
Maritime Quotes

There are 581 quotes

"Stranded sailor allowed to leave abandoned ship after four years... he was there for four years, like his mom died while he was there."
"At the heart of it all is the Columbia River Bar. This deadly area has taken countless vessels and claimed hundreds of lives."
"The entire crew of nearly 20 fishermen, along with witness Laurie Wickens, stood spellbound as an immense object floated effortlessly in the Atlantic Ocean."
"The fact that the MayDay call probably saved lives, that everyone was aware of what was happening."
"The ningan is a cryptic and intriguing part of Maritime folklore."
"It was a unique hybrid of clinker and carvel, a three-masted ocean-going vessel capable of carrying up to 100 tons of cargo."
"Every year dozens of derelict boats from North Korea ominously wash up on the shores of Japan and South Korea."
"It's a touching little human story about life at sea."
"It's a familiar sight to every ship's captain and boatsman in these waters."
"The history of Roll on Roll off Vessel incidents, even in modern times, has earned them the nickname 'Roll on Roll Over'."
"The load shift while docked, in vessels of this type is frequent, due to various cargoes being repositioned every time the ship puts in."
"Maine, the lobster state, where all the tough Atlantic sailors come and live on foggy cliffs with lighthouses."
"Offshore officers meet the most desperate suspects on water."
"I think you do always develop a bond with the vessels you work on for any length of time."
"Walk the plank, you fool! You thought you could get the best of me. Now the fishes will be eating you at the bottom of the ocean."
"This incredible vessel has been through a complete rebuild that cost over 35 million euros."
"The Bermuda Triangle: one of the most mysterious spots on the planet, a place so strange sailors have been avoiding it for centuries."
"The most exciting Maritime Discovery since the Mary Rose in 1982."
"Ironically, he had taken the land route due to his fear of drowning in the sea!"
"The mysteries behind the Bermuda Triangle may never be solved."
"It's challenging in the Iranian context just because there are so many different types of vessels being used that are not flying the flag of Iran."
"Abandoned ship orders were given because of the beating the ship was receiving, and the rescue was no walk in the park, but all 31 sailors made it out alive."
"There's another theory that pirates could have come from inside the ship."
"Countries could hijack your ships within sight of your ports and you couldn't do anything about it."
"Shipwrecks for crying out loud, it's beautiful!"
"There's always going to be some harassable sea dogs running around."
"To adapt to the stormy weather and strong currents of the Pacific Ocean, the peoples of northwest North America carved heavier canoes from cedar."
"That's high praise coming from a captain who's run hundreds of boats in that time frame."
"Rogue waves: Part of marine folklore for centuries, they come out of nowhere in a seemingly calm day."
"They spilled about 200 tons of fuel into the ocean leading to the worst Maritime environmental disaster in New Zealand's history."
"Every country has a role to play in ocean conservation and green shipping."
"Decarbonization and digitalization of the maritime sector: a great opportunity."
"A lot of navigators, a lot of mariners out there would be pretty unhappy if we took away their lighthouses."
"Total rudder failure ended the expedition for reasons unknown the rudder detached and sank to the seabed."
"The sinking of the Titanic led to significant changes in maritime safety regulations."
"Naval trade is even more powerful than land trade is. It is brutally powerful."
"The ghost boats of Japan have been washing up on the shores of northeastern Japan."
"It's a new day now, people. It matters where you get your news and your information."
"Marianne had been around boats her whole life and it didn't take her long to feel like there was something off about the Eastland."
"Long-lost wooden boat: a fantastic story 27 years in the making."
"Lifeboat provision on modern passenger vessels means abandoning ship is a far more survivable operation."
"The Derbyshire, twice the size of the Titanic, disappeared in the Devil's Sea."
"Jaguar Vector is more than proving that electric boats are having their day."
"That was a hundred days in an ocean-only world."
"Invest in a good surveyor... they're there for your peace of mind and ultimately they're a big influence in you buying the boat or not."
"Congress can spark a Renaissance of shipbuilding."
"Many captains claim their ships have personalities or have miraculously navigated themselves."
"I think we've almost certainly got a working quayside here."
"Lifeboats are part of a comprehensive life-saving system."
"Lifeboats are designed for buoyancy and stability."
"To enter the Grand Line, you have to get past Reverse Mountain, which is the convergence of a bunch of different sea currents."
"The introduction of Free Fall Lifeboats revolutionized emergency evacuation."
"Mongolian shipwrecks: the truth behind the legend of the divine wind."
"The sea is a dark and foreboding place, and for centuries, even millennia, people have held a peculiar fascination..."
"One of the lifeboats was missing... the rope that was in the place of where the lifeboat would have been located was cut."
"It's a roguelite shooter where you must survive waves of sea creatures while building your super raft boat."
"I really don't blame the crew of the Californian for being confused at what they were observing the night the Titanic went down."
"Buying your own ship... a bunch of benefits."
"Astra's wet deck ensures excellent safety, rapidly directing excess water overboard and minimizing resistance."
"A symbol in the maritime industry, representing progress and efficiency."
"The clever solution came in the form of repurposing existing ships into freshwater training carriers."
"An incredible effort and what was then the largest Salvage and ship rebuilding effort yet undertaken."
"Viking ship sails weighed over 100 kilos."
"The Boston light is located on little Brewster Island the current one here was said to date from 1783 and is the second oldest working lighthouse in the United States."
"The admiralty Head Lighthouse is located within the Fort Casey state park over across the North American continent and Atlantic Ocean to South Wales."
"Think of it as a Google Maps for ships."
"Two ships passing side by side in the Suez Canal constitutes a revolutionary moment in the history of this megastructure."
"Italian for Marvel is not only a giant of the Seas but also one of the most ecological liners ever built."
"What if I told you there are luxurious multi-level maritime mansions sailing the seas?"
"Carthaginians may have rounded the Cape of Africa more than 2,000 years before Columbus."
"This ship right here is the world's oldest but active sailing ship."
"Despite exhaustive searching, the crew of the Carroll A. Deering was never seen again."
"When the Cyclones waves hit this shallow floor, their energy gets compressed creating huge breaking waves, which can smash windows, shift cargo, and potentially even turn the ship upside down."
"Africans had ships, four kinds of unbelievable vessels."
"China claims that its nine-dash line encompasses close to 90% of the 3 million square km in the South China Sea."
"Cannons could not penetrate her; flaming arrows had no effect; pursuing ships could not catch up with her. She was like a ghost stalking the Chinese coastline."
"As the death knell was ringing on the tall ships Gustav Erickson built up the last great sailing Fleet the world would ever see."
"Hundreds of ships and thousands of lives have been lost off Cape Horn."
"Fastnet Lighthouse, positioned on the remote Fastnet Rock surrounded by the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, has played a critical role in guiding ships through these waters."
"The sambro Island Lighthouse positioned at the entrance to Halifax Harbor in Nova Scotia stands as a testament to maritime history."
"...ended in complete disaster with elkano dying at sea from scurvy and the entire fleet..."
"...such a casualty rate was typical of the golden age of sail until the 1770s when Englishman James Cook proved that dietary supplementation of fresh fruit, vegetables, malt, and sauerkraut could reduce the death rate to virtually zero."
"Tales of the Flying Dutchman likely date back to the 17th century"
"Cracking Mooring at the top of the harbor with the sun going down behind us."
"It was almost like murder, wasn't it? They had no lifeboats to look after them."
"...she was often the first ship to pass through the straits of mina at the start of the Season..."
"Ellen Austin was a 210 foot long 1800 ton American schooner that came across another boat in the Atlantic Ocean that was moving at a decent speed but didn't appear to have anyone on board."
"The Istanbul Canal promises to significantly impact global maritime trade routes, offering an alternative path through one of the world's most strategically important maritime corridors."
"Portugal unfolds like a page from an old Maritime book."
"How many Templar ships sailed from La Rochelle in the autumn of 1307 is unknown."
"Chinese ships were quite sophisticated with plenty of space for cargo and accommodation."
"Of all the hundreds of Clippers American Yards launched in the mid-19th Century not a single one remains."
"There are some extremely big and deadly sorts of vessels out there and they're getting more and more dangerous and well equipped all the time."
"I've always been fascinated by lighthouses."
"Shipwreck stories were common in those days and were often the topic of fiction."
"Are these from the København? And if so, how would a wrecked ship and its crew be found scattered thousands of miles apart from one another on different continents?"
"The Titanic sank on her maiden voyage."
"Disturbingly, there have been over 350 recorded shipwrecks in Superior."
"You don't necessarily have to be a deckhand forever, but still, being able to walk out and gaze at that expanse of water, you still have that need to be near water."
"Footage taken by a Coast Guard helicopter captured the moment a 40-ft wave rolled a 35-ft yacht into the realm of the deep blue, never to sail again."
"What better way to finish your day at sea than a nice hot soak in your own private jacuzzi?"
"Finding objects of value that could be bartered or exchanged, I suspect, was extremely important to the sailors."
"Retrieval of any bodies you may find is not required, and the vessel itself can be left in situ."
"I've seen men with will far stronger than most end up overboard."
"The most probable cause of loss of the Edmund Fitzgerald was water entering the cargo hold through defective hatch closures."
"There is absolutely no reason why the United States cannot make it number one on its agenda to confront Chinese behavior in all functional maritime organizations."
"Sea Legs Craft: An ideal choice for individuals and businesses seeking reliable performance and versatility."
"The 'Mary Celeste's' fate was sealed as the most legendary of all ghost ships."
"The team hoped the schooners' interior has been spared. The interior compartments of the Hamilton and the Scourge were originally designed to carry cargo across the Great Lakes."
"The ship's captain ordered the tune to be played, 'The Bear Went Over the Mountain,' which means abandon ship."
"Millennia of experience in woodworking, shipbuilding, and seafaring resulted in very light, very flexible ships with very shallow drafts."
"Ships are steered by means of a rudder."
"To avoid hitting ground boat captains have always used some form of the navigation technique called sounding."
"To say that William Bligh was made for a life on the sea would be a huge understatement."
"By 1770, the 16-year-old Bligh sailed aboard the HMS Hunter as an able seaman."
"The Queen Mary is arguably the most influential and recognizable ocean liner to ever sail the Atlantic."
"The Queen Mary sealed her last transatlantic voyage."
"Queen Mary prepares to say farewell to England forever."
"One of the most enduring Mysteries that remains unsolved is that of the Mary Celeste."
"The Vikings sustained their seafaring for over 300 years with their steely navigational skills, advanced long ships, and fearsome tactics."
"The Bandu Fleet have come to enjoy traveling the waves, applying their militaristic tenants to the nautical lifestyle."
"The Vasa, a new flagship of the Swedish Navy, was unveiled on the 10th of August 1628 but to the horror of thousands of excited onlookers it barely left Stockholm's Bay before it sank a hundred and five feet below the surface."
"Summer Islanders are the world's foremost mariners, but instead of navigating the ocean in smaller canoes and rafts like the Pacific Islanders, they instead build the largest ships in the world, which are called swan ships."
"Anything tied to the sea, anything tied to the ocean in the sense of fish, shrimp, clams, conch shells, any kind of shells and maybe even like sailor stuff like rum or sea shanties... that's what I see a lot of people give as sea shanties."
"Sea trials are crucial for a ship's Journey."
"No one will ever know if the Fitzgerald scraped bottom or where, but the charts of Lake Superior used by Captain Mle show six-fathom sh 1 mile east of its actual position."
"When you're on watch, there's so many factors you constantly need to survey—your position, your speed in regards to the currents, obstacles around your ship, the depth below you. And they need to be updated often."
"Understanding vessel lights: masthead, side, and stern lights."
"The ocean has over 3 million shipwrecks in it, making it one of the most dangerous places on Earth."
"There are absolutely loads of shipwrecks off the coast of South Africa, like a lot."
"The boat hit a sandbank on May 6th, 1682, after James Stewart, who had been the Lord High Admiral, got into an argument with the captain over control of the ship."
"Melville's construction of the Pequod as a literary ship is definitely an imaginative construction meant to do a lot of cultural work for the reader."
"We don't say left and right, we say port and starboard."
"Mere moments later, the Edmund Fitzgerald suddenly and mysterious plummeted 530 feet down to the bottom of Lake Superior, twisting in half in the process and entombing Captain McSorey and his crew of 28 in a frigid watery grave."
"Of all the strange stories and legends surrounding the Great Lakes, perhaps the most chilling are those pertaining to the host of ships and sailors that the Lakes have swallowed over the years."
"Throughout history, multiple sailors (and pirates) have written accounts of seeing mystical structures in the sky (like castles) while they’ve been out at sea."
"To this day, no one knows what happened to the Joyita and its passengers."
"The boat's anchor was stuck on a rock on the seabed."
"The controversy about the Carl D Bradley is still pretty much alive today because the shipping company that owned her insisted that she never broke in half on the surface."
"As a result of either cold or asphyxiation, the Hunley had now sunk twice killing 13 crew including its creator."
"A passage plan can actually be a legal requirement as well: for example if you're crossing the English Channel, it is a legal requirement to have a passage plan."
"AIS has become increasingly valuable and not just to vessels in any local area navies coast guards Port Authorities to name a few use AIS to improve awareness of the current Maritime situation worldwide."
"The purpose of the navigation rules: preventing collisions at sea."
"The Royal Thai Navy plays a crucial role in protecting its maritime borders and ensuring the safety and security of its waters."
"At about 6:30 a.m. the Pere Marquette 17 was spotted off in the horizon gaining on the 18."
"Those who crossed the oceans in fragile wooden ships lived for months in the fear of a liquid world that was forbidden to them."
"The Taio ends up sinking at 1628."
"And while she was being towed out of the basin, she broke free and it took a couple of hours and five tugboats to get her back under control."
"The ship's wheel was connected by rope to the tiller three decks below, which was in turn connected to the rudder."
"In that relaxed milieu, Burbine watched unconcerned as the Collier SS Black Point chugged north laden with some 7,600 tons of coal and crewed by 46 men."
"It was just past midnight on December 23, 1915, when the sun rose that morning Britannic was in a gale and most of her crew were seasick."
"China's Navy also steps in patrolling these Waters and routinely harassing fishermen from other countries."
"China's ability to just switch up their ocean Claim by adding another Dash communicates the original message of using a handdrawn line as your Maritime claim."
"Accidental lifeboat launches are apparently a menace on the high seas."
"Sometimes docking can be just as dangerous as launching."
"The story of the Mary Celeste is one of the spookiest Maritime Mysteries Ever."
"The thing that's so amazing about the Empress of Ireland is most people never heard of it. I mean, it had more passengers died on the Empress of Ireland than on the Titanic."
"Yamashiro capsized, that she went down likely a result of her massive superstructure."
"Our first ever Very Maritime Cruise has come to an end."
"Imagine the ancient mariners who once sailed these waters guided by the watchful eyes of these marble discs."
"That's how they made their money. Dozens of ships a year were saved by the Wreckers, sometimes several in the same day."
"She's the grand old lady, the queen mother of the sea."
"The last time there was a new ship in the Cunard Fleet was way back in 2010."
"Growing in our understanding of what it means to be a leader on the ocean."
"This one's my favorite because it is again a classic whodunit mystery thriller very straightforward but it takes place on water they're on a ship it's it's a good story it's a very solid story and I really enjoy it."
"I've always had an affinity to the sea. My father was in The Merchant Navy as a younger man."
"One thing i've always loved about coming up here is seeing the bay barges."
"Whole Ruin is dominated by the working shipyard. It's lovely to see so much activity, so many boats."
"This boat changes a lot of the outlook on what the ancient boats of the Pacific country."
"The amount of work they do on the ship as it's moving, amazing."
"What went into achieving such a phenomenal vessel."
"...the mighty and unsinkable Edmund Fitzgerald."
"The legend of the Fitzgerald lives on today."
"She was the pride of the American side."
"It's a well-laid-up hull, it's a keel that can't come off, so it's an integral keel."
"We knew that men would be on board this freighter. We knew that their lives depended on it."
"Near 40 ships, over 200 men sailed the Lakes. When the storm began, they fought the winds and the mountain waves but never came home again."
"The bags formed a tight seal, effectively stopping the flow of water into the cargo ship."
"There's something about our boats or old boats in general, boats that have already lived lives before us, you know, there's something about that that's just really magical and really powerful."
"The Titanic, the hubris of man, the unsinkable ship."
"I know that you have an interest in seafaring."
"The world's first roll-on roll-off ferry - Leviathan."
"This is actually a kinetic moving compass and it'll give you the accurate positioning of the ship."
"The ship is enabled with the Starlink internet service."
"The Buena Vista theater is an actual movie theater on the ocean on the high seas."
"Life at the seas has changed a lot, hasn't it? But what Cunard do really well is they capture the essence of the old era."
"She really is in remarkably good shape."
"It's time to give the supply and take the finished product; time is precious, the wind is getting stronger."
"You gain experience over the years; you watch where the pendant is, what angle the swell has, where what to catch, and you move and catch."
"Each day of such a huge floating base being at sea costs about 1 million rubles."
"This is the story of these men, a vanishing breed: the sailing oystermen."
"The graceful skipjack still sail the bay; there are still oysters on the bottom, and a vanishing breed has certainly not yet vanished."
"The lights help to tell fishermen and other boats where the shore is, so they don't have an accident on the rocks."
"The project will clear the capital and equip users with a contemporary infrastructure asset that will ease the arrival of large boats, lowering the cost of loading and unloading seaborn items significantly."
"Passion, adventure, and the third test of the United States Coast Guard 100-ton captain's license."
"If passengers are on board on an overnight voyage, in an abandon ship drill is carried out, they should take part."
"The life-saving equipment on all vessels shall be readily accessible or available."
"Passenger safety orientation should include emergency exits, survival craft embarkation areas, ring lifebuoy locations. The answer is all of the above."
"A float plan is a written statement by the master of the details of an intended voyage."
"The most important thing to remember when launching an inflatable life raft by hand is to secure the operating cord to the vessel."