
Strategic Change Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Existential flexibility is a dramatic shift in strategy because you find a better way to advance your cause."
"Don't fight the existing reality when you build that new model, the old model is just gonna fall away."
"Finally, they managed to break the cycle. It was not the same setup. Rcds is constantly playing aggressive up past the bomb..."
"The best way to avoid the coup trap is to subtly transition your military dictatorship into a democracy."
"Should I stay in the ship as it's sinking because the paint is really great or I really like the propeller that I just put on it? No, absolutely not."
"This is a complete game changer for many companies that are looking to innovate heading into 2024."
"This change immediately altered the effectiveness of many of the bullets in the game drastically increasing the chances for someone new and under geared to actually have a fighting chance against even the most heavily armored chats."
"By mid-war, freeing the slaves wasn't just a moral imperative, it was also a practical necessity." - Commentator
"You bastard, you son of a bitch, you changed tactics on me, didn't you?"
"2024 is the massive kick in the butt [Warner Brothers] need to get their act together."
"I think it is time for a new strategy to be applied."
"We have no choice but to change direction because our success or our failure is going to define the 21st century."
"This is the most significant move our club has made in so long."
"It's time to stop interfering in that way and turn this around."
"The reality is the vast majority of United fans want Eric ten Hag."
"A point in Eric 10 hag would be something they wouldn't have done three years ago they wouldn't have done six years ago they wouldn't have done nine years ago maybe it's a step in the right direction."
"If the crypto community comes out of the dark basement... staring at the one minute chart, this is how we're going to affect the change."
"A new strategy is going to be taken that's gonna ruffle some feathers but end up being in your favor."
"The United States would join the Belt and Road initiative... we would completely change our geopolitical Outlook."
"Sometimes plans change, and after the construction of this new stadium, the development potential of Johnson Aggregates lands has indeed changed."
"Stop patching up faulty foundations and set your sights higher."
"It's time to innovate. It's time to completely rebuild Madden from the ground up."
"Motivating a new pivot or motivating a new course of action and re-energizing through what you've done."
"If things like that change in terms of 40K, because of how they want to make it appealing in a broader sense, that to me is going to be the bigger thing to really consider."
"They've got an opportunity to steer the club in a completely different direction to the last nine years will they take it."
"They went from Tim Tebow... to running this offense with one of the premier quarterbacks in history."
"Maybe that's a better approach than what they were doing previously."
"I can't change the reputation overnight, but what I can do is change this place and help give a new identity and put it back on the map in Lampeter."
"By making the goal not defeating all opponents but rather reaching a goal before anyone else, you've now changed absolutely everything about how this fight will go down."
"I doubt SBI will vanish entirely, probably rebrand or split up into smaller groups as many do."
"If we just work at getting rid of our bad habits... replace a bad habit with something that's essentially the opposite, and you take a double jump ahead."
"The only way this is going to change for Ukraine is if the US or NATO intervene directly."
"Our defense sucks... we gotta change something up."
"'The first and most essential step is to remove Azkaban from the control of the dementors.'"
"If my office is on fire, I'm not gonna stick to the same tactics that got me here. I'm gonna try something new because that [ __ ] didn't work."
"This strategy is going to change everything."
"The embarrassment of defeat prompted a major push for modernization."
"Scrap the whole thing and start from the beginning."
"Unexpected arrival of a pack of demon wolves altering the course of the battle."
"I think what Trump did was rather remarkable in that he fundamentally altered strategy in a way that was at odds with consensus in almost every way and then led not only the public but the elites in the same direction."
"If we go about things exactly how we did in the last two tours, we're going to get the same results. We have to be brave."
"I wonder if the flop of Marvel's Avengers forced a hard pivot in the way that this game was being designed."
"The tables had been turned. Sparta was forced to withdraw."
"A takedown is nothing more than a positional change. What do you do with that position?"
"Killing may not be the order of the day now. I think survival and holding objectives is the answer."
"The Ukrainian Army stepped in, things changed drastically once the Ukrainian Army arrived."
"Reassess the path to your goals. Change the approach to match your true desires."
"Occasionally an AI can so fundamentally transform the economics of a process... that they change the strategy itself."
"The firm implemented its new approach in late 1989."
"This is more of an extended pause... versus a reversal." - Mike Larson
"Something is gonna have to change if they're gonna stay the course."
"The balance of power has kind of shifted over the past few days."
"We have to change the game that we're playing in order to stop the whole game from getting shifted to their rules, which are set up so that only they can win."
"You need to create a crisis on the old system... force everybody into it."
"Roman Reigns turning heel presents itself in a more positive light than anything. It's the only thing that makes fucking sense."
"I don't want this to be a long goodbye. I want to see longevity. I want to see fans that went 'Mourinho out' coming back to being 'Mourinho in' like me."
"I'm excited about this. I mean, this is a big deal for us. Kind of a game changer."
"We're suspending work on all the DLC and the next-gen versions to get current-gen versions to a place that they run decently."
"He's going to tear up the copybook and change the way that he's approaching things."
"If you've been trying over and over and it's not working, try a different tactic."
"How Haki has completely simplified combat in the series."
"Changing just one role in Football Manager completely flipped the Premier League on its head."
"This idea of yet again another merger and a changing of the guard for the leadership of Warner Brothers and DC Films was really a sign of hope."
"They realized the effect wasn't good for modern day, so they changed it entirely."
"Everything fits together from this; they had to switch away from like a second Ionia."
"The lack of defense encouraged Slim to change the plan. Operation Extended Capital was more ambitious."
"Let's stop being soldiers in the trench and start being the general."
"Gerard helped the series ratings a lot so his approach appears to be what people wanted."
"We may be entering a new Cold War in PC gaming but this time it seems like the tables have turned."
"It's the weird like I need money to improve the content to then just completely kill the channel and take it a complete other direction that's just wild." - Expresses astonishment at a bizarre decision-making process.
"Chainlink is the one when a project says they're not going to use it in the beginning and then they switch to using it."
"The jungle items rework fundamentally changed the game's balance."
"A coach made a genius adjustment on the fly."
"It completely changed the complexion of the game."
"Certainly doesn't seem like it's just going to be relegated to the role of being an action monkey anymore."
"A multi-polar world will definitely change almost all the pieces on the chess table."
"2024: the year of reinvention or the year of the pivot."
"Just when they think they've got all the answers, I change the culture."
"He wasn't really getting this team anywhere they needed to go."
"...to take a brand that's known for one thing and even just start nudging it in another direction, and I actually think that's an awesome thing."
"This was really a turning point. This allowed General Washington to train his troops."
"He's got to figure it out. He's doing something different."
"The initial decision in 1969 to make Doctor Who more earth-based and to give him a regular team had arguably paid off entirely; ratings were higher than they had been in years."
"The age of the long-range bomber is arguably over."
"It actually made the difference between us being profitable in less than 60 days in our business."
"It's not about changing everything; it's about changing what needs to be changed, and therein lies the trick."
"It was probably the greatest program in the history of the company, so they made the switch."
"The war on terror led to a significant and strategic change in the U.S. foreign policy."
"You need to change the traditional model of HR to the new model of HR."
"It's about time we change the odds to our favor."
"These AI tools so fundamentally change the underlying economics of the business that they change the strategy itself."
"It was a perception changing move."
"He's changed his approach to a lot of his teammates, and that is hit the ball in the air."