
Political Promises Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"We can all elect a government which says vote for us, we will give you better health care, better education, better security. Next day, accountants, eh, sorry about that folks, you elected this government, but we actually got a tax avoidance scheme."
"Those were promises made and those are promises that have got to be kept."
"When I'm prime minister, you will be shocked at the speed with which I will ax the tax, and the Canadian people will be able to look up at the gas stations and see the prices coming down."
"Your father will change the world. Well, I want to be able to tell that daughter, the man that told you that did not mean that to get votes; he meant that because he's going to help change our world."
"When politicians tell you they're gonna fix that by somehow restructuring the economy so you can work that $15 an hour job at McDonald's and it will become a $35 an hour job magically, they are lying to you."
"I will reverse the national insurance increase and keep corporation tax low."
"He intends to deliver on the promises he made."
"Politicians make grand promises but have no intention of actually keeping them."
"Don't come ask for votes and you don't show up with the money."
"Politicians are notorious for promising everything and then doing nothing."
"It turns out that when you promise a whole bunch of things that help make people's lives better and you actually deliver on them people get excited and they turn out."
"If he's able to do the things he campaigned on, he would do some of the most progressive things any president has done."
"Either they'll just turn around and say oh I know I give you my word I'm going to vote for bill back better and that we'd get the details worked out but um I'm going back on it I'm not gonna do it sorry."
"People are hearing or tired of hearing politicians time after time after time say that they're going to do something and actually go to Washington DC and all of a sudden they get some type of amnesia."
"There's always room to criticize Trump, but when I see Trump he's like here's the things I want to do and I'm like I believe he wants to do those things."
"If elected president, I will reign in Wall Street so they cannot crash our economy again."
"What I'm going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option, become Biden care."
"So many of them put their faith in the man whose promise that he's going make their lives better."
"The second executive order I'm signing this afternoon will allow states, wholesalers, and pharmacies to do something other politicians have promised for decades and decades but never done."
"But you know what they say now? Okay, he's building the wall but Mexico's not paying for it. Yes, they are. They are. They are paying for it."
"Building this barrier is more than just a campaign promise. It's a common-sense first step to really securing our porous border."
"I'm here to report on real actions that we've taken, real promises that we've kept, and real results that we've delivered."
"The answer isn't to move to the center. Democrats need to make good on promises."
"Democrats are working hard to keep the promises we made."
"I got the promise ring because I made a promise to my children that I would do better and be better."
"I'm going to eliminate the Trump tax cuts and we're going to eliminate those taxes and make sure that we invest in the people who, in fact, need the help."
"We will maintain America's unrivaled military might and protect patients with pre-existing conditions."
"We can elect people who will do what they say."
"Our key promises include dealing with a lot of the leftist woke stuff that's being pushed forward in our new blueprint."
"Career politicians promise to defend the workers of Ohio and then they went to Washington and voted for the same globalist policies that devastated your communities and chipped away your jobs."
"Joe Biden wants to have the most diverse cabinet ever. He wants to put a black woman on the Supreme Court. That is a man who clearly is willing to listen."
"It really is part of our civic duty to ensure that the people that we elect into office actually make good on the promises that they made during the election."
"He wants to bury you in regulations, outsource your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders. He doesn't want borders, he wants to confiscate your guns."
"My promise to you is this: I will fix our city's broken roads, improve our school test scores, and crack down on violent crime."
"Promises made, promises kept. We've kept more promises than we've even made."
"The Democrats, um, they did exactly what they said that they were going to do here. Okay. So you have to understand that they actually did come through for the categories of people who we've been talking about for the past several months."
"You help get the restriction from my communication lifted, so I can run in 1976 and I will give you information on organized crime and when I get into office, I will purge organized crime from the Teamsters."
"He wanted to make sure that he's delivering for the American people."
"He wants to make sure that all the needs of the American people are addressed."
"We have a moral duty to fulfill the promises we made to the voters, and that is exactly what we're going to do."
"We're not going to give a 20% tax cut to millionaires and billionaires."
"I am tired of seeing people dying on the streets of California. If I become governor of California, I don't care which non-profit stands up to work with me, I will end homelessness in California everywhere in our state."
"If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true."
"This president kept more promises than he made to the American people in 2016."
"He's actually fulfilled more promises than he made and I have."
"Campaign promises matter, even if fulfilling them is controversial."
"Elon Musk holds several promises to improve this great country... Elon Musk is sure to revamp the whole education sector in America."
"I'm not asking someone to do something for me, I'm demanding that people who asked for my support do what they promised."
"The White House doubling down on a promise to thousands of Afghans."
"Democrats are more likely to deliver on the issues that are important to our community."
"The President delivered on his promises and got his priorities funded and that's what the Democrats don't want you to know." - Nick Mulvaney
"And, so far, Abiy is keeping his promise of free elections by 2020."
"The past, the black community has been promised everything from the Democrats and they've got nothing."
"We're going to get all of the things that we want to do, whether it's transportation, whether it's safety, whether it's law and order."
"We're here to invest in seniors as well, to protect their pensions. He though wants to attack and cut pensions."
"None of the things that made Trump popular have been accomplished."
"Donald Trump has no excuse not to deliver on all the promises that he's made."
"He will govern for all Americans, and you know that of course has to be backed up by actions."
"The move coming after that signature campaign promise, Build That Wall."
"Overall, Democrats cannot continue to promise a bunch of things that they have no intention on ever delivering."
"Enough is enough. You will not spend another dime. You will not put us in hawk."
"The government leaflet said the result of your decision is final and it will be implemented. Should people not believe what they're told?" - Nigel Farage
"Ultimately it's about bringing prosperity. We elect people just to deliver, they never deliver."
"It's needless violence. And it's needless because eventually you're going to elect me and I'm going to heal all this stuff."
"If anything involving climate change, Biden could commit to that public option that he pretended to care about for a little bit. That'd be super cool."
"Vote for me if you want a vaccine to kill the virus, a job to support your family, and freedom to live your life."
"We will deliver optimism, opportunity, and hope."
"We're going to restore your freedom of speech in this country, aren't we?"
"Just like with Trump, whether he falls through on it or not."
"I campaigned on issues and results. Those promises still stand."
"There are very few instances of political party saying we will roll back a referendum result."
"Let us use the finest comb to really analyze and see that they're not just making empty promises."
"President Biden has made some serious promises... increasing social security payroll taxes for those making 400,000 and up."
"Republicans aren't what Trump pretends like they're gonna be. Like, 'Oh, if you just give me four more years, I'll show everybody that there's changes happening.'"
"The conservatives get away with it by promising to fund the NHS and promising that they love the NHS."
"All of the promises that the Left told us, now are shattered. People are starving to death." - Glenn Beck
"Some people want power, then they promise us say we go get light and power get do anything with every corner."
"If Boris actually does what he said he'd do, he can be as Trump as he likes."
"I actually think this president kept more promises than he made to the American people in 2016."
"I will never, ever let Democrats take away your healthcare and give it away free to people that have entered our country illegally. We can't do that."
"Do you remember Mrs. May when she stood up at Lancaster House and she said very clearly 'no deal is better than a bad deal'?"
"We will lower taxes followed immediately by number nine. We will make big things."
"This is our chance to at least begin to deliver on our promises to the American people."
"I think the most revolutionary thing he's done is he's a politician that simply makes good on what he promises during the campaign."
"We will secure our borders, we will stop left-wing cancel culture, we will restore free speech and free elections, and we will make America great again."
"If you want to win an election, all you have to do is talk about the good old days and promise that you will either freeze or raise pensions. You'll win in a landslide."
"There's only one promise that Biden is going to keep, and it's to his donors. Nothing will fundamentally change."
"We are keeping our promises, solving problems, righting wrongs, and boldly confronting injustices wherever and whenever we find them."
"Mr. Speaker the Prime Minister broke his promise to Canadians in 2017 he launched his National Housing strategy calling it among other things a life-changing plan to get Canadians into homes and to keep them there."
"Every single time it has been successful they've said we're going to do this and they have turned around and done the exact opposite thing."
"America made a promise. I believe in America that keeps its promises. Donald Trump's order breaks our promises." - Mark Ola
"We will ax the tax and stand unequivocally with Ukrainians in their fight for freedom."
"Joe Biden did promise voting rights and by the way canceling some student debt and we can go down the list of about a dozen things that he promised and isn't even bothering to do."
"Trump did keep his promises like a mofo and I'm not going to forget that."
"Politicians campaigned all across Michigan promising to do something about NAFTA and I call it the NAFTA disaster only to get elected and do absolutely nothing."
"I gave working families record-setting tax cuts, and in my second term, I will cut middle-class taxes very substantially more."
"I feel we should get stimulus even if the president loses. This is something he has promised to us."
"Four more years means more support for our troops, more support for jobs, more judges, and support for our police."
"He promised the people of Michigan and Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, the people of the country. He said I’m going to guarantee health care to everybody. Remember that, Joe?"
"Promise to teach a nurse and police, promise to give them big salary increase, promise jobs, more jobs, and good me. But Eli, Eli is a rookie driver, Eli cannot run Jamaica, go sit down back in the har."
"Under my leadership we will bring back God to our schools and our public squares and that will happen very quickly."
"Donald Trump said when he ran in 2016, 'I will balance the budget in four years.' He left with the largest deficit of any president."
"I ran for office on two major promises: jobs and justice."
"I don't want to make promises that I cannot keep. Let's go down a path where we can actually tell people what we will do. A progressive is someone who makes progress. That's what I intend to do." - Secretary Clinton
"I like a party that keeps her promises."
"The Prime Minister made certain promises when assuming political office that need to be fulfilled."
"He promised peace and prosperity and higher wages, and voters, he's delivered on all fronts."
"After 29 days of promises and political punches... this is decision Alberta."
"Ontario open for business, more money in your pocket, we're gonna end hallway healthcare."
"The Liberal Democrats can promise that we will stop Brexit and that lets us build a brighter future for our country."