
API Quotes

There are 523 quotes

"The beauty of scikit-learn is that even though this is a completely different machine learning model, the API is still exactly the same."
"I think Unity's change in the world, and I'm a huge fan. This new API looks amazing."
"Writing API tests is a critical skill for ensuring that your applications function as intended."
"API first design... we have many different devices and platforms, and companies are starting to base everything off APIs and then building from that."
"This is quite complex; it shows us how to use the API service, how to use callbacks, and how to work with a singleton."
"That's one very important thing. When you are designing any API, think about who's using it, what is it being used for, right?"
"When the server creates a new object or a new resource, you should return that object in the body of the response."
"Access pre-trained machine learning models with a single API call."
"Just one REST API request, and we are easily transcribing an audio file."
"Web animations API: widely supported in modern browsers."
"Dialogflow then makes an HTTP request with JSON describing what the user wants."
"Let's add a refund button to enable refunds through the Stripe API."
"We're using Python in order to call an API and get the job postings that we want."
"FastAPI automatically generates documentation that also works as kind of like a test script."
"Separate your front end and your back end so if at any point in time you want to create a different kind of representation of your data on the front end, you can just use the same API."
"GraphQL does everything that a REST API can do except for it makes it so much easier for the front-end to work with and it makes it so much lighter weight."
"GraphQL allows you to mutate data on your server, so it allows you to create, update, and delete data just like you could do in a REST API."
"This is one single query that we're running here... in a normal REST, this would require us to run four queries total."
"GraphQL makes creating endpoints really simple... you just create a single query field which you're going to query for that actual object."
"Basically it allows us to create a full crud api create read update and delete without having to specify explicit methods for the functionality."
"We have a full crud API and you can see with it was a very small amount of code that we that we wrote because we used a view set."
"API documentation could be sitting online, even if the API is offline itself. Sometimes you'll see API keys in there, sometimes you see specifics of what the API does, what the endpoint is, what parameters it takes."
"You could take your API idea from a simple form of passive income to a full-blown startup."
"To have all the API interface stuff done for you, yeah, I could have used that over the years."
"We're gonna pull a lot of information from this API, and if you want to add more things, then it's gonna be very easy..."
"Notion has finally exited their API's beta program."
"We've got about 2 million developers building on our API for a wide variety of use cases doing amazing stuff."
"You no longer handwrite API endpoints, which means you don't have the ability to explicitly control versioning."
"How do we as API developers choose between GraphQL, gRPC, and REST?"
"Consider whether you could get a better outcome for less effort with exploring graph QL or RPC."
"Understanding how to decouple code, this is like an API code that just calls indexeddb and returns data, that's all it should do."
"Let's quickly jump to the Spring Boot application and let's create the API to save the data."
"This will be the controller from where all our APIs will be handled."
"We need to annotate this with @RestController and define the request mapping."
"We need to create the API to save the data, so let's create the structure for it."
"We plan to ship many new improvements to the assistance API in the coming months."
"To use a Cloud API, you must enable it first."
"Now, what I'm going to do is make a backend call to our for/API/SL assistant/create route."
"There are API-specific skills and architectures that you need to know when, not if, but when you're asked to work on an API."
"This is part of the anomaly detector APIs that we've got built in so you can utilize the Azure graphical portal and all that to interact with this or you can write code to interact directly with the API that way all right."
"API tokens minimize risk in a major way."
"Lang chain provides a very simple API so that you don't have to do all this work manually."
"Those are all the basic functions of FastAPI and querying, and you kind of see how you make API endpoints and then create utilities as functions for those endpoints to interact with the database."
"A REST or RESTful API is one that conforms to the REST architectural style."
"Our API tests in the real world app are written from an end-to-end perspective."
"Authentication related vulnerabilities typically occur when an API provider either doesn't implement a strong authentication mechanism or implements an authentication process incorrectly."
"Without sufficient logging and monitoring, an API provider is operating in the dark, and API attacks are guaranteed to go unnoticed until it's far too late."
"If you're at the point where you can converse about, you know, building an API, you can converse about, um, deploying a project, where you can showcase a project that you've built, I think that's, um, yeah, I think that that's where I would recommend starting to go for it."
"Cross is the official high level API of TensorFlow 2.0."
"What is an API or application programming interface? In layman's terms, it's a facilitator. It handles requests similarly to a waiter at a restaurant taking orders."
"Building a full restful API will have all those CRUD functionality."
"For Global State you know if you had a single API key, I would tend to reach there for a constant or for a simple application specific reactive controller that manages that one value."
"REST is the modern standard for API development."
"So once you've got your API key we can move back to our book Spider file and we will start adding in a new function which will help us send the traffic first to our new proxy provider."
"You can wrap a single API pinpoint in a chain, and this has the benefits of making it more predictable, making it more focused, and really kind of getting as much performance out of natural language to this API as possible."
"A restful api has four major operations: receiving data in a convenient format, creating new data, updating data, and deleting data."
"We have one low-level API that everything, including Spring Framework itself, uses."
"These are the API endpoints that will always exist in any restful API."
"So there is an API call that allows you to directly update rows inside of a data set. You can actually post rows into the table, you can even create tables, you can modify your schema, you can do some pretty interesting things with the data set."
"The reason that graph QL can do this is because graph QL starts with a strongly typed schema so this is a description of all the queries that you can possibly make in the graph QL API and all the types that they return."
"...so hopefully this introduction API helps you be less scared of them that you shouldn't be scared of them it's just a bunch of texts at the end of the day."
"What they've given you is great, you can use it and it'll help you understand kind of what happens with API hooking."
"Versions allow you to group related APIs and handle breaking changes, while revisions allow you to make changes in a controlled and safe way without impacting API consumers."
"Docker daemon is having the responsibility to listen to the API request."
"So let's continue working on the user registration API."
"So now, I have a full working API."
"One characteristic of a good API is one that is highly performant and responds well to our customers' demands."
"As a developer, you should be ashamed of yourself if you're putting an API into the world that has no documentation."
"We can just generate a new one and copy this API key."
"Vault is API-driven; everything in vault runs through the API."
"Alright, let's go ahead and switch context and build an API using Node.js."
"We need an API to build, analyze, and transform code models."
"WebSockets are great as it allows a two-way connection between parties unlike api's which typically are a single request followed by a single response"
"You can configure throttling and quotas for your APIs to help protect them from being overwhelmed by too many requests."
"API Gateway can be tested using tools like Postman."
"Fix design problems with your API if possible."
"Regarding the DynamoDB API, most of what I mentioned applies for both Apache Cassandra and DynamoDB API as well."
"We learned how to do a 2D grid, how to loop over it, how to connect to an API and send some data, and get the results back."
"Throughout our demos, our goal is to show how to get started from having no experience with the API for JavaScript and end up with an application we all work together to build."
"Good documentation is very important for any api."
"This endpoint lets us pass in a query which will search all of giphy for relevant gifs and retrieve them."
"Minimal is about minimizing first the cognitive load in getting started and the entry level, enabling entry-level developers to build basically any API they want."
"What is the secrets management tool? It allows you to manage secrets centrally and it makes them available in using an API."
"Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is used to introduce a new type of API to Kubernetes."
"Optionality I can just go ahead and make an API here I can make a folder called todos and I can just go ahead and make routes go ahead and grab some stuff from their example here and we can just return an array that says hello world with an exclamation mark."
"This is how we are exposing the data internally at external API."
"Borrowing unique variables empowers users to write safer API contracts."
"The ability to insulate or provide a facade between the API consumers and those backend APIs can be very empowering."
"Grouping endpoint definitions allows for scalable and maintainable minimal API projects."
"The generic views provided by REST Framework allow you to quickly build API views that map closely to your database models."
"You can see how easy it is to work with the API because it makes everything so much easier."
"This is something that you're gonna be doing a lot when you're building a web application and you need to grab information from different APIs."
"So now that we have defined a way for the API to validate each and every API request based on the JWT token..."
"It's great for testing some of your contracts of your APIs, it's great for experimenting with your API and really kick start using your API."
"An API helps clients communicate what they want to the service so it can understand and fulfill requests."
"Looker opens this up in such a powerful way because not only we're in database but we do have a powerful suite of APIs."
"across this course you will create the rest API for a fictional game store"
"across this course we'll learn how to perform all of this integration to make sure that your API is fully secured"
"The documentation is second to none; they really describe the API really well."
"Feeding data into components from an API is the next step."
"Constructing the API URL to fetch data from."
"The art of API design is actually really profound."
"I'm much more of an advocate of actually trying to find and reverse engineer the back end API to get the data that way."
"I used the official Twitter APIs to bring in data over several different time spans."
"At the high level, TensorFlow's object-oriented API provides reusable libraries for model building."
"A GraphQL schema represents the structure of our GraphQL API and that it is made up of type definitions and resolvers."
"We want to create a route that gets one by id."
"We're just making the delete request, we're expecting that we should get back a 204."
"Learn some math... otherwise what you're going to be doing as a programmer is pretty much just making calls to APIs."
"This is going to be our API here, our API endpoint."
"The get method basically is a function that will make the API call and grab data from that call."
"This is the data that we get making an API call; it's really that simple."
"Most of the work with dealing with APIs is actually passing through the correct URL with the right parameters."
"The other hard thing about working with APIs is parsing through the data that you collect and then saving it in the right way."
"The API for working with text is compatible with the API for working with everything else."
"Swellkit also makes creating API endpoints simple."
"OpenAI just dropped an amazing API; it's called the Assistance API."
"This API gives developers the ability to build ChatGPT-level applications on their own applications."
"Let's jump in, take a look at a demo, and then look into the Assistance API more."
"This is what Assistance API is all about."
"Threads are infinite; you don't need to worry about RAG, chunk size, or context length. The API takes care of all of that."
"The creators of this API really had a great sense of humor."
"Let's be honest about it, let's encapsulate it in one system, and then let's give you an API to interact with all of that complexity."
"It's almost like a menu; you have all the different types that are available, all the queries, all the mutations."
"Every function is actually truly scoped in the same way that the controller or a minimal API would be scoped."
"So our API key is now completely hidden from the end user."
"You should set up a proxy server to make API calls from the back end instead of the front end."
"We have a concept of the XDS or this is our discovery service API."
"We've all used this incredibly powerful API but probably not directly."
"The addition of the workout API is actually super important for structured workouts."
"An API is simply what we built, it's basically an access point to some kind of backend to interact with data whether that's getting data and searching for it."
"The Media Streams API provides support for streaming audio and video data."
"Let's create our first API in Python."
"When it comes to Python, there are different options and frameworks that you can use for building APIs and for building full-stack websites."
"This API is opening up a whole world of joy in the Notion system."
"This project was all about getting data from an API and shaping it into objects that we can then use to create elements on our page."
"It's very, very important you go into settings and you configure your API keys."
"Now we need to fetch the data from the API."
"This is really good as it is ensuring that whenever someone makes a request to your API, you're always going to get back the same response."
"API Gateway is designed to help you develop and operate your API, and then your API acts as the glue for all of your applications."
"Place API is completely free; if you go to the pricing, you will see you will get $200 of credit every month."
"With CloudTrail, you can easily answer the question: Who made an API call to modify this resource?"
"Delta sharing... is a very simple REST API that any platform can implement."
"Segment is a single API to collect, organize, and adapt all of your customer data into hundreds of downstream tools."
"Components are a critical bridge between the React app and the ArcGIS API."
"For web development, we're building a website that requests data from an API and sends it back to a user."
"We create an API route in the backend to retrieve registered student data from the database."
"This is what you're using to create the API in the backend."
"It's gonna be imperative that I have really honed my programming skills with Python, especially API calls with Postman."
"Tests should be a tool by which you can demonstrate the proper use of an API to your consumers."
"The entry API is pretty powerful and comes with a number of different functions."
"We're going to have our users create our posts from any front end like a web app or a mobile app interacting with this API."
"Once the HTML, CSS, and the JavaScript are all living on your user's browser, on your user's computer, it's time for that JavaScript to create the API call out to the weather API."
"So now that we understand the mechanics of securing API secrets and tokens, let's look at some practical examples of how we secure them using Netlify Functions."
"Open API is our contract with our potential consumers."
"An API is not for people to use it. It's for machines."
"We want an API. We want to be able to connect and get this data as we see fit."
"GraphQL is a query language for your API that's entirely unlike anything that you've ever used before."
"What makes a good API in this async world?"
"These three pillars work together in an API-first driven approach."
"API Management really helps organize and the publishing of APIs both within an organization, or if you're publishing a set of APIs externally to make them publicly available."
"With this API, we can now add new functionality."
"The dialogue API can display any HTTP web page but you must launch it to an app domain first."
"The dialogue API provides a flexible extension to the add-in user experience."
"OpenAI provides a very powerful API that allows us to call GPT-3, Codex, and DALL-E from our computer programs."
"You would go to the Graph API if you want to get user information, file information, email information, or even Teams call information."
"We've recently updated our API calls, so I want to show you some pretty cool stuff."
"Most of the time you're going to be using GET and POST."
"If your call needs to be secure... then the API call will be routed through a cloud function."
"So now you know how to create a RESTful API using plain object-oriented PHP and MySQL."
"Authentication is something a bit different because when you're going to make an API request, you really want to make sure that who's making that API request is the person who should be receiving that information."
"Swagger allows us to document our API because it's very easy to see what the different endpoints are and how to call them."
"If you're going to create an API and expose it for customers to use, that's a really great thing to do for them to make their lives easier."
"Now we have our own API schema which I didn't even create, as it comes default with DRF spectacular."
"Now let's see how to create an API out of it."
"You can use this API in wherever you want, like let's say in a mobile application or in a web application."
"Remember what we're doing when we're developing a web app is we're essentially developing an application and a way to interface with that application or an API."
"It's like putting your API on steroids, getting your API up and running and giving it much capabilities."
"Cloud Natural Language API lets you add sentiment analysis, entity analysis, entity sentiment analysis, content classification, and syntax analysis."
"My goal is to show you how to build a web API with Rust."
"What you want to do instead is parallely support both API versions and then create a new major release."
"API creates an interface, it creates a boundary between server side and the client side."
"Now we have an API config that we can pass into our handlers so that they have access to our database."
"Let's take a step back and let me explain what I just did because we've actually just implemented an API here."
"GraphQL gives clients or consumers the power to ask for exactly what they want and nothing more."
"GraphQL is a query language for your API and a runtime to fulfill those queries."
"It's built on top of PyTorch and provides a unified API interface to perform various tasks."
"Okay, so now that we have that, the next thing we want to do is obtain the user's location using the geolocation API."
"Gypsy provides backward compatibility for its API so that you can replace Gilepsy without recompiling your programs."
"Not only does it allow you to search via semantically similar vectors to your query, but it also allows you to build a recommender system on top of a very powerful recommend API."
"We can actually view all of the endpoints for this API on our local host."
"We could really kind of build out an API for this stuff, very satisfying."
"Think of an API as a messenger that takes the request, delivers it to the destination, tells that service or software what to do, then takes the response that's generated by that service and brings it back."
"The waiter is the API; the menu is the API specifications or the options, and the kitchen is the service or software."
"API gateways got a couple of capabilities that make it powerful beyond just what you can do with interfacing."
"The Pexels API is an awesome API that lets us query free images and videos that we can use in our applications."
"But first, let's dive into the Pexels API and generate an API key so that we can fetch the videos from our API."
"Endpoints are what users type into the browser or utilize in their API, which then get turned into queries to return the data back to the user."
"So now guys, let's get started with fetching the students' record using API in Vue.js."
"So now guys, let's continue the next video by creating the page of add student and inserting the data into our database using API."