
Artistic Contribution Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"I've never been in anything that you can classify as cinema... This is a masterpiece."
"More than any other song that I worked on with Michael, 'Stranger in Moscow' is where I made my most artistic leg."
"Thank you for drawing today and for adding some of your creativity to this world."
"No matter how you feel about any of these fems in this video they've all contributed to the legacy of female hip-hop."
"Even if you hate nearly every aspect of one of these movies, you can't deny that John Williams gave it his all and delivered an absolute masterpiece of a score eight out of nine times."
"His enduring presence and contributions to the arts have solidified his status as a respected and beloved figure in entertainment."
"What a soundtrack that Sufjan Stevens puts together for this film."
"What makes a culture great is our success in terms of technological development and advancement, but also the writer and the artist help advance philosophical understandings."
"I wanted to inspire the next Generations with my art he did with music I want to do with jiu-jitsu."
"At one point, the British playwright Tom Stoppard was paid $120 thousand dollars to do a rewrite of the script."
"Tezuka needs to be credited for the creation of many manga throughout his career."
"His gift to the world was the music he created."
"The soundtrack is probably the best part of the experience, a commendable effort on all three fronts by the artists involved."
"Streets of Rage 4 delivers as well the main composer on the project is Olivier DVA who delivers an exceptional set of tracks."
"What have you done playing wise technology wise songwriting wise that has changed the game?"
"Dreams feels like a genuine gift to videogames."
"Put yourself and your genius into your work, and it will live on after you."
"I will return the colors to this city, but you will help me paint a masterpiece."
"I'll give credit to somebody like Kanye for doing that."
"What Gordon brought to the song was just breathtaking, it was beautiful."
"Artists are an integral part of the MTG experience."
"Stan was always on the go to create new characters."
"Your greatest work will be the work that's done in the service of others."
"Prasoon Joshi's work has helped establish a connection with a new generation."
"We may be pitifully tiny in cosmic terms... but nonetheless, we are still the species that did produce Hamlet and the Sistine Chapel."
"All we're asking for is recognition, appreciation for our humanity. We're not these dancing machines."
"Love save children, save the homeless. You're not should it be charity. What else is there? There's not charitable. Your magnum opus, your art, this beautiful sculpture that's gonna live on after you're dead."
"Despite this, his legacy remains strong as a contributor to the film industry."
"It's the fact that this film managed to merge all these different Christmas sounds and styles together into a single enjoyable work all while Williams added his own flavor to the season that makes it so great."
"She's best at coming on a song after the fact and giving a badass remix."
"He left behind an extraordinary collection of films, and made an indelible mark on the face of horror cinema."
"But speaking of innovation, Dutch painter and inventor Jan Van der Heyden devised a long-burning wick."
"YouTube and art were truly my passion and I felt like I was really giving back to the community."
"Pink wrote the song Recovering for Celine Dion, which became a kind of emotional support after the death of her husband."
"When you are on these younger stages it's about leveling yourself up... helping others level up as well through creating art or books or videos or music."
"You've brought more bass and you've shown that as a bassist you can wear multiple hats. You're not just a background player, you can sing, you can write, you can be the total package." - Anthony Fantano
"He's just showing up so that the music can happen."
"Geiger truly elevated the design process for genre cinema."
"The beauty that you have inspired our people to create will ensure that our culture stands for all time."
"The costuming by Ruthie Carter was exceptional."
"It's gotta be rewarding knowing that you're a reason behind the sound of this incredible movement."
"It doesn't matter if you think your work sucks or it's not good enough for you, you need to put it out there."
"Tyler, along with Yasin Bey, provided all of the music for the show."
"His legacy endures as one of the greatest entertainers in cinema history, with his contributions to the art form still celebrated globally."
"Fortunately, Sandra is a trained artist and was able to sketch the creatures from her sightings for researchers."
"The work is pure and beautiful, and I will take it back to my people."
"Overwatch art and design department really does carry this franchise."
"Farah Fork is remembered for her contributions to television and film."
"When an artist creates something and gives it to the community, it no longer belongs to the artist, it belongs to the community that they made it for."
"You have created a body of work that puts you at the top level."
"Despite his untimely passing, his contributions to film and television continue to be remembered and celebrated."
"Put some beauty back in the world that's what we do as artists make someone's life better and I will talk to you next time bye bye everybody bye."
"The best of Prince it would appear to me was not what he held back but what he gave out."
"Your talent, that's not a talent, that's a gift. Your gift and your contributions to the world of Music Industry have inspired me in countless ways."
"Songwriters don't get the credit that they really deserve."
"She added the right amount of soul that the song needed."
"All contributed significantly to the developments that led to modernism."
"It arose at the turn of the last century in the city of New Orleans and represents America's principal contribution to the arts."
"You created something that everyone celebrates and loves."
"Their contribution to pop music over the last 50 years has been immense."
"Despite his tragic end, Paul Williams was honored posthumously for his contributions to music."
"You're doing amazing work for all artists and painters."
"I look upon your career as a person, as an artist who used whatever talents God gave not just to create beautiful music but to push the ball just a bit forward."
"It's amazing to be able to make a positive difference in someone's life through my art."
"Every artist will have something they can share that we can all benefit from."