
Environmental Importance Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The natural world is profoundly important to us all."
"You can think of the world's rivers as Earth's arteries because they're essential to life."
"The Amazon rainforest is the lungs of our planet."
"Bugs actually have a really important job to do."
"Soil is the biggest ecosystem on the planet."
"Trees provide homes to a large variety of terrestrial animals from tiny insects to large birds."
"Seaweed is certainly something. In fact, seaweed is pretty essential to the life of the planet."
"The Earth's oceans wield enormous power and energy its complexity and interconnectedness with various natural systems make it the most important element of life on Earth."
"Wild tropical rainforests are the lungs of the planet and he said it's America's last climate sanctuary."
"The bee is the most important living being on the planet."
"Ants are important decomposers in all ecosystems of the world."
"Coral reefs in particular are just an amazing source of biodiversity on our planet."
"This is precious stuff. The recent Allies Briefings say, ‘You have no idea how important a tree is.’"
"Water is the most precious thing on the planet."
"The Colorado River... it's often called the lifeline of the Southwest."
"The Chesapeake Bay is one of the largest bodies of water that houses oysters in the world."
"Human life depends on two things: bees and trees."
"Coral reefs support jobs, tourism, and fisheries... each year coral reefs pump more than 3.4 billion dollars into the U.S. economy."
"The important message to the world is that these elephants are important to this area, and the people who live here coexist with the elephants."
"Water is the source of life on this planet. Without liquid water, we would not be here."
"Honestly, bees are so necessary for our environment."
"Water is an element, a celestial element, and to show you how important it is, it covers over 70% of the earth."
"Ecological reasons alone, bees are very important."
"She'll go to great lengths to make sure the bees are kept safe."
"Bees in general are important for the environment. They pollinate plants allowing them to grow and produce food."
"Water makes all the difference in the world."
"The sun is the natural life giver, the energy giver of the planet."
"Salmon are a keystone species for the survival of this ecosystem that we are a part of."
"Bees help pollinate 35% of the world's food."
"Solar energy is often underestimated but the earth would be just a cold, dark ice ball at three degrees above absolute zero if it was not for the sun."
"These snakes actually play an incredibly important role in nature by controlling small mammal populations."
"Surprise to 'Freak Like Me' transition... brilliance."
"The Coral Triangle has been called the global center of marine biodiversity."
"Water is life, water is the key for the globe, for our planet."
"The tree farm, guys, this thing is super important to our world."
"These tiny creatures are responsible for spreading the pollen on flowers, fruits, and vegetables. They help plants grow, and without them, our ecosystem might suffer."
"Trees are the fundamental building block of all civilization."
"Bees are very precious because of the valuable role they play in maintaining the world's ecosystem and they produce delicious honey which creates jobs and feeds honey lovers around the globe."
"This is the singular issue of our time that will determine how we live, where we live, and if we live."
"The whole move to sustainable energy is such a crucial part."
"Use of renewable sources is very important to reduce pollution because emission of greenhouse gases has augmented to a greater extent as a result of human activity, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface."
"Plants help convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, just like trees."
"Without the work of the bee population, most plants and food crops on the planet would not survive."
"Antarctica holds Clues to Humanity's past present and future that have yet to be fully explored and understood."
"Trees are important not only do they look beautiful but they also help clean the air we breathe."
"The Great Lakes deserve their name. They cover an area bigger than Utah and hold 5,500 cubic miles of fresh drinkable water."
"To go back and now play again without Green Cities, you realize just how important it is."
"Water is life, water is the essence of life."
"The Colorado River serves as the lifeblood of the Southwest."
"Water is the most important thing in the world."
"The forests of planet earth are vast and mysterious, though they're threatened, they still act as one of the most vital ecosystems we have."
"Water is the most important treasure we have on this planet."
"Absolutely crucial to the future of the environment."
"The Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the country, splits up both states."
"Juniper bushes play an important role in supporting other living things."
"We cannot overstate the importance of trees; their debut more than 300 million years ago was fundamental for Earth's progress."
"Bees are important. Once the bees go, we're all done."
"Air is a natural resource, it creates the wind."
"Water is the source of life, without water mankind will not be here."
"These scavengers are kind of like the pinnacle of the ecosystem so far."
"It's known as the lungs of the earth and it produces over 6% of the world's oxygen."
"Healthy reefs are vital for marine wildlife."
"The lakefront has become a critically important place over the years."
"Without honeybees, we all need more honeybees in this world."
"Biodiversity is the diversity of life."
"Every second breath we take comes from the oceans."
"Water and the water quality is life itself in the desert."
"Birds are an essential part of the ecosystem as both pollinators and Seed Distributors."
"Value biodiversity, it's very important for fertility and life."
"Our planet is important; we only have this one."
"Environment is a really big key role."
"Rainforests provide much of the world's oxygen supply."
"Biodiversity is the most important thing that we really try to talk about here."
"These old-growth forests are really important carbon sinks, taking up a lot of carbon and putting it down into the ground."
"Mangroves are basically the lungs of our planet."
"I want people to understand how critical it is to have clean water and how much joy that you can get from playing in a stream."
"They pump out 20% of the world's oxygen and produce incalculable tons of fruits and seeds."
"The Amazon jungle plays a crucial role in regulating the earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen."
"The ozone layer blocks out the vast majority of the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation and without it, life would not exist as we know it."
"These areas are actually really important to me, and I think they should be important to everyone for the future generations."
"The Arctic helps to keep the planet cool, which is very important."
"The Yarra... is absolutely critical to the fisheries of our bay."
"Trees are really important to keep the planet and us alive."
"Spiders are very important for our environment; they are natural predators and help eliminate some insect pests."
"Butterflies are very important for the environment because they help with pollination."
"It's critical for human health and well-being."
"The algae are the world's most important plants."
"We need to have more fungi in our lives and if we don't recognize and honor that fact, we are shooting ourselves in our mycelial feet."
"The legumes family... includes both agriculturally important and environmentally important species."
"The ecosystem services they provide directly benefit well over a billion people worldwide."
"Owls are an essential part of our ecosystems; they manage our rodents, they manage our other small mammals."
"Mangroves are really important to this area, not only to help regulate the temperature, to keep the soil fertile."
"Many people don't appreciate the importance of water and think it's purely secondary, and I hope to convince you today it's primary; it's not secondary and it has everything to do with life."
"Dung beetles are absolutely vital to us as humans; they are the bin men of the world."
"The importance of this river to the Western United States can't be overstated; it is the lifeblood to millions of people out here."
"Hyenas are really essential for the ecosystem out here."
"It's so important that we need to be protecting bees and not destroying ecosystems where bees thrive."
"It is very important that we have the earthworms."
"This dung cycle plays such a massively important role in the fertilization of soils, especially nutrient-poor soils like we find here in the lowveld of South Africa."
"Rainfall is vital for human life; without rain, the world would be a desert."
"Insects are really important for our environment; they're the reason we have plants because of our pollinators like our bees and our butterflies."
"We've got to look after this kind of insects because they've got a very interesting ecological role to play."
"Thanks to our oceans, they are our planet's temperature regulators."
"Life is dung, and of course, without the dung beetles, we would be in trouble because they're very ecologically important."
"The most important thing we have on this planet is nature."