
Asset Valuation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Donald Trump inflates and deflates the values of his assets...for his personal reasons or for tax purposes."
"The value of an asset is not the same thing as the asset itself."
"Hard assets like bitcoin are incredibly valuable."
"We want to be in real value: growth stocks, tech stocks no good, real value good, gold, precious metals, commodities, energy, and value-based companies."
"Bitcoin is far superior to gold, it's just better."
"Asset prices go up when an asset becomes more valuable or when there's more dollars out there that want to buy this asset."
"No bonding company will accept real estate which accounts for most of Trump's wealth as collateral."
"I believe really strongly that you should always have the lion's share of your wealth in an undervalued asset that's in a long-term positive trend."
"It's not an appreciating asset like real estate."
"I think if you add up all of the assets, Lauren wins by a mile."
"It's imperative to go through a series of steps to determine the asset's true value."
"Bitcoin is the best asset for this macro world that we're in."
"Our precious XRP is still one of the most undervalued assets on the planet."
"When we see continuing bad news and then asset prices quit going down, that will be probably a pretty good heads up."
"Bitcoin is the purest treasury reserve asset."
"Bitcoin is possibly the sole store of value asset for the 21st century."
"Ultimately asset prices have to come back down to earth."
"Bitcoin is in our opinion the hardest asset of all."
"I like this as an asset... I think it'll be alright."
"I think if someone does swoop them at a value... the board would vote to not sell it for less than a lead asset value."
"All the Western assets overall are highly inflated backed by nothing."
"The theft has already taken place... We're all living under an illusion of all of these assets that are actually worth what we say they're worth, and they're not."
"Some are very promising, but literally I can't find better assets with least amount of risk and most upside than the ones I'm in."
"Traditional Finance doesn't have a choice Global debt is so out of control the Fiat money system is so broken they need hard assets like gold like Bitcoin."
"Maybe we should expand our minds a little and think about how bitcoin could be valued when thinking about other assets and other asset classes."
"Volatility is the price you pay for the world's best performing asset."
"The value of all those assets suddenly became toxic."
"Your loyalty is an asset that is even more important than your intelligence and your technical skills."
"Depreciation is ignored in a purchase decision making."
"Bitcoin is an asset that performs incredibly well."
"Stocks have become effectively a store of value, that should tell you all you need to know."
"These assets that we are holding will soon become gold in the world of Institutions money movement money settlement."
"It's assumed that you're inflating the value of your assets but let's hear from a true expert."
"Time is the most valuable asset in a business."
"If you think of investing in terms of finding an asset's worth and paying a lower price, you're thinking like an investor."
"So I think it will actually if you look at the stock to flow model at its very essence, it is saying that assets with the same stock to flow, the same scarcity levels should have the same market cap levels."
"Bitcoin is the most valuable asset in the world... because of the rise in consciousness."
"I think hard scarce assets are going to perform well... Bitcoin... as an investment."
"I want the lion's share of my wealth by a long way to be in an undervalued asset that is in a long-term positive trend which is gold."
"Assets with a limited supply are better stores of value than assets with unlimited supplies."
"Silver is tremendously undervalued compared to the currency supply and all of the other assets there in bubbles."
"Just show me the real assets, show me who's doing it."
"Gold and silver are really cheap relative to other assets."
"Bitcoin is really one of the most undervalued assets in the world."
"Bitcoin went from zero to the 18th most valuable asset in the world in 14 years."
"Every year more and more people want to store their wealth in bitcoin and that's a way to view the value of bitcoin."
"All the paper assets have zero value... the bonds they all go down by 95 on average."
"Bitcoin will be the second or the third single biggest asset class in the world."
"The principle of pawn broking is very simple a client brings an asset to us we value it and we lend a percentage of the item's value."
"Insurance give-ups: people who want to collect money on their car when the car is not worth very much anymore."
"A strong brand is affirmed as one of your most important intangible assets."
"The fundamentals both in terms of fighting the fed and in terms of the lag that's happening in the back half of the year is very problematic to asset values."
"This is Black Friday for assets, and if people think of it that way, there's huge opportunities."
"The value of a financial asset, such as a stock, is the present value of future cash flows."
"You have to find out what is the fair value of the asset... and if there are any transaction costs associated with the purchase, then that should also be treated as part of the cost."
"The risk of non-current assets being overstated is a material concern."
"What kind of a value are you going to assign your house? Well, you could have the historical cost, right, what you paid for your house."
"Depreciation is a non-cash expense that approximates the reduction of the book value of the company's long-term fixed assets."
"The overvaluation of paper assets compared to real stuff... we've had a century of overvaluation of paper assets."
"If you give me a cash flow generating asset, I can value it based on the cash flows."
"To value an asset, you take expected cash flows... all the potential scenarios are captured in an expectation: good, bad, everything's in there."
"The valuation of any asset in the world of finance is done by taking the present value of the future cash flows."
"Securities are recognized at fair value."
"Every asset has an intrinsic value, and you're going to try to find it."
"You give me cash flows and a discount rate; I can value just about any asset."
"The value of an asset is based on its cash flows, growth, and risk."
"Net Asset Value is simply equal to the total assets for that fund minus any liabilities divided by the number of shares."
"Between buying assets that are undervalued but not going to grow much, and buying assets that you have to pay up for a little bit but have significant growth ahead, you will almost always be better off with the latter."
"Depreciable cost is the initial cost minus residual value."
"The value of an asset comes from expected cash flows, growth, and risk."
"The fair market value should represent an accurate valuation or assessment of an asset's worth."
"The most important thing for both sides is to understand the full value potential of the asset."
"The value of the collateral should always be more than the minted DSC, always."
"Music copyrights are suddenly becoming the go-to asset."