
Contemporary Relevance Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"I think it's really interesting and instructive to think about personal hobbies because as echoes of them are in this time now."
"So many young people, especially young people who call themselves atheists or agnostics...were fascinated by [the lectures]...saying things like 'I thought the Bible was a kind of stupid old collection of naive stories totally meaningless for contemporary life but after hearing your lectures on Genesis now I see how these stories have perennial and are extremely important and insightful for navigating life.'"
"Our God is real, you know. We're living in a time when the world is trying to dismiss God...No, your God, the God of the Bible is alive and well."
"The response I often get is, 'I can't believe you exist in this era,' which I like very much. It makes me feel validated."
"What is truly the legacy that the Confederacy has left behind, and how does it look like in play today?"
"That's a message, which it seems to me, is as relevant in today's angry 21st century."
"Waruna is a powerful tool to understand who we are. Their music is about who we are today."
"Devil May Cry 5 is pretty much the perfect action game of the moment."
"These things aren't just things you do away with because they happen not to live up to your precise ideology today."
"I think speech is a significant issue of our day."
"It is an amazing time to be human on this planet."
"I actually think this is one of the most pivotal moments in human history that it's extraordinary time to be alive."
"The parallels drawn between biblical prophecies and contemporary events are undeniably profound."
"This country was built on white supremacy, and the reason why she's supported is because white supremacy is still very much a part of the American fabric."
"American politics today reflects Calhoun's influence and the reactionary energy we've experienced in the last decade."
"It's a tale ultimately about three very powerful women, which makes it a tale for our times."
"If you're looking for a love story fit for these trying times, Little Fish might be the one for you."
"It's a story that makes you understand the past through the lens of today and ultimately forces you to realize that you're looking in a mirror and seeing yourself for the first time."
"We need to be in the 21st now. It's not a case of on the 21st of December some huge thing is going to happen."
"Empires rise and Empires fall, and we might be seeing this happen in real time."
"It's just so wonderful seeing a contemporary film get accolades for costume design."
"I meant unique as it's not so used these days at least I don't think so, but it's not like no one's ever heard of it."
"And the idea that something can be both fun and smart still resonates today."
"This world is a crazy place and it's amazing to live in this time."
"AI is not something that will happen to us, it's already happened to us."
"The future is Jiu Jitsu, it's happening right now."
"As I played through Metro Exodus, I was immediately struck by how contemporary it felt, as though the developers saw that a game like this would be needed in 2019 and made it with that foresight."
"It's so much more impactful now because of the world that we're living in in these years."
"You're not alone. There are people who care." - (No specific name mentioned)
"We need to speak the truth, we need to stand up for what is true."
"It's a very, very, very interesting time to be alive, tradition is done."
"They take different shape to speak to contemporary audiences."
"It's an amazing time to be alive, battling between truth and falsehood."
"There's never been a more interesting time in technology than this moment."
"We live in a time that is paving the way for the coming of this person called the Dajjal."
"There are elements of this work that can be read as shockingly preent and David Foster Wallace totally nailed the spirit and the concerns of the era..."
"Alternative media has never been more important than it is right now."
"It is time to see God like never before, what we are witnessing in the world is Satan at work in full force."
"Why are these new forms of government better? It's important to us today."
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues... very much needed today."
"The Vatican II texts have been the most ignored... it's not a bad time to revisit those texts."
"The technology revealed in Revelation is the technology of now."
"The church is the answer, and God's doing a work in our day which we wouldn't believe if he was to say it to us."
"I feel so blessed that I get to be a vegan in 2021."
"Numbers are upgrades, well at the moment numbers matters more."
"Now is a really special time in history. We're all here to live a powerful and inspiring life."
"Be open-minded. Art is not something that ended a hundred years ago."
"The output of this open AI system is basically describing the world we live in today, and that's something to reflect upon."
"We are living in probably the most important time in history."
"Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. I can't see how you can't see it with everything that is going on in the world."
"The time that we're in should tell you something."
"We are living in an extraordinary hour right now."
"The story of Robert Oppenheimer is a story for our time."
"That's the whole language, it is, and it coincides with the times."
"The things we make are a reflection of who we are in this moment."
"Let's go Brandon is the perfect phrase for these times."
"That's a very impressive number, so congratulations to Vivek and the Rama Swami campaign. That's really impressive and it tells you something about the time we're living in."
"We do live in mad times, which is a great thing 'cause this is the time to be alive."
"Now is the time to awaken. Now is the time to take action. Now is the time to embrace Him and His help. We need His supernatural power to understand our world and fight the evil that's permeating it."
"This story is just more... the principles of autocracy is a frame for what's going on today."
"History of book banning in America...we're living in a moment...book banning is happening right under our very noses."
"It changed the way people looked at things and it affects us today in a lot of ways."
"It's a world of energy, and astrology is a brilliant modality for these times."
"The Great Reset agenda makes sense of the seemingly unrelated elements that make up our contemporary socio-political economic and psychological landscape."
"We grossly underestimate how powerful and how busy the spirit of the Antichrist is at work in this world."
"The only way to walk in these fearful times without fear."
"Human connection, we need it now more than ever before."
"There's something very powerful at the moment about silence."
"You're making the greatest decision of your life, you're choosing Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life in a time when the world needs him more than ever."
"We're living in one of the most important historical times in modern ages."
"So what we're seeing in society with a lot of the stuff that's going on politically and socially with the idea of changing our genetic structure, that is right on time for the kind of age that we are in."
"The days we are in right now are exactly like the days of Noah before he entered the Ark."
"Good preaching notices what God is doing now."
"This conscious shift or this awakening that is happening right is happening now for a reason at this time."
"At the end of the day, is Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes worth playing in 2019 and beyond? Well, I'd say absolutely."
"This is the most significant movement in terms of grassroots activism that I've seen at least since the tea party."
"Twenty-five years earlier Paul said, 'This is what is coming.' And here it is, and it's in the churches; it's happening."
"Is it possible to have sacred moments in this world and at this age? The Book of Mormon gives a resounding yes to that."
"The only way to effectuate freedom in your lifetime today is to become an entrepreneur."
"Palestine is a litmus test, it is the exposing factor of our time."
"We deal with not only events in the past verified scripture but right now we're seeing things we've got stories today James that are literally mind-boggling that you literally can't make this stuff up."
"We are living in some of the most exciting days in history."
"All of these signs... are happening in our lifetime."
"Solidarity is the key...to connect this neo-marxism to the woke movement." - Linking Marxist ideals to contemporary social movements.
"It ended up being really funny in today's context."
"I think the basis of that world, all those questions that Margaret Atwood proposed about women and reproductive rights, are still in play now. All of them."
"We're living in tumultuous times. You're living in the best time to ever serve the Lord."
"Philosophy is a good bet, more than ever before."
"We Christians in the west today, facing many who demand that we give up our values, can learn a lot from Pius the seventh and his allies."
"Deliverance is for today, miracles for today, the gifts of the Spirit are real."
"The world needs Jesus now more than ever before."
"It's the 21st century and we need to get with the modern times."
"What will history say about what you did when this is happening now?"
"We live in interesting times which will be a repeated theme of what I will talk about tonight." - Ken Miller
"This ancient fear of those who might be plotting in the shadows remaining ever-present in the modern day."
"We are living at a time therefore not only of the rediscovery of socialism but it's the rediscovery of a changing socialism."
"I think we're living in some of the most important times in human history."
"It was really terrible but they do a really good job of connecting it to what's happening in present day."
"Racism is alive today more so than any time in the history of this country."
"We're going to see what color you should be working with in 2023."
"He's a rebel in a constant search for truth in an age when we need it most."
"This is the most extraordinary time to be alive, the most exciting time to be alive."
"Revelations are happening today, that's pretty impressive."
"Actual gift of healing... still going on today."
"Without the costumes, that could be contemporary life. It's about people caring, fighting, loving, hating, involves politics, shifting alliances, greed, avarice, sex. It's just the best story."
"It's very clear Dune has a lot of contemporary parallels."
"Don't feel strange about strange things. You've got a kura, because we're in strange times."
"We live in very interesting times and, in a way, it's probably the most exciting time to be alive in my opinion in the history of mankind."
"Discernment in the church is more desperately needed now than ever before."
"Mathematics is a subject that is so dispiriting to so many people in education yet in the outside world it is more important than it ever has been in human history."
"Questions of empire are not distant or abstract or academic, and they're not only questions about the past either."
"He's the contemporary Christ. That Christ is living in the world today, and He's changing lives."
"These photographs are the direct expression of today."
"It just goes to show that making history in the last 20 years is more important than talking about the history that you made a hundred years ago."
"Extremely relevant to present-day idol worship and false prophets."
"A well-told period drama will shine a light on the way we live today."
"I think it's still very contemporary for two reasons. One is that we're living downstream from it. I mean, that core-periphery relationship set up in the 19th century restructured the world and pretty much everything in it, and we're still living in that structure."
"Bradbury is almost perfectly describing the moment we're in."
"So we see, this wasn't just something for ancient Judah but this is something on the horizon for us today."
"We're all modern-day folk singers."
"People like new, fresh, topical [ __ ]."
"The ultimate standard for judging our leaders is what we should be looking for today more than anything else."
"This book actually has incredible relevance for our day, an incredible relevance for our time, and an incredible relevance for the church today."
"Observation causes the individual to observe the application of tradition to the contemporary events of living."
"The Stand hits a little close to home in 2020 due to its plot which centers around a lethal strain of influenza completely ravaging the world."
"It talks about giving hope in the world and everything we're going on with today."
"We don't want to make some sort of archaeological or pacifist reading of Reading Capital, but we want to try and bring the issues to the present."
"You're going to be probably very surprised to perceive the incredible parallel between both the predicament and the reactions to that predicament that we see today."
"We are so fortunate to live now and to have the ability to look at it with the blessings of the Plan of Salvation."
"By shedding vivid new light on our past, they offer us new ways to understand ourselves, each other, and the world around us in the here and now."
"The Black Lives Matter movement is significant in this era for the church to consider."
"I'm going to use economic theory to try to interpret some historical events to gain insight on some contemporary issues."
"...the call to Christian Unity is more relevant than ever before."
"...all of these movements we talked about...are very much more valuable than anything that has been happening in the world today."
"I think it stands up far superior to many of the things that are coming out today."
"The applied history movement is still in its infancy, an effort by a new generation of historians to apply lessons of history to contemporary problems."
"AI really today feels different from our time; it's still our time, we're still part of this."
"I think that we are at a very interesting time."
"Hatred breeds hatred, which is even more relevant with the rise of social media today."
"It's important to reflect on what actually is today, in order to engage with it with today."
"It's a kind of dystopian book set basically in our exact real world."
"It's really critical to understand what these places look like today and how racism has shaped how we move, where we stay, and how we live."