
Cultural Trend Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"It's cool that nowadays people appreciate the less is more factor."
"I really like the emo rap sound. It's musically has its own thing and has a mood to it."
"Shrek's influence on the animation industry was immense, sparking a trend of fairy tale spoof movies and shaping the direction of animated films for years to come."
"Doc Martin's popularity has soared once again."
"The shrine business began to see a surge in youth involvement."
"Let's make patriotism cool again for young people."
"Animal Crossing is kind of weirdly zeitgeisty."
"I think a lot of us are also aware that NFTs probably aren't gonna stick around with the same sort of cultural punch to the gut impact as we're seeing now."
"Guacamole grew popular, especially as a Super Bowl party menu item."
"In an era of optimization, TikTokers are saying No thank you to hyper productivity and introducing Rock Girl summer."
"I miss that era, I miss good soup era. Can we bring back good soup? I feel like that was one of the most wholesome and like the one of the best TikTok trends. Good soup, like what's better than good soup?"
"At American Apparel's peak, it was synonymous with made-in-L.A. hipster cool and provocative advertising."
"I love the concept of vibes, yo, this is amazing."
"True crime has become incredibly popular over the last couple of years."
"That's the thing, we got very into it in the 90s."
"Animatronic restaurants were all the craze in the 1980s."
"Genre and science fiction is more popular than ever."
"Tick Tock from 2018 to 2020 was a place for fun, for [__] fun FFF baby."
"Can you try mukbang food? It's not just eating like a lot of food, right? Is that what a mukbang is?"
"People love cats, like that's like a new thing."
"I think people in New York, they like Sichuan Mala flavored things."
"Roundhouses are now popping up all over this promontory."
"Nathan Evans, a tick-tocker from Scotland, kind of broke through with his rendition of the Wellerman."
"After surviving its time in the spotlight, it seems that vaporwave will only continue stronger than ever."
"Wrestling is seeing this boom period, almost a resurgence."
"If you're still dabbing, you're back in 2016, I'm afraid."
"To the moon is apparently where GameStop, Nokia, BlackBerry, AMC, and Dogecoin are going."
"We're all in our girl boss yasify era where we push the idea of doing whatever makes you happy."
"Short hair wasn't just a trend, it was a statement of freedom and independence."
"Manga and anime are definitely seeing a renewed interest."
"The most important trend is the way that the world turned to video games to comfort them."
"If afrobeats does get the Forefront like it's getting interestingly, it has all the other genres embedded inside of it."
"Boba tea with its wide variety of flavors, colors, additives, and toppings has kind of taken the world by storm."
"K-pop has very recently started exploding in popularity due to the Korean wave."
"Psychedelic mainstreaming is happening so fast."
"It's a whole scene and people are starting to figure it out."
"Nav Zam music, it was crazy that the Ambiance and the music and even at the time like [ __ ] SoundCloud was Rising."
"White Boy Summer needs to anthem right. You got to make a White Boy Summer anthem."
"Gender fluidity is what 2018 is all about, and he is doing it."
"Dabbing is as alive as ever. Dabbing will never die."
"Highlight was like all the rage back in the day."
"This next girl that we're going to talk about has largely popularized the entire soft grun aesthetic on Tumblr and that girl is Sky fera."
"It's very popular, it's just where they're going right now and you know what? They're not doing a bad job at all."
"Shrek is very in these days, amongst the Gen Z."
"It's the perfect van life vehicle from before van life was even a thing."
"You feel like it's a resurgence with the drill wave going on right now."
"Nostalgia is the biggest thing in the world right now."
"You know, what, I've just realized that a few years before this was the new invasion of Hong Kong Cinema with like Crouching Tiger and House of Flying Daggers and all that stuff."
"Remember when organic Mexican Coke was a thing?"
"I think like culturally right now it is amazing what's happening."
"I do think it's interesting how there's like this Rising crop of like anti-woke Comedians."
"1996 was definitely a girl power year."
"By 1967 GoGo discotechs were popping up across America."
"We are also of course in a moment of very powerful 2000s Nostalgia right now."
"It's that the style of living is is We on we're actually on the top to start living you see it on the street so people if when they're going to the streets they um they start a holiday they walk the way how they talk you know everything's like in in Trend."
"I feel confident for the thrift stores. I feel this is going to be a Scandinavian hotbed of hipster stuff."
"You really have to lie about [ __ ] shooting people, but battle rap is having a little resurgence right now."
"Gender reveal parties? Oh my God, had it."
"This is the year of 'get woke, go broke' without a doubt."
"I feel like a lot of men maybe went into like an identity crisis some years ago. I feel like that was the rebirth of beards."
"Personally, I think people are getting tired of these live action remakes."
"Afrobeats and K-pop, they're taking over."
"The second yoga boom occurred, and yoga mindfulness and meditation literally exploded into Western consciousness."
"In a 2021 world where records are making a serious comeback."
"This novel kind of set off this whole Japanese trend, right? Sushi trend, kimono trend, the whole martial arts trend."
"Post-apocalyptic settings have been popular in movies for decades."
"African spirituality is the in thing."
"Manga exploded in popularity in 2020 with a major gain year over year despite the pandemic."
"Nostalgia for the 90s... it's kind of on point."
"Eating soba noodles is considered very cool."
"Especially in the 2010s, there's been such a boom with nostalgic things especially from the '90s."
"It's like a new earthy thing the hippies are doing these days."