of salt."
"Containers, having different options to store and carry water."
"Let's actually treat the thing on its merits."
"Anything that saves time is generally an invention."
"We may have passed the time to talk and now we got to be what are the actions people can take in their lives to fix these things what are the."
"How do we fix it? Same-day voting, in-person voting, ID voting. And that's a good start."
"Use any kind of card to apply mascara with no mess."
"Drying your hair with a t-shirt instead of a towel will prevent your hair from getting frizzy."
"Wear glitter nail polish with glue as the base coat and it'll be easy to remove later."
"Save your money from expensive blotting sheets and use coffee filters."
"This hack is going to be life-changing because it is so amazing, easy, and the best hack to clean glass and mirrors."
"If it gets really windy at night and you're having difficulty sleeping because of the air, headphones can kind of help just to block out that sound."
"To make an analogy, if you have a nail that can be driven in with your ballpeen hammer and you need it done within 30 seconds, there’s no sense asking your friend to use their jackhammer to do it in 15 minutes."
"We need real solutions to what is happening here."
"We don't need isms, I just want to know what you can do about the housing crisis, climate change, inequality..."
"When a carpenter is ill he asks the physician for a rough and ready remedy."
"Fight fire with water, we don't want a destructive force, we just need there to be some of it."
"The couch needs to be taken to the dump, but I was like guys wait a second I know this thing it's called Facebook Marketplace."
"Remember that bow I mentioned in the wall? Well, it actually created some space between the shelves and the wall in this cabinet which I took advantage of to run the wiring through."
"I wouldn't mind a couple of in-floor receptacles."
"Thank you so much for sending me that 3D printer; it's now part of this $50 Amazon chair, and it's actually fixed. That works!"
"The battery was completely dead, and come to find out, we just needed a new battery."
"I buy them off Amazon, self-adhesive, slap it on the back and done like dinner."
"We built it solely with the intent of making a diverse fix-it mix."
"We need real solutions that will actually move our country forward."
"There's a real appetite for actual solutions to the problems."
"If you sit in a wet bathing suit, you get a UTI. So I was literally like, 'I'll just bring underwear and put them in my purse.'"
"It's always duct tape guys, thank God I have the duct tape."
"You might be worried about smelly cabins... you can buy some poo pourri that actually really helps to eliminate those odors."
"It's simple yet working, like it's simple but it works."
"Why don't we just use the money to pay for reforestation?"
"You heard it here: zip ties to hold your ads on."
"Flowers were non-negotiable, but my mom had a great idea."
"I was getting a load of sand in my eye so I told my guys to tape it up and as soon as I went out there I realized I had a bit."
"This is actually inspiring, imagine how many people are losing their homes and I'm showing people how to build a house in a day."
"I mean, look, if we need to, we can upgrade them, you know?"
"That's a clear logical leap you can make: 9-1-1 doesn't work, you know? We're not gonna call, so we need to take care of this in another way, put her in a suitcase."
"Solve the real problem, fix the actual issue, the real concern."
"Eliminating parking issues with a new parking lot."
"I still don't like it, but if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid, I guess."
"The simplest explanation would be to back up the truck into the garage and load the bodies onto the truck."
"Excessive effervescence wasn't very cool, so these cups helped."
"The big solutions to your problems are sitting right under your nose."
"A practical dilemma requires a must and a moral dilemma requires an ought."
"Don't worry about it, what do you do when it's raining? You get an umbrella or try to stop the rain?"
"Tom Swazi: 'Mr. Roy, the histrionics and the hyperbole are not working. The bottom line is we have to find bipartisan Solutions.'"
"I feel like we have made it really practical, which is great."
"You're the pinnacle of flexibility, just a modern man."
"Do you have a damn solution that can help me to combat and fight against that?"
"We need to break this one so we can have a fridge, then we'll break these two so we can have a double sink."
"I'm not necessarily a huge fan of PAP caps anyway, but I did want to do it for the winter to protect the bed."
"We need to adapt to it instead of fight it or talk about whether or not it's good or bad because it doesn't help our pockets."
"If you can save people money and provide a configurable delivery vehicle, then why not do it?" - This quote emphasizes the practicality and cost-effectiveness of fleet purchases.
"Sometimes it's just the simple things that can fix a car."
"Just ship that thing around, just on wheels and stuff."
"Self-driving cars are the solution which is practical to this problem."
"Just forcefully bend your hinge, and then hammer it back in, and all of a sudden, your door is good."
"Sensible solutions... really should be nonpartisan."
"I keep forgetting I do need to close that one, that's not perfect or pretty but it's going to work."
"Replacing my ripped duvet cover with an Amazon find."
"That light mount was a clear bodge. If you're gonna print something specifically for the purpose, print something that doesn't rely on zip ties."
"By leaving the vent open, fresh air is channeled in from outside, increasing airflow."
"We cleaned so much vomit up, and we brought you some Broxson cleaner just in case."
"Feelings don't save lives, emotions don't save lives, policies save lives."
"Just getting those couple things done solves 80% of the problems."
"What you need is practical demonstrable solutions to today's social issues based on The Vedic structures."
"To get that summery nonchalant sockless look without the smelly feet and nasty fungal infections, just put on some no-show socks."
"I want to make sure that everybody could do this with what they have on hand."
"It's not rocket science, it's just meeting the people where they are and addressing their problems."
"Some people just need good transportation that they can put four or five people in for a road trip."
"Imagine an EMP knocks everybody's electricity out, you start your generator up like it's nothing."
"Finding kitchens and galley systems that are fast and expedient has always been the name of the game for me."
"That's the easiest way around the situation. If you don't like to hear about racism, stop being racist."
"The kinds of changes that we're talking about... are not radical and they're not impractical."
"You have to show people that we are not helpless, to show them concrete solutions to the problem."
"Turn it off and on again isn't some kind of comedy gag, it really solves 90% plus of all known home user ID problems."
"Well, guys, I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one totally works."
"The lid fits on both, it's crucial to me because I am the queen of having mismatched lids."
"This one is going to be regular gutters, ones that work, yes awesome."
"My secret weapon to getting that shine on my house? Simple toothbrushes."
"Being simple in situations like that is oftentimes better than trying to do too much."
"We have solutions here, that's all that matters."
"Bit of race tape to the rescue, bit of running repairs. I think that'll get us out of strife."
"Trapping has been the magical thing that has helped me win my war on flies."
"One roll of contact paper for each box - easy and durable!"
"That's what Top Gear is all about really is it addressing a problem that really does exist"
"Sometimes the ugly move does the job... it doesn't really matter."
"When your tool doesn't fit in the hole just make it longer."
"How to get rid of crickets: glue traps and natural options like boric acid."
"I got some extra panels and a door so it worked out good."
"Inconsistent character powers: Why can't I just use my powers? Sure, it'll make a mess, but it's a real-time saver, you know?"
"Stasher offers a convenient alternative in the form of its reusable food-grade silicone bags."
"Let's talk about practical solutions, let's compromise instead of one extreme."
"One of the best things you can do as a custom leather worker is to make what I like to call the measuring belt."
"You can suspend them with a bungee cord."
"We know that proper ventilation is a practical answer."
"This is not just another political campaign, this is actually a real solution."
"If you want to solve deeply entrenched cultural issues like patriarchy and racism, you need to deal with the practical conditions that generate those issues."
"For the right person, it's a good solution, simple as that."
"It is a practical thing to avert an atomic war, it is a practical thing to recognize the fraternity of the peoples of the world."
"Safety, safety, and common sense answers."
"This could be a great option for you to be able to run kitchen appliances, run your electronics, things like that to kind of give you that bit of normalcy until power is recovered."
"A very sensible solution to the sometimes vexing issue of practical family travel."
"Attach our theory to the problems that real people face and demonstrate how we have solutions to them."
"I saw the hack on TikTok and I did it, and it works!"
"If you have a perfect mathematical solution but the animator doesn't like it, then you don't really have the perfect solution."