
Egyptology Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Perhaps egyptology has overlooked that the ancient Egyptians were far more clever than we ever imagined."
"The conflict between alternative and mainstream Egyptology is mostly fabricated."
"Akhenaten became a focus of interest for Egyptologists who saw him as a visionary humanitarian as well as the first monotheist."
"Archaeologists and Egyptologists have yet to reach a consensus regarding the fate of the Persian army, and as such, the mystery of the Lost Army of Cambyses remains unsolved."
"Oldest mummy in Egypt: the discovery of Hikashipus covered in gold leaf."
"The first to build at Deir el-Barsha was Montuhotep."
"Egypt's story had been one of upheaval, collapse, finally rebirth."
"What about discovering a whole city buried underground famed egyptologist zahi hawas announced the discovery of the Lost Golden City."
"Hatshepsut proved - more so than other Ancient Egyptian female rulers - that a woman could rule during a long, prosperous and expansive period."
"Some of the greatest architectural wonders of the ancient world, including her mortuary temple, were built during her reign."
"Ancient Egypt undoubtedly flourished under her rule."
"The true history of ancient Egypt has long been distorted with its true Origins obscured by false Notions of Mediterranean superiority."
"Egypt is the anchor to all of this information that we are about to give you, and it's gonna leave no doubt at all as to where Jerusalem is."
"Now it turns out she may have been a very important figure in Egyptian history."
"The Old Kingdom’s 4th Dynasty was one of the most impressive regimes in history."
"I think the dynastic Egyptians were capable of shifting, of manufacturing, and moving blocks like this."
"Some new and very mysterious ancient tombs have been discovered in Egypt along the Nile Delta."
"Tutankhamun's tomb contained over 5,000 priceless artifacts, including the pharaoh's gilded mask, making him arguably the most famous pharaoh in history."
"The Sphinx: originally a statue of Anubis, later recarved to resemble a Pharaoh."
"This really is one of those diagrams you could hold up in an Egyptology conference and then just drop the microphone because the natural water flow pretty much matches the erosional patterns on the Sphinx enclosure."
"Lost Golden City: The discovery of the lost golden city near Luxor hailed as the second most important find in Egypt since King Tut's tomb."
"Foreign there are many Mysteries to be found within ancient Egypt unexplained seemingly impossible Mysteries which litter the caverns tunnels flooded underground layers."
"Her name was Nefertari, the beauty of the beauties."
"These ostraca... constitute an unprecedented and complex new source of information for Egyptologists."
"Nefertiti was the principle wife of Akhenaten. She was the only one who had the rights to the title 'great spouse of the king.'"
"Alien heroglyph in Egypt: Engravings on the wall of the Temple of Seti showing unmistakable vehicles... Helicopters, spaceships, submarines?"
"The Sphinx emphasized the greatness of the rulers of Egypt."
"The Great Sphinx of Giza: one of the largest statues in the world."
"Look at the birthplace of the children of Israel, it's Kemet."
"Renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawas believes he has located the tomb of Nefertiti."
"The Temples of Karnak, Valley of the Kings, Colossi of Memnon, and Mortuary Temples in Medinet Habu."
"The most sacred necropolis of the New Kingdom, the Valley of Kings, is located in a hidden dry river valley."
"The Rosetta Stone: a relic that bridged the gap between ancient and modern understanding."
"Lost Golden City: the biggest sensations since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"The Pyramids of Giza show the grandeur and ingenuity of ancient Egypt."
"In ancient Egypt, a Pharaoh was given a headdress adorned with a snake which defended its master by spitting in his enemies' eyes."
"Around the world some rocks do accumulate radioactivity and that's true here in the Valley of the Kings."
"The fact that an Egyptian pharaoh who lived more than 2,000 years ago even had a personal eye doctor is a reminder of how advanced the Egyptians were when it came to medicine."
"The mysterious tomb of a long-dead Egyptian Commander was unearthed near the Giza Plateau."
"Fascinated by Egypt, its mysteries, history, culture, weapons, soldiers."
"It's hard to even imagine how shocking the news must have been in 1922 that Howard Carter had somehow managed to discover the nearly intact tomb of King Tutankhamen."
"The precise layout of the three pyramids at Giza illustrate the Egyptian obsession with geometry."
"The Great Pyramid is probably an extremely old structure, maybe 100,000 years back."
"The Great Pyramid is the Hall of Records in a certain sense."
"It really is one of the most notable discoveries in Egypt."
"Hatshepsut: The Most Powerful Female Ruler of Egypt"
"A lot of British actors get on with it rather than go in for hours and hours of method acting."
"After three and a half thousand years, the story of the 18th dynasty is re-emerging from the sand."
"Narmer was the first pharaoh to rule both Lower and Upper Egypt."
"Both Jet and Mernit were the children of Pharaoh Jer, meaning they were husband and wife and brother and sister."
"The great Sphinx of Giza has been baffling archaeologists for decades."
"The Great Pyramid is older than dynastic Egypt."
"Egyptology is a fictitious manifestation...6000 years worth of psychological incorrect information."
"Scientists with the Scan Pyramids project reported the discovery of two previously unknown voids in the Great Pyramid."
"There's nothing more fascinating than the tale of the age of the Pharaohs."
"In other words, science validates what the ancient Egyptians knew."
"Ancient Egypt is full of riddles that today we still struggle to understand."
"Egyptologists have tended for a long time to view Nubia... through the lens of Egypt... Nubia becomes kind of an appendage of Egypt..."
"Even over 2000 years ago in Egypt, people were still just people."
"It has been confirmed that the ancient Egyptians referred to the Sphinx in the ancient State about 4 500 years ago as the Roti, a sacred symbol to them."
"Narmer is now often identified with the king known as Menes from Manetho's chronology..."
"The discovery of a 3,000-year-old city in the sand dunes of Egypt."
"The Rosetta Stone: decoding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, a pivotal moment in deciphering history."
"Analyzing the original casing Stone layout could reveal clues about how the pyramid was originally constructed."
"The Sphinx isn't just a statue, it had its own personal name."
"The Holy Trinity in ancient Egypt predates Christianity."
"One of the reasons for Hawass's widespread popularity is his exceptional ability to connect with the public through engaging lectures and appearances on television."
"The everchanging landscape of Egyptology presents us with a fascinating journey of discovery."
"Ancient Egypt continues to captivate our imagination, but we should never stop seeking the truth."
"The Old Kingdom pyramids of Egypt are one of the strangest topics to research in the modern day."
"The tomb of Seti the First... it's one of the best decorated tombs in the entire Valley and it's also the longest."
"Have you ever wondered why Europeans became so obsessed with Egypt when there were other cultures they could have been obsessed with?"
"The tomb of Tutankhamun is about as uniquely Egyptian an archaeological discovery as it's possible to imagine."
"When it comes to ancient Egypt the one thing the civilization is known for as much as their pyramids are their mummies."
"...we have evidence now that Amenhotep the Second fostered Canaanite cults in Per-Ramesses."
"The lives of Egypt's pharaohs take up so much of the usual discussion of its history, partly because they are the ones who commissioned the inscriptions, the monuments, and the statues."
"Ramesses II's tomb was discovered during the late 19th century, a time when Egyptology was entering its first golden age."
"The most famous, most studied Pharaoh in history."
"The field of egyptology was now no longer only about mysterious and beautiful objects; it had found its voice again."
"I cannot conceive anything more interesting for an egyptologist than to make excavations."
"It's like a marker in the sand for Egyptology if you like."
"Even though our techniques and our motivations might have changed, all of us Egyptologists have one thing in common."
"We made a deliberate effort to try to start with some of the very earliest Europeans who had made a contribution to Egyptology in more modern times."
"Egyptology in some sense remains a part of an advantage gained by Westerners through colonialism over those people in Egypt itself."
"It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire reason as to why we have egyptology as a form of study in the first place is specifically because of the actions of the French here."
"The Egyptians were masters of making sense of their world."
"If scientists are right that this is a model of a functioning glider, this is going to throw Egyptology and the way we view ancient civilizations completely topsy-turvy."
"There were other possibilities too. The point was however that the evidence for exactly who had built which Great Pyramid when and for what purpose was far too thin on the ground to justify the dogmatism of the Orthodox tombs and tombs only theory."
"The tomb of Imhotep, the architect of the step pyramid of Djoser, remains elusive, despite his historical significance."
"The Rosetta Stone: one of the greatest archaeological discoveries that helped decode ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics."
"This is the most heavily attended lecture about the Egyptian pyramids in the history of ever."
"The Red Pyramid stands as one of the most prominent ancient Egyptian pyramids."
"Egyptologists have found art depicting a peaceful resolution to their Feud where the two are tying together the plants that represent Egypt's upper and lower kingdoms."
"So, they had these things on the temple walls in Egypt. Down here you got Horus, you got Horus and Anubis. You see? So, based on the symbols put back into it, it enhanced it and brought it back to its original power."
"Ansalotta houses the secrets to the pharaoh's powerful pact."
"...the more you study the Great Pyramid of Egypt the more mysterious it becomes."
"Nothing has affected world consciousness and the development of world science more than what Africans did in Egypt."
"The hieroglyphic system was the first major writing system."
"The king offers the signs Ankh and Was to Osiris, followed by Isis and Nephthys."
"The majority of the pyramid-building workforce would have been farmers, only available during the three-month flood season."
"The chemites were builders of an incredible magnitude; they are known for the creation of the pyramids, grand burial structures for their pharaohs, and the Sphinx."
"The Rosetta Stone was so important because it was the way to unlock the Egyptian language before modern-day people could read it."
"Daniel Jackson presents his claim that the Egyptian pyramids were built at a much earlier date than currently accepted."
"I am a sovereign prince of Egypt, a son of the proud history that's shown etched in stone."
"When they died, they became Osiris, the god of the afterlife and Lord of Eternity."
"They found evidence of a gigantic pyramid, rivaling the works of the ancient Egyptians."
"The decipherment of inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone led to the understanding of which ancient script? Egyptian."
"Egyptian kings chose their burial places with an eye to the gods but also with concern for the massive logistical effort involved in building these legendary structures."
"The resting place of Cleopatra remains a complete mystery."
"There is a rumor that there is an ancient lost hall of records from ancient Egypt similar to the Library of Alexandria containing all the secrets and knowledge of the ancient world."
"The art even in the Theban tomb chapels of fairly lowly officials is some of the most sublime art Egypt produces..."
"The account of Genesis does seem to correlate with the Hixos Pharaohs ruling over Egypt."
"If people are looking for an Egyptian inscription that testifies to the plagues, they're going to be sorely disappointed."
"The Egyptian pharaoh already knew about the god Yahweh and claims to have gone into Canaan and found a group of people who he called the nomads of Yahweh."
"It was called Hout-ka-Ptah 'The Temple of the Spirit of Ptah.' Ptah was the main god of Memphis and Hout-ka-Ptah was such an important that, in fact, it is the origin for the word Egypt itself."
"My doctoral thesis is on the period of the Egyptian 25th dynasty, which is a time when Egypt was ruled by kings from Kush."
"By giving them a golden tongue after death, people believed it would have allowed them to speak with Osiris, the god of the underworld."
"Ancient Egypt is certainly one of the most interesting and exciting times in all of human history."
"The 19th Dynasty, also known as the Ramesside period, is one of the only dynasties that we could possibly look at each successor's mummy."
"Tutankhamun is probably the best Pharaoh Egypt ever had."
"The Sphinx was built around the same time as the Great Pyramid."
"It's now time for Egypt to start taking the big void seriously; the void is not a noise echo nor a masonry gap, it's a critical feature of humanity's greatest ancient construction."
"It is possible that the ship was either a funerary barge used to carry the king's embalmed body from Memphis to Giza or that Khufu himself used it as a pilgrimage ship to visit holy places."
"The coffins still have much of their color with Egyptian deities and hieroglyphics still discernible on the old wood."
"Napoleon's foray into Egypt is what really puts Egyptology into overdrive."
"Even though he'd never laid eyes on it, the Rosetta Stone had unlocked Egypt."
"The Rosetta Stone is located here, but also you can look at the chronology of Egypt from start to finish."
"The only way to know anything about the Egyptians is through their history."
"One of the most important things that drew me to the project was that it takes place in current Egypt and it talks about Egyptology."
"At the foot of the Great Pyramid, once beneath several multi-ton precisely placed blocks of limestone, lay the Khufu ship."
"The discovery was the Rosetta Stone, this slab of dark flat rock over a meter in height held the secrets to unlocking the previously undecipherable ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics."
"There is nothing more remarkable, in fact, more miraculous about the Book of Mormon than its call to Egyptian culture."
"Our conclusions were that the dynastic Egyptians were fully capable of creating such boxes using tools and methods found in the archaeological record."
"Mighty pyramids, magnificent temples, mysterious hieroglyphs - the legacy of the ancient Egyptians has graced our globe for many thousands of years."
"The basic ration is bread, the old ancient bread and beer."
"This zodiac is an outstanding testimony to the astrological knowledge of the ancient Egyptians; it's magnificent."
"The biggest mystery when it comes to Amanhotep the First is that scientists have never been able to find his actual tomb."
"The Egyptians were among the first to document contraceptive techniques, reflecting a deep understanding of fertility."
"Egyptian doctors were skilled in treating fractures and had knowledge of anatomy gained from mummification."
"The Book of the Dead is the greatest collection of Egyptian death spells in the world."
"There are many ancient Egyptian mysteries that we've never gotten to the bottom of and might never get to the bottom of."
"The statue stands six and a half feet tall and depicts Princess Iset, daughter of Amenhotep III."
"To the Egyptians, the false doors represented a physical threshold between the world of the living and the world of the dead."
"The tomb of Tutankhamun is the richest that's ever been opened in Egypt."
"The stunningly opulent tomb of the boy king most notably included his golden death mask."
"The most famous passage of the translated text is known as the Sea People inscription."
"The Dendera Zodiac might be the oldest ancient Egyptian attempt to draw a map of the night sky that still exists today."
"The Palermo Stone tells the story of Egypt's first five dynasties starting in the year 2925 BCE."
"It's been proposed that the three pyramids of the Giza Plateau were built in alignment with the stars of the belt of Orion."
"Despite being one of the most extensively studied civilizations in human history, ancient Egypt still holds a plethora of mysteries that remain unsolved."
"The mask of Tutankhamun is a true masterpiece of ancient Egyptian art and one of the most recognizable artifacts in the world."
"If you're going to talk about ancient Egypt and writing, and where its writing came from, if you have not read Ancient Egyptian Literature Volume 1, 2, and 3, you cannot even come into the room to speak on the subject."
"It's a crucial moment in Egyptology."
"The summer solstice... especially to the Egyptians... marked the annual recurrence of that phenomena peculiar to Egypt, the rising of the Nile."
"The ancient Egyptians knew how to calculate the diameter of the circle."
"The Egyptian collection at the Met is probably among the best collection of Egyptian artifacts I've seen anywhere in the world."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza... seems to never run out of secrets to be found and told."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza... filled with strange secrets."
"We just have to assume the Egyptians were seriously ingenious and put simplistic tools to really good use."
"He's an accomplished musician and a practicing stone mason and has a very practical understanding of the mysteries that are brought into the stone at so many of the incredible sites in Egypt."
"The divine kingship of Horus would last as long as ancient Egypt itself."
"Archaeologists have been hunting for Queen Nefertiti's burial place for over a century."
"High up in the relieving chambers of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, there are a number of workers' quarry marks."
"At what age did Tutankhamun become Pharaoh? Nine years old."
"The secrets of platonism are actually the secrets of ancient egyptology."
"They may never unlock the secrets that lie entombed with the Pharaohs of old."
"When this political unity broke down, and the country was fractured into smaller competing states, we had what modern Egyptologists refer to as an Intermediate Period."
"Dynasty 6, the last dynasty of the era in Egyptian history that we call the Old Kingdom."
"If you were going to be a woman in the ancient world, Egypt was probably the place for you."
"The Egyptian Institute still exists as a center of Egyptology in Cairo today."
"The Great Sphinx of Egypt... recast the date of the Majestic Monument to a period thousands of years earlier than previously believed."
"Thousands of years we have been fascinated by intriguing objects from ancient Egypt as well as sacred texts from Biblical times."
"The sentiment of Egyptologists is not one of fear but of respect and awe, entirely opposed to foolish superstitions."
"The ancient Egyptians appeared to be so much more advanced than the civilizations around them."
"I was trying to watch documentaries. I mean, I like watching things about Egypt, you know, before I got to bed."
"Many Egyptologists have considered him to be one of, if not the, greatest king to ever have ruled over Egypt."
"The start of a new dynasty was not the end of the New Kingdom; far from it, in fact, some of its best years and most celebrated rulers were yet to come."
"The Egyptian mummy is a symbol of the first importance."
"When it comes to primary research, Anthony Browder is the only one that can go to them actual pyramids and do the touch them."
"The curse of the Pharaohs has been the subject of intense debate in the world of archaeology."
"The legacy of the pharaohs lives on."
"Understanding the writing on the Rosetta Stone is considered a milestone in Egyptology."